Still Missing CA - Maya Millete, 39, missed daughter's birthday, Chula Vista, 7 Jan 2021 *husband arrested* #5

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Authorities are searching for a 39-year-old Chula Vista mother of three who has been missing since last week.

Maya “May” Millete was last seen Thursday evening in her Chula Vista home near the San Miguel Ranch area, according to her family members.


More at Authorities, family search for missing Chula Vista woman

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There are no officially named POIs or suspects in this case, so a timely reminder about Websleuths "victim friendly" policy is in order.

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The discussion about backing into the garage has been removed in its entirety as rumor, right back to the original post..

The OP further back in the thread was based on a subscriber comment on Chris McDonough's podcast, not something that Chris himself advised his subscribers.

Comments from youtube subscribers are no different than comments by the general public at MSM or any other approved source. They are just not allowed.

Sorry folks, but The Interview Room podcast has now been unapproved for discussion in this case due to it not being in compliance with Websleuths regular policies.

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All she has done is prove to me, a potential juror, that he had reasons to want to kill her.

Allegations of infidelity, abortion, and bad parenting are just that - allegations. What matters here is that LM and his family believe them to be true, and one more motive for LM to disappear his wife, and family to protect him. In a case where all the evidence is circumstantial, motive can be very powerful to a jury.

It's not the burden of LM and the defense to prove anything. Regardless of the validity of LM's claims, none are considered self-defense to murder!

LM had options including divorce and instead, he settled upon exacting revenge for losing dominance and control of MM, by inflicting psychological abuse on both his wife and minor children and ultimately disappearing his wife.

It was MM that sought the legal remedy to end their union and part ways with LM. I'm more confident than ever that LM will be convicted of murdering MM, and that he will spend his remaining days incarcerated-- separated from his children and family. MOO
My phone won't let me tap into that link. Can someone post the letter if it is allowed?
Embedded in the MSM link or direct link to pdf below:
It can be found here, at the bottom of the page as an embedded PDF:
Larry Millete back in Chula Vista court for a bail review hearing |

Allegations of infidelity, abortion, and bad parenting are just that - allegations. What matters here is that LM and his family believe them to be true, and one more motive for LM to disappear his wife, and family to protect him. In a case where all the evidence is circumstantial, motive can be very powerful to a jury.

It's not the burden of LM and the defense to prove anything. Regardless of the validity of LM's claims, none are considered self-defense to murder!

LM had options including divorce and instead, he settled upon exacting revenge for losing dominance and control of MM, by inflicting psychological abuse on both his wife and minor children and ultimately disappearing his wife.

It was MM that sought the legal remedy to end their union and part ways with LM. I'm more confident than ever that LM will be convicted of murdering MM, and that he will spend his remaining days incarcerated-- separated from his children and family. MOO
Excellent post! Bam! I'm still shaking my head.

Between his telephone calls, his mother's letter and his atty---well he'd been better off if all of them kept their mouths shut.
Excellent post! Bam! I'm still shaking my head.

Between his telephone calls, his mother's letter and his atty---well he'd been better off if all of them kept their mouths shut.
Thank you to Seattle1 for providing the PDF.
LM appears to be so self-important and grandiose he'll keep talking along with his defenders and associates. Keep talking, and talking...please!

I wonder what street cams picked up LM's movements. I bet the D.A. has quite a bit of data.

Amateur opinion and speculation
Excellent post! Bam! I'm still shaking my head.

Between his telephone calls, his mother's letter and his atty---well he'd been better off if all of them kept their mouths shut.

Reading the filings by both the defense and LM's mother is such deja vu to Frazee! His attorney actually stated, "no body no crime" in their declaration for bail.

Ms. Martinez's defense reads as an expression of LM's (male) entitlement-- including how LM would lower himself to wearing an ankle monitor when released, and not that he would comply with any court-imposed conditions of bail if released.

And we've already seen how LM takes to "orders" -- be it by the court or other.

My apologies in advance for the long post of my thoughts and musings. I just finished reading the 29 page defense request for bail document and LM’s Mother’s declaration and am stunned and appalled at the vileness, ugliness and vitriol. These baseless allegations and trying to shame Maya/her memory, the Mother of her Grandchildren, frankly says more about her and leaves no question in my mind that the three minor children are in grave danger, namely their emotional health continuing to live with LM’s parents in what is imo, very toxic environment. It is obvious to me that Maya loved her children and I hope and pray that Maricris and Richard win Guardianship over Maya’s children ASAP for their safety and emotional well being. Having said that, the following are some thoughts I had after watching the video of LM’s Attorney Bonita Martinez the other day and didn’t get around to posting until today, and some other thoughts.

So, LM’s Attorney Bonita Martinez victim blaming/shaming Maya, how vile. BM’s initials are fitting considering what she’s spewing, just like the person in another case I’m following whose initials are BM, also fitting. Actually, I’m not too surprised to hear LM’s Attorney victim blaming and shaming Maya, same MO as the defense counsel representing another imo indefensible alleged murderous husband, Barry Morphew. IMO, the two cases have so many similarities that sometimes I find myself having to double check which thread I am on/reading, Maya’s or Suzanne’s.

At any rate, like anyone following these cases and the facts that applies deductive reasoning and has even a modicum of common sense, buys/believes either of these loving women and Mom’s who by all accounts loved life and both having recently empowered themselves and taking steps to leave their abusive, controlling, manipulative husbands, would suddenly and abruptly leave/walk away from their family and children whom they both cherished and loved more than anything in the world, just up and left everything and everyone they love behind without telling a soul, never to be seen or heard from again. Please. Neither of these women pulled a Gone Girl and trying to frame their husband for their murder. Just no. These defense attorneys blaming and shaming the victim make things worse for their clients and imo, any competent prosecuting attorney would be able to drive a proverbial bus through the holes in a Gone Girl scenario at future trial.

IMO both women are no longer of this earth because they took a stand and said they were done putting up with the BS and wanted a divorce. And both entitled, selfish, controlling, narc husband’s knew their wife was serious and decided they weren’t about to give up control, split assets, custody disputes, and if I can’t have you nobody can, etc., took matters into their own hands and decided to eliminate their “problem” i.e, their wife. And imo, similar to many evil Spouses before them, both husbands had the motive, means and opportunity and feel justified in their heinous, evil act. They aren’t the first and sadly, unfortunately, won’t be the last. Follow enough similar cases and in so many the picture emerges and becomes clear, just different bad actors (husband’s) wearing the same cheap suit, so to speak. SMDH.

I don’t necessarily condone having affairs but at the same time realize that it’s important to look at the why/reason behind someone doing so. We are all human and I won’t judge either woman as can only imagine how trapped and lonely they both must have felt in their marriages being married to self absorbed narcs like LM and BM, who imo are not capable of emotionally connecting with or truly and selflessly loving another person leaving their partners feeling lonely, emotionally starved, and self esteem likely in the gutter. In short, I can understand and empathize with MM & SM and the reasons why, if it’s even proven that MM really was having an affair as it’s just been alleged that she did. Regardless, it does not matter if both women were having an affair which imo more than likely would have started as emotional out of loneliness, or that they wanted to divorce their abusive husbands rightfully so imo, or whatever else they or anyone for that matter may or may not be doing, what their lifestyle is etc., no one has the right to take another’s life and nothing justifies cold blooded murder. Nothing. No one deserves to die nor do innocent children deserve having their Mother taken from them in such brutal, horrific way. The level of depravity and evil it takes is just….....incomprehensible.

Again, imo these “husband’s” and “Father’s” are selfish, incapable of bonding and truly loving others including their own children. If they truly loved and cared about their children, they wouldn’t have taken their Mother from them. They care for no one but themselves and their own selfish needs, wants and desires comes before ALL else, to the point they are totally lacking in self awareness not capable of understanding or realizing how their lies, inconsistent statements, bizarre actions/non-actions after the fact (not pleading, joining in searches or vigils for their wife, victim blaming/shaming their wife, etc.), look to others, the public, normal people. So utterly self absorbed, clueless, and tone deaf that they don’t even know or try to put on an act like they care, or show fake/feign concern for their “missing” wife. Pathetic.

At any rate, waiting to hear team LM give up on the Gone Girl and try to blame SODDI based on random touch DNA found in or around the Millete home and vehicles and not a shred of other corroborating evidence pointing to SODDI. Let’s just say I wouldn’t be surprised to hear it. Never mind the mountain of facts and evidence pointing to and against their client, which they apparently expect everyone to believe are just ‘coincidences’ that should be ignored. Like the glaring fact that within minutes of her husband arriving home, SM’s digital activity stops, and she’s never heard from or seen again. And the glaring fact that MM being seen walking into her residence, digital activity stops and never seen coming out of her residence again/not seen nor heard from since. Coincidence? I think not, and just the tip of the proverbial iceberg in both cases.

These creeps may have been good at concealing the physical evidence of their evil deeds but due to their extreme arrogance, are (fortunately) clueless about the weight of circumstantial evidence and how it will eventually lead to their downfall, that the majority of criminal cases are mostly or entirely circumstantial and many have been won in court/secured a conviction, including cases without a body.

I am just so relieved LM was denied bail and will be staying in jail where he belongs, hopefully to never see the light of day again. Unlike BM who recently got out on bond and free to roam the Colorado mountains doing gosh only knows what, albeit wearing an ankle monitor that oh by the way, doesn’t track/pick up a GPS signal where he’s currently residing, but that’s a whole ‘nother story of it’s own.

Lastly, I can only hope these *******’s don’t pull what another beautiful soul and Mother’s estranged husband Fotis Dulos did, and off themselves before going to trial, which IMO FD, a cowardly guilty confession if ever there was, and final act of control in lieu of going to prison for life.

Larry and Barry, neither deserved the beautiful souls they were lucky to marry.
Hoping and praying their beautiful wives’ remains are located sooner than later, and justice served to both in a harry.
(couldn’t resist a little play on words there)

All of the above IMHOO
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Larry Millete, accused of killing his wife Maya, denied bail at hearing
His defense attorney is ALSO trashing Maya. And the ‘no dead body’ statement.
WOW..very unprofessional IMO.
If I was on the jury and heard all that… it comes across as desperate.
Try proving all the ways LM could NOT possibly be tied to Maya ceasing to exist . The jabbering on & on about Maya not wanting to be with Larry anymore, her independence etc ..well THAT gave Larry motive!
He is still standing.
She has ceased to exist.
Does not take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

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He likely was going to go to the Philipines is my amateur opinion and speculation
Billy Little was the only person to cite LM withdrawing large sums of money before arrest. This was never offered by the DA at the presser or during court hearings. I also doubt LM going to the Philipines as travel was not so easy prior to arrest or now.

COVID-19 Information
If you have video from one of the devices from Jan. 8, check it out. If you have dashcam video from Jan. 8, check it out.

Again, prosecutors need to know the whereabouts of Larry Millete and that black Lexus SUV on Jan. 8.

On Wednesday, Nov. 10, Drouaillet will attend a court hearing where she is seeking guardianship of Maya's three children. The kids currently are living with Larry's parents in Chula Vista.

Drouaillet vowed to keep the weekend searches going, even if she gets custody of the kids.

“I want to give them answers. I want to bring their mom home,” she said.

San Diego County probate court judge, Julia Kelety, will not allow cameras in court for Wednesday’s guardianship hearing. Members of the public will be allowed to attend in person or via remote feed on Microsoft Teams.

Larry Millete’s next hearing in his criminal case is set for Dec. 16.
Search for Maya Millete in Glamis 10 months after she went missing |
San Diego County probate court judge, Julia Kelety, will not allow cameras in court for Wednesday’s guardianship hearing. Members of the public will be allowed to attend in person or via remote feed on Microsoft Teams.

I believe Judge Kelety is going above and beyond for the guardianship hearing where both reporters and the public are not typically in attendance.

I hope Maricris and Richard will have many supporters present at the hearing either in person or online.

LM previously filed the following declaration last September against allowing the maternal family to have visitation -- let alone guardianship. Although LM cites that his daughters especially are uncomfortable being around Richard, it's just as obvious that their opinions are heavily influenced by LM. MOO
"We have not seen Larry hurt May even though she was sleeping with other men and ignoring their children"

I cannot believe a MOTHER would say something so vile! she's a terrible person. I actually take that to mean she knows it's happened but never actually saw it with her eyes.. she looked the other way so she can make that terrible statement with confidence (moo)
ugh no wonder he turned out the way he did, SO so worried about how far they've all been able to brainwash those poor children. He's talked to his kids for 9 hours total on the phone after arrest? unreal. So disturbed by all of it.
"We have not seen Larry hurt May even though she was sleeping with other men and ignoring their children"

I cannot believe a MOTHER would say something so vile! she's a terrible person. I actually take that to mean she knows it's happened but never actually saw it with her eyes.. she looked the other way so she can make that terrible statement with confidence (moo)
ugh no wonder he turned out the way he did, SO so worried about how far they've all been able to brainwash those poor children. He's talked to his kids for 9 hours total on the phone after arrest? unreal. So disturbed by all of it.
Be grateful for her well documented vile comments; it will result in Maricris getting the kids. (That and the news report with the grandfather talking about people looking for Maya's dead body in front of the kids).

Amateur opinion and speculation
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