CA - Natalie Wood, 43, drowned off California coast, 29 Nov 1981

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I knew someone was going to say that.

So you guys are saying Brittany Murphy was not a drug addict? Ok I'm not going try to convince you otherwise.

It was my understanding that yes gossip and rumors are often about the insider information surrounding a celebrity that wind up making it into the press in a twisted version.

I hate Perez Hilton and never follow him however the fact that he boldly said Brittany Murphy was headed for death and she died shortly after should speak to it.

I am not using Perez Hilton for that reason.

Someone asked me to find documented newspaper proof that Natalie Wood had a drinking problem.

My point is, you will only find those kinds of statements in regular newspapers if the person has admitted it or gone for treatment. In addition you will find that the families of people tend to circle the wagons and try to protect the person who died. Which is what the two people I've brought up demonstrate. Ridiculously so.

That is the only reason I brought them up. But yes it is apples and oranges and lets get back on topic.

The point is it is completely logical that both CW and RW were quiet about what happened when it happened because NW was drunk and used drugs earlier.

Using quaaludes is the sign of a drug user to me. I don't know about the rest of you but people who use cocaine, smoke pot and use qualuudes are drug users. If on top of that you have a plethora of prescription drugs that serve the same purpose and then spend evenings getting drunk, then common sense tells me that you probably have a few issues with drug use. I would say that person has a problem with drinking and drugs.

But hey if that's not a clue in your perspective I guess we'll just agree to disagree. To me it's common sense.

Wood was taking at least eight prescription drugs, including Darvon — then a popular pain killer — at the time of her death. She was also taking Antivert, a pill that combats nausea and sea sickness. Another drug, Dalmane, is taken to fight insomnia.

At the time of her death, Noguchi noted 2 small pills which had not yet dissolved in her small intestine. “They appear to be a large size of a vitamin-like substance by the appearance and by the smell. The gastric contents emits the smelling of alcohol.”

Autopsy report for NW.
Chewy, I'll go you one better. I believe everyone is lying about that night. What were they doing, individually or together, that a lie is better than the truth? What was going on in Isthmus Cove that night?

bolded by me.

Zoe Bogart, I am wondering if you are right.

Since no one's story of what happened is reliable owing to their extreme intoxication, then there is really no basis for speculation, at least regarding what happened with the four of them that weekend. Well--people can speculate all they want, but it's pure guesswork.

The only "evidence" we have in this case is concrete records such as: written records of the time that the calls were placed to search teams, location of boat's mooring, witnesses at the restaurant, autopsy results, etc. (And the witnesses at the restaurant are giving subjective views, of course).

As far as what happened on board the Splendour that weekend, the statements in the police report are based on intoxicated persons' statements, so they are not even reliable.
I agree with that Columbo. I'm wondering if the reason they reopened the case is to look into to see if the other boat made the calls like the say they did. They stated they called twice. And the second time they were supposed to send a "helicopter" which never showed up. It seems an extreme reaction to send a helicopter so I'd like to see if they ever really made the calls.

My hunch is that they didn't call at all and there will be no records.
But you think RW is telling the truth?

Why does he get a pass? The one with the most obvious motive for lying, imo.

I think the captain lied back then. His book came out two years ago, I don't know that money is a very big motive for him today. Not considering the price he pays personally by admitting his shoddy performance of duties and lack of ethics that night. Who would want that kind of publicity?

The other boat? Certainly appeared to acquiesce easily -- went back to bed when no response to their help call, just "believed" slurred "We're coming to get you," and if story is true, caved when got a threatening note and when saw RW in person at a restaurant. So, 30 years ago the couple on this boat were not very persistent about getting help, possible fearful, likely star-struck...yes, they/she may be lying. But why?

How do we know what lines up when we have no baseline truth? I don't understand how you "line up" any of this evidence when we don't know what is true and what isn't. We don't even have a factual timeline, do we?

Why didn't any of these people get help when there was a chance to save her? Why didn't Rescue respond to the neighbor boat's call? When precisely did the Splendour call for help? We know when she was pulled out of the water, appears to be over 5 hours after she was noticed missing by RW, captain and after cries heard by boat.

If help didn't come, why wouldn't all involved, especially her husband, move heaven and earth to keep seeking help?

I just don't see how RW is exempt from same level of scrutiny as that on captain and neighboring boat. RW is the one who should have cared the MOST.


bolded by me.

This is so true, eve. RW is the one who should have cared the most.

And we need a factual timeline--but we will probably never get one.
Too much time has passed; records could even have been destroyed, such as records showing whether the "ear witness" actually did call in Natalie's distress cries or if the search teams didn't respond (as the ear witness states).

Personally, I tend to believe that something about what happened that night has been eating at Davern all these years. I hope he will tell someone what he saw, or thinks he saw. If LE does have new information, maybe they will finally be able to get the truth out.
I think he was culpable as well. This story is a classic case of people losing their temper and letting themselves be led by ego. Unfortunately everyone on this boat was an adult. If this was a situation where a teenager fell overboard I'd expect RW to get a jail sentence. But NW was an adult. I believe in personal responsibility.

All the witnesses accounts are suspect to me because no one has actually reported seeing Natalie Wood in the water.

But I do think records should show that a call was called in. Cold cases like this have been solved years later. Especially due to the high profile nature of this case I would think that evidence has been preserved.

If I was a DA the only reason I'd open the case based on the testimony and evidence at hand is to see why no rescue boats came out. Everyone keeps pointing out RW's culpability in not calling for help right away. I don't because I think he misunderstood what happened and thought she went to shore.

But the fact remains that supposedly TWO calls were made for help and no one showed up. So there is culpability on the part of the rescue agencies that dropped the ball. There must be some sort of documentation.

If they had responded NW would be alive today.
I'm not saying 100 percent she had a drinking problem. I just think all the conspiracy theories out there are borderline ridiculous.

We've got RW and CW were having sex and NW walked in and in trauma ran away and drowned.

We've got RW beating her up and throwing her over the side of the boat. (even though if he did that don't you think her cries for help would have been "help me he's trying to kill me"_

We've got RW and Stephanie Powers in some mixed up murder scenario.

We've got RW laughing as NW struggles in the water, cackling madly and saying "leave her there teach her a lesson."

Or we've got a situation where NW is drunk and goes to retrieve another bottle of wine from the dingy and falls in.

My point in mentioning it at all is that it seems to be the simplest story. But maybe CW and RW started saying she went to tie up the dingy because they didn't want it to be a tabloid mess of exactly the headline above. That she got drunk and fell in the water and drowned.

Instead it was "she was woken and sleepy and went to tie up the dingy and fell in the water and drowned."

To me it's pretty simple looking. None of the testimony and evidence backs up DD's story. Yes RW didn't go look for her but IMO it was because he thought she went to shore and was embarrassed and he realizes his ego is basically what caused her to drown because if he had gone after her she may have been found in time. This is what I think he is guilty of and why he feels guilty. It also matches his statement that it was an accident.

I honestly think DD is making crap up at this point. I don't necessarily think he's lying but I think he's told himself this lie for so long he actually believes it.

I also do not believe the testimony from the other boat. It doesn't make sense that someone is going to tell them over the phone "Don't worry we'll send a helicopter out" that's just not normally done. They would have sent a boat.

I also don't see how they could have just gone back to bed. I personally think they actually heard NW and RW fighting. And woke up and then went back to bed, then the next day they realized what happened and thought "OMG I bet we heard her drowning" and then started embellishing.

I do hope they trace the calls to see if they ever called for help because I don't think they did.

I'm not even sure what your question is EVE are you seriously suggesting that if Natalie Wood didn't have a drinking problem then there is no way she could have gone to the dingy to retrieve the bottle of wine?

I have always wondered why she would go near the dingy. Makes no sense. The story that she wanted to tie up the dingy is ridiculous to me. She was a tiny little thing, the captain was on the boat she would have asked him to do it. She wasn't going to shore, she wasn't dressed appropriately for going to shore. She was dressed for going to get something on the boat.

Simplest answer, she went to get something out of the dingy which is why she went near the dingy. The only thing I could imagine her wanting is the wine. She was already drunk and so acting a bit careless and fell in. In trying to pull herself into the dingy she disloged it, or when she fell in the dingy was pulled away. Perhaps she knocked herself out and the down jacket acted like a life jacket and kept her bouyed up until she died.

Annnnd finally sorry so long. I think it is well known that NW had addictions. To painkillers etc and other things. Her father was an alcoholic and that runs in family's but I don't think I'm going to find "evidence" beyond her close friends and family an I guess just a bit of common sense. It's like Britney Murphy dying and everyone knowing she was an addict. Back then they covered for people much more.

I'm not even sure what your question is EVE are you seriously suggesting that if Natalie Wood didn't have a drinking problem then there is no way she could have gone to the dingy to retrieve the bottle of wine?

I suggested nothing of the kind, made no such assertion.

I think we have no more evidence that she was an alcoholic ("drinking problem" = a euphemism) than we do of anything else in this case. Lots of labeling and assuming going on. I simply wanted to know what the "confirmation" (of her drinking problem you mentioned) amounted to, that's all.

Her BAC was .14. I have seen people function with much higher, and yes, I know the driving legal limit is .08. I also believe some people are trashed at .14. Everyone is different.

I think we can conclude they were all pretty drunk.

I think her fear of water would have kept her from going to shore, even intoxicated -- RW would not have thought this, imo, no matter what he said. I doubt anyone heard him (or anyone else) say she ever went out in the dinghy at night alone until after she was dead. Correct me if it is documented that she did. I know he made these comments afterward, but I'm just not buying it. When you have that kind of fear, it is pretty intense, I highly doubt she would mess with the dinghy to retrieve the wine. I doubt very much it would have been necessary -- I can't imagine that wine they brought from shore was the only booze on that boat. RW is the one who wanted the Soave Bolla after dinner. Unlikely their yacht wouldn't have a stocked bar. She would have taken the path of least resistance if she wanted a nightcap. Just my opinion and experience. :innocent:

And of course, who knows?

I'm not even sure what your question is EVE are you seriously suggesting that if Natalie Wood didn't have a drinking problem then there is no way she could have gone to the dingy to retrieve the bottle of wine?

I suggested nothing of the kind, made no such assertion.

I think we have no more evidence that she was an alcoholic ("drinking problem" = a euphemism) than we do of anything else in this case. Lots of labeling and assuming going on. I simply wanted to know what the "confirmation" (of her drinking problem you mentioned) amounted to, that's all.

Her BAC was .14. I have seen people function with much higher, and yes, I know the driving legal limit is .08. I also believe some people are trashed at .14. Everyone is different.

I think we can conclude they were all pretty drunk.

I think her fear of water would have kept her from going to shore, even intoxicated -- RW would not have thought this, imo, no matter what he said. I doubt anyone heard him (or anyone else) say she ever went out in the dinghy at night alone until after she was dead. Correct me if it is documented that she did. I know he made these comments afterward, but I'm just not buying it. When you have that kind of fear, it is pretty intense, I highly doubt she would mess with the dinghy to retrieve the wine. I doubt very much it would have been necessary -- I can't imagine that wine they brought from shore was the only booze on that boat. RW is the one who wanted the Soave Bolla after dinner. Unlikely their yacht wouldn't have a stocked bar. She would have taken the path of least resistance if she wanted a nightcap. Just my opinion and experience. :innocent:

And of course, who knows?


I agree, if she wanted more wine she could have gone to the bar rather than the dinghy, and certainly would have done that rather than take a risk with what she feared most.

And it is so true--RW knew she was deathly afraid of the water so why would he even surmise that she got in the dinghy, in the dark, and went somewhere? To add insult to injury he then made that statement to the rescue crew about thinking she was " on another boat screwing around because that is the kind of woman she is". As if her hormonal drive was so intense that she would go face the thing she feared most, dark water, in order to satisfy some urges? It seems so unlikely. The statement implies that she is a woman of very loose morals--it doesn't sound as if there were any boats in the isthmus with persons she knew, so why would she go "screw around" on another boat, anyway?
I'm not even sure what your question is EVE are you seriously suggesting that if Natalie Wood didn't have a drinking problem then there is no way she could have gone to the dingy to retrieve the bottle of wine?

I suggested nothing of the kind, made no such assertion.

I think we have no more evidence that she was an alcoholic ("drinking problem" = a euphemism) than we do of anything else in this case. Lots of labeling and assuming going on. I simply wanted to know what the "confirmation" (of her drinking problem you mentioned) amounted to, that's all.

Her BAC was .14. I have seen people function with much higher, and yes, I know the driving legal limit is .08. I also believe some people are trashed at .14. Everyone is different.

I think we can conclude they were all pretty drunk.

I think her fear of water would have kept her from going to shore, even intoxicated -- RW would not have thought this, imo, no matter what he said. I doubt anyone heard him (or anyone else) say she ever went out in the dinghy at night alone until after she was dead. Correct me if it is documented that she did. I know he made these comments afterward, but I'm just not buying it. When you have that kind of fear, it is pretty intense, I highly doubt she would mess with the dinghy to retrieve the wine. I doubt very much it would have been necessary -- I can't imagine that wine they brought from shore was the only booze on that boat. RW is the one who wanted the Soave Bolla after dinner. Unlikely their yacht wouldn't have a stocked bar. She would have taken the path of least resistance if she wanted a nightcap. Just my opinion and experience. :innocent:

And of course, who knows?


You make good points. We don't know, it just made me think.

But I agree that she would not have gone to shore. She was not dressed for the shore anyway. So we know that is out.

That leads to the banging dingy and IMO with her fear of water, her intoxicated state and the fact that DD had the radio blasting according to his own testimony, she would have gone to ask him to help her.

I am suspicious across the board that no one seems to even for a second to consider that the one person she was with IN the dingy earlier that night was DD. He took her to shore. She spent the night with him. They all come back and he is the one that tied up the dingy which is banging. RW was yelling at her and angry, so she's not going to ask him for help, she'd ask DD.

If she fought with RW and wanted to go to shore she'd ask DD.
If the dingy was banging she'd ask DD
If she wanted something from the dingy she'd ask DD.

Further reason to talk to DD. If the radio was too loud she might have asked him to turn it down.
He was a drug provider for them, if she couldn't sleep she would have gone to him for drugs.

So why everyone is giving him a free pass is beyond me. We only have his word that RW saw her last. According to RW and CW she went to bed before them.

Also the captain does report that RW was serving him up booze all night, so you are correct that there was alcohol on the boat. I don't see any statement that says RW was the only one who liked the wine. He ordered it but that doesn't mean he didn't want it for his wife.

It would be curious to see what NW had been drinking at the bar that night. If she was drinking the same she then it might back it up. Many people do not like to mix their liquor for fear of devastating hangovers.
You make good points. We don't know, it just made me think.

But I agree that she would not have gone to shore. She was not dressed for the shore anyway. So we know that is out.

That leads to the banging dingy and IMO with her fear of water, her intoxicated state and the fact that DD had the radio blasting according to his own testimony, she would have gone to ask him to help her.

I am suspicious across the board that no one seems to even for a second to consider that the one person she was with IN the dingy earlier that night was DD. He took her to shore. She spent the night with him. They all come back and he is the one that tied up the dingy which is banging. RW was yelling at her and angry, so she's not going to ask him for help, she'd ask DD.

If she fought with RW and wanted to go to shore she'd ask DD.
If the dingy was banging she'd ask DD
If she wanted something from the dingy she'd ask DD.

Further reason to talk to DD. If the radio was too loud she might have asked him to turn it down.
He was a drug provider for them, if she couldn't sleep she would have gone to him for drugs.

So why everyone is giving him a free pass is beyond me. We only have his word that RW saw her last. According to RW and CW she went to bed before them.

Also the captain does report that RW was serving him up booze all night, so you are correct that there was alcohol on the boat. I don't see any statement that says RW was the only one who liked the wine. He ordered it but that doesn't mean he didn't want it for his wife.

It would be curious to see what NW had been drinking at the bar that night. If she was drinking the same she then it might back it up. Many people do not like to mix their liquor for fear of devastating hangovers.

bolded by me.

On the first bolded part, I believe your accounting of the story is incorrect. Friday night Natalie and DD went ashore and spent the night at a hotel.

It was Saturday night--the night she drowned-- that they all went to the restaurant--actually, Natalie and CW went ashore and got to the restaurant first. RW and Davern joined them later.

For the second bolded part, how can we believe what RW and CW say if they were all drunk and some were high? I really don't think anyone is giving DD a free pass, since he was drunk and high, too. Or are you saying that matching testimony from 2 drunks trumps contradicting testimony from a sole drunk?
I knew someone was going to say that.

So you guys are saying Brittany Murphy was not a drug addict? Ok I'm not going try to convince you otherwise.

It was my understanding that yes gossip and rumors are often about the insider information surrounding a celebrity that wind up making it into the press in a twisted version.

I hate Perez Hilton and never follow him however the fact that he boldly said Brittany Murphy was headed for death and she died shortly after should speak to it.

I am not using Perez Hilton for that reason.

Someone asked me to find documented newspaper proof that Natalie Wood had a drinking problem.

My point is, you will only find those kinds of statements in regular newspapers if the person has admitted it or gone for treatment. In addition you will find that the families of people tend to circle the wagons and try to protect the person who died. Which is what the two people I've brought up demonstrate. Ridiculously so.

That is the only reason I brought them up. But yes it is apples and oranges and lets get back on topic.

The point is it is completely logical that both CW and RW were quiet about what happened when it happened because NW was drunk and used drugs earlier.

Using quaaludes is the sign of a drug user to me. I don't know about the rest of you but people who use cocaine, smoke pot and use qualuudes are drug users. If on top of that you have a plethora of prescription drugs that serve the same purpose and then spend evenings getting drunk, then common sense tells me that you probably have a few issues with drug use. I would say that person has a problem with drinking and drugs.

But hey if that's not a clue in your perspective I guess we'll just agree to disagree. To me it's common sense.

Autopsy report for NW.

bolded by me.

Who was using cocaine in this group?
I'm wondering, did CW sleep through this whole event ? When did he wake up--did the search team roust him from sleep?
"A sexy movie star with a drink problem mysteriously drowns."

Hmmmm. This one line (proofread much?) doesn't cite any supporting details, though. I guess anyone who gets drunk has a drinking problem --- at the time. Just not sure this clinches it for me.

eve-- "anyone who gets drunk has a drink problem" :rocker::crazy:

doesn't work for me either -- for the same reasons.

thanks for the attempt though, chewy.
le sigh.

You doubt they were using cocaine?

And you also doubt that NW had a drinking problem.

le sigh.

You doubt they were using cocaine?

And you also doubt that NW had a drinking problem.

I guess common sense is out the window again. And we're back to RW throwing her over the side of the boat and leaving her to drown.

Okie dokie then.

I hadn't heard cocaine was involved and none showed up on the autopsy so yes, I doubt it. I believe they were all drunk, I believe any or none of them could have had/have a drinking problem. Drinking was definitely a problem on this particular night. They should have stuck to pot (imo:innocent:).

I do remember reading that it was RW who insisted on the Soave Bolla. I do not have a link.

Why is common sense out the window? Isn't being drunk enough? And I do not give DD a pass, but he is the one who has maintained he lied before -- he has apparently said this for some time and he initiated it. I do view him differently because he came forward and it wasn't because the police or anyone else was pushing on a 30-year old case. Not even Lana Wood. I don't think anyone heard much from her except in the context of him continuing to make his claims -- she says he called her for years, upset about this. She wanted to believe RW, I think, in the beginning.

I hadn't heard cocaine was involved and none showed up on the autopsy so yes, I doubt it. I believe they were all drunk, I believe any or none of them could have had/have a drinking problem. Drinking was definitely a problem on this particular night. They should have stuck to pot (imo:innocent:).

I do remember reading that it was RW who insisted on the Soave Bolla. I do not have a link.

Why is common sense out the window? Isn't being drunk enough? And I do not give DD a pass, but he is the one who has maintained he lied before -- he has apparently said this for some time and he initiated it. I do view him differently because he came forward and it wasn't because the police or anyone else was pushing on a 30-year old case. Not even Lana Wood. I don't think anyone heard much from her except in the context of him continuing to make his claims -- she says he called her for years, upset about this. She wanted to believe RW, I think, in the beginning.


bolded by me.

That is correct, eve, RW wasn't happy with the wine selection at the restaurant and that's why DD and CW went back to the boat to get the bottles of Soave Bolla. There probably isn't a link--it's in the book Goodbye Natalie, Goodbye Splendour.

Thanks for bringing up the fact that DD admits he lied. Something is bothering his conscience and at least he will admit it. For me, that is very crucial. It certainly leaves me questioning the other people on board. The one person who I would totally believe is no longer around to talk about it.
bolded by me.

That is correct, eve, RW wasn't happy with the wine selection at the restaurant and that's why DD and CW went back to the boat to get the bottles of Soave Bolla. There probably isn't a link--it's in the book Goodbye Natalie, Goodbye Splendour.

Thanks for bringing up the fact that DD admits he lied. Something is bothering his conscience and at least he will admit it. For me, that is very crucial. It certainly leaves me questioning the other people on board. The one person who I would totally believe is no longer around to talk about it.

Thanks Columbo, your post reminded me that the Soave originated on board rather than in the restaurant. This further reinforces that there was no need for Natalie to retrieve wine from the dinghy. Also, we notice no solo travels (that we know of) in the dinghy. Which is SOP for responsible boaters. Also underlines my belief that, drinking or not, this group knew the rules and NW is very unlikely to have set off on the dinghy alone.

Thanks Columbo, your post reminded me that the Soave originated on board rather than in the restaurant. This further reinforces that there was no need for Natalie to retrieve wine from the dinghy. Also, we notice no solo travels (that we know of) in the dinghy. Which is SOP for responsible boaters. Also underlines my belief that, drinking or not, this group knew the rules and NW is very unlikely to have set off on the dinghy alone.


You're welcome, eve! It sure makes me think that RW could act like a fussy prima donna--everyone else was happy with the wines the restaurant served, but he had to send people out to get him Soave Bolla. Can you imagine inconveniencing people like that? I can't!

I didn't know that solo travel in a dinghy is prohibited, so thanks for that info. It seems so unlikely that NW would have set off in the dinghy alone!
le sigh.

You doubt they were using cocaine?

And you also doubt that NW had a drinking problem.

I guess common sense is out the window again. And we're back to RW throwing her over the side of the boat and leaving her to drown.

Okie dokie then.

I don't remember anything regarding cocaine in NWs system, just alcohol & quaaludes. And yes, they were picky drinkers, bringing their own wine to restaurants on Catalina Island.

I understand NW had a intense fear of water stemming from a childhood incident, but she did have a yacht, loved to be on the water & was in many parts of CA & the world, so I do not doubt she knew how to handle herself (again) on the water.

I suspect she was really pi$$ed off at CW/RW/situation and made the decision to go ashore. Way too intoxicated to do so, she accidentally fell into the water. With the down coat she had on, she was weighted down . . .

Sad sad story ! I don't blame anyone, especially RW or CW -- they both loved & admired her greatly.
You're welcome, eve! It sure makes me think that RW could act like a fussy prima donna--everyone else was happy with the wines the restaurant served, but he had to send people out to get him Soave Bolla. Can you imagine inconveniencing people like that? I can't!

I didn't know that solo travel in a dinghy is prohibited, so thanks for that info. It seems so unlikely that NW would have set off in the dinghy alone!

Is this a law? We don't adhere to this on Lake Michigan . . . and we didn't off the coast of Cali last summer.

While it is not a smart thing to do, is it prohibited? It should be especially at a harbor used so much like Catalina . . . Thanks
I don't remember anything regarding cocaine in NWs system, just alcohol & quaaludes. And yes, they were picky drinkers, bringing their own wine to restaurants on Catalina Island.

I understand NW had a intense fear of water stemming from a childhood incident, but she did have a yacht, loved to be on the water & was in many parts of CA & the world, so I do not doubt she knew how to handle herself (again) on the water.

I suspect she was really pi$$ed off at CW/RW/situation and made the decision to go ashore. Way too intoxicated to do so, she accidentally fell into the water. With the down coat she had on, she was weighted down . . .

Sad sad story ! I don't blame anyone, especially RW or CW -- they both loved & admired her greatly.

Hi krimekat. Actually, RW was the only one being picky about the drinks. The restaurant didn't have Soave Bolla, so he sent DD back to the boat to get some for him! CW went with him--I think he wanted to get away from the tense situation. In fact, while he and DD were back at the boat, he said he hoped they didn't need 2 bottles because he hoped the evening wouldn't last that long.

As far as what drugs Natalie had in her system, there was no cocaine detected. I'm not sure about barbiturates. IF she had ingested quaaludes, they are actually a substitute for barbiturates and I'm not sure how they'd show up on a toxicology test. Here's a link to the autopsy report.
The toxicology findings are on the last few pages.
One of the drugs listed which she had prescriptions for was Synthroid, which is a drug used to treat hyperthyroidism. She also had a prescription for a seasickness drug (understandable), and an antibiotic. There were several others, none of which indicate to me that she had a drug problem.

I know it really is weird that she owned the boat when she was so deathly afraid of being in the water. She had a frightening experience as a child on a movie set, falling into dark water, and her mother also had this fear that she would die in dark water.

As far as the down jacket, it's interesting: Marti Rulli, the author of GNGS, did an experiment in which she wore a down jacket in similar conditions to the ones when NW drowned. The down jacket actually kept her afloat! I think what caused Natalie's demise was hypothermia and subsequent drowning, but the jacket actually helped her survive longer.

I just don't know what happened that night. I used to think--as you say--that she was angry and upset at CW/RW fighting and took off in the dinghy by herself, but I have trouble wrapping my mind around that since she was so scared of dark water.

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