GUILTY CA - Michelle Hoang Thi Le, 26, Hayward, 27 May 2011

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

"There won't be an ID tonight," Hayward police spokesman Lt. Roger Keener wrote in an email late Saturday. "I believe there will have to be forensic analysis to determine ID, which could be weeks."

Technicians carefully dug around the remains, which were "mostly bones," said Nelson, creating an archeological dig of sorts. They used a device to record 360-degree photographs of the scene, he said, but were unable to determine gender.

"In decomposition, there are lots of things that affect it -- temperature, rains," Nelson said. "When the back of the body is lifted and removed there may still be skin and clothes. We'll have to see."

Nelson said the bones had been at the site for no longer than two years.

From the article:

"Nelson said the bones had been at the site for no longer than two years."

Michelle disappeared almost four months ago. Would her clothing (another source of identification) also be gone? In this short amount of time wouldn't there be something to at least give an inclination if these remains are hers? The "no longer than two years" indicates, imo, this person may have died before Michelle went missing, or would the environment have accelerated her decomposition to this point within four months?

I really do hope this is Michelle...can't understand why it could take weeks to know. DNA can be done very quickly these days.
I really do hope this is Michelle...can't understand why it could take weeks to know. DNA can be done very quickly these days.

*If* this is Michelle, I can't understand why it would take that long either.


Up on 680 there used to be a cell tower disguised as a tree.
I Drove up to Verona tonight. That area almost looks like private property.
On the searches we were not allowed to go on private property, so that is how
the body could have been easily missed. Its not a through road it ends at a bridge with
steel poles. Tonight the poles were down. I dont know if they are always down.
The night she disappeared it was still light up until 8 or later. Its a weird and spooky
place that is behind a house.
KTVU website is reporting police went back to the site this morning...could be promising.
Whoa I just got home to this news. My sister-in-law had texted me that they found a body that might be Michelle's.
Oh Lord I hope and pray that the family did not find her (if this is Michelle) My hearts go out to the searchers and especially who found the body. How devastating.
I think it is Michelle though. I hope it is for the families sake so they can give her a proper burial. They must be heartbroken tonight.
I had a feeling she would be found this weekend. I think that's why my gut was saying for me not to be on this search. I would not have wanted to have been the one to find her. I don't think I could handle that.
I think I know exactly where this place is and if I remember correctly it's owned by EBMud of the regional park district. About 10 years ago I went to a big bbq with friends from church, one of our friends lived in that house with his family and there is a beautiful old temple structure in the back at the end of the road. My friend worked for Hetch Hetchy I think part of his work compensation was living in that house. Weird.
Weird too that that area was already searched and nothing found. It's rural but anyone walking along those roads a few feet in would have spotted a body.


Mercury News reports that a Hayward Police officer, who joined in Saturday's search for Michelle, located human remains around the area where Michelle's cell phone last pinged. They were not able to determine if the remains were female, and have not removed the remains from the scene.
I'm creeped out because it's not very far from where my daughter takes dance lessons, and I've been driving near there for months, in fact, in the spring we thought about trying to find the entrance to Pleasanton Ridge Park to walk my dog, but were driving the opposite direction!
from the article (bolding by me):
"Alameda County Crime Lab technicians are on the scene looking to gather further evidence. Because of the advanced state of decomposition, the gender of the corpse cannot be readily determined. Its identity will likely be matched with Ms. Le's dental records and forensic DNA samples. There were no obvious articles of clothing found with the body."

Do you think that fact lessens the likelihood of it being ML?
I don't think it has to do with simple immaturity and pettiness. The woman is psycho. She is violently dangerous. I think with her it was just a matter of time before she was jailed for some sort of horribly violent act.

I can see her cutting off her boyfriend's you know what, or killing her children to hurt her ex, or any host of evil, violent acts. She reminds me of Gabriel Johnson's mother, Elizabeth, or Katherine Kieu Becker, or Trenton Duckett's mom. You know, seriously deranged and vengeful monsters who really don't care whether they go to jail, as long as they "get back" at whoever they feel wronged them.

But let me make clear, although I think those types are severely disturbed, they aren't insane in the legal sense at all. Otherwise, IMO, they wouldn't have hidden or tried to hide what they did.
How much you wanna bet Giselle's defense will be (pregnancy)hormone-induced insanity???
from the article (bolding by me):
"Alameda County Crime Lab technicians are on the scene looking to gather further evidence. Because of the advanced state of decomposition, the gender of the corpse cannot be readily determined. Its identity will likely be matched with Ms. Le's dental records and forensic DNA samples. There were no obvious articles of clothing found with the body."

Do you think that fact lessens the likelihood of it being ML?

Who's to say the perp didn't undress her - particularly if she was wearing white which could easily be spotted if the body was close to the side of the road. It wouldn't make sense even to a person in a rage or psycho to leave white clothing on a victim. At least not to me.
from the article (bolding by me):
"Alameda County Crime Lab technicians are on the scene looking to gather further evidence. Because of the advanced state of decomposition, the gender of the corpse cannot be readily determined. Its identity will likely be matched with Ms. Le's dental records and forensic DNA samples. There were no obvious articles of clothing found with the body."

Do you think that fact lessens the likelihood of it being ML?
Not necessarily if the perpetrator didn't want the victim to be easily identified or even noticed where she (assuming it is ML) was disposed of. The removal of clothing by a female perp could also be to throw LE off their trail as it could be taken as a assumption of a sexual assault (upon finding the remains) which would normally lead to a male suspect.

Not necessarily if the perpetrator didn't want the victim to be easily identified or even noticed where she (assuming it is ML) was disposed of. The removal of clothing by a female perp could also be to throw LE off their trail as it could be taken as a assumption of a sexual assault (upon finding the remains) which would normally lead to a male suspect.


KRON-tv had good coverage of the location this morning, with a reporter there --she couldn't get to the exact spot because of it being a crime scene, but the area around there had many joggers and so on. If GE knew enough to take the body to this place, then it seems like she would have known how "populated" it was on weekends (and maybe weekdays). For sure she would have removed Michelle's white scrubs because they would be so easy to see.
So sad and so senseless. Look at how many people GE has hurt by her actions. Not just Michelle.
So sad and so senseless. Look at how many people GE has hurt by her actions. Not just Michelle.

I've thought of this over and over. It makes me so angry. If only someone had noticed GE was ill before she did all this damage--long before--maybe in childhood. Possibly family-- where are they? Not that a family can take the blame or even help mentally sick relatives all the time, but someone should have intervened.

It's just so senseless.
I've thought of this over and over. It makes me so angry. If only someone had noticed GE was ill before she did all this damage--long before--maybe in childhood. Possibly family-- where are they? Not that a family can take the blame or even help mentally sick relatives all the time, but someone should have intervened.

It's just so senseless.

I think many families mistake "hot headed", "quick tempered", and even "irrational behavior" as part of the person's personality. They fail to realize that this can be and often is mental illness. I'm not saying this is the case here but it often is a sign.

Sometimes, it is not mental illness but just a person who is out of control or has never had to be responsible for their actions. If this behavior is always tolerated the person won't change. jmo
From the article I've linked, Alameda County Sheriff's spokesman J.D. Nelson is quoted as saying:
"We are 100 percent certain it is a crime scene," Nelson said. "It's a human body."

I have a question about that comment.

Just the fact of finding a human body wouldn't make it a crime scene necessarily, wouldn't that be so?

For example, what if it were a homeless person, or any person, for that matter, who had lain there to rest and died from natural causes.

I may be reading too much into the comment, but I'm wondering if there was something real evident by the appearance of the remains that caused him to say with "100 percent" certainty that it was a "crime scene".

Anyone have a thought on that? Maybe I'm being too picky with semantics.
From the article I've linked, Alameda County Sheriff's spokesman J.D. Nelson is quoted as saying:
"We are 100 percent certain it is a crime scene," Nelson said. "It's a human body."

I have a question about that comment.

Just the fact of finding a human body wouldn't make it a crime scene necessarily, wouldn't that be so?

For example, what if it were a homeless person, or any person, for that matter, who had lain there to rest and died from natural causes.

I may be reading too much into the comment, but I'm wondering if there was something real evident by the appearance of the remains that caused him to say with "100 percent" certainty that it was a "crime scene".

Anyone have a thought on that? Maybe I'm being too picky with semantics.

Probably because she was young, not likely to die of natural causes. But possibly because of how the body was lying or there could have been visible signs of trauma on the head or body. Or it could be obvious that they had tried to hide the body. Or any combination of the above.
Also, if they are reasonably certain that it is her.. maybe there are traces of the clothes she was last seen wearing.
I've heard that cops with quite a bit of experience can take one look at a dead body and figure out if it's a homicide, even if it's not obvious to anyone else.
I haven't followed this case too closely, but part of me hopes this is her just so her family can bury her and be at peace. It won't take the pain away, but it is the best that can be hoped for at this point, unfortunately.
From the article I've linked, Alameda County Sheriff's spokesman J.D. Nelson is quoted as saying:
"We are 100 percent certain it is a crime scene," Nelson said. "It's a human body."

I have a question about that comment.

Just the fact of finding a human body wouldn't make it a crime scene necessarily, wouldn't that be so?

For example, what if it were a homeless person, or any person, for that matter, who had lain there to rest and died from natural causes.

I may be reading too much into the comment, but I'm wondering if there was something real evident by the appearance of the remains that caused him to say with "100 percent" certainty that it was a "crime scene".

Anyone have a thought on that? Maybe I'm being too picky with semantics.

You're not being at all picky, it's a good question!
I'm sure I read that there were no clothes on the body, which might make it a crime scene to a cop. Or the way the body was placed.
I've thought of this over and over. It makes me so angry. If only someone had noticed GE was ill before she did all this damage--long before--maybe in childhood. Possibly family-- where are they? Not that a family can take the blame or even help mentally sick relatives all the time, but someone should have intervened.

It's just so senseless.


I've thought about that alot, even alluded to that in my latest article about GE.
It seems like some people were beginning to take her bizarre behaviors very seriously, like Scott Marasigan (by getting the restraining order) Maybe GE has never had to pay for or have consequences for her actions, and when Scott did that it flipped her out and all her rage came out against Michelle. IMHO>

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