CA CA - Michael Negrete, 18, Los Angeles, 10 Dec 1999

I haven't heard anything about those remains being identified as Negrete.

This case has haunted me for years because I was at UCLA when it happened. In fact, two years prior, I had lived in Dykstra Hall on the same floor he was living on when he disappeared. It just never made any sense.

Security in the dorms was tight. To get into any building, you had to have your student ID scanned and there were security cameras. There would no reason for anyone over, say, 21 to be near the dorms, especially because UCLA only guaranteed housing to freshmen at the time, so I'm not sure who the unidentified stranger they've talked about could have been. The bus stop his scent was tracked to was quite far; I'm going to guess almost a mile and mostly up a steep hill.

Other things to consider: UCLA is in a super fancy area; it's bordered by Bel Air, Westwood, and Holmby Hills (where the Playboy mansion and the Spelling estate were). While there is a notable homeless population in Westwood Village, the idea that one would have wondered that far out of the village and into the dorm area on the one night a kid went out in the middle of the night is very unlikely; I would say the same for someone trolling a victim. Why go to a campus with security at 4 am and hope you find someone walking around? There's also paid security driving around all of those adjoining neighborhoods 24 hours a day.

I know some previous posters said that the buried under the construction scenario is unlikely, but it's what I've always thought was the most likely scenario. There was an absurd amount of construction going on at the time; Dyksta didn't even have a dining hall or parking lot during the 97-98 school year (when I lived there) because they had been demolished for new construction. I don't if that had changed by 1999 or not, but I do know that much of the construction was around Dykstra and we were constantly having to take new detours and routes as the construction developed. I was recently on campus and the campus housing area was unrecognizable. That he could have fallen given the state of things during my time living there is not out of question. I don't know how construction people approach pouring cement, though.

The other thing I've wondered is if he might have been secretly gay (I'm not sure, but I believe his family is Catholic) and he had arranged to meet someone but didn't tell anyone in order to keep that a secret. Things were different then, and people weren't as accepting about that. Perhaps he was on some online site in the middle of the night and decided to get picked up by the wrong person? He was obviously computer savvy. I certainly don't want to spread rumors, but that is one of the few things I could think of that would account for how he would come to be picked up by a dangerous person at all.
I haven't heard anything about those remains being identified as Negrete.

This case has haunted me for years because I was at UCLA when it happened. In fact, two years prior, I had lived in Dykstra Hall on the same floor he was living on when he disappeared. It just never made any sense.

Security in the dorms was tight. To get into any building, you had to have your student ID scanned and there were security cameras. There would no reason for anyone over, say, 21 to be near the dorms, especially because UCLA only guaranteed housing to freshmen at the time, so I'm not sure who the unidentified stranger they've talked about could have been. The bus stop his scent was tracked to was quite far; I'm going to guess almost a mile and mostly up a steep hill.

Other things to consider: UCLA is in a super fancy area; it's bordered by Bel Air, Westwood, and Holmby Hills (where the Playboy mansion and the Spelling estate were). While there is a notable homeless population in Westwood Village, the idea that one would have wondered that far out of the village and into the dorm area on the one night a kid went out in the middle of the night is very unlikely; I would say the same for someone trolling a victim. Why go to a campus with security at 4 am and hope you find someone walking around? There's also paid security driving around all of those adjoining neighborhoods 24 hours a day.

I know some previous posters said that the buried under the construction scenario is unlikely, but it's what I've always thought was the most likely scenario. There was an absurd amount of construction going on at the time; Dyksta didn't even have a dining hall or parking lot during the 97-98 school year (when I lived there) because they had been demolished for new construction. I don't if that had changed by 1999 or not, but I do know that much of the construction was around Dykstra and we were constantly having to take new detours and routes as the construction developed. I was recently on campus and the campus housing area was unrecognizable. That he could have fallen given the state of things during my time living there is not out of question. I don't know how construction people approach pouring cement, though.

The other thing I've wondered is if he might have been secretly gay (I'm not sure, but I believe his family is Catholic) and he had arranged to meet someone but didn't tell anyone in order to keep that a secret. Things were different then, and people weren't as accepting about that. Perhaps he was on some online site in the middle of the night and decided to get picked up by the wrong person? He was obviously computer savvy. I certainly don't want to spread rumors, but that is one of the few things I could think of that would account for how he would come to be picked up by a dangerous person at all.
Welcome to Ws Lapcas, thanks for the insight and interesting speculation!
Also, because I've been thinking about this more since I posted . . . I wonder if someone accidentally hit him in a car and freaked out and dumped his body somewhere. Honestly, the idea of some drunk driving college student hitting him while he was wondering around seems far more likely than a predator going after him. I wonder if A) you would be able to tell on the paved road where something like that occurred, and B) if the police checked. The road he was on was an internal loop on the UCLA campus with outlets on either side; there wouldn't have been any through traffic. It just occurred to me, although I don't know anything about how hit and runs are detected . . .
Also, because I've been thinking about this more since I posted . . . I wonder if someone accidentally hit him in a car and freaked out and dumped his body somewhere. Honestly, the idea of some drunk driving college student hitting him while he was wondering around seems far more likely than a predator going after him. I wonder if A) you would be able to tell on the paved road where something like that occurred, and B) if the police checked. The road he was on was an internal loop on the UCLA campus with outlets on either side; there wouldn't have been any through traffic. It just occurred to me, although I don't know anything about how hit and runs are detected . . .

Putting myself in the shoes of someone who accidentally hits someone but doesn't want the police to find out, I'd keep driving. I wouldn't risk being detected by stopping by the road and moving the body.

I'm also thinking that Michael might have left the campus that night to grab food from a 24/7 establishment.
I don’t understand why Negrete went to “congratulate” someone over a game at that hour. Surely that’s not the norm? He could have done that the next day or just sent a message on the chat or email or whatever. Why do it in person? I remember a very old article which is nowhere to be found now where it said he was shown on camera “leaving the building willingly”. Why the hell would you leave your dorm at that hour of the night, completely leave the building and go across to another one just to say “hey great game man”. Didn’t he live on the top floor or near the top floor too? He didn’t take his shoes apparently either or any key or anything. That seems a lot of hassle to go to just to go and say “well done good game” to someone. It doesn’t make any sense. He had to have been going to do something more urgent or been called out to do something that couldn’t wait until the morning. How did they even know that he left in order to congratulate another player? Who told the police this information? Wasn’t his room mate sleeping?
'Last updated February 23, 2019; three pictures added.''
Michael William Negrete – The Charley Project
  • michael_william_negrete_4.jpg
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  • negrete_michael6.jpg
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    • ''Missing Since 12/10/1999
    • Missing From Los Angeles, California
    • Classification Endangered Missing
    • Sex Male
    • Race White
    • Date of Birth 03/25/1981 (39)
    • Age 18 years old
    • Height and Weight 5'8, 130 pounds
    • Clothing/Jewelry Description A blue plaid shirt, khaki shorts and white shoes.
    • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian male. Brown hair, brown eyes. Negrete had a crewcut at the time of his 1999 disappearance. His biceps and neck muscles are well-developed. Negrete's nickname is Mike.''
I don’t understand why Negrete went to “congratulate” someone over a game at that hour. Surely that’s not the norm? He could have done that the next day or just sent a message on the chat or email or whatever. Why do it in person? I remember a very old article which is nowhere to be found now where it said he was shown on camera “leaving the building willingly”. Why the hell would you leave your dorm at that hour of the night, completely leave the building and go across to another one just to say “hey great game man”. Didn’t he live on the top floor or near the top floor too? He didn’t take his shoes apparently either or any key or anything. That seems a lot of hassle to go to just to go and say “well done good game” to someone. It doesn’t make any sense. He had to have been going to do something more urgent or been called out to do something that couldn’t wait until the morning. How did they even know that he left in order to congratulate another player? Who told the police this information? Wasn’t his room mate sleeping?

The person who congratulated him, I believe, told the cops this. And, no, I do not think it is abnormal. His friend that he was playing with was his neighbor. It is not uncommon for one to celebrate a game. Yes, they may have been up late, but there is no word that they had work in the early morning. They were college students. It is not abnormal to stay up late for a college student nor for an adult, and he was not going far to congratulate him. I actually think it would be odder for him to congratulate him the next day. There is nothing off about a neighbor just greeting another neighbor/friend after an activity. Also, think about the times... look at the year this occurred; it is not like they had smartphones. This did not happen today. He did take slipper type shoes; he doesn't need anything more than that. He didn't need keys to congratulate a neighbor. I don't see how living on the top floor is significant at all.
The person who congratulated him, I believe, told the cops this. And, no, I do not think it is abnormal. His friend that he was playing with was his neighbor. It is not uncommon for one to celebrate a game. Yes, they may have been up late, but there is no word that they had work in the early morning. They were college students. It is not abnormal to stay up late for a college student nor for an adult, and he was not going far to congratulate him. I actually think it would be odder for him to congratulate him the next day. There is nothing off about a neighbor just greeting another neighbor/friend after an activity. Also, think about the times... look at the year this occurred; it is not like they had smartphones. This did not happen today. He did take slipper type shoes; he doesn't need anything more than that. He didn't need keys to congratulate a neighbor. I don't see how living on the top floor is significant at all.
How would he get back into the building without keys? It’s been said that he left the building willingly. That implies he left his dorm block and went outside to another dorm to say congratulations to the other person. That’s a lot of effort to go to at that hour of the morning for something so trivial, especially since they are already likely chatting on the game and he could have offered his congratulations virtually through the game or yahoo chat or whatever. Most 18 year olds are too lazy to even go downstairs in their house and get a drink at that time. After playing video games all night and probably eating junk food and smoking weed they just crash out on the spot and go to sleep. It makes sense more to me if he had gone to discuss a bunch of other stuff with this same person or he was already on his way to do something else like get food and dropped in on the guy on the way. Or that he was on some sort of amphetamines or other drugs that were causing him to be awake all night.
How would he get back into the building without keys? It’s been said that he left the building willingly. That implies he left his dorm block and went outside to another dorm to say congratulations to the other person. That’s a lot of effort to go to at that hour of the morning for something so trivial, especially since they are already likely chatting on the game and he could have offered his congratulations virtually through the game or yahoo chat or whatever. Most 18 year olds are too lazy to even go downstairs in their house and get a drink at that time. After playing video games all night and probably eating junk food and smoking weed they just crash out on the spot and go to sleep. It makes sense more to me if he had gone to discuss a bunch of other stuff with this same person or he was already on his way to do something else like get food and dropped in on the guy on the way. Or that he was on some sort of amphetamines or other drugs that were causing him to be awake all night.

Most lazy eighteen-year-olds do not end up at UCLA. He did not leave the building to congratulate a friend. The friend was on the same floor as he was. The friend reported him going back into his room. ~35 minutes later, someone matching his description was seen leaving the dorm building. Nobody knows why he stepped out of the building. That is one of the big mysteries of this case. It did not seem clear if at the time the students needed a key card to access the building or if there was a guard that could open the door. He could have also just forgotten his keys. It happens.

Yeah, if the gamer friend was in a different building it would seem out of the way to just say good game, but it was reported he was on the same floor in Dykstra Hall. You're right he would need his keys if he left the building, but it could have been a slip. I don't know know how entrance access was designed to the building in 1999, if there were guards or if there was any security cameras there. I haven't seen any articles that discuss this.
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