CA - Natalie Wood, 43, drowned off California coast, 29 Nov 1981

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I just heard on HLN that Wagner is NOT a suspect. WTH??????
reporter: Will the captain be charged for lying about the case?
Does anyone know where in Hawaii The Splendour is?
I could be the on scene reporter and do a live shot!!
I just read that officials say Wagner is not a suspect.

I got that from a local news site's mobile app and I'm having a hard time linking it.

Has anybody else read or heard this?

*** sorry, I just saw the post up there
I just read that officials say Wagner is not a suspect.

I got that from a local news site's mobile app and I'm having a hard time linking it.

Has anybody else read or heard this?

*** sorry, I just saw the post up there

That is what they "say". I don't think that necessarily means that they don't consider him a person of interest. I think he is.
HLN reports that Nancy Grace will have extensive coverage of the developing story on her show this evening (8:00 EST).
Wfgodot posted that Wagner will not be a suspect while the ruling of cause of death is still determined to be accidental. He will likely be charged if the cause of death is homicide. Either Wagner or the captain or Walken. Who else was there on the boat? Gotta be Wagner, IMO.
I apologize if this has already been posted but it is a fascinating read:

It's from Robert Wagner's book, and it is about his relationship with NW and his version of what happened the night of her death.

I will always remember when I was a little girl, we visited Universal Studios. On the tour, you could go into a bungalow they claimed was Robert Wagner & NW's dressing room. Even then, I was mesmerized.
My favorite movie of hers was an "off beat" one.

Inside Daisy Clover

ALL of her movies were really good - especially West Side Story. I loved her.

This will be interesting as it progresses

The "off beat" Inside Daisy Clover showcased the full range of Natalie Wood's acting ability. My favorite is her role in Gypsy. jmo

Inside Edition on now where I live with feature on Natalie Wood. Here's the link:
I like all her movies but 2 that I like are Spendor in the Grass and Rebel Without a Cause. I am soooooooo old.
Got to be boring and remind everyone there is never a time frame on murder. However, I doubt charges will come, I hope I am completely wrong. The cover up was huge, and most of us know what Hollywood was about then. I hope for all the truth can come out. Manslaughter would be the most anyone could come up with, but, alas, it will remain the way Natalie remained famous and heartbreaking... Just sayin'....

Was any evidence kept? Was any retrieved?

While Hollywood is still somewhat the same, and a lot of the world, I think this was a big lesson to many. There are never enough when it comes to cover ups and domestic abuse. :(
I know what you mean. Too many years have gone by and I'll be very saddened if they exhumed NW, but you know that is bound to happen if she wasn't cremated, I do not think she was. Whoever knows the real story just has to live with themselves at this point. Let the dead rest. I always get highly suspicious when there's a book in the works especially by someone who could have been more honest years ago, but took the sucker's way out for maybe some hush money.

In the interview they say that the book written by the captain has been out for over two years.

What is or has been in the works is the 48 hours special scheduled to air tomorrow @ 10pm on CBS. Along with the fact that it has been 20 yrs.
This is a very horrible thing to do to RW's kids if he is innocent.

It could be that he fought with her very badly and she fell overboard and he thought she was being melodramatic and didn't answer her calls for help.

However I do think the captain would have done something. It seems like a bad accident and a huge fight and then tragedy. Imagine if you got in a huge fight with your husband or wife and they died the next day in an accident, I think anyone would react strangely and with guilt to that. This is why I think it feels so awkward.

Also, how do you 'forbid" someone from calling the coast guard. If Wagner was drunk and being crazy you don't GAF, you are the captain and you do what you need to do, you don't wait to call because your drunk passenger said leave her there.

All the captain has done IMO is incriminate himself. He stated Wagner was drunk so obviously had diminished capacity. The captain is at fault here. If someone falls off your boat you HELP THEM!!
I always thought the "crime" was one of drunk and angry negligence and the desire to avoid scandal--i.e. that Wagner stopped the captain from raising an alarm or using the searchlights because he wanted to avoid scandal, maybe thought she was hiding on board, figured she would find her way in the dingy, didn't want to draw attention to drugs and alcohol related matters on board...

But her sister tonight says that based on many conversations over the years with the captain (whom she finds credible) Natalie did not fall. I'm wondering now if it could be that
RW accidentally pushed her or spooked her over, untied the dingy and said "get yourself out," and angry went back to their cabin, emerging later to find this was no joke. I don't suspect some deliberate murder-conspiracy, but it does seem that the police and this key relative feel there are significant developments in the story.
Oh, also,new theories emerge about the jacket: some articles claim the down jacket should have acted as a life jacket, but that hypothermia set in (made even more likely by the fact that Ms. Wood had so much alcohol in her system). I do know a news story claimed a baby was kept afloat because of a diaper. Anyone know anything about all this? Yes, I know the L.A. coroner had said the jacket would have water-logged her.
I am not surprised that the LA County Sheriff stated today that RW and CW are not suspects. They will want the cooperation of these two men and had they declared them suspects both men would assert their 5th. amendment rights and immediately clam-up. According to the writer of GNGS - Marti Rulli neither men was interviewed at length at the time of NW's death. I suspect that this case will hinge on what statements CW makes to investigators this time around (assuming he agrees to be interviewed).

Here is a link to Marti Rulli's blog with lots of interesting information
From Marti Rulli's blogspot, a list of questions OVERLOOKED by the original investigators 30 years ago:


In your investigations did you or your staff . . .

Calculate Natalie’s weight in sea water?
Calculate the buoyancy of the red down jacket?
Examine the abrasion on her face for particles?
Question Wagner about the delay in reporting her absence?
Look for signs of a fight on the boat?
Examine the round bruises on her body as possible points of contact for gripping her?
Examine the surviving men's bodies for corresponding bruises?
Question other boaters in the harbor at the time?
Question Dennis at length?
Question Wagner at length?
Question Walken at length?
Question the delay in seeking professional help?
Establish a timeframe of events leading to Natalie’s demise?

Although we KNEW the answers to all of Lyn's questions were "No" -- it would give the law the opportunity to ask themselves why these standard procedures were not followed.

BUT, it's the media that has failed Natalie, too! What should they be demanding from Wagner? What would YOU want them to ask Wagner in an interview? What would you want to hear from Walken?


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