CA CA - Maya Millete, 39, missed daughter's birthday, Chula Vista, 7 Jan 2021

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This is chula vista PD calls for service at Los Gatos block. I'll just paste it here: Date / Block Address / Call Type / Case No

1/9/2021 11:09:17 PM 2345 BLOCK PASEO LOS GATOS Missing Person

1/9/2021 11:50:17 PM 2345 BLOCK PASEO LOS GATOS Missing Person 2100392

1/10/2021 3:13:07 PM 2345 BLOCK PASEO LOS GATOS Incident Follow Up

reading that leads me to believe that there were two calls for service for a missing person on Saturday the 9th, but almost midnight. not the 10th as has been reported. Follow up wasn't until Sunday afternoon. That's an extra day in my timeline. You can check this yourself on the cvpd website.
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You are raising a point I hadn’t really dwelled on. Why exactly was the family so frantic, and most especially *if* they knew staying out until 2 or 3 in the morning was something Maya did?

What did Maya’s family know that we don’t?

amateur opinion and speculation
I think her family knew she IS’NT a big party girl who stays out until all hours! JMO
I think her family knew she IS’NT a big party girl who stays out until all hours! JMO
IWT her sisters would know unless she was keeping things from them. That being said, it seems she was very much a communicator; closely in touch, and discussing personal details like the potential for a divorce. It's really hard for us to say, we don't know.

Similarly, the good questions about what the kids do or don't know, and what has become "normal" for them is very hard to determine from the outside peeking in. Maybe Maya locked herself in her office for lengthy periods, or maybe she interacted with the kids at set times throughout the day. We just don't know.

What we do know, is that Maya is still missing, and that every day that goes by makes this even more desperately sad than it already is. *If* anything happened in that house of a criminal nature, LE should certainly be able to determine that. Tests take time, but results should be available soon IWT.
Despite troubling data points such as arguments, talk of divorce, and so forth, I am sticking with my speculation that May is somewhere in the trails surrounding her home, yet to be found. If she were angry, she might be distracted and not as situationally aware, resulting in an injury. Finding people outdoors is *extremely* difficult. Extremely. Drones are the best tool here IMO. I do believe she will be found outdoors in a scenario that supports an accidental scenario. I could be wrong of course; have been before! When I can get a few extra minutes, I'll look at the trail maps around her house and see if I can get any inspirations as to where I would look.

Amateur opinion and speculation
IWT her sisters would know unless she was keeping things from them. That being said, it seems she was very much a communicator; closely in touch, and discussing personal details like the potential for a divorce. It's really hard for us to say, we don't know.

Similarly, the good questions about what the kids do or don't know, and what has become "normal" for them is very hard to determine from the outside peeking in. Maybe Maya locked herself in her office for lengthy periods, or maybe she interacted with the kids at set times throughout the day. We just don't know.

What we do know, is that Maya is still missing, and that every day that goes by makes this even more desperately sad than it already is. *If* anything happened in that house of a criminal nature, LE should certainly be able to determine that. Tests take time, but results should be available soon IWT.
Despite troubling data points such as arguments, talk of divorce, and so forth, I am sticking with my speculation that May is somewhere in the trails surrounding her home, yet to be found. If she were angry, she might be distracted and not as situationally aware, resulting in an injury. Finding people outdoors is *extremely* difficult. Extremely. Drones are the best tool here IMO. I do believe she will be found outdoors in a scenario that supports an accidental scenario. I could be wrong of course; have been before! When I can get a few extra minutes, I'll look at the trail maps around her house and see if I can get any inspirations as to where I would look.

It's too unlikely that she is missing on the trails. At this point, IMO, this theory is a distraction from where the attention needs to be, but I understand exploring all options. Yes, finding people outdoors is difficult, but the trails in question are not deep, inaccessible wilderness. They are mild hiking trails in the middle of several neighborhoods that are used for high school cross country practice. Honestly, if people can't find MM after a month in the area in question, she is most likely not there. You can read my earlier post about how her going undetected to the trails is near impossible. Unfortunately for LM, he is contradicting himself, has a timeline that is borderline nonsensical, gave way too much information in his phone call, and yes fits the profile of an insecure husband with a confident wife who exercises her agency to the fullest. Just because she does this DOES NOT mean she is cheating. IMO he knows exactly where her phone and wallet is, and is the perfect fit for someone to commit this crime. A few things I've been contemplating:

1. He says they have been married for over 20 years, and only in the last year they started having issues? Sorry not buying it. Unless a life-changing event happened like an affair (with how much he wanted to talk on the phone call, he would have said something about this to the news i.e side lover, boyfriend), I don't understand how a marriage with three kids can fall apart in one year. Yes, COVID has made for a challenging 2020, but they are both working and healthy.

2. Do we know how long she has been living in her own room? If we could figure this out, we can get a better idea of the marriage timeline and maybe what the dynamic was between LM and MM in their parenting duties.

3. The bit about her going out and drinking. For some reason, this seems to be the go-to line for abusers who feel like they can't control the woman they've been abusing. I'm willing to bet that some women in here have either had their character attacked in this way or know someone who has. This could be indicative of a long history of emotional manipulation and verbal abuse by LM to MM. But the more concrete thing to take away from this is he says she's lately been going out to drink more. I call BS simply because SoCal has had some of the tightest COVID restrictions since November, as many people on this thread have already pointed out. All bars, restaurants, and wineries are closed? So where is she going? This line by LM is very telling to me.
Further, in the phone call, he goes on about how she is the leader of a local hiking group, loves to hike around the greater SD area, and how hiking is a stress reliever for her. He paints the picture of her being a person who loves being out doors. But when the reporter bluntly asks "So she's an experienced hiker?" he backtracks heavily, and goes on about a long winded story about this one time 10 years ago, she was training for something around the Colorado River. This again is a good example of him giving extra information and contradicting himself. I believe he realized that the picture he painted of her being an avid and well-known hiker in the area shows how unlikely it is that her getting lost or injured on these trails is what happened. Then its word soup from LM, but he still paints a picture of her being an "experienced" hiker with the Colorado River story. If he had nothing to do with her disappearance, this is an interesting response.
1. He says they have been married for over 20 years, and only in the last year they started having issues? Sorry not buying it. Unless a life-changing event happened like an affair (with how much he wanted to talk on the phone call, he would have said something about this to the news i.e side lover, boyfriend), I don't understand how a marriage with three kids can fall apart in one year. Yes, COVID has made for a challenging 2020, but they are both working and healthy.

I disagree with you on this point, COVID has been life changing for many. I don't think we
know anything verified about LM's employment. But if he lost his job due to COVID 19 that could
definitely make an already bad situation worse.

I've wondered if him suspecting she ran off with another man was the reason for his
choice of the word embarrassing ? MOO
Look, I’m a pretty disconnected person in all of my relationships.

I love my family and my friends but I’m not the type of person that is always texting and calling. Usually I’m not the one reaching out to people.

But I can’t imagine me acting the way someone has been acting in this case. I just can’t imagine not making an effort, not caring, not being concerned about a loved one, no matter how upset I might have been at them. When someone you love is in trouble, and I believe Maya is/was in trouble, fighting doesn’t matter anymore, being angry at them doesn’t matter anymore. Getting them home safe matters. Helping them matters.

I’m private too, I really am. To the point that I don’t mingle more than the necessary with coworkers. But, again, I can’t imagine missing a vigil or not helping in searches when someone I love or loved is missing.
@Windsorite You're right. There were factors I failed to consider when I concluded that. You also bring up a great point about the possibility of his job being lost.

And yes, the word choice of "embarrassing" was notable. However, I'm not sure if I read into that as referring to running off with another man. I just saw it as... interesting.

Another "interesting" segment of the phone call for me is the exchange between minutes 7:13 - 8:23. Another contradiction on LM's part that appears as an attempt to paint a certain picture of their homelife that would explain her disappearance. The reporter asks initially "How many times has she left before, and how long has it been?". He doesn't really answer how many times she's been gone, but does say she would drive to the park and hang out in her car, or always go with either family or friends. He concludes with "...and she'll go out for days...". With "days" being plural, I believe he is trying to normalize her being gone for more than 24 hours. However, immediately after that the reporter asks for a second time "When she has left... what is the longest she has been gone for?" to which LM replies it would only be a day, and the reporter clarifies by asking if it would be more than a day or two. LM replies, "Oh yes. Never more than a day". A point he repeats one more time. I wonder if he tried to change his story from "days" to "day" since he knew her family could corroborate that she would never be gone from her home for "days". Also, the next words from LM after this are another attempt by LM to portray MM's character as a party-mom and him as a good father by saying he would remind her that she can't be going out and that they have three kids. It's an immediate shift of blame.

I read that her phone was left at home. Was that since thrown into question? If her phone was indeed left behind, I find it improbable she went for a hike, especially since her sister stated that May liked to track her movements with phone apps etc. Plus a responsible parent like May wouldn't want to be without her phone for extended periods in case her children needed her. This is why I think May going for a hike is really unlikely.
Husband fears for missing Chula Vista wife, mom of three
It appears she took her phone but has not responded to any phone calls.
"I text her, I don't know if she's getting it, I say, 'hey babe, at least let us know ... or call someone,'" Millete said.
She has to have a "work phone" and a personal phone.

Not necessarily. In my line of work, I have 2 profiles on my 1 phone, a work profile and my personal profile. I cannot access anything on my company network through my personal profile, I have to use the work profile and specific apps designed for work, log into each with my work . For example, I have 2 google chrome apps on my phone. One is for my personal use and the other allows me to access work sites that I could not on my personal profile.

I am not saying this is the case here, but just pointing out that many jobs have moved away from having a separate phone due to newer technology. MOO and based on MEO
Not necessarily. In my line of work, I have 2 profiles on my 1 phone, a work profile and my personal profile. I cannot access anything on my company network through my personal profile, I have to use the work profile and specific apps designed for work, log into each with my work . For example, I have 2 google chrome apps on my phone. One is for my personal use and the other allows me to access work sites that I could not on my personal profile.

I am not saying this is the case here, but just pointing out that many jobs have moved away from having a separate phone due to newer technology. MOO and based on MEO

That's good to know. Thanks, Nancy19XX!
Yes, and when LM came back home, surely the daughters would express some concern that their mother never emerged from her room. The first thing most spouses (or even ex-spouses) would do would be open the door for a welfare check! We know LM was able to locate the key because he found it later when May's dad showed up. So he must have had a strong reason to refuse to unlock the door.

IMO, the daughters would have certainly begged their father to open the door UNLESS
  1. their mom shutting them out and ignoring them for long stretches of time was a regular occurrence so it didn't seem unusual to them, or
  2. they were too afraid to ask their father anything about their mom due to known strife and tension between LM & Maya.
I feel #2 is much more likely than #1. The kids HAD to have known their parents did not get along and I can't see how there wasn't a lot of tension in the house on an everyday basis. Feeling constant tension and perhaps witnessing arguments or worse between their parents would be quite upsetting and frightening for the children, and they may have learned the best way to deal with it was to avoid asking questions or talking about it with their dad. Maybe they quietly & secretly communicated their concerns to trusted members of Maya's side of the family, and that's why May's brother and later father showed up so quickly to check on her.

I suspect something of interest to the investigation was locked in Maya's room until some point on Friday/early Sat morning. Whether any remnants or clues remained by the time investigators came with the search warrant is the big question.
I have a friend who worked from home in a room that she kept locked for many years. Her 3 kids did not know she was there. They figured it out when they were like 8-13. Big house, other people around, not apparently the same circumstances.
It's too unlikely that she is missing on the trails. At this point, IMO, this theory is a distraction from where the attention needs to be, but I understand exploring all options. Yes, finding people outdoors is difficult, but the trails in question are not deep, inaccessible wilderness...
I agree she is probably not laying out there on some neighborhood trail because she got hurt in the outer wilderness. First off, MOO, I believe she went missing Thursday night. It's a fact-- no one saw or talked with her on Friday.

My thoughts are if she did go out to blow off steam after the argument, it'd probably be nighttime. Simply put, Maya was a smart woman, so I don't think Maya would take the chance to go off on some remote, rugged hiking trail at night alone. If she even did go out hiking, she'd have enough sense to stay on the milder hiking trails. That means, IMO, Maya should have been found by now. They've searched the milder trails and even the more rugged ones, and they haven't found her. I could be wrong. I know sometimes they find someone after many searches. Perhaps they think she was buried out there? However, I do think it's time to consider other avenues whatever they may be. JMO though.
I have a friend who worked from home in a room that she kept locked for many years. Her 3 kids did not know she was there. They figured it out when they were like 8-13. Big house, other people around, not apparently the same circumstances.
Why would you not want your kids to know you're working from home? I don't understand what a big house has to do with it?
...People have said Maya might have had a VPN line (virtual private network) for her defense contracting job. Would that make it easier or harder to trace phone & tower activity, and for LE to access her phone records?

She has to have a "work phone" and a personal phone.

Not necessarily. In my line of work, I have 2 profiles on my 1 phone, a work profile and my personal profile. I cannot access anything on my company network through my personal profile, I have to use the work profile and specific apps designed for work, log into each with my work . For example, I have 2 google chrome apps on my phone. One is for my personal use and the other allows me to access work sites that I could not on my personal profile.

I am not saying this is the case here, but just pointing out that many jobs have moved away from having a separate phone due to newer technology. MOO and based on MEO
Thank You for telling us about having two profiles on one phone and one could be a VPN work related phone line. I believe that is what Maya had, one phone, with an ability to access her work phone line. Her husband and her sister made me think that by saying she was always on her phone, and husband implied for work, too, or so I thought.

Interesting, I didn't know if it was a work phone if she could use it as a personal phone too. Two phones seemed too inconvenient.

Soo... Do you think it would make it easier or harder for LE to track and trace her phone if it did have VPN apps? Maya worked as a Defense Contractor. I don't know if it would make any difference, but it seems her work phone would have more security measures and location capabilities.
I agree she is probably not laying out there on some neighborhood trail because she got hurt in the outer wilderness. First off, MOO, I believe she went missing Thursday night. It's a fact-- no one saw or talked with her on Friday.

My thoughts are if she did go out to blow off steam after the argument, it'd probably be nighttime. Simply put, Maya was a smart woman, so I don't think Maya would take the chance to go off on some remote, rugged hiking trail at night alone. If she even did go out hiking, she'd have enough sense to stay on the milder hiking trails. That means, IMO, Maya should have been found by now. They've searched the milder trails and even the more rugged ones, and they haven't found her. I could be wrong. I know sometimes they find someone after many searches. Perhaps they think she was buried out there? However, I do think it's time to consider other avenues whatever they may be. JMO though.

I agree whole-heartedly with everything you've just said. I believe any incident would've taken place Thursday night or very early on Friday morning. There was nothing after the 6:35pm text on Thursday night and as you've pointed out, if you listen to LM's words carefully, no body had seen MM or had communicated with her. If this is true, then it would imply that LM is not being truthful when he says he heard her in the house downstairs Friday night.
I agree she is probably not laying out there on some neighborhood trail because she got hurt in the outer wilderness. First off, MOO, I believe she went missing Thursday night. It's a fact-- no one saw or talked with her on Friday.

My thoughts are if she did go out to blow off steam after the argument, it'd probably be nighttime. Simply put, Maya was a smart woman, so I don't think Maya would take the chance to go off on some remote, rugged hiking trail at night alone. If she even did go out hiking, she'd have enough sense to stay on the milder hiking trails. That means, IMO, Maya should have been found by now. They've searched the milder trails and even the more rugged ones, and they haven't found her. I could be wrong. I know sometimes they find someone after many searches. Perhaps they think she was buried out there? However, I do think it's time to consider other avenues whatever they may be. JMO though.

I agree whole-heartedly with everything you've just said. I believe any incident would've taken place Thursday night or very early on Friday morning. There was nothing after the 6:35pm text on Thursday night and as you've pointed out, if you listen to LM's words carefully, nobody had seen MM or had communicated with her. If this is true, then it would imply that LM is not being truthful when he says he heard her in the house downstairs Friday night.
...If this is true, then it would imply that LM is not being truthful when he says he heard her in the house downstairs Friday night.
Yes, I've been stuck on that from the start after hearing his phone interview the first time. Saying he thinks he heard her Friday night is not as bad as claiming he left his two daughters to be homeschooled by Maya that Friday. He has to later admit he didn't actually see her, but wants to suggest he left believing she was there. Didn't the girls ever tell him different even when he got home? MOO, it's a mistruth, or as some would call it... a LIE. It is tampering with the timeline. It is usually a Red Flag to LE.
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