CA CA - Maya Millete, 39, missed daughter's birthday, Chula Vista, 7 Jan 2021 #2

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...there's several cases in the article where the woman was pregnant
Snipped for focused response.
Interesting. And while we don't know if Maya fit in this category, it should certainly be explored. There is so much about this case that we don't know, and the longer it goes on, the more I am convinced what appears on the surface may not all.

Amateur opinion and speculation
I've read about how common that tactic is in investigations. LE will ask the same and similar questions constantly looking for inconsistencies. I believe that's why LM hired an attorney, probably frustration at having to constantly answer the same thing...perhaps he also may have said something that warranted more investigation during one of those questions which lead to the search warrant?

From what I've seen in some other cases, little bits of information will be "leaked" in order to get a suspect/poi to act in a way that might reveal their part in a crime. I am definitely suspicious that neither Larry nor his family have assisted, especially when total strangers have done so much, and he's cut off Maya's family altogether. Filipino families aren't like that, especially ones who've been in laws for 20 years and likely attended many family events. I don't know if he had anything to do with Maya's disappearance, but his behavior is abhorrent.
moo and being a filipino
Yes, MOO, my own opinion is that she wasn't in that house on Friday. Not behind any locked door in any which 4 or 5 bedrooms of the house.

LM left Friday he says so Maya wouldn't take the son to Big Bear. Isn't it odd he comes home and didn't question her why she hadn't left or check the darn locked door (the girls must have mentioned) Friday night? I don't believe LM's "like room mates" story, or "gave her space" excuses. Nothing he said sits right with me. I don't have to believe everything or anything he says. JMO though.

I also don't believe an argument would stop Maya from getting ready and taking off with those girls to Big Bear. Mad at hubbie, take off to Big Bear! She traveled with her daughters to many wonderous places, and I didn't see LM in any of those pics. Maya had no problem being independent and being proactive. My belief is she was the one who made a divorce attorney appt., and it had something to do with their argument.

This is all MOO. Could've been a late night local drive Thursday night, or the Friday. I think it's possible and worth considering if someone might have helped one way or another. Hiding something. Why did sister and BIL look for something hidden in Glamis?

I see there's a search in the Escondido area tomorrow. One thing I wish LE or the new PI could do for Maya's family is give them a hint of where to search. I thought LE could check the car's GPS to get a clue. Why does anybody think Maya may be found in Escondido? Bless all the caring people for searching. It's just that California is huge. I hope they do some Geo Profiling to figure out a likely direction a certain person might go.

MOO and a bit of frustration that Maya hasn't been found.

Find May/Maya Millete | Facebook
MM'S sister also mentioned she found it odd that during those three days, that there were no signs of preparing for the Big Bear trip, nor LM mentioning anything about the trip. JMO, if LM assumed she went out hiking or wine tasting, the other members of the family would be preparing for the trip.. but their were no signs of that. amateur speculation
Well, kids do go to sleep. He could have somehow drugged/ chloroformed/ knocked out May Thursday evening...propped up (an alive) May in the passenger side of the car (or back seat) late...driven to a remote location. Killed her there, dumped her there.No cadaver dogs or luminal would hit on the car. Any of her (alive) skin cells, hair, etc in the car would be expected....normal.
He can’t outsmart the entire neighborhood cameras, plus some store or traffic cameras. There are LE people that are passionate about unraveling a person’s footprint.
Big red flag straight away is - what are the odds both his & her phones are off all day Friday? They each were(according to him) in separate locations.

MM's sister was asked if they saw anything on any of the neighbors' surveillance videos. she stated that they saw MM thursday afternoon going to her jeep to get something. and was on the phone, then went back in the house. Couldn't see anything that thursday night. Then, early friday morning LM left in his lexus.

Very interesting, as well as eerie.
Am I understanding the narrative? That Maya locked herself in her bedroom all day, somehow exited the house at an unknown time to go hiking, brunching and/or wine-tasting, on foot, making sure to lock the bedroom behind her? From the inside? From the outside? With the same key used later to open the lock?

If there's footage of Maya exiting the house at an earlier time, that has to mean that LE has access to video from that same location, for the span of all those days. It will be valuable for what it shows. And what it does not.

If Maya didn't leave by day, we're left with murky nighttime video (which doesn't definitively show or not show her) but did she, for purposes of a narrative, leave in the dark of night, on foot, for the hiking, eating, wining event, as one does?

I don't know what happened to Maya, but I do know what the Profiling Evil guys say: with investigations, if you can't leave the house, you don't leave the house.

Bottom line, I don't think Maya left her children willfully. In fact, I doubt she left the house willfully.

You start with the last known person to see her.... and investigate outward from there.

While it was very interesting to listen to their process, many of the points they speculated about were unsettling. For example they were fairly sure there was a physical altercation. Which may have occurred in two separate phases, with the statement about
hearing rustling happening between the two events, and LM then finishing her off so to speak.
They also indicated they wouldn't be surprised if there was some staging involved if/when the body is found. They believe there was someone else involved. They feel over the course of the interview the timeline was set as Thursday night into early Friday morning.
LM is innocent until proven guilty but this interview in their analysis indicates at a minimum deception.
i cant wait for part 2! I was hoping somebody from that episode's live chat would've told the analysts that MM's brother went there Friday afternoon and knocked on the locked door as well. But i get it. they were just analyzing his interiew only.
Am I understanding the narrative? That Maya locked herself in her bedroom all day, somehow exited the house at an unknown time to go hiking, brunching and/or wine-tasting, on foot, making sure to lock the bedroom behind her? From the inside? From the outside? With the same key used later to open the lock?

If there's footage of Maya exiting the house at an earlier time, that has to mean that LE has access to video from that same location, for the span of all those days. It will be valuable for what it shows. And what it does not.

If Maya didn't leave by day, we're left with murky nighttime video (which doesn't definitively show or not show her) but did she, for purposes of a narrative, leave in the dark of night, on foot, for the hiking, eating, wining event, as one does?

I don't know what happened to Maya, but I do know what the Profiling Evil guys say: with investigations, if you can't leave the house, you don't leave the house.

Bottom line, I don't think Maya left her children willfully. In fact, I doubt she left the house willfully.

You start with the last known person to see her.... and investigate outward from there.

just find it odd about the whole locked door thing. why would somebody lock their door so they dont want to be bothered, when there's a key laying around in the house.

MOO. amateur speculating
Yes, MOO, my own opinion is that she wasn't in that house on Friday. Not behind any locked door in any which 4 or 5 bedrooms of the house.

LM left Friday he says so Maya wouldn't take the son to Big Bear. Isn't it odd he comes home and didn't question her why she hadn't left or check the darn locked door (the girls must have mentioned) Friday night? I don't believe LM's "like room mates" story, or "gave her space" excuses. Nothing he said sits right with me. I don't have to believe everything or anything he says. JMO though.

I also don't believe an argument would stop Maya from getting ready and taking off with those girls to Big Bear. Mad at hubbie, take off to Big Bear! She traveled with her daughters to many wonderous places, and I didn't see LM in any of those pics. Maya had no problem being independent and being proactive. My belief is she was the one who made a divorce attorney appt., and it had something to do with their argument.

This is all MOO. Could've been a late night local drive Thursday night, or the Friday. I think it's possible and worth considering if someone might have helped one way or another. Hiding something. Why did sister and BIL look for something hidden in Glamis?

I see there's a search in the Escondido area tomorrow. One thing I wish LE or the new PI could do for Maya's family is give them a hint of where to search. I thought LE could check the car's GPS to get a clue. Why does anybody think Maya may be found in Escondido? Bless all the caring people for searching. It's just that California is huge. I hope they do some Geo Profiling to figure out a likely direction a certain person might go.

MOO and a bit of frustration that Maya hasn't been found.

Find May/Maya Millete | Facebook

MM'S sister also mentioned she found it odd that during those three days, that there were no signs of preparing for the Big Bear trip, nor LM mentioning anything about the trip. JMO, if LM assumed she went out hiking or wine tasting, the other members of the family would be preparing for the trip.. but their were no signs of that. amateur speculation

:oops: Sometimes I feel like underlining LM's whole interview. Oh yeah, LM was so preoccupied. What was he doing all that time he says his wife was locked behind her bedroom door? Just takes off leaving his girls not sure if Maya was even there. It seems a bit flakey. I wonder if his parents were there? Maricris made it sound like they are around on a steady basis.

According to his version, he spent an enormous amount of energy trying to thwart Maya from taking the son on the Big Bear trip. He had to get up super early and leave the house at 6:30 a.m. Friday morning and stay gone all day. Then, he gets home, and :eek: he thinks he hears her! But ;) mellow- give-her-space LM doesn't go downstairs when he supposedly hears her and ask her when is she leaving with daughters on Big Bear trip, or tell her, no way, she isn't going to take all the kids, the son stays with him. MOO, unbelievable he didn't ever try to approach her.

The Interview Room panel said anytime he get into a tight spot in the interview, he uses digs of Maya's character, and constantly uses the tactic of holding himself up to be the better human being. Like how he implies-- Yeah, that's Maya, downstairs probably cooking for herself again and not feeding the kids. Going off wine tasting. No, LM has not been named a suspect, but he sure attacked Maya in that interview in MOO and the panel's opinion.
Could the rustling noises referred to by LM have been "staged" with the help of an accomplice so that the children would think their mom was home when she really wasn't? Just a random thought....

I wondered if that might just be a way of accounting for some sounds that somebody else in the house might have heard when something specific was happening. One of the kids perhaps.

I don’t think it was specified whether or not he was with the kids when he heard it?
I listened to Analyzing Larry Millete's Statements part 1.
One of the members pointed out something that stuck with me from when I heard the interview the first time. It is a part in his first answer to the question when he last saw her.

So, but that's every time someone says Thursday, yes, it's physically you know, or visually see her but for me, its Friday, Friday night.

Multiple individuals (LE, family) had up to that point asked him about this. Every time someone says.
I agree with you. Apparently, California does have the death penalty so it might be used as a bargaining chip later on... assuming there's enough evidence to convict someone in the first place. And you never know, luck could be on our side.

True, California does have the death penalty, but Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered a suspension on executions in 2019. Also, the last execution in California was 2006.

So, I'm not sure how effective the death penalty would be as a bargaining chip.

Gov. Gavin Newsom Suspends Death Penalty In California

True, California does have the death penalty, but Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered a suspension on executions in 2019. Also, the last execution in California was 2006.

So, I'm not sure how effective the death penalty would be as a bargaining chip.

Gov. Gavin Newsom Suspends Death Penalty In California


Yeah. I read that while looking it up. However, maybe just the threat of death is enough? It's just my opinion but I think people who can take another life are often cowards and will avoid the death penalty at all costs. I wish these killers would have taken as much consideration for their victims as they do for themselves...

Correction on the time for all viewers. :)
March 4th @ 7pm CST/8pm EST.
5:00 p.m. Pacific Time

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