CA - Nicole Lorraine Linton, 37, speeds through intersection kills 6, including pregnant woman in fiery crash, Los Angeles, 4 Aug. '22

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Would just like to state an observation that I’m sure will be unpopular, and I am not saying I agree with it: just something I noticed.

When Anne Hecht passed, she crashed her car into a home and had traces of fentanyl and cocaine in her system. Because there were no fatalities, she got sympathy.

There is currently another missing person who willingly stopped their meds and left their husband and children, but because there are no fatalities, that person has sympathy and “mental health awareness”.

But with NL, who also apparently stopped her meds, there is ZERO sympathy, because there were fatalities, despite her having a record of being kind, loving, and a good nurse.

It’s just interesting to me that “mental health awareness” seems to stop being a thing when somebody else is affected by it - then suddenly it’s “they should’ve known better”. We are talking about mentally ill people here — where do we draw the line on them “knowing better”? Their brain simply does not operate/process/rationalize the way a non-mentally ill brain does.

Again, not trying to garner sympathy for NL, just stating an observation that I’ve noticed — that mental health awareness is a great cause and that mentally ill people can’t help their actions. Until someone is hurt. Then it’s shame shame shame.

Would love to hear others thoughts on this. Cordially of course. :)
Many mentally ill people can and do take steps to try to improve their mental health. NL chose to stop her meds.

The legal defense of insanity in California law means that you cannot be found guilty of a crime if you were legally insane when you committed it. Under California’s insanity defense, you are considered legally insane if you either

  1. Did not understand the nature of your criminal act, OR
  2. Did not understand that what you were doing was morally wrong.
This definition of legal insanity is known as the “McNaghten (sometimes spelled M’Naghten or McNaughten) rule.”

You can plead not guilty by reason of insanity at your arraignment hearing. For the insanity defense to work, you will then need to prove that it is more likely than not that you were legally insane when you committed your crime.

If you can convince the jury at your California criminal jury trial that you are not guilty by reason of insanity, then you will be committed to a state mental hospital instead of being sent to prison.5
Again, not trying to garner sympathy for NL, just stating an observation that I’ve noticed — that mental health awareness is a great cause and that mentally ill people can’t help their actions. Until someone is hurt. Then it’s shame shame shame.

Maybe if the mentally ill person and her family were focused on the victims and the hell they went through, and there was appropriate remorse and taking of responsibility (for not taking medication as prescribed, for example), instead of making it all - or largely - about themselves, it wouldn't be all shame shame shame.
Would just like to state an observation that I’m sure will be unpopular, and I am not saying I agree with it: just something I noticed.

When Anne Hecht passed, she crashed her car into a home and had traces of fentanyl and cocaine in her system. Because there were no fatalities, she got sympathy.

There is currently another missing person who willingly stopped their meds and left their husband and children, but because there are no fatalities, that person has sympathy and “mental health awareness”.

But with NL, who also apparently stopped her meds, there is ZERO sympathy, because there were fatalities, despite her having a record of being kind, loving, and a good nurse.

It’s just interesting to me that “mental health awareness” seems to stop being a thing when somebody else is affected by it - then suddenly it’s “they should’ve known better”. We are talking about mentally ill people here — where do we draw the line on them “knowing better”? Their brain simply does not operate/process/rationalize the way a non-mentally ill brain does.

Again, not trying to garner sympathy for NL, just stating an observation that I’ve noticed — that mental health awareness is a great cause and that mentally ill people can’t help their actions. Until someone is hurt. Then it’s shame shame shame.

Would love to hear others thoughts on this. Cordially of course. :)

Would just like to state an observation that I’m sure will be unpopular, and I am not saying I agree with it: just something I noticed.

When Anne Hecht passed, she crashed her car into a home and had traces of fentanyl and cocaine in her system. Because there were no fatalities, she got sympathy.

There is currently another missing person who willingly stopped their meds and left their husband and children, but because there are no fatalities, that person has sympathy and “mental health awareness”.

But with NL, who also apparently stopped her meds, there is ZERO sympathy, because there were fatalities, despite her having a record of being kind, loving, and a good nurse.

It’s just interesting to me that “mental health awareness” seems to stop being a thing when somebody else is affected by it - then suddenly it’s “they should’ve known better”. We are talking about mentally ill people here — where do we draw the line on them “knowing better”? Their brain simply does not operate/process/rationalize the way a non-mentally ill brain does.

Again, not trying to garner sympathy for NL, just stating an observation that I’ve noticed — that mental health awareness is a great cause and that mentally ill people can’t help their actions. Until someone is hurt. Then it’s shame shame shame.

Would love to hear others thoughts on this. Cordially of course. :)
Thank you for this. I have also made the same observation. I just follow this thread for updates but don't really participate anymore because of the zero sympathy. The more and more I read about NL's history of mental illness the more I empathize with her and her family. I don't think empathizing with NL or her family negates having sympathy for the victim's family, they can both exist.
Maybe if the mentally ill person and her family were focused on the victims and the hell they went through, and there was appropriate remorse and taking of responsibility (for not taking medication as prescribed, for example), instead of making it all - or largely - about themselves, it wouldn't be all shame shame shame.
I agree that there should be appropriate remorse! Did we ever find out for certain if Nicole just decided to stop? I remember it being reported earlier that a therapist had told her she just had anxiety, and had advised her to stop her bipolar meds.
I agree that there should be appropriate remorse! Did we ever find out for certain if Nicole just decided to stop? I remember it being reported earlier that a therapist had told her she just had anxiety, and had advised her to stop her bipolar meds.
"Linton’s mental health deteriorated further after she stopped taking her psychiatric medication during the pandemic. Her lawyers said an online therapist told her she merely suffered from anxiety.

Linton began acting strangely, not sleeping and becoming obsessive about cleaning. She ranted at family members and accused them of stealing from her, her lawyers said''
"Linton’s mental health deteriorated further after she stopped taking her psychiatric medication during the pandemic. Her lawyers said an online therapist told her she merely suffered from anxiety.

Linton began acting strangely, not sleeping and becoming obsessive about cleaning. She ranted at family members and accused them of stealing from her, her lawyers said''
I guess this is where I get hung up. I shared this earlier in the thread, but I was also diagnosed bipolar….put on meds, which made me feel like an emotionless zombie. Several months later I was “re-diagnosed” and meds were switched. I was ecstatic to get off of those meds - which is why I can understand NL being ok with coming off of them. But….It is a MASSIVE adjustment when stopping/switching meds. Emotions run wild while you adjust. In my case, the med change was eventually a good thing. In hers it obviously was not. But I personally cannot fault her for following her therapists guidance. JMO.

And just to reiterate for anyone joining this thread late — I still 100% advocate justice for the victims. I’m just trying to give an alternate perspective from someone who has been in similar shoes as NL when it comes to mental health. Things can go south QUICK, especially with poor medical advice.
"Linton’s mental health deteriorated further after she stopped taking her psychiatric medication during the pandemic. Her lawyers said an online therapist told her she merely suffered from anxiety.

Linton began acting strangely, not sleeping and becoming obsessive about cleaning. She ranted at family members and accused them of stealing from her, her lawyers said''
"Acting strangely, not sleeping and becoming obsessive about cleaning, ranting at family members and accusing them of stealing..."

Sounds like a great nurse.
I guess this is where I get hung up. I shared this earlier in the thread, but I was also diagnosed bipolar….put on meds, which made me feel like an emotionless zombie. Several months later I was “re-diagnosed” and meds were switched. I was ecstatic to get off of those meds - which is why I can understand NL being ok with coming off of them. But….It is a MASSIVE adjustment when stopping/switching meds. Emotions run wild while you adjust. In my case, the med change was eventually a good thing. In hers it obviously was not. But I personally cannot fault her for following her therapists guidance. JMO.

And just to reiterate for anyone joining this thread late — I still 100% advocate justice for the victims. I’m just trying to give an alternate perspective from someone who has been in similar shoes as NL when it comes to mental health. Things can go south QUICK, especially with poor medical advice.

I'm sorry to hear about your experience!

My issue with this case, specifically, is this: It often happens that defendants use the "mental health" card, sometimes completely "out of thin air" or, at other times, exaggerating what has truly been experienced. In this case, NL is facing the possibility of life in prison, and this is certainly the type of situation where one might "play the mental health card".

Now, it does seems that she's had some history of mental health issues, but there are very conflicting bits of information to be found on social media, from her family, from herself, etc. If she were really jumping out of windows and acting strangely, I wonder, considering her profession, what, if anything, her family, did about it? Did they call the police for a welfare check? Did they call the hospital and alert administration that their family member was perhaps having a mental break? Ask them to check on her? Watch her? Did they try to stage an intervention with her?

Add to that the website that the family put up, which seems so very off-putting and tone deaf to some of us. I've asked before: Will they put up websites for the innocent people who so brutally lost their lives at the hands of NL (who, apparently, stopped taking her prescribed meds?)

You see, where some see only "mental illness", others might see some very self centered and self-promoting behavior on the part of several people involved in/surrounding this case.
@Niner Was her hearing rescheduled?

She did have a hearing on 10/3/22 - but I did not find any info on that hearing. Her next hearing is a preliminary hearing on 11/10/22.

But I do see I missed a few hearings for her... sorry!

Past Events
Date Time Location Dept/Room Number Events
October 3, 2022 08:30 AM Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center 109 FURTHER PROCEEDINGS

October 11, 2022 08:30 AM Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center 109 DOCKET LINE ENTRY

October 12, 2022 08:30 AM Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center 109 FURTHER PROCEEDINGS

October 20, 2022 08:30 AM Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center 109 FURTHER PROCEEDINGS

Upcoming Scheduled Events
Date Time Location Dept/Room Number
November 10, 2022 09:00 AM Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center 109 PRELIM SETTING/RESETTING

link: Criminal Case Summary - Online Services - LA Court
She did have a hearing on 10/3/22 - but I did not find any info on that hearing. Her next hearing is a preliminary hearing on 11/10/22.

But I do see I missed a few hearings for her... sorry!

Past Events
Date Time Location Dept/Room Number Events
October 3, 2022 08:30 AM Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center 109 FURTHER PROCEEDINGS

October 11, 2022 08:30 AM Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center 109 DOCKET LINE ENTRY

October 12, 2022 08:30 AM Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center 109 FURTHER PROCEEDINGS

October 20, 2022 08:30 AM Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center 109 FURTHER PROCEEDINGS

Upcoming Scheduled Events
Date Time Location Dept/Room Number
November 10, 2022 09:00 AM Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center 109 PRELIM SETTING/RESETTING

link: Criminal Case Summary - Online Services - LA Court
Thanks @Niner! No apology needed. You rock!
Would just like to state an observation that I’m sure will be unpopular, and I am not saying I agree with it: just something I noticed.

When Anne Hecht passed, she crashed her car into a home and had traces of fentanyl and cocaine in her system. Because there were no fatalities, she got sympathy.

There is currently another missing person who willingly stopped their meds and left their husband and children, but because there are no fatalities, that person has sympathy and “mental health awareness”.

But with NL, who also apparently stopped her meds, there is ZERO sympathy, because there were fatalities, despite her having a record of being kind, loving, and a good nurse.

It’s just interesting to me that “mental health awareness” seems to stop being a thing when somebody else is affected by it - then suddenly it’s “they should’ve known better”. We are talking about mentally ill people here — where do we draw the line on them “knowing better”? Their brain simply does not operate/process/rationalize the way a non-mentally ill brain does.

Again, not trying to garner sympathy for NL, just stating an observation that I’ve noticed — that mental health awareness is a great cause and that mentally ill people can’t help their actions. Until someone is hurt. Then it’s shame shame shame.

Would love to hear others thoughts on this. Cordially of course. :)

It's a very complex area, from ethical standpoint. Probably, when there are so many fatalities, the situation is viewed solely from "risk to others" angle. If Anne Heche's crash ended with fatalities, the reaction of the society would have been very different. BTW, we still feel very sorry for the inhabitant of the house whose whole business was wiped off, but it was somehow balanced by Anne Heche being a donor, so, a giving person.

Not only can't mentally ill people help their actions. Some newer medications and modalities are very well tolerated and have great compliance index, but they are very expensive and not affordable for everyone. This, too, should be considered when discussing both cases, and wrong, of course, but so common, choices to stop medications.
I have noticed more often than not the person who causes a horrible crash
Survives, while the innocent people who were struck, wind up maimed
Or dead.
Vehicle crash dynamics. The most crash protection is in the front of modern vehicles with energy absorbing crumple zones. In these type of crashes where someone blows a red light the at fault driver has this protection while the people they hit many times take side impacts.
Vehicle crash dynamics. The most crash protection is in the front of modern vehicles with energy absorbing crumple zones. In these type of crashes where someone blows a red light the at fault driver has this protection while the people they hit many times take side impacts.

And -- age of car & equipment of car. I had a fender-bender with side impact this year. Honda installs air bags in places I hadn't considered. I walked away with a headache & sore neck -- both of these also happen when I'm stressed.

The Honda was totaled. Replaced that Honda with another just like it.

Check the safety ratings when you buy a car!

My Honda's rating:

Now I understand that we are fortunate indeed to have options, and our preferred dealer already had one on the way.

Worthwhile to check vehicles & car seats, knowledge is power, forewarned is forearmed.
Thursday, December 1st:
*Preliminary Hearing (@ 9am PT) - CA - 6 killed (Victims: Asherey Ryan (23), her son Alonzo Luchiano Quintero (11 mos.), her unborn baby boy Armani Lester & her boyfriend Reynold Lester (24), Nathesia Lewis (42) & Lynette Noble (38) & 8 injured (the other victims had minor injuries & included a 33-year-old woman & another adult (19 years old) plus six children ranging in age from 1 to 15 years old) as woman speeds (~90mph in a 35mph zone) thru intersection at the La Brea-Slauson in West Los Angeles in a fiery 7-car crash, August 4, 2022, Windsor Hills, Los Angeles) - Nicole Lorraine Linton (37) arrested (8/4/22), charged (8/8/22) with vehicular manslaughter with gross negligence. Re-charged (8/8/22) with 6 counts of murder & 5 counts of gross vehicular manslaughter. $2M bond. Bond changed (8/7/22) to $9M. Judge changed (8/8/22) to no bond. No bond change-denied (9/12/22).
Her car appears to be a 2018 Mercedes-Benz E400 4Matic Coupe per fostercrusader.
Case info from 8/7/22 to 9/12/22 reference post #654 here:

9/22/22 Update: Preliminary hearing was vacated. Next further proceedings hearing on 10/3/22 & preliminary hearing on 11/10/22.
10/3/22 Update: No info yet. Next preliminary hearing on 11/10/22. 11/10/22 Update: Preliminary hearing was rescheduled on 11/29/22. 11/25/22 Update: Preliminary hearing was reset on 12/1/22.

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