Still Missing CA - Orson & Orrin West (3&4), California City, 21 Dec 2020 #4

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What are the age ranges of the other 4 children (I know Orson & Orrin are 3 & 4)?

I've scanned several articles without luck. IMO
ETA: YT Police Chief transcript

the way i understand it and the way i've
been briefed on it there was
two two biological children
two foster children and uh oran [Orrin and] norsen [Orson]
were actually adopted so
and then ranging in ages from 10 all the
way down to three

were you guys able to confirm that the
day the two boys went missing
that the parents other four children
were not at the home at the time they
were not at the home at the time that is
correct where were they
they were in bakersfield with the
grandmother what was the reason for that
i think it was a holiday visit that's
the way it was explained to me
So, basically we are back at square one. No actual named "Person of Interest". It is odd that the children in the home were removed, without any charges against the parents. Especially the biological children.
This was my concern as a mother if someone tried to remove my child , bio or adopted or whatever , while I’m mourning my negligent parenting and missing a child , i would lose my Mind. And I mean lock me up in a room with padded walls. How can their bio kids be in foster care yet they aren’t accused of a crime!?
AJ Freund, but we could go on forever.

I'm not assigning blame to CPS in this case however, not yet anyway. RD has made various statements in MSM regarding how she didn't even know the boys were adopted, etc., however I'm not sure much of what she said is factual. Over a year later there were no attempts on her part to take legal action, until the boys came up missing. I'm trying to have compassion for her, but keeping it real at the same time.
I understand that, just wonder how well vetted the Foster/adopted parents are when placing vulnerable children. The system is so jacked up,and the children are the ones who pay with their blood. While the head cheeses at CPS Complain every time they they don't have enough $$$$$$$. $136,572 Social Services Supervisor, but don't ask them about, them about corruption complaints within their own department. Because they conveniently can't comment on that.
Fear, discontent reportedly widespread at Kern County Department of Human Services MOO
They said 6 kids left the house, but only 4 got into the van. I'm going to guess those 4 are the ones dropped off at the relatives. Imo, The two not shown are the missing boys.
Agreed, but I do think the video is a bit grainy and a little far away and wonder if TW could have loaded them in the van without surveillance being able to pick up on it well. What I think is clear is that they didn’t come back with them-at least that day. Maybe they dropped O and O at another relative’s house that day? Wonder if video will come out for the day of the 20th. The only thing I am not on the fence on at this point is the bio mom, I don’t think she had a thing to do with it and my heart goes out tonher-she lost her babies twice and I can’t even begin to imagine that kind of pain.
AJ Freund, but we could go on forever.

I'm not assigning blame to CPS in this case however, not yet anyway. RD has made various statements in MSM regarding how she didn't even know the boys were adopted, etc., however I'm not sure much of what she said is factual. Over a year later there were no attempts on her part to take legal action, until the boys came up missing. I'm trying to have compassion for her, but keeping it real at the same time.
I understand that, just wonder how well vetted the Foster/adopted parents are when placing vulnerable children. The system is so jacked up,and the children are the ones who pay with their blood. While the head cheeses at CPS Complain every time they they don't have enough $$$$$$$. $136,572 Social Services Supervisor, but don't ask them about, them about corruption complaints within their own department. Because they conveniently can't comment on that.
Fear, discontent reportedly widespread at Kern County Department of Human Services MOO
This was my concern as a mother if someone tried to remove my child , bio or adopted or whatever , while I’m mourning my negligent parenting and missing a child , i would lose my Mind. And I mean lock me up in a room with padded walls. How can their bio kids be in foster care yet they aren’t accused of a crime!?
All children's safety falls under the auspice of CPS, bio, foster, or adopted. Makes no difference.

IMO, there may be other reason's for removal which we are not privy too, not only because Orrin & Orson went missing.
I understand that, just wonder how well vetted the Foster/adopted parents are when placing vulnerable children. The system is so jacked up,and the children are the ones who pay with their blood. While the head cheeses at CPS Complain every time they they don't have enough $$$$$$$. $136,572 Social Services Supervisor, but don't ask them about, them about corruption complaints within their own department. Because they conveniently can't comment on that.
Fear, discontent reportedly widespread at Kern County Department of Human Services MOO
You'll get no argument from me on issues with the system, but I also know there are loving people out there who are making a difference in children's lives as well.
I don't want to get stuck in a one bad apple mentality, IYKWIM.
Jon Walker, Police Chief for the California City Department, says the boys' adoptive parents claim they left their California City house on Dec. 19 with their six children, to go do Christmas shopping in Bakersfield.

Security camera footage from a neighbor shows an adult holding the door open while four children go into the van. Then later that day two adults, which appear to be Trazell and Jacqueline West, come back to the house without any kids.

Chief Walker says the parents claim they dropped off four of their children, not including Orrin and Orson, at a family member's home that day. Walker says Dec. 19 was the last day the other four children say they saw Orrin and Orson.

New Security Cam footage on the days before West boys went missing

Simple math - 4+2=6
So 6-4 should = 2 but it doesn't-
Maybe Trezell & Jacqueline West are really bad at math, or simply didn't account for the fact a neighbor's camera would tell on them ...
how I wish they get stuck by that claim with a written declaration, interrogation or something because come on, there weren't 6 children going out or coming in.
Since the chief noted in the long Bayan interview that the last sightings by non parents were by grandma and another source and both were in Bakersfield, I decided to do a little sleuthing there.

There was a crime involving a white van a few months ago. The location will be familiar to those following YTers but white vans are a dime a dozen. I can’t tell from this tv image if it’s as big as the West’s.

But seeing this and another nearby shooting and gang arrest in the spring, it did get me pondering another potential theory. Could the babies have been shot in gang violence and the whole family was threatened/scared into silence?
Seems unlikely, but just tossing it out there. Potomac Avenue shooting wounds one person | KGET 17
Thanks for your post @MoeInVA. Very interesting theory. I suppose anything’s possible at this point. ;)

LE doesn’t seem to be handling this case as a random abduction or kids walking/running out of yard and got lost near the home. They can’t even confirm/place the boys in the backyard- boys scent not found anywhere outside the home, so......

I had previously considered the boys never made it to Cal City, but the other 4 children saying they saw O & O on the 19th, if true, kinda throws a wrench into the boys disappearing prior to the move to Cal City.

I thought about how the only way I could see O & O still being alive is if they were sold/trafficked, and AP’s aren’t coming clean due to the “powers that be” within the trafficking network threatening to do serious harm to them and/or their other children if TW/JW exposed them/their network. This scenario is way down my list of probabilities, but not completely out of the question as we know it can and does happen in real life, albeit with less frequency than children who go “missing” due to neglect/abuse by someone(s) that’s supposed to protect and love them most, like we see over and over again here on WS.

I do get a sense the AP’s know more than they are saying, and I’m leaning more toward something happened to the boys due to neglect/physical abuse by one or both parents, and possibly someone else in familial circle knows what happened, maybe parents confided in someone?, and they aren’t coming forward due to protecting parent(s), vs. the boys being sold. Idk, but have a feeling whatever happened, it’s possible other people know and it’s being covered up, especially with the knowledge now that various people have been asked to take LDT.

If O & O left the home with parents and the other children on the 19th without neighbor’s camera picking them up getting into van, all went shopping then to Grandma’s to drop off other kids, O & O could have been handed off to someone after dropping other kids off at Grandma’s, so handed off either that night, the 19th, or anytime from the evening of the 19th up until they were reported missing on the 21st. It’s possible but lower probability. Or more probable, is something happened to the boys inside of the home (neglect/abuse) between arriving home on the 19th up until they were reported missing on the 21st.

If either of the above scenarios happened, the question remains, why would the parents report the boys missing? Well as we know, plenty of other parent’s have reported their children “missing” after something nefarious they did, due to knowing they will have to produce the child/children at some point. It’s not easy to hide children, at some point someone is going to be asking about them/to see them. Even though they know the spotlight will be directly on them, how could they possibly think they can get away with it? Well dumb criminals do dumb things all the time. we see it over and over again that they fail to cover their tracks as well as the think they did. Some think they are smarter than everyone including LE, and that everyone will just buy the narrative they are selling and eventually it will all go away. Fortunately most are caught in the end due to their arrogance and stupidity.

Anyhoo, if not sold, and boys perished inside the home between the 19th-21st due to some sort of parental neglect/abuse, what did they do with the bodies in such a short period of time?

With all that said, I’m still not 100% convinced that the boys were seen on the 19th by anyone, as LE has confirmed only that Trezelle claimed all 6 children left the home on the 19th to go shopping, and that neighbor’s video surveillance showed only 4 kids getting into the van, and only TW and JW getting out of van upon returning home, and that the other 4 children said they last saw O & O on the 19th, but there’s an outside (slim?) chance the other 4 kids were coached to say they last saw the kids on the 19th. Idk who interviewed them, special forensic police investigator?/cps child advocate investigator?, and whether they would be able to tell if the kids were coached.

I’m sure LE would have checked out TW’s story and if he really left the home on the 19th with 6 kids, 2 of whom didn’t show up on camera either getting into or exiting the van, O & O should have been picked up on surveillance cameras in the store, if not, LE isn’t releasing that info. At the same time, seems if O & O weren’t caught on store CCTV, would have blown TW’s story out of the water and someone has some explaining to do. Unless one of the parents stayed in the van with O & O while others went into the store shopping. Same if one of them stayed in the van with O & O while the other brought the 4 kids in to Grandma’s when they dropped them off, so any surveillance cameras outside Grandma’s wouldn’t have picked them up on surveillance at Grandma’s either if they stayed in van with parent.

It’s hard when we don’t know what other info LE knows and not releasing, but I respect they have to keep it close to the vest to protect the integrity of their investigation.

Sorry for the long and rambling post, I have so many thoughts running through my head.
Ugh this case.

All of the above IMHO
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I’m still catching up on the last couple of pages of this thread so forgive me, but I’m really struggling to believe the other four children saw O and O on Dec 19, unless it was Dec 19 of 2019. If - IF - there was an abusive situation going on in the home, and I was 10 or younger, I’m pretty sure I’d stick with what my parents told me to say. I’d be way more afraid of my parents than the nice police officers.
I just can’t buy it. IMO of course. I just think children in abusive ( even if “only” emotional abuse ) situations learn a hard lesson early and well about crossing their parent(s).
My mother was very emotionally abusive (never physically, but scars are scars) and they could have threatened me with life in prison and I would not have gone against her story at a young age.
This is how I’m feeling too, I always thought that especially the older two (bio kids) would not cross their parents, living in a strict household they would “know better” :(
If I remember correctly, little Jhesseye Shockley was 'reported missing' by her monster..(I mean mother), days after she dumped her body in a suitcase. Jerice thought she had it all planned out, with everything covered. The other children in the home ( who witnessed the abuse and torture of Jhesseye) initially told the same story that "Momma" had. It wasn't until months later the truth was told. Those poor kids. I am holding to the truth being told eventually in this case as well.
how I wish they get stuck by that claim with a written declaration, interrogation or something because come on, there weren't 6 children going out or coming in.
Agree. I've also wondered about other video besides Dec 19th? We've only seen a small sampling of what must be available? Did LE kid count on other days after the Sept move in date and prior to the 19th?
All children's safety falls under the auspice of CPS, bio, foster, or adopted. Makes no difference.

IMO, there may be other reason's for removal which we are not privy too, not only because Orrin & Orson went missing.

You don't have to be accused of a crime to have your kids removed though.

(sorry, quoted wrong post. Consider this agreement with your post, I meant to reply to the person you replied to)
If I remember correctly, little Jhesseye Shockley was 'reported missing' by her monster..(I mean mother), days after she dumped her body in a suitcase. Jerice thought she had it all planned out, with everything covered. The other children in the home ( who witnessed the abuse and torture of Jhesseye) initially told the same story that "Momma" had. It wasn't until months later the truth was told. Those poor kids. I am holding to the truth being told eventually in this case as well.
Oh gosh, yes the other kids snuck Jhessye something to eat and drink while she was dying in the closet. Monster is a kind description of that woman. The truth was horrifying :(
You'll get no argument from me on issues with the system, but I also know there are loving people out there who are making a difference in children's lives as well.
I don't want to get stuck in a one bad apple mentality, IYKWIM.

What I have noticed is that "Identity Politics" have become part of foster care. Placing children in homes should be based on the criteria of a good placement. Not the Excel spreadsheet that tallys percentage of Identity politics.
I'm going to guess that furniture, bedding, and other items with the boys scent made the move from Bakersfield and the boys did not. This would account for dogs picking up the scent inside the house but not outside, as the boys were, Imo, never outside or inside the new house, only items with their scent.

I was going to ask about this re:scent dogs. If items belonging to a person were moved to a new house, but the person was never in the house, would their scent still remain enough for a scent dog to pick up?
What I have noticed is that "Identity Politics" have become part of foster care. Placing children in homes should be based on the criteria of a good placement. Not the Excel spreadsheet that tallys percentage of Identity politics.
Can you expound on that please? Not familar with the meaning of identity politics?
Bumping, on in 5 minutes!
I watched it and unfortunately it was just a rehash of recent news, like about LE asking people to take polygraphs. Oh well.

For me the bigger news was LE releasing the video of the parents putting 4 kids in the van and returning home with no kids. The parents said all 6 kids went shopping with them. That's a clear lie. IMO LE didn't miss anything as it's likely that multiple agencies examined the video. I'd be surprised (and disappointed) if we were able to spot something that the FBI and PD missed so I believe their current narrative.

That means the parents are caught in a big fat lie and that in turn implies other statements from them are lies. The best predicter and all that. MOO.
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