CA - Massive fire at Oakland warehouse party, 36 dead, 2 Dec 2016 #2

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I have felt hurt for the husband .... he obviously wanted things to work out in the marriage and they were in counseling. I don't even know if he knew she had moved in with someone else the day before, or if that is even true. But it makes no difference' we have a grieving husband that deserves our support and compassion.

Absolutely! My best to Gitana and her brother/family. They lost someone they cared very deeply about and we care so much for our Gitana. My loyalty lies with them.

Beautifully worded as always Spell. This whole tragedy has become personal as it has affected Gitana and her family. IMO, marital status doesn't matter in grief....
Beautifully worded as always Spell. This whole tragedy has become personal as it has affected Gitana and her family. IMO, marital status doesn't matter in grief....

I agree.....this horrible tragedy was so hard to follow in the first place, and then to know that one of our favorite members here was affected so closely and deeply - well, it just hurts even more.
To all here who have shown such wonderfully heartfelt words..... I love you all. It is such an honor sharing space with you. I truly hope Gitana knows how much she is loved and admired here, and that we miss her. Hoping for calmness and peace, dear friend.
I have felt hurt for the husband .... he obviously wanted things to work out in the marriage and they were in counseling. I don't even know if he knew she had moved in with someone else the day before, or if that is even true. But it makes no difference' we have a grieving husband that deserves our support and compassion.

Absolutely! My best to Gitana and her brother/family. They lost someone they cared very deeply about and we care so much for our Gitana. My loyalty lies with them.

bolded boldy by me

I have felt hurt for the husband .... he obviously wanted things to work out in the marriage and they were in counseling. I don't even know if he knew she had moved in with someone else the day before, or if that is even true. But it makes no difference' we have a grieving husband that deserves our support and compassion.

Absolutely! My best to Gitana and her brother/family. They lost someone they cared very deeply about and we care so much for our Gitana. My loyalty lies with them.

Any benefits or civil suit funds will go to her husband and kids if she has any.

So I wonder if her friends were trying to act like they were her beneficiaries after dating her for 2 months or whatever.

Anyways. Gitana knows we have her back. And she shouldn't worry about the social media bs.
:hand: I wouldn't take this at face value without verification. This event appears to be posted by the "best friend" who is trying to tightly control what is said about Jennifer and who is allowed to grieve for her. I understood from Gitana that there will be a funeral elsewhere in the Bay Area held by her parents and another memorial that they will hold. I'm awaiting word on those events.

LinasK.... it says this is the memorial planned by Jennifer's parents..... is that wrong info? Thanks. If so, then we wait for word with confirmation from you as to what is official, including Gitana's brother.
LinasK.... it says this is the memorial planned by Jennifer's parents..... is that wrong info? Thanks. If so, then we wait for word with confirmation from you as to what is official, including Gitana's brother.

This is correct.
My thoughts are with Jennifer's loved ones and families. It is so sad that anyone had to lose her. I am not sure of where she was in her relationships and feel pretty sure that the complications are making things so raw right now.
I guess it will be safe to go to clubs/parties without checking exits till 2029!

Repeat pattern every 13 years.

1977 Beverly Hills Supper Club [KY] [165 dead]
1990 Happy Land [NY] [87]
2003 Station Nightclub [RI] [100]
2016 Ghost Ship Filth [CA] [36]

1977 [KY] Beverly Hills Supper Club Fire:

"Faulty wiring. Governor Julian Carroll's report on the fire called the club's wiring an "electrician's nightmare", and alleged multiple, wide-ranging code violations. Bridgetown electrician H. James Amend, who inspected the fire site at the request of a local attorney Stan Chesley a year and a half later said, "I cannot believe that any of this was ever inspected."

"Inadequate fire exits. Full occupancy of the entire complex was estimated to be roughly 2,750, which under Kentucky law would require 27.5 exits. The club had fewer than 17 exits, many of which were not clearly marked nor easily reached. Some exits could only be reached by passing through three or more interior doors and corridors."​

1990 [NY] Happy Land Fire:

"Before the blaze, Happy Land was ordered closed for building code violations during November 1988. Violations included lack of fire exits, alarms or sprinkler system. No follow-up by the fire department was documented."​

2003 [RI] Station Club Fire:

"the building had undergone an occupancy change when it was converted from a restaurant to a nightclub. This change dissolved its exemption from the law, a fact that West Warwick fire inspectors never noticed. On the night in question, the Station was legally required to have a sprinkler system but did not."​

2016 [CA] Ockland Warehouse Fire:

"Before the fire, the building had already been under investigation by the Oakland Planning and Building Department for structural deficiencies. Complaints of hazardous garbage and construction debris around the building had also been made. At least ten complaints had been filed about the property since 1998, most recently on November 13 and 14. City building inspectors had visited the warehouse on November 17, but left when no one answered the door."​

Apart from having a pattern of every 13 years, in all these 4 fires, another common symptom was that law WAS NOT being enforced in those states. Law is there to protect citizens from evil and stupid, and to protect stupid from themselves. Governing bodies are expected to enforce it, not tolerate it.

Regardless of who started or caused the incidents, if there was not a blatant disregard of law, innocent lives would not have been lost.

When I built a shed for kids in my own backyard, I was haunted by Civil Defense until it was removed (granted it is not USA). The shed was nicely done, no sharp corners, or dangerous features, and it was for my own kids. The inspector spoke very nicely, explained why it can be dangerous to my kids (playing with matches and falling and hitting themselves, essentially being trapped in a burning fire unconscious) and that they see many accidents of this type. He went ahead and suggested alternative ready-made and safer products (which looked better than what I built anyway). It made sense and it was logical. So I agreed to buy one and replace it.

Kids were off to Europe, I was busy with my work, so I did not find the time to attend it right away given that it was not urgent. But they haunted me almost every day. No threats, no call to action, though. Still, they made sure I was aware that they did not let it go and they would not let it go. Eventually just to get rid of their pestering, I replaced it before kids returned.

I'd have assumed and expected the same from California officials. People did not need to lose their lives in vain.
Part 4

The Oakland Fire: What We Know About Building Inspections and the Neighborhood

It’s been more than 10 days since the fire at the Ghost Ship warehouse, and questions continue to swirl about the Oakland Fire Department’s response.

Among the most pressing: Was the ramshackle building ever inspected?
On Tuesday, Teresa Deloach Reed, the city’s fire chief, acknowledged that the answer seemed to be no.

“Right now, I can say we do not have any record stating that our firefighters had made entry or were aware of what was going on at 1315 31st Avenue,” Ms. Deloach Reed said at a news conference.
Wow! It took just 30 seconds from the time people realized what happened to the time they were covered in toxic fumes.

30 seconds.... 30! I guess while I was trying to register what is going on, I'd already be gone.

Such an eye opener. I never looked at fire from this perspective before.

Let me check my smoke & fire alarms!

Speak of the devil and devil appears! This conversation was 6 days ago. My building got torched down the night before:


I did not want to hijack this thread, but I said this:

As sad as it might be, I hope this incident brings awareness and perhaps some day saves some of us or our loved ones.

So this incident and the realization that came with watching Station Club Fire indeed helped.

I was very calm but fast. After fire alarm, it took me less than 60 seconds to do all these:

  • Get to the balcony and look down, then up to see where the smoke is
  • Grab the dog and laptop
  • Power off mains circuit
  • Knock down on my neighbor's door
  • Run down the stairs (many floors)

I was one of the first people who vacated the building despite being close to top. 4 floors are gutted completely. Fire lasted 7 hours (active part about 4). Nobody is hurt. We haven't been to the apartment to assess the situation, but no worries, nothing I can't replace.

PS: Despite being among the first to exit, staircase was already filled with some smoke when I was going down. Those fumes caused angioedema on one of my eyes for a day. I am allergic to chemicals and toxic smells. Anti-histamines fixed it.
Speak of the devil and devil appears! This conversation was 6 days ago. My building got torched down the night before:


I did not want to hijack this thread, but I said this:

So this incident and the realization that came with watching Station Club Fire indeed helped.

I was very calm but fast. After fire alarm, it took me less than 60 seconds to do all these:

  • Get to the balcony and look down, then up to see where the smoke is
  • Grab the dog and laptop
  • Power off mains circuit
  • Knock down on my neighbor's door
  • Run down the stairs (many floors)

I was one of the first people who vacated the building despite being close to top. 4 floors are gutted completely. Fire lasted 7 hours (active part about 4). Nobody is hurt. We haven't been to the apartment to assess the situation, but no worries, nothing I can't replace.

PS: Despite being among the first to exit, staircase was already filled with some smoke when I was going down. Those fumes caused angioedema on one of my eyes for a day. I am allergic to chemicals and toxic smells. Anti-histamines fixed it.

Oh ... my ... goodness! I am so sorry for the loss of your living arrangment and possessions, but thrilled to know you were able to stay clear-headed and focused on getting out of there. Indeed, things can be replaced. Haooy your dog was rescued, too. :hug:
I've not been able to post on this thread previously. I come and read, and I'm overwhelmed. Paris, San Bernardo, Pulse ect... and of course the individual cases here that make us long for... resolution, solutions...answers... something... So much pain and loss. Way too much!

Could not even bring myself to post, "How terribly sad", or even "I'm so sorry for your loss" to Gitana1 whom I admire so much, we don't always see eye to eye, but her intelligence, critical thinking skills, and always...warmth and caring for others... add so much to this forum, it's pleasure to interact with her here on any level. My heart is too broken to behave in an acceptable manor right now. please forgive me. Gitama1, I wish their was something I could do for you! But what is there? I can only feel some of the pain and hope that helps lighten it , for you a smidgen. I truly am so heart fully sorry. Jen had a lovely fantastic personality. By all accounts. Such a loss for us all, of a healthy, vibrant talented healer! Her smile alone is like a balm for the human condition. I am so very sorry, for us all!

I find my self angry, too angry to post, for fear of being insensitive. I have read as much as I can about the stories of those who lost their lives, trying to get a sense of their humanity... these people didn't live in the warehouse. They were guests of those who did. primarily, the resident "manager".

Shoot me, for saying this, but who ever decided that impassable death trap of a stair case, was a good idea... was "ART", is INSANE. I don't care how "magical", decorative or creative that passage might have appeared. It was the DIRECT cause of the demise of many, if not all, of these people.

It was the decision of madmen, to hold a public event, with such little regard to human lives. They couldn't even be bothered to have a simple cheap, metal escape ladder to throw out a window as an emergency fire escape? Couldn't have some cheap LED flashlights around, ( my God, even hand out small ones at the door!) in an space known for power outages?

These people should be alive . They probably had total faith, that there was some form of reasonable accommodations at this event they paid to attend. Even in a (relatively), lesser health emergency, that so called "stairway", was a impediment, at best, and a funeral pior at worst.

I read reports that some died quickly and didn't "suffer"... REALLY? How is that possible? Because they didn't have burned flesh? Are you kidding me? They were desperately trying to flee from an inferno.... PLEASE, do not insult my intelligence, by suggesting *terror* isn't a form of suffering! They suffered alright. All of them.

The total, disregard, for human life, in this situation is stupefying! In so many cases here, the loss of life was so unpreventable, unimaginable, and committed by evil beyond human understanding, that no preventive measures could have saved the day. BUT in this case, these people were human sacrifices to greed. YES! That makes me angry!

And while I'm at it.... I find that group shot at Denny's appalling to say the least! They look like Manson followers...What were they thinking, posing like survivors of some war showing support for their heroic for their CO?!! They were gathering around a negligent homicidal sociopath, when they would have been better served to gather round the memorial for those who TRULY supported their lifestyle!

I am so sorry, for every one of us. Oh my God am I sorry!
I've not been able to post on this thread previously. I come and read, and I'm overwhelmed. Paris, San Bernardo, Pulse ect... and of course the individual cases here that make us long for... resolution, solutions...answers... something... So much pain and loss. Way too much!

Could not even bring myself to post, "How terribly sad", or even "I'm so sorry for your loss" to Gitana1 whom I admire so much, we don't always see eye to eye, but her intelligence, critical thinking skills, and always...warmth and caring for others... add so much to this forum, it's pleasure to interact with her here on any level. My heart is too broken to behave in an acceptable manor right now. please forgive me. Gitama1, I wish their was something I could do for you! But what is there? I can only feel some of the pain and hope that helps lighten it , for you a smidgen. I truly am so heart fully sorry. Jen had a lovely fantastic personality. By all accounts. Such a loss for us all, of a healthy, vibrant talented healer! Her smile alone is like a balm for the human condition. I am so very sorry, for us all!

I find my self angry, too angry to post, for fear of being insensitive. I have read as much as I can about the stories of those who lost their lives, trying to get a sense of their humanity... these people didn't live in the warehouse. They were guests of those who did. primarily, the resident "manager".

Shoot me, for saying this, but who ever decided that impassable death trap of a stair case, was a good idea... was "ART", is INSANE. I don't care how "magical", decorative or creative that passage might have appeared. It was the DIRECT cause of the demise of many, if not all, of these people.

It was the decision of madmen, to hold a public event, with such little regard to human lives. They couldn't even be bothered to have a simple cheap, metal escape ladder to throw out a window as an emergency fire escape? Couldn't have some cheap LED flashlights around, ( my God, even hand out small ones at the door!) in an space known for power outages?

These people should be alive . They probably had total faith, that there was some form of reasonable accommodations at this event they paid to attend. Even in a (relatively), lesser health emergency, that so called "stairway", was a impediment, at best, and a funeral pior at worst.

I read reports that some died quickly and didn't "suffer"... REALLY? How is that possible? Because they didn't have burned flesh? Are you kidding me? They were desperately trying to flee from an inferno.... PLEASE, do not insult my intelligence, by suggesting *terror* isn't a form of suffering! They suffered alright. All of them.

The total, disregard, for human life, in this situation is stupefying! In so many cases here, the loss of life was so unpreventable, unimaginable, and committed by evil beyond human understanding, that no preventive measures could have saved the day. BUT in this case, these people were human sacrifices to greed. YES! That makes me angry!

And while I'm at it.... I find that group shot at Denny's appalling to say the least! They look like Manson followers...What were they thinking, posing like survivors of some war showing support for their heroic support for their CO?!! They were gathering around a negligent homicidal sociopath, when they would have been better served to gather round the memorial for those who TRULY supported their lifestyle!

I am so sorry, for every one of us. Oh my God am I sorry!

Excellent post.
Oh ... my ... goodness! I am so sorry for the loss of your living arrangment and possessions, but thrilled to know you were able to stay clear-headed and focused on getting out of there. Indeed, things can be replaced. Haooy your dog was rescued, too. :hug:

Thank you very much Spellbound. As I mentioned, the conversation about Station Club fire was indeed very enlightening and I was very well-prepared as a result of those discussions. I wish faith did not have to hold me up to my word that fast (" perhaps some day saves some of us or our loved ones"), but oh well...

FYI, the fire started couple of floors above on the penthouse. Electrical in nature, my neighbour said he was using his coffee maker. Sprinklers came on, but fire already shot to the ceiling so they were of no use. He feels devastated that he caused all this to everyone. Conscience can be a ***** for those of us who has it. I tried to console him saying "**** happens, not your fault, could have been anyone of us".

First few hours there was nothing anywhere except the top of the building. So I have no idea how the smoke filled the exit staircases so fast. I also do not know how situation could have been smoke-wise if the fire was below -- not above.

Yes, I had to carry fatboy. I did not know how he would behave with all the alarms and confusion going on, and I did not intend to find that out.
Imo. The cities Code Enforcement Officials are responsible for not enforcing the code after being aware that the commercial property was being rented and complained about and obviously not up to code.

That is their job.

And not just to leave notices at the door. Jmo
$1.6 Million Raised For Ghost Ship Fire Victims

OAKLAND (CBS SF) – An outpouring of support has raised more than $1.6 million for victims of the deadly Ghost Ship fire in Oakland earlier this month through online fundraisers and numerous concerts, sales and events.

Venues across the Bay Area and the nation have planned dozens more fundraising concerts just this week for the friends and families of the 36 victims killed in the fire, those injured while escaping and the approximately 20 people who lived there and lost their homes.

The gutted warehouse was being used as a living space and performance venue when it burned down on Dec. 2. Firefighters described it as a tangled maze of furniture, musical instruments and artwork that was difficult to navigate.
Imo. The cities Code Enforcement Officials are responsible for not enforcing the code after being aware that the commercial property was being rented and complained about and obviously not up to code.

That is their job.

And not just to leave notices at the door. Jmo

They cannot enter private property without consent of a judge. Not in the US anyway.
There's plenty of blame to go around for sure...

But I know that when I invite guests to my "home", I feel I have the greater obligation to take measures to ensure they leave my home alive and well. Doesn't matter what my landlord knew, or city officials knew... This guy lined his pockets with the blood of people he charged to attend their own demise. And he didn't even have the decency to over-see his own "party" nor make even the pretense of safety planning for a large group of people. That's just the lion share right there in my opinion. And sadly, he strikes me as the personality type that will milk this for the rest of his life.

He's going to wrap his whole identity around the , "I survived this terrible Ghost Ship tragedy" ( and he wasn't even there!) Poor misunderstood eccentric hero Just trying to house poor struggling artists... Pfffft! Cry me river... I know a predatory opportunist when I encounter one. There are on different level of low, than a city official not enforcing code imo.
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