CA - Natalie Wood, 43, drowned off California coast, 29 Nov 1981

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Wow! I was 19 and pregnant with my first baby when I heard the news. I loved Natalie Wood. My favorite movie of hers is This Property is Condemned. Her death was the first celebrity "mystery" I can remember following. I remember reading that Natalie fell off the boat after a fight and tried to climb back on or in to a dinghy and the weight from her wet down jacket weighed her down. Wasn't her body found quite a ways from the boat?. I'm not agreeing with this but trying to remember what has been out there all these years. I know there has always been questions surrounding her death.

She was found about a mile away from the boat IIRC. That was the story that was put out there but I never believed it.I really wish the boat captain spoke out 30 yrs ago.

I loved all her movies! Only one I did not see was her last one I just could not watch it ever,but the rest I watched over and over again.
I am so glad to hear they're reopening her case! I remember her death and my raised eyebrows-- Robert Wagner is just an old man now, imo, it's high time to get to the bottom of things.

Btw, I loved the movie she and Walken were working on, Brainstorm. If anyone hasn't seen it, it's a pleasure to watch, and a good suspenseful movie.
Always thought her death was strange since she had a fear of water.... Wasn't there a movie in which there actually was a scene in which she fell off a boat into water at night?

I remember seeing that scene (long after her death) and thinking how strange is that!

Anyone know the movie I'm talking about, or is my old noggin just playing trick with me.

IIRC It took a lot of time to film that scene, and Natalie was almost on the brink of a nervous breakdown by the time it was filmed.It was a very traumatic experience for her.No way IMO would someone with that strong a fear of water would get in a dingy at night in the dark alone.
I'm probably dating myself that I remember when this happened, lol. After all these years, the captain of the boat that Natalie, Robert Wagner, and Christopher Walken were on is coming forth with new information that he withheld from the police 30 years ago. The story seemed so sketchy and unlikely at the time. The three of them were drinking out on the yacht, and supposedly there was an argument....Natalie Wood was deathly afraid of water all her life so it's so strange that she would have gone out on a dinghy by herself in the dark.
I've never liked the theory that the dingy was banging against the boat and she went to tie it up. Why in the world would a petite Hollywood "celebutante" do something like that when there were three men on board?

I think she just fell over the side of the boat and tried to pull herself into the dingy. And I'm sure she and Wagner had a fight but so what, it doesn't mean he killed her. Even if he slapped her over the side I would think he'd come to his senses and freak and try to save her, he wouldn't just let her drown.
I think Wagnor is up to his neck in this. My husband came home this morning with the latest developments. We know celebrities often get away with murder.
I think Wagnor is up to his neck in this. My husband came home this morning with the latest developments. We know celebrities often get away with murder.

I think they may have all been too smashed to do the right thing...especially Wagner and Walken. It's really sickening. I forget if it was in the article I posted, or another one, that said people in other boats heard a woman screaming for help, and some very relaxed voices saying "don't worry we're coming to get you". I wonder if, in their state of inebriation, the men did not take her seriously?
I remember my mom telling me about this... She loved crime stories. So I will go with what my mom said. She believed Robert Wagner let her drown and that is the same thing as murder.
I was going to open a thread about this earlier on this board until I found the discussion already posted on the Up To the Minute board:

[ame=""]NEW INFORMATION: Natalie Wood's 1981 death not an accident? - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
I have always thought the drinking and fighting led to her drowning. She either tried to take off in the dinghy in anger, or somehow fell in. Taking off in the dinghy might be something an intoxicated water-phobe might do - if angry and feeling "dramatic" enough, if that makes sense. I always loved both of them and don't think RJ would have killed her intentionally. But it has always seemed clear there was fighting and overindulgence and that combo can be dangerous, especially on a boat.


Respectfully BBM
This is what I remember thinking at the time. I also remember that not too long after NW's death (within a year), RJ got together with another beautiful actress, Jill St. John, whom he finally married in 1990.

Suspiciously, I think it is being brought up now because someone wants to make a buck. IMO and sorry for the snark. I can just see some heartless person thinking, hey you know Michael Jackson's estate made more money after he died? Isn't this the 50th anniversary of West Side Story?
I just watched the clip of the interview with the boat captain- Davern. Although I think Robert probably did murder her (pushed her overboard), this guy does NOT come across as very credible, First of all he was willing to lie, go along with Robert Wagner years ago in not searching for her, downplaying her death as an accident, but also he is extremely reluctant to reveal anything now. It was like pulling teeth for the interviewer to get anything out of him. If he isn't out to promote his book, then I think he's scared of Robert Wagner...:twocents:
I've never liked the theory that the dingy was banging against the boat and she went to tie it up. Why in the world would a petite Hollywood "celebutante" do something like that when there were three men on board?

I think she just fell over the side of the boat and tried to pull herself into the dingy. And I'm sure she and Wagner had a fight but so what, it doesn't mean he killed her. Even if he slapped her over the side I would think he'd come to his senses and freak and trying to save her, he wouldn't just let her drown.

BBM. Thats a job the yachts caretaker would do. Secure everything down for the evening.

Presser is on right now and it seems the Detectives are going to Hawaii to take a good look at the yacht again, I'm surprised the yacht is still active-maybe been in dry dock?. The only thing I heard so far is that R. Wagner is not a suspect, but I didn't hear any mention of CW or anybody else as not being a suspect either, that's the way LE likes to keep it, close to the vest. That wasn't the talk in hushed tones in Hollywood for years. From all accounts, NW was a rightly deserved Diva, she was what made a real movie star and would have never tried to intentionally hurt herself by drowning, but the drinking that day and night on shore and on the yacht, and the arguments that were reported in town, it wasn't pretty according to the news years ago.

It's going to be very sad if something major surfaces. It'll be good to have closure, but after all these years and old wounds being ripped open, IDK. Sure is sad, but at least her sister will get some satisfaction, she's been fighting them for years to do something more to investigate deeper.
IMO they will do an investigation and nothing new will come of it.

I remember this was a huge story in my neighbourhood and since NW and I share a very similar name kids at school kept asking me if we were related (we aren't, no connection LOL)
IMO they will do an investigation and nothing new will come of it.

I remember this was a huge story in my neighbourhood and since NW and I share a very similar name kids at school kept asking me if we were related (we aren't, no connection LOL)

I know what you mean. Too many years have gone by and I'll be very saddened if they exhumed NW, but you know that is bound to happen if she wasn't cremated, I do not think she was. Whoever knows the real story just has to live with themselves at this point. Let the dead rest. I always get highly suspicious when there's a book in the works especially by someone who could have been more honest years ago, but took the sucker's way out for maybe some hush money.
Splendor in the Grass, oddly enough it is said that is the film the boat was named after also.

This was my most favorite movie..I watched it earlier this year, with my teen daughter.
Natalie was beautiful and Warren Beatty... good grief:blushing:
I believe this will come back to her husband.
I was 15 when this happened, I remember my mom and aunt going on about it.
Here's Daily Mail's take on the matter; a little tabloidy, of course, but there it is:

Could DNA solve mystery of Natalie Wood's death? Police reveal 'credible' new evidence as boat skipper says: 'Wagner's to blame'
• West Side Story actress drowned at the age of 43 after falling off her yacht
• Ship's captain says death is 'linked to argument she had with actor husband Robert Wagner'
• Claims Wagner waited for four hours to call coastguard
• Wagner blames captain for profiteering from her death and has yet to appear publicly
• Ms Wood's sister thinks Wagner lied to police and reveals her sister would never go to the water as she was afraid of it
• Autopsy revealed two dozen bruises on her body
• Author of book on actress said death was inadequately investigated at the time
• Police may use new DNA technology in investigation
• Robert Wagner is NOT a suspect while death is still ruled an accidental drowning
the story, with plenty of pictures, of course, at link above
Also a film she was in as a child is said to have caused her fear of water:

"When I was halfway across," Natalie said later, "somebody pulled the lever prematurely and I was thrown into the water." She managed to catch hold of the collapsing bridge, clinging to the edge as the current pulled her in the direction of the waterfall. "My mother leaped forward crying, my child!" Natalie later told a reporter, "and the director said, 'Keep the cameras rolling! Keep the mother back!' Natalie's left wrist was broken and she nearly drowned. "I don't even remember them fishing me out." "It was so traumatic for her," observes her later confidant, Marc Crowley. "She'd been lied to, for one thing. And then there she was, fearful of her life." At the moment the accident occurred, the camera captured the expression of sheer terror on Natalie's face and that shot remains in the finished film.

More at link:|0/Young-Natalie-Wood.html

Thanks for this! This is why NW always wore a large bracelet on her left wrist for most of her adult life, because the wrist bone protruded and - I'm saying this in a nice way, she was very mindful to always cover it up. Call it a little egotisical, but she always, Always looked 100%. She knew she was a movie star and always kept up her looks, wasn't in her to look frumpy, not for her public.
I just watched the clip of the interview with the boat captain- Davern. Although I think Robert probably did murder her (pushed her overboard), this guy does NOT come across as very credible, First of all he was willing to lie, go along with Robert Wagner years ago in not searching for her, downplaying her death as an accident, but also he is extremely reluctant to reveal anything now. It was like pulling teeth for the interviewer to get anything out of him. If he isn't out to promote his book, then I think he's scared of Robert Wagner...:twocents:

For some reason, I can't see RW pushing Natalie overboard. I think she was tired of the goings-on onboard the yacht, wanted to go back home but the men were too involved in drinking and discussion (or arguing) to comply. So Natalie tried to get into the dinghy but fell into the water. I do believe that RW and CW ignored her cries for help. So they passively murdered her, by failing to help her. I always had the feeling there was jealousy or some sexual tension underlying everything--then the drinking just made the situation worse. JMO--I could be totally wrong.

I have to add: I haven't watched the boat's captain's interview and my mind may change after seeing that! It's just so hard to imagine RW being so drunk he'd push Natalie overboard--but worst of all, not try to save her.

Edited to add: I just watched the boat captain's interview and he does seem scared to death. It must have taken courage to reveal this coverup after 30 years. Some of what I said above was wrong, for example, I guess CW retired to his cabin after the bottle-smashing incident and was not present at the fight between RW and Natalie. I still don't think RW pushed her overboard, but who knows? At the very least, he's guilty of negligence that lead to her death.
My favorite movie of hers was an "off beat" one.

Inside Daisy Clover

ALL of her movies were really good - especially West Side Story. I loved her.

This will be interesting as it progresses
I always loved NW. I never, ever thought this was an accident even way back then when it was ruled an accident. I just didn't believe it. JMOO

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