Still Missing CA - Michaela Garecht, 9, Hayward, 19 Nov 1988 *ARREST*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Hi there. I'm new to this forum. Only discovered it a while ago, so this is my first post. :) Nice to meet everyone!

For some reason Michaela's case has been on my mind a lot ever since I heard her story. It just won't leave my mind, and now it stays even more in my mind with the discovery of the bone. I just really wish for her to go home alive and be with her family, I really do, but it's been so long. :( Her poor mother has no idea about her daughter for almost 1/4 of a century. My heart really goes out to her. I have no idea how painful it is for her, but I really do hope she gets answers one day, even if they're the ones we don't want. I've been checking her blog and Facebook waiting for an answers with the DNA, but they haven't even started it apparently.

My opinion on the bone, Sharon said it has some matches to her DNA in regards to blood type, etc, but don't know for sure. I really think it is Michaela though, I feel it in my heart. If Shermantine claimed she was in the well, I believe him. I know other families of other missing children who disappeared around that time in that area have been notified too, so it could be them. Either way, I know Sharon would prefer her alive. Myself too, as said I would love nothing more than for her to be reunited with her mother, if I could have one wish that would be it, but I just have a feeling these are hers and I hope this brings Sharon some closure, and at least they can have a proper burial and (maybe) take comfort in the fact she's not somewhere they can't find being tortured and raped.

Herzog does look like the composite, I must say. Especially when he had long hair (that matches the exact description - blonde, wavy, same length). I'd be interested if the witness said it could be Herzog, but I assume he would've been one of the ones they'd pointed out to her when she was asked to identify the kidnapper.

It's just all round sad. :(

Very nice first post and :welcome: to WS.

I agree that he looks like the picture of the suspect. And I know he sometimes hung out in that town of Castro Valley. And we know those two monsters were evil enough to carry it out. For Michaela's family, I hope they can close this out and stop wondering what happened. :rose: :star: :rose:
Thanks and welcome to Websleuths!
I also am praying that this is the end of wondering for Sharon. I also feel in my heart it is Michaela. This will be so surreal, I have been following Michaela's disappearance for so many years, praying for so many days she'd be found. I can only imagine how this will be for Sharon.
Shermantine, despite what a smuck he is, has told the truth for majority of this time. I don't think he is lying. All we can do is pray. I hope many families get closure. I'm still also waiting to see if Gayle Marks is one of their victims-I think she is:/
Thanks everyone :)

I just looked up Herzog and he was born in January 1965, making him 23 when he (allegedly) abducted Michaela, so he fits in with the kidnappers age too. It can't be a coincidence that he was around the same age, has the same eyes as the composite and also the same hair. (Did he have acne too?) I wonder if he also owned or had access to the car she was kidnapped in. The only thing that makes wonder that it might've not been him is that he seemed to target older girls, at least 16 years old and serial killers usually target the same type of people, but I'm not a killer so I can't really say. He might've just wanted to kill and saw Michaela as an opportunity to do that (since her kidnapping wasn't planned, it was obviously opportunistic). I'd say the person had done this before too, because they did it in broad daylight as her friend watched. I agree with you though, Shermantine is (obviously) not a nice person, but he hasn't lied about anything so far to my knowledge so I believe him about the remains. I wonder if he had anything to do with Michaela's kidnapping or if it was just Herzog acting by himself.
Thanks everyone :)

I just looked up Herzog and he was born in January 1965, making him 23 when he (allegedly) abducted Michaela, so he fits in with the kidnappers age too. It can't be a coincidence that he was around the same age, has the same eyes as the composite and also the same hair. (Did he have acne too?) I wonder if he also owned or had access to the car she was kidnapped in. The only thing that makes wonder that it might've not been him is that he seemed to target older girls, at least 16 years old and serial killers usually target the same type of people, but I'm not a killer so I can't really say. He might've just wanted to kill and saw Michaela as an opportunity to do that (since her kidnapping wasn't planned, it was obviously opportunistic). I'd say the person had done this before too, because they did it in broad daylight as her friend watched. I agree with you though, Shermantine is (obviously) not a nice person, but he hasn't lied about anything so far to my knowledge so I believe him about the remains. I wonder if he had anything to do with Michaela's kidnapping or if it was just Herzog acting by himself.

I've read that some serial killers (I think the Green River killer might have been one of them) pick older victims as they themselves age. So starting with a young victim might fit.

Also, while there's a certain kind of SK who chooses only one narrow type of victim and method, there are others who go with whatever's convenient at the time.
Very nice first post and :welcome: to WS.

I agree that he looks like the picture of the suspect. And I know he sometimes hung out in that town of Castro Valley. And we know those two monsters were evil enough to carry it out. For Michaela's family, I hope they can close this out and stop wondering what happened. :rose: :star: :rose:
Castro Valley is very close to Hayward, just across the freeway, easy access...
All these thoughts are also why I believe we have found Michaela. I just wonder how many other victims will be found. As sad as I am to say this, I don't think they will recover all the victims, if it's as much of a toll as Shermantine claims.
I remember I made a list of possible victims. I dont remember which thread it's on, but with some new info in the past months, Im thinking on revising it-especially after we hear if Michaela was a victim.
For me.......and I sometimes don't post what I actually feel on this case because I know Sharon reads the posts sometimes, and the last thing I would want is to say something that would add any amount of pain........But I think Herzog is the one that took her.

I have felt this for a few years, ever since I watched a Cold case episode on the SFK's. It just stuck in my gut and when they started finding the bodies in the wells, it was strengthened.

These two Serial killers are unusual because they didnt really have a type. They killed men, women....young women (16 yrs old) to older women. So if all of the missing girls from the bay area end up being found because of Wesleys maps, I would not be surprised.
But I do have some issues with this. The Palm print. Sharon said that the palm print was checked and did not match Shermantine or Herzog. So who moved the scooter? Was it one of their wives......I have my suspicions about Christina "Sugar" Herzog....but someone held Michaela down in the back of that car. This was one reason why Garrido sounded like the guy, his wife helped him kidnap Jaycee.

Herzog claimed that Shermantine was the Killer, he was just along for the ride. Well if Michaela is indeed a victim, then this changes everything and even more victims need to be added to the list. Which is scary.

I so want Sharon to get her daughter back and Alive!! But if Herzog did indeed kill her, there is nothing anyone can do to change that, but the torture of not knowing will end for Sharon and her family. That information as hard as it will be to deal with, will also bring healing and closure. Its a double edged either pray she is alive living in a hell you cant imagine, or you hope she was put out of her misery quickly.

No matter what this just sucks!
For me.......and I sometimes don't post what I actually feel on this case because I know Sharon reads the posts sometimes, and the last thing I would want is to say something that would add any amount of pain........But I think Herzog is the one that took her.

I have felt this for a few years, ever since I watched a Cold case episode on the SFK's. It just stuck in my gut and when they started finding the bodies in the wells, it was strengthened.

These two Serial killers are unusual because they didnt really have a type. They killed men, women....young women (16 yrs old) to older women. So if all of the missing girls from the bay area end up being found because of Wesleys maps, I would not be surprised.
But I do have some issues with this. The Palm print. Sharon said that the palm print was checked and did not match Shermantine or Herzog. So who moved the scooter? Was it one of their wives......I have my suspicions about Christina "Sugar" Herzog....but someone held Michaela down in the back of that car. This was one reason why Garrido sounded like the guy, his wife helped him kidnap Jaycee.

Herzog claimed that Shermantine was the Killer, he was just along for the ride. Well if Michaela is indeed a victim, then this changes everything and even more victims need to be added to the list. Which is scary.

I so want Sharon to get her daughter back and Alive!! But if Herzog did indeed kill her, there is nothing anyone can do to change that, but the torture of not knowing will end for Sharon and her family. That information as hard as it will be to deal with, will also bring healing and closure. Its a double edged either pray she is alive living in a hell you cant imagine, or you hope she was put out of her misery quickly.

No matter what this just sucks!
Although Garrido also resembled the composite, he was cleared for the palm print. There was more than one "team" of sickos operating, for example Davveggio & Michaud.
yeah I agree that Davvegio and Michaud need to be looked into more closely. I think they were at it more than the authorities know and I think Michaud could be persuaded to talk!
I've read that some serial killers (I think the Green River killer might have been one of them) pick older victims as they themselves age. So starting with a young victim might fit.

Also, while there's a certain kind of SK who chooses only one narrow type of victim and method, there are others who go with whatever's convenient at the time.

That is very interesting. Thanks for the info. I also didn't realise that Shermantine and Herzog had many victims that were different ages and genders. If Michaela is one of their victims, it is reasonable to suggest that and as I said, they could've just been wanting to cause harm and saw Michaela as an opportunity to do that, regardless of her age.

Amber1, that is a scary thought. If Michaela is a victim, then what's to say the other young girls who went missing from that area aren't victims of them too? It opens up so many possibilities now. I'm not saying they had anything to do with every kidnapping or murder there, but they should be looked into for other cases, because I did not think Michaela would be a victim of them.

The palm print is interesting. I think I read somewhere that they had a "third" person helping them, someone starting with a "J" like Jason or Jay, but I can't verify it so don't take my word for it. I also wouldn't be surprised if Herzog's wife helped him, as she seems to defend him. He must've had to have an accomplice, it would be hard to throw a child in a car, keep them quiet and stop them from escaping and drive in a non suspicious way. Jaycee's case is so similar to Michaela's so I can understand the Garrido link, but I don't think he is involved with Michaela's disappearance.

I don't know much about the locations or area because I don't live in the US and have never been, but is this well close to anywhere? I just find it so hard to believe it went undiscovered for ages, but it could be very isolated. Can some kind soul help me understand the area? Thanks :)
so nice to have you here on websleuths:)
It is a very terrifying thought. When I heard of the SFK for the first time, I did not think they were responsible for taking Michaela. Even when Shermantine had mentioned her in a letter earlier in the year, I still did not think that. But now, I feel like the pieces are falling into place, and my heart goes out to Sharon and everyone who loves Michaela.
I don't think the SFK are responsible for all the missing bay area girls, but possibly some of them.
I've always thought Amanda Campbell and Amber Swartz-Garcia cases were the ones connected to each other after reading books and information about these cases. For a bit, I thought Michaela's disappearance was similar to Jaycee Dugard's, but I don't think that now. I am not sure of the others.
Going to keep bumping for Michaela till we hear the DNA results! So I apologize now if it gets annoying!

I dont know what to believe but it seems that Sharon is taking this one very seriously. So I would assume she knows something about this that we don't.

I would like to hear what everyone else feels about this DNA test and Herzog as the kidnapper.

Michaela's mom, Sharon, stated on her blog that Herzog did have access to a vehicle like the one described in the kidnapping, and also that there were indications that he liked little girls. What I'd like to know is who's car was this? Was it ever searched? Where is it now?

The cars description: A large older model American-made sedan. It was possibly a four-door vehicle and was either cream or tannish gold in color. The car may have had cement splatters on the sides and lights set into the rear bumper. The front bumper was battered; the vehicle appeared run-down, it may have previously been in an accident.

This is very detailed. If the description matched, why did police think other leads were more important?? Did police check to see if the palm print matched the car owner? These are the questions I wish would be answered. :banghead:

As for the DNA test that was done, I believe it will come back positive as Michaelas. And I think I figured out why the bones were misidentified at first.

In the above article, Joanne Hobson's mother talks about her daughter and says, "She was the size of a 10-year-old child. She was about 4'6" and weighed 80 pounds." Now Michaela was listed as 4'8 and 75 pounds. Since there were so many bone fragments, I believe the original lab got lazy and assumed the bones were Hobsons because of her short stature instead of taking the time and quite possibly having to spend a lot of more money to test each one. And that is just plain unforgivable. :(
Thanks amber1, I am liking this website. It's quite interesting to come on here and read about cases and people's opinions. I actually learn a lot from reading it, but it does make me sad for families of missing people who might not get any answers.

Yes those were the two cases I thought of. It'd be interesting to see if their bones come out of the well. And you're like me, I didn't think the SFK had anything to do with Michaela's disappearance at all but now it's starting to come together.

That car does sound unique. This reminds me of Angela Hammond, who was abducted from a phone booth and never seen again. The truck that the kidnapper owned had a fish decal that looked unique on the back window, but still, nobody has ever found this car. It's just so weird that such a unique car has never been found in both cases. But aren't there people who said they saw the kidnapper driving away with Michaela? I heard that was the last time people saw her.

The whole thing with Joann Hobson (RIP) and her mother really makes me feel weird and sick because she could have accepted the bones and buried them (which I would have probably done because I want my daughter to be at rest) but she got them sent to a lab and they found another victim. What if she had accepted and buried them? Michaela would still be considered missing, Sharon would have no closure and nobody would ever know. Even if it's not Michaela, it's another family who would never know what happened to their child. I'm so, so glad Joann's mother did this. She's such a caring woman to delay the burial of her daughter to help a family find answers. The police really screwed this up. How could they be so careless? They need to apologise to these poor families. It's interesting to hear that they were very similar in weight and height, the reason you gave is most likely the correct one. Police too lazy to check the difference and just bundled them together.
Sheriff Moore thought a backhoe was the way to remove remains from a well, and has said he would do the same thing all over again.

If this was a some grave yard for Prehistoric animals, we would take more care in removing them. And that is truly sad!

What I find even more sad is after 10 years Wesley is talking and telling the truth......and yet no one has lifted a finger to recover victims buried in other wells.

Michaela is loved by so many people that Sheriff Moore better pray its not her when this test comes back........Because the out cry is going to be something we have never seen!
So sad to think...people would put more care into digging up a prehistoric fossil to market, than a human being to put to rest and to give closure to their family.
A back hoe!? Is it even possible to remove remains intact whatsoever with that?? I wonder how many other instances has this happened?!
At this point, I feel anyone from or around the Stockton, CA that was missing is most likely a SFK victim...Shermantine has not lied yet and mentioned so many other people still in those wells....why they heck haven't those wells been searched!?
Yes I find the backhoe thing quite bad too. Sharon stated that because of it, they have to identify bones one by one as it separates them out (most likely the bodies were whole when they were buried and left untouched for years). Some bones might not go home with families now. Even if it were a good method, why create extra work for yourself with having to identify them one by one? There's thousands of bones there. Obviously they got lazy too because Joann was mixed with two others. It's such a disgrace.

Does Wesley feel remorse for what he did? Why is he revealing all these locations? Was it the 33k he was offered?

Sharon should file a lawsuit against that police station if those bones come back Michaela's. They have been so negligent.

It's taking long because I suspect they have to identify the bones one by one now and that takes ages. I'm surprised the testing on the bone suspected to be Michaela's is taking so long though. I thought we'd have answers by her anniversary.
Yes I find the backhoe thing quite bad too. Sharon stated that because of it, they have to identify bones one by one as it separates them out (most likely the bodies were whole when they were buried and left untouched for years). Some bones might not go home with families now. Even if it were a good method, why create extra work for yourself with having to identify them one by one? There's thousands of bones there. Obviously they got lazy too because Joann was mixed with two others. It's such a disgrace.

Does Wesley feel remorse for what he did? Why is he revealing all these locations? Was it the 33k he was offered?

Sharon should file a lawsuit against that police station if those bones come back Michaela's. They have been so negligent.

It's taking long because I suspect they have to identify the bones one by one now and that takes ages. I'm surprised the testing on the bone suspected to be Michaela's is taking so long though. I thought we'd have answers by her anniversary.

Not only do they have to try to identify them one by one, but with bones that old, finding testable material can be difficult. The smaller the pieces, the more likely that is to happen.

I don't think he feels remorse. I think he thinks it all "proves" how much "smarter" he is than LE, because they couldn't find the remains on their own.

This is just infuriating. I can't figure out why this sheriff isn't willing to solve these crimes. I suppose he partly has the attitude of some older LE, that since they've got the perp and he's being punished, it doesn't matter about the rest of his crimes. And he might think Wesley's playing some kind of game, not telling the truth, so he's not going to pay attention to his claims. Neither of which is much of an excuse, if you ask me.
I think you're right. I don't know much about the SFK, that's why I thought he might've felt remorseful, but everything I've looked up shows otherwise - disgusting.

What a wicked world,” says Gayle Marks’s mother. “I don’t know how one human being can do that to another. He likes the notoriety or the power that it gives him—like he is still in charge. ‘I might have killed your children but you still don’t know where their bodies are.’ If he can get the rest of us marionettes to get what he wants as he pulls the strings it probably makes his time in prison go a little faster.”

I found this article that's really interesting.

It says he had many strange requests, like if he were to fight in Iraq, he'd reveal the location, and if Tesla (the man who sent him to death row) gave him $600 for "art supplies" he would too. He would only do it if it benefitted him in some way, not because he felt guilty. Didn't he also say to Chevy Wheeler's mother that "When I die people will know where I'm buried and you won't know where your daughter is buried" or something? Ugh.

I don't like how he's blaming Herzog for it all either. Herzog is dead and can't defend himself, so he's a good scapegoat. Shermantine was just as guilty as Herzog. Calling it "Loren's boneyard" and blaming him for everything. Loren might have kidnapped Michaela, but Shermantine says she's in there so he obviously knows something and is just as guilty.

Despite all this, he is being honest and that's why I believe Michaela is one of their victims. :(
Herzog blamed Wesley for everything, so its tit for tat with those two! I'm glad he is finally talking, but when everyone is found and returned to their families, we need to hook Wesley up and get rid of him.

Both of these guys were monsters hunting innocents! We make films like Predator when in reality there are people far scarier in real life.

Loren Herzog was 6' 5" and over 200 pounds, I don't think he was that scared of Wesley and was a willing participant.....and maybe had the taste to do things on his own, like take little girls!

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