CA - O.J. Simpson & the murders of Nicole Brown, Ron Goldman, 1994 *not guilty*

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O.J. Simpson book, TV special canceled

Chairman Rupert Murdoch says project was ‘ill-considered’

Updated: 4 minutes ago

NEW YORK - After a firestorm of criticism, News Corp. said Monday that it has canceled the O.J. Simpson book and television special “If I Did It.”

“I and senior management agree with the American public that this was an ill-considered project,” said Rupert Murdoch, News Corp. chairman. “We are sorry for any pain that his has caused the families of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson.”

A dozen Fox affiliates had already said they would not air the two-part sweeps month special, planned for next week before publication of the book. It was being published by ReganBooks, a HarperCollins imprint owned, like the Fox network, by News Corp.

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Wonderful news that the interview and the book has been canceled. Thank you Rupert Murdock! And, this is sweeps month, which makes this cancellation even more meaningful!
Now, if we could just cancel O.J.!
Those of you who contacted FOX network and expressed your disgust of the inteview, you did it. Your attention brought about this change.
Now, I'm going to e-mail FOX with a big thanks. Care to join me?
cynpat2000 said:
Where did you hear that they are not publishing the book?

It was announced on Fox News Channel. Rupert Murdoch said so.

Rupert Murdoch: 'We are sorry for any pain that this has caused the families of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson'...
Liz said:
It was announced on Fox News Channel. Rupert Murdoch said so.

Rupert Murdoch: 'We are sorry for any pain that this has caused the families of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson'...
One would think the victims families would have been part of the process. They didn't give a rats a$$ before when they thought they would reep financially.


I am not sur ethey are cancelling the book. The wording book, TV special leads me to think they are cancelling the TV special about the book.

I would think differently if it said book & TV special.
Well I for one am disappointed, I was looking forward to reading the book.

To find out why he did what he did. Oh well I guess well never find out now.
2luvmy said:
I am not sur ethey are cancelling the book. The wording book, TV special leads me to think they are cancelling the TV special about the book.

I would think differently if it said book & TV special.
I sure hope its just the tv special.
blaize said:
Customers of nine Fox affiliates will not be able to watch the O.J. Simpson special “If I Did It.” Officials with Lin Broadcasting and Pappas Broadcasting, which owns the stations in seven states, say they are refusing to air the show because they don’t want to assist in Simpson’s profits. “If I Did It” is a two-part special in which Simpson hypothetically discusses how he could have been involved in the 1994 slayings of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ronald Goldman. It is scheduled to air Nov. 27 and 29. A book Simpson wrote detailing how he would have committed the murders is scheduled for release on Nov. 30. Simpson was acquitted of the murders in 1995 but found liable in a wrongful death suit filed by Goldman’s family. (SOURCE)

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thank god- the idea of that maniac getting any airtime for any reason pisses me off-but ot get it for such smut and shame riddled content just blew my if we need to encourage the ego's of these low was disgusting at best and ammoral at worst.
2luvmy said:
I am not sur ethey are cancelling the book. The wording book, TV special leads me to think they are cancelling the TV special about the book.

I would think differently if it said book & TV special.
They are cancelling BOTH

"After a firestorm of criticism, News. Corp. said Monday that it has canceled the O.J. Simpson book and television special "If I Did It.""

It goes on to state that the publishing house is owned by the same parent (News Corp) as Fox... so they can and have cancelled both the show and the book
Thats even better have it all cancelled..its the first message to OJ that there is a consequence to behaviour..he hasnt suffered at all for murdering them..and even this is not much-but at least the message is clear..NO ONE has any interest in the scum called OJ.
Its about time that the public won a shame on you battle.
I dont agree that the ramsey special should be cancelled..its not the same thing imo-there was no trial-and a lot of people dont agree that they are involved..but the OJ thing is simply too obvious to deny.
:laugh: :laugh:
cynpat2000 said:
Well I for one am disappointed, I was looking forward to reading the book.

To find out why he did what he did. Oh well I guess well never find out now.
Please, you didn't expect the truth from a murdering narcissistic psychopath?? or did you?
Linda7NJ said:
:laugh: :laugh:
Please, you didn't expect the truth from a murdering narcissistic psychopath?? or did you?
Yeah I did. I was hoping he had a twinge of consciousness and confessed, but now well never know. Ive always had a fascination with killers, with getting inside their mind and finding out why they are the way they are. If Ted Bundy would have written a book I would have loved to get that one...I know im nuts.:crazy:
cynpat2000 said:
Yeah I did. I was hoping he had a twinge of consciousness and confessed, but now well never know. Ive always had a fascination with killers, with getting inside their mind and finding out why they are the way they are. If Ted Bundy would have written a book I would have loved to get that one...I know im nuts.:crazy:
The interview would have been a big disappointment-u can be sure he would say a whole lot of nothing and u can be sure he would use it as an opportunity to say how wrong the police were..I think that the clips I saw told me he was still talking BS and blaming others. He wasnt going to say one thing about being the one..the thing that exposes him as the killer is that he could even give a hypothetical on how it normal person thinks like that..non-killers dont say things like, " IF I Did It"..they wouldnt entertain the idea or let anyone else think they were that even capable of would be a shameful thing for a normal person to do.
Normal people dont think about how they would have killed their own.
The interview was a forum for OJ to spew stupididty at the audience..and there would be nothing in it that would show him admitting to it or taking any responsibility for it..that u can be sure of.
GlitchWizard said:
With new evidence you can.

Actually, no. New evidence makes no difference once double jeopardy has attached. Nor can federal courts retry a defendant on a charge for which he has been acquitted in state courts.

Yes, there have been instances where federal courts have allowed a new trial on different charges, notably the police officers involved in the Rodney King arrest. But these defendants were charged with assault (or the like) in state court and denial of King's civil rights in federal court.

I must admit, however, that I do not understand civil rights law well enough to know why this is possible in some cases and not in others. It does not appear that every murder constitutes a civil rights violation, simple logic notwithstanding.

ETA: Maybe Glitch meant "new details about the commission of the crime," not just new evidence. I have read it might be possible to try Simpson again if new info on the murders revealed details that constituted crimes other than murder. Somewhere above, someone suggested hypothetically that if it could be shown that Simpson dragged Ms. Brown from her house forcefully, then Simpson might be charged with "kidnapping." This all sounds like a gray area and I don't pretend I understand the nuances.
cynpat, Ted Bundy DID write a book with the help of an author in prison, Hypothetically, just like OJ would have done--Bundy spoke in the Third person during the entire pseudo-confession--The book is called The Only Living Witness--buy it--you'll never be able to put it down
Marthatex said:
I am sooooooooooooooo happy to hear it. Now I will still watch Orailly, Shepperd, Cabuto ? and many other shows I watch there.

Oh, just some affiliates? Well, I'll have to see.
Neil Cavuto is awesome.

It was the national network that was airing it, though, right? Just local affiliates? Maybe I am wrong. True, Fox is Fox is Fox, but there is Fox Sports, Fox local and Fox national. I like Fox National and Fox sports but I do not watch our local fox station unless there's a really good program or sports game on.
Peter Hamilton said:
cynpat, Ted Bundy DID write a book with the help of an author in prison, Hypothetically, just like OJ would have done--Bundy spoke in the Third person during the entire pseudo-confession--The book is called The Only Living Witness--buy it--you'll never be able to put it down
do u believe what ted wrote?
just curious
no one seems to know where his fantasies leave off and his ego begins
Liz said:
It was announced on Fox News Channel. Rupert Murdoch said so.

Rupert Murdoch: 'We are sorry for any pain that this has caused the families of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson'...

This is great news.
the court of public opinion has spoken!!!

thank you to the Fox network for doing the right thing.

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