CA CA - Maya Millete, 39, missed daughter's birthday, Chula Vista, 7 Jan 2021 #2

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This is so much worse than I ever thought. I goggled shrines and religion in regards to Filipino beliefs. I learned most are catholic. With that being said, I hope that today will convict someone’s soul and we can finally find Maya. I would imagine LM and his family will go to church and celebrate Easter as he has shown that he does love and believe in our Lord and Savior. MOO
Doesn't it make more sense that the freezer was used for overnight storage? Then her body could've been disposed of that day. At a dumpster anywhere along that route..... or in a wide open area to give her all the space she needed.

The rustling in the kitchen may have been the sounds from wrapping her.

Or alternately, the rustling COULD HAVE been Maya herself, making a snack, just from much earlier in the day, like around the time she walked outside, on the phone.

If her body was only in the freezer for temporary storage AND not for transport, it'd be nothing but an empty freezer after that.

Then relative comes to get it.... freshly bleached, as one would do, before rehoming it...

My bold. Yikes. What a terrible thing that would be! Can you even imagine?
WOWZERS. just wow. Hopefully CVPD is/was on top of this. wondering if LE even contacted the relative with the freezer.
MOO, the link to solving this case and finding out where Maya can be found rests with the relative. I'd even suggest having dogs sniff out their backyard. Get search warrants to check out their car's GPS and phones and computers ....but, of course, CVPD might not be able to legally do that. Can they, it seems they have reason?

Unfortunately, I'm not sure CVPD paid enough attention upon hearing of the freezer. Once CVPD heard about the freezer that was moved to a relatives house on Saturday, Jan. 9th, the same day Maya's family went to the house wanting to report her missing LE should have been on it like glue. Heck, I don't think the freezer was even part of the search warrant weeks later. I hope I'm wrong and that CVPD is aware of the relative's role in what may have been the disposal.

MOO, I don't think the relative moved a clean freshly bleached freezer. Not many people were aware of Maya being missing yet. Hello , hello CVPD, moving that freezer on that particular day is key information. Don't you think? All MOO.
MM was reported missing on January 10, and CVP Department served a search warrant at the Millete home on January 23.

Given the latest information that Attorney/PI Billy Little Jr. conducted a walk-through of the Millete residence with Larry on Monday, January 11, -- possibly under false pretense, I'm very concerned about spoiled evidence.

Did Little present himself to CVP as a witness after he entered the Millete home on Jan 11? Did CVP rely on Little's "witness statement" when seeking a search warrant?

While I'm sure that Attorney/PI Little shares MM's family's frustration that MM has not been located and/or recovered, I'm concerned his purpose for speaking out now is motivated in part by some degree of self-preservation/protection.

Important to recognize that Mr. Little does not have subpoena or warrant powers to collect evidence. It's easy to understand why CVP would ask Mr. Little not to have contact with LM (or his family).

For CVP to obtain a search warrant for the residence, they had to satisfy certain criteria to justify the issuance of a search warrant.

The purpose of having a judge issue the warrant…instead of the police or a prosecutor…is to ensure that a neutral, detached individual evaluates the circumstances of the criminal investigation.

But before the judge can sign off, two requirements must be met: the judge must reasonably believe (1) that a misdemeanor or felony has been committed,
and (2) that evidence of that criminal case is likely to be found in the place(s) described in the search warrant.

If the facts presented in the warrant application are convincing, the judge must sign and issue the search warrant.

But before a judge issues a search warrant, he/she must have probable cause to do so.

Probable cause

“Probable cause” is a legal phrase. It refers to a “reasonable” belief that criminal activity is taking (or has taken) place. So before a judge issues a search warrant, he/she must have a reasonable belief that the person /property specifically described in the warrant application (otherwise known as an “affidavit”) will be found in the searched location.

Before finding that probable cause exists, the judge may question (under oath)
  • the officer,
  • prosecutor, or
  • state investigator who applied for the warrant, and
  • any witnesses that the requesting individual relied on to determine that a warrant was necessary.
These affidavits may be written or oral, and presented in person, via the telephone, by fax, or even e-mail. They also must contain the facts that establish the grounds for the application or the probable cause for believing that they exist. Affidavits are under penalty of perjury.

Although Mr. Little alleges Larry consented to his walking through the house and garage, LM texted the following to CBS/8 News.

News 8 reached out to the husband, Larry Millete, and he texted us the following messages regarding Little’s walk-through of his house on January 11 and other claims made by Little:

“He lied and presented himself as NCIS to gain access into my home. He misrepresented himself to gain access to my family’s home as well. Claiming to be NCIS. He lies and misrepresents himself. Posing to be law enforcement

Also I am not quite sure if impersonating NCIS is a crime, but it should be.

More lies, implications and speculations. I do not hate anyone, and just hope people can stop spreading lies and making our lives into entertainment in the media. We are already going through difficult times.

He’s been untruthful from the start and seems to be willing to do anything including manipulating the situation.

My wife is a good woman and she’s missing. Everything else is just noise.”

Little, the attorney, denied that he posed as a law enforcement officer or NCIS to gain access to the Millete home.

Attorney describes walk-through of Maya Millete’s South Bay house |

"Search Warrants" in California - 7 Key Things to Know
I'm worried about this as well - that the attorney/PI might have created a "fruit of the poisonous tree" problem for investigators and prosecutors in relation to anything at the Millete house and garage and at the house of the relative where the freezer was moved.

At the least, his actions may have delayed the search warrant because I assume investigators would have to be careful to rely upon only what they knew and documented from their own house-check that occurred after the missing person report, but BEFORE the attorney/PI did his walk-through and from what other witnesses (incl. family) had to say to LE investigators BEFORE they learned anything from the PI after his walk-through.

Surely, when LE conducted their own walk-through of the house after the missing person report, they'd have been alert to irregularities like the holes (or repaired holes) in the wall/door. Likewise, they'd have been alert to how LM was acting - his attempts to delay the missing person report for a couple of hours when he couldn't even reliably say he knew she was alive after he'd last visually seen her Thursday AND he expressed that he knew how critical the first 48-72 hours are, the convenient "we're living so much like roommates, we don't even notice when the other is there or not there," excuse for his apparent lack of concern about his wife's absence, and his complete lack of involvement in early search efforts for his wife. He was not acting in any way like a man whose wife has disappeared without his involvement. And if he spoke at all like he did in the KGTV interview, his hostility toward his wife AND her family was apparent.

While I think it was likely motivated out of concern for Maya and by their impatience and frustration with LE leaving them out of the details of the early investigation as officers worked behind the scenes to try to get a clear picture of what they were dealing with, I strongly hope that the family's hiring this PI doesn't result in making evidence that would have been convincing inadmissible.

Otherwise, it is possible that finding Maya or her remains using LE techniques that are in no way reliant on anything that PI told investigators may be more critically important than it otherwise would have been.

I do have one question for any who might know: If the attorney/PI was telling the truth about how he identified himself (and if LM was not) and the attorney/PI recorded that interaction when he identified himself, what would be required for that recorded interaction to be admissible? (i.e., PI tells LM he is recording so they both know? Or, just one party knowledge is adequate?)
California has some of the strongest laws in the country on wiretapping. Put simply, absent consent of all parties, they are not only not admissible into evidence, but a crime to obtain and allow the “injured party” to sue. Admittedly, damages are hard to prove in these cases.
Secret Recording of Conversations in California - A Crime ... › articles › secret-recordi...

California's wiretapping law is a "two-party consent" law. California makes it a crime to record or eavesdrop on any confidential communication, including a private conversation or telephone call, without the consent of all parties to the conversation. See Cal. Penal Code § 632.
California Recording Law | Digital Media Law Project › legal-guide › california-recording...
I would hope that any reputable P.I./Attorney or some such blend of one or the other would be well aware of how to interview an unnamed POI. I doubt he broke protocol, as he would understand the consequences.

LE needs to team up and leverage this "get it done" man hired by the family. He seems to be able to take action and get the needed information.

Amateur opinion and speculation
MOO, I don't think the relative moved a clean freshly bleached freezer. Not many people were aware of Maya being missing yet. Hello , hello CVPD, moving that freezer on that particular day is key information. Don't you think?

There are a number of bits of information that are circumstantial in nature about this,” said Captain Thunberg. “We are aware of the instances [Little’s] described and he may not be aware of what our detectives have done, but we have, in fact, followed up and conducted follow up and continue to conduct follow up.”

IMO, this quote seems a bit defensive, and I’m assuming that was Little’s intention, to make them uncomfortable and shed light onto the lack of urgency that seems to vibe from LE. I’m gathering that the freezer, hole in the door and wall, cryptic texts messages, and apparent witnesses to LM soliciting murder were the “circumstantial” information they are referring to. IMO “looking into something” is different than forensically and narrowly investigating. I dislike the use of the term circumstantial, because it makes me think that they don’t really view the information that Little spoke of as valuable. That being said, I agree that no one knows how thoroughly they have looked into these things, and it’s possible that they are waiting for something more, or the right moment to bring an arrest.

The statement that really confuses me is, “If we knew where to go and had an idea of where to search that is consistent with the route that was traveled, yeah, we would share the information. But at this point we are still working to determine where those areas may be,” said Captain Thunberg.
I just don’t understand how they still have no idea of the route he took that day. If the gps was tampered with or removed, are they viewing that as “circumstantial” as well? This almost makes me truly believe that it wasn’t LM that disposed of the body at all. It makes me think he sent them on a crazy route as a red herring to throw everyone off.

Additionally, if LM doesn’t have an atty (which is what I suspect), would that be considered misleading/hindering an investigation, or being dishonest and not cooperating with the investigation. I don’t know if hindering an active investigation is a crime, but it should be (sarcasm intended). After all, LM seemed very concerned with Littles perceived criminal activity,
“Also I am not quite sure if impersonating NCIS is a crime, but it should be.”
This statement from LM makes my skin crawl. Tbh, I see his puffed up ego once again throwing someone else under a bus to make himself a victim. I don’t think Little impersonated NCIS, I think LM did a crap job of verifying his identity, was expecting NCIS to show up, so he drew that conclusion himself. He would never admit that mistake. ;)

Attorney describes walk-through of Maya Millete’s South Bay house |
I don't think CCSO knows exactly where Barry Morphew was in the critical hours on Saturday, before Suzanne went missing either. If they did, we would likely know where he put her body, JMO. I suspect there may be chain of custody issues with evidence in Suzanne's case as well.

You, Diddan & Seattle1 all raised good points in the possible challenges CVPD may be facing with evidence/witnesses in the investigation. But after what we learned from Little, it does seem like a very strong circumstantial case if all those pieces of information can be used at trial. Are they still holding out for the body to be found? Then again, it's only been just shy of three months, there may be more leads to be chased down.
IF the relative was planning on receiving the freezer prior to that time, there's a fair chance IMO that the freezer was no longer needed and therefore empty, awaiting pick up.

Perfect place to conceal a body until morning. There's also the whole next day, too, no?

Relatives might be working with LE, but afraid to broadcast that in any way, for fear of setting someone off.

With the same three fears we here share.

“Also I am not quite sure if impersonating NCIS is a crime, but it should be.”
This statement from LM makes my skin crawl. Tbh, I see his puffed up ego once again throwing someone else under a bus to make himself a victim. I don’t think Little impersonated NCIS, I think LM did a crap job of verifying his identity, was expecting NCIS to show up, so he drew that conclusion himself. He would never admit that mistake. ;)
Snipped for focused reply.
Exactly. Nice try maliit na tao; ain't gonna work.
The professional knew he was collecting evidence for potential trial.

In my amateur opinion and speculation, the D.A. needs to make a move. They have enough for an arrest I suspect, or will very soon. I want those kids out of there!

I couldn't help but think of Laci Peterson today. Her remains were found close to Easter. I was praying we would find May as well.

Amateur opinion and speculation
I don't know for sure, but I believe Maya's family alerted Little first of the missing freezer before he went to the house. We know that somehow there's a pic of the freezer being moved out of the house (as far as I understood it) per Chris McD. of The Interview Room show. A pic or image, some neighbor's camera or phone captured the freezer being taken by the relative on that Saturday, an image given to Maya's questioning family??? Chris McD. said he had proof of this missing item which, most likely, turns out to be the freezer. So, it's not just Little, but the whole Panel of former LE and current Investigational People who are trying to get CVPD to pay more attention to the relative, IMO. So, Little knew about the missing freezer beforehand, IMO.

All MOO here.
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