Still Missing CA - Noah McIntosh, 8, Corona, early March 2019 *parents arrested*

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I looked it up:

A TRC is a hearing where the attorneys appear in court, exchange discovery (information about the case), and may try to negotiate a disposition of the case. If the attorneys cannot agree to a guilty plea they set a trial date. ... In felony cases a Felony Settlement Conference (FSC) is set following the arraignment.

What does felony settlement conference mean?
In felony cases a Felony Settlement Conference (FSC) is set following the arraignment. An FSC is similar to a TRC and consists of exchanging discovery (information about the case) and attempting to negotiate a disposition. If the attorneys are unable to resolve the case then a Preliminary Hearing date is set.

This is interesting to me and must vary by state because I have never heard of it. I mean I know settlement can be discussed at any time between parties but to see it scheduled and published is a new one to me. I am always learning something new here :)
Grandfather of missing Corona 8-year-old believes Noah is dead – Press Enterprise

The grandparents raised Noah for eight years - since birth - he is eight years old so he had never lived with his father?
Did the mom suddenly appear and take Noah to be with his father while she lived in a car?
Doesn’t make sense. Psychotic break perhaps?

It has been speculated mom may have also lived with the kids and the grandparents. I am not sure if we have ever learned if that is the case but it sounds like he (sperm donor) talked her into moving with the kids...

I don't think we know but someone can feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
I think that’s correct that mom lived with the grandparents as well. It certainly would have been a reasonable commute to her work and I would have thought the kids would be with her if she had her own place. Unfortunately there are so many articles higher in SEO that I’m having trouble finding it but will try again after work.
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As somewhat expected, Jillian has plead “Not Guilty”.

Mother Denies Willful Cruelty in Death of Corona Boy Noah McIntosh

A woman pleaded not guilty Monday to a felony count of willful child cruelty as authorities in Riverside County continue their search for the body of her 8-year-old son.

Jillian Godfrey, 36, was scheduled to return to court on May 17 after entering the plea in the death of her child, Noah McIntosh.

The boy’s father, 32-year-old Bryce McIntosh, was charged with first-degree murder and pleaded not guilty on April 3. A special circumstance of torture makes him potentially eligible for the death penalty, the Riverside Count District Attorney’s Office said. He’s set to appear in court Tuesday.

Investigators have not found Noah’s remains, but Corona police Chief George Johnston said they’ve gathered enough evidence that leaves “no doubt that Noah is the victim of a homicide.”

McIntosh is accused of buying four gallons of muriatic acid, a bottle of drain opener, bolt cutters and long-cuffed gloves from a Home Depot on March 4, a declaration in support of an arrest warrant said.

Detectives believe the child died on March 3 or 4, according to a criminal complaint.

Noah’s grandfather, Douglas Godfrey, said he raised him for most of his life until about 1 1/2 years ago, when his daughter Jillian let the boy and his sister stay at their father’s Corona apartment.


Douglas Godfrey said he had reported McIntosh to Child Protective Services when Noah told him about being abused by his father. The agency said it could not find any evidence of abuse, the grandfather said.

Jillian Godfrey last saw the boy when she dropped him off at McIntosh’s home on March 2, she told authorities. She witnessed the father take Noah to the bathroom, from where she overheard the boy asking why he was being hurt, Godfrey said.

The boy was still in the bathroom when she left, Godfrey told police.
I had thought perhaps there was going to be a plea bargain given that both the defense and prosecution were in support of delaying things a week and that “Justice for Noah” said there would be an update over the weekend. I guess not.
Grandfather of missing Corona 8-year-old believes Noah is dead – Press Enterprise

The grandparents raised Noah for eight years - since birth - he is eight years old so he had never lived with his father?
Did the mom suddenly appear and take Noah to be with his father while she lived in a car?
Doesn’t make sense. Psychotic break perhaps?

I’m still not clear if she camped out in the car near the apartment after Bryce started refusing to let her see Noah in early March (e.g. for roughly one week). That’s a rather upscale complex and I would have imagined they never would have allowed that as a even a moderate term accommodation.
Tuesday, April 16th
*Felony Settlement Conference Hearing – (@ 8:30am PT) – CA – Noah McIntosh (8) (last seen about Feb. 24, 2019, died about Mar. 3 or 4, reported missing Mar. 12, 2019, Corona; not found yet) – only for *Bryce Daniel McIntosh (32) “father” arrested (3/13/19), charged (3/15/19) & arraigned (4/8/19) with felony willful child cruelty & dependent child abuse. Charged (3/28/19) & arraigned (4/3/19) with 1st degree murder with malice & special circumstance murder of torture. Plead not guilty. No bond (was $1M bond). Eligible for DP.
3/15/19 Update: Arraigned rescheduled for Bryce: 4/2 on murder charges & 4/8 on abuse charges.
4/2/19 Update: For medical reasons, McIntosh was a no show for arraignment for murder. Arraigned on 4/3/19. Plead not guilty. 4/8/19 Update: He was arraigned on all charges on 4/3, in which he plead not guilty to all charges. Has Felony Settlement conference on 4/16 re murder charges.

*Jillian Marie Godfrey (36) “mother” arrested (3/13/19), charged (3/15/19) & arraigned (4/8/19) with felony willful child cruelty (endangerment). Plead not guilty. $500K bond.
Godfrey says 3/2/19 is the last time she saw Noah. 11 yr old daughter in CPS custody.
3/15/19 Update: Arraignment for Godfrey on 4/8.
4/8/19 Update: Her arraignment hearing on a child cruelty charge. Plead not guilty. Morreale (Godfrey's atty) objecting to media coverage of the arraignment. Very prejudicial to have cameras in the courtroom. Judge Magno says he has put procedural safeguards in place, He continues to grant video, still cameras & reporters. Godfrey's defense attorney asked for a continuance to April 15. No objection from prosecutors. Motion granted.
4/15/19 Update: Plead not guilty. Next hearing on 5/17. Preliminary hearings are not set yet to see if there is enough evidence to be bound over for trial.

red notation is for an update. :)
Some twitter updates (17 hours ago):

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley

Good morning. I’m at Riverside County Superior Court’s downtown Riverside Hall of Justice to cover a court appearance for Jillian Godfrey of Corona, charged with child cruelty against her 8-year-old son, Noah McIntosh.


Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley

Noah’s father, Bryce McIntosh, has been charged with the boy’s torture-murder and also child cruelty in the case. He has pleaded not guilty to both charges.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley

Godfrey, 36, is not charged in the slaying. She is in custody in lieu of posting bond on $500,000 bail. Her plea was delayed from one week ago.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley

Noah was declared missing by Corona police in mid-March. He has not been found, and authorities have said he is now presumed dead, based on evidence they have gathered.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley

McIntosh, 32, was charged March 28 with the slaying of Noah, who would have turned 9 on Sunday, March 31.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley

The hearing for Godfrey today is an arraignment -- that’s where a defendant is formally told of the charges and allegations against him or her, consults with an attorney, and can enter a plea.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley

Not guilty plea entered for Godfrey by defense attorney Peter Morreale. Next court date is May 17.

Richard K. De Atley (@RKDeAtley) | Twitter
As I read this, yet another child murdered by their parent(s), I am saddened yet amazed that every single WS'er has more love for each of these victims, strangers, then their parents or in other cases SO's have all together.

I am so, so, sorry Noah. Please watch over your sister and grandparents.
Tuesday, April 16th
*Felony Settlement Conference Hearing – (@ 8:30am PT) – CA – Noah McIntosh (8) (last seen about Feb. 24, 2019, died about Mar. 3 or 4, reported missing Mar. 12, 2019, Corona; not found yet) – only for *Bryce Daniel McIntosh (32) “father” arrested (3/13/19), charged (3/15/19) & arraigned (4/8/19) with felony willful child cruelty & dependent child abuse. Charged (3/28/19) & arraigned (4/3/19) with 1st degree murder with malice & special circumstance murder of torture. Plead not guilty. No bond (was $1M bond). Eligible for DP.
3/15/19 Update: Arraigned rescheduled for Bryce: 4/2 on murder charges & 4/8 on abuse charges.
4/2/19 Update: For medical reasons, McIntosh was a no show for arraignment for murder. Arraigned on 4/3/19. Plead not guilty. 4/8/19 Update: He was arraigned on all charges on 4/3, in which he plead not guilty to all charges. Has Felony Settlement conference on 4/16 re murder charges.

*Jillian Marie Godfrey (36) “mother” arrested (3/13/19), charged (3/15/19) & arraigned (4/8/19) with felony willful child cruelty (endangerment). Plead not guilty. $500K bond.
Godfrey says 3/2/19 is the last time she saw Noah. 11 yr old daughter in CPS custody.
3/15/19 Update: Arraignment for Godfrey on 4/8.
4/8/19 Update: Her arraignment hearing on a child cruelty charge. Plead not guilty. Morreale (Godfrey's atty) objecting to media coverage of the arraignment. Very prejudicial to have cameras in the courtroom. Judge Magno says he has put procedural safeguards in place, He continues to grant video, still cameras & reporters. Godfrey's defense attorney asked for a continuance to April 15. No objection from prosecutors. Motion granted.
4/15/19 Update: Plead not guilty. Next hearing on 5/17. Preliminary hearings are not set yet to see if there is enough evidence to be bound over for trial.

red notation is for an update. :)
Was there anything on BM's Settlement Hearing today 4/16? Thx Niner for keeping us updated!
This is an absolutely horrendous case. Torturing your own son. Making your daughter help you do it. And it all seems that he did it for his own entertainment. Good Lord. What is this world coming to.

And then we have the mother. I guess I can't say a whole lot here but, in my book, she's no mother. Any parent, who knows, or suspects, that their child is in danger, and allows it to happen, is just as guilty as the one who committed the murder.

I looked it up:

A TRC is a hearing where the attorneys appear in court, exchange discovery (information about the case), and may try to negotiate a disposition of the case. If the attorneys cannot agree to a guilty plea they set a trial date. ... In felony cases a Felony Settlement Conference (FSC) is set following the arraignment.

What does felony settlement conference mean?
In felony cases a Felony Settlement Conference (FSC) is set following the arraignment. An FSC is similar to a TRC and consists of exchanging discovery (information about the case) and attempting to negotiate a disposition. If the attorneys are unable to resolve the case then a Preliminary Hearing date is set.

This sounds like an Omnibus Hearing, as it is called in some states.
Forgive me if this has been discussed, I have read every post but cannot recall for sure. I wonder where the sister is, do we know? Is she a ward of the state or would her maternal grandparents be allowed to take care of her?

It breaks my heart to think she lost her brother, her father made her help him hold her brother down at times and has lost her parents as well (not that they perhaps are much of a loss but to a child it would still be a lot). She has to be full of grief.
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