CA CA - Mitrice Richardson, 24, Malibu, 17 Sep 2009

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Has anybody else noticed inconsistencies in the reporting of this story? Just about everything involving time.

Most articles said the incident at the restaurant occurred around 10pm, another article said 8pm. The time for her release from the Sheriff station has been quoted as midnight, 1:30am, 3am and 4:30am.

Most articles state that she was seen resting in a backyard at 6:30am, yet her Facebook group for the search states 1:15am (which would be before she was even released according to articles).

Some articles say she did not/could not pay for her meal and a credit card over the phone would not be accepted, others say her credit card was rejected and they would not take the second credit card over the phone.

I will try to collect some URLs so you can see what I mean.

Seems weird.

She was last seen at the 500 block of Cold Canyon Road, assuming she was the one sleeping on porches. If you look on Google Maps, this is a bit of a walk from the main canyon road, off of Piuma Road, a residential thoroughfare that heads into the mountains. I hope searches have been considering this area east of Las Virgenes Rd. and not just Las Virgenes Road and Malibu. She could have very well followed Piuma Road into the wilderness. It becomes something like "Santa Monica Raceway" or something like that, after the hot rods that race through the forest in that area, and eventually hits PCH after a very long and winding route.

I noticed odd times given as well.
And that sometimes happens in missing persons cases.
But these times are way off the mark.

One article said she was sleeping on a porch, but when police arrived, she was gone.

Another article said she is a substitute teacher, living with her great grandmother as the home is close to where she works.
Others say she is going for her PhD, and the reality is she could be doing both.
Her dad said he felt she was being held against her will, but now, there is no mention of that.

Her mom says she had money in the bank.
Her grandmother offered to pay the bill on her credit card by phone, but
was told no, because she did not have a fax machine to fax over her signature.

Still, I cannot imagine police letting a woman they suspected of being impairied out into the night. No money, no transportation.

I hope she is found soon.
Haven't read the story links yet, but I saw this story on the news this morning and it did not make sense to me. Was she disabled, mentally challenged or under the influence? She did not have a vehicle or was it left at the restaurant? Very strange indeed.

She was not disabled, or mentally challenged. her family thinks she had a mental breakdown of some sort.

the LE impounded her car because when they arrested her at the resturant they founda small amount of pot in her car.

they released her at 1:30am w/o transportation home. That is when she went missing.

Such a beautiful girl. hope they find her soon.
She was not disabled, or mentally challenged. her family thinks she had a mental breakdown of some sort.

That's the impression I got. Either that, or that weed (or less likely the drink from the restaurant), if she smoked any, contained something else.
I am wondering if there is some way she just walked out of the police station. I saw reports that they found the marijuana in her purse in her car, then I saw where they say she left the police station with no purse, which sounds like she wasn't officially released. I don't know, just bizarre.

Richardson was booked, then released at about 1:30 am. After making a few phone calls, the 24-year-old, who her mother says was afraid of the dark and lacked street savvy, left the station with no car, no purse or even a cell phone. The sheriff's department says they couldn't force her to stay.

Of course the Sheriff's dept could force her to stay, especially if they thought she was intoxicated.

Our Sheriff's Dept has let a couple of people go during the night like this and allowed them to walk along a very busy highway - only way back to town. Both were hit by cars and died. Our Sheriff's dept doesn't let people walk at night like this anymore.

LE needs to find this young woman and get her home. They blew it big time and the only way to fix it, is to find her.

I wonder why she did not call her parents to come get her? Did she make any calls while still at the station?
I wonder why she did not call her parents to come get her? Did she make any calls while still at the station?

According to LE she made a few calls. It is unknown who she called.
Have they tried to run a trace on those calls? Was she the type of person who would accept a ride from someone she didn't know?

Another thing I thought of ... I have teenager's and twenty-something kids. In their social circles ... When one in the group is in trouble, the rest always come to the rescue. If one of their friends was taken from a restaurant in the back of a cop car, they would be at the station waiting for their release or asking questions. Did any of the people she ate with check on her?
Have they tried to run a trace on those calls? Was she the type of person who would accept a ride from someone she didn't know?

Another thing I thought of ... I have teenager's and twenty-something kids. In their social circles ... When one in the group is in trouble, the rest always come to the rescue. If one of their friends was taken from a restaurant in the back of a cop car, they would be at the station waiting for their release or asking questions. Did any of the people she ate with check on her?

The people she had dinner with weren't her friends. Just some people she kind of latched on to at the restaurant. Which is a little bizarre by itself. Would seem kind of odd for a girl this age to go to a restaurant by herself.

Sadly I think they will find this one dead by the elements or something. I think they said there was a canyon in the area. Its just sad and strange. I just wonder what was wrong with this young woman, was she drugged or on drugs, did she have a breakdown?
The people she had dinner with weren't her friends. Just some people she kind of latched on to at the restaurant. Which is a little bizarre by itself. Would seem kind of odd for a girl this age to go to a restaurant by herself.

Sadly I think they will find this one dead by the elements or something. I think they said there was a canyon in the area. Its just sad and strange. I just wonder what was wrong with this young woman, was she drugged or on drugs, did she have a breakdown?

I wonder if a LE officer is invovled. This case is just to weird.
IMO, I think she had a psychotic break, for one reason or another.
Mitrice was there at the restaurant alone. Some newspaper articles said
she had come to meet a friend.
The restaurant said she had only one drink.
She joined the 6 people at another table. They were okay. Until she expected them to pick up the check.
Her mother says she had money in her bank account.
Her great grandmother offered to pay the bill by phone on her credit card. The restaurant had a policy of needing a signature. Needed it faxed to them. Great grandma did not have a fax.
Mitrice was saying 'odd' things.
as in, she was there to avenge Michael Jackson..

Police were called.
They searched her car, found a small amount of marijuana.
Police impounded her car and arrested Mitrice.
They booked her, then released her.
Supposedly, the police offered her a private cell to sleep
and another officer said she could sleep in the lobby.
Mom had been called but could not get there til morning,
or 4am, I cannot remember.
Mitrice left.
Now, she was not drunk, but she was acting strangely and saying strange thngs and I don't think she stopped once she got the police station.
Police could not forcibly make her stay.
But , middle of the night, 13 miles from the restaurant, would have to go down some dark winding canyon roads. On foot. No car, as it was impounded.
She was seen by neighbors, sleeping it has been said, either the front porch or on the back lawn. They asked her if she was okay and called the police, but she took off.
She has not been seen since.

Mitrice was working as an executive assistant.
She had been certified to work as a substitute teacher.
She also was going back to college to get her PhD.
She lived with her great grandmother as it was close to her work.

IMO, police were not legally bound to help her out, but they certainly were ethically and morally and humanely bound to do so.
I wonder why she did not call her parents to come get her? Did she make any calls while still at the station?

I saw her parents on the Today show last week and her mom said she called the police to let them know she was on the way to pick up her daughter. She alleges they never told her daughter she was on the way and let Mitrice leave alone.
Ugghh, not a good feeling on this one. I am still hung up on the mental issues, I want to know more on that. Says she was a 4.0 Grad of Cal State Fullerton and was going to enter a doctoral program, that doesn't sound like a drug user or someone with heavy mental health issues.

But if she was having a break with reality, she may have gotten in the car with god knows who. Do we know for a fact if LE did tell her Mom was on the way?

Don't jails have mental health social workers on staff 24/7? Why wasn't she referred, it was stated she was making weird comments. Come on now LE, the we can't detain her just doesn't cut it in this case.
I wonder if a LE officer is invovled. This case is just to weird.

Me too! I would like to see the video of her leaving the police station (I am sure there is one). I would like to see the officer who took the phone call from her mother explain why they did not pass the message on and I would like to see the neighbors describing her when they found her sleeping on the porch or back lawn or where ever. If the neighbors fail to come forward to the media - I won't believe they actually saw her....

According to LE she made a few calls. It is unknown who she called.

So she must have used the pay phone right? Because LE had her cell phone? Why would LE give her the cell phone back? Or am I confused? One of the articles said she had no purse, wallet or cell phone. How come? LE wouldn't hold that as evidence so where were her things? Were they left in her car? Why didn't LE get them for her?

That's kind of weird, isn't it?

Well, a few things that popped out at me:

Why was she there? Was she meeting or with someone? This is a romantic place to go because of the views. Malibu is a long drive from Orange County. Did she have a reservation? This is a busy place and they usually require reservation. Did she have family local? Goeffreys is a fancy place to go alone. Why did she go without money?

I really doubt that one drink and a steak dinner would come to $89.00, even if it is Goeffreys. Drinks are about $13, according to online rating sites, so her steak as about $65? Nope. So...she either had more drinks on her bill, or another meal, and was someone else supposed to pay but left her? If she had one drink, she would not have been drunk, unless someone else was buying her drinks. So why do they think she was intoxicated? Maybe someone slipped her that date drug? Was she in the bar area or the restaurant, or on the patio? Why did she leave the police station with no purse or cell phone? Why would they not give it back to her? If they had her drivers license, they knew she was not from Malibu, so where did they think she would go?

There is more to this than we are hearing, IMO.
While I am very bothered that she is missing as I am if anyone is missing, I don't believe that it is LE's fault. She called her family and they knew she was at the jail. If they were really concerned about her welfare, why didn't they go and see about her or call another family member or friend to go see about her if they didn't have a vehicle? LE let her use the phone and call her family apparently. Her grandmother knew when she was at the restaurant that she was in trouble. If LE had let her drive her car and she had hit someone then people would be questioning why did they let her drive. If they had made her stay, then they would have been fussed at for keeping her in a cell for a non-violent crime. They said she could stay. What happened to personal responsibility?
I see your point jandkmom, but I still have many questions about the facts in this case. To me LE does have a responsibility if someone is clearly not mentally competent. I'd like to see an official statement from LE.

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