Found Deceased CA - Philip Kreycik, 37, Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park, 10 Jul 2021 #2

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I don't know if this will work for you, but try opening the article and with lightening speed print it so it comes up in pdf form. Sometimes that works for me and I manage to get this to work prior to the blocking screen coming up on the computer.
If he did see it and was trying to seek help there that would be the second or third time a hiker/runner in distress sought help from an unoccupied home in the heat just this summer, no?

Early on locals mentioned how confusing game trails can be up there. So sad there wasn't a better outcome. Hopefully this will lead to better awareness of the dangers of heat in the outdoors, overall and better safety and signage in that park.
A lot of the EBRPD properties have been purchased for inclusion in the parkland, but then sit there in limbo for decades with pre-existing EVMAs, fire roads, and trails with no directional signs.

Page 101/159 in this document posted on the internet shows that for instance the Poole property has an X by 'Needs Planning' with a notation that "Needs land or trail connection to park," an X by 'Needs CEQA' and 'Restrictions,' and a ? mark for 'Infrastructure.' There is also a notation that it is "Isolated." The next door property Vinson says "Includes EVMA and public trail access."

They, the EBRPD board, continue to purchase land, much of which has not been opened to the public for decades after the original acquisition. Very confusing for the public, the hikers, and everyone else. Combine that with the game trails and unofficial single tracks and cattle grazing and little to no signs, this makes it difficult to navigate particularly in the Pleasanton Ridge area. Meanwhile EBRPD tried to turn the other park they manage on the other side of town, Shadow Cliffs, and convert the passive walking trail area into a commercial amusement/water park similar to Six Flags in the mid-2000 time frame called "California Splash." California Splash! (June 13, 2003)

There is a lot of frustration in the community about EBRPD in general. They seem to buy up real estate and don't open the areas up. Meanwhile, they seem to want to be in the theme park business.
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Most "heat stroke" CoD's are merely a diagnosis of exclusion - so if you are a strict empiricist, you could say you'll never know. But I think it's the most probable answer, barring signs of foul play.

It just seems odd to me that PK would not have water, active GPS tracking, and cellphone with him for a 45 min quick run prior to heading to Stockton to pick up his children. Like why would PK run without any of the safety needs to keep him on schedule and alive the late morning of 7/10. PK seemed relatively close to Moller Ranch Staging parking area and off his "pre planned Strava route." Has there been any LE info that PK intentionally went off route? Like if PK's smartwatch found at PK's remains site which was under a tree and on gaming trail, it appears wildlife did not destroy it, correct?

Trying to make sense why a runner would feel so compelled to run on one of hottest days in Pleasanton 2021 and in such a time crunch to pick up family after running the night before? Confused
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Matthias Gafni @mgafni 40m
NEW: Philip Kreycik was found w his smartwatch, which should provide investigators key biometrics, like when he started/stopped running, pace & his final heartbeat. It had no GPS component so not likely to provide his ultimate route, officials said.

Missing runner case: Smartwatch recovered with remains could yield clues, including a time of death
A smartwatch recovered with what are believed to be the remains of Philip Kreycik was...
Does anyone know why this says that their was no GPS component on the watch when it looks like he ran with a Suunto Ambit3 Sport which is a watch with GPS capabilities? I’m going to go out on a stretch and assume he clocked his run on the watch which would record his movements…
Police say missing Pleasanton runner may have suffered injury, heat-related stress on trail

ABC 7-Report says Kreycik may have been injured or suffered heat related illness. Park district says they get hundreds of calls from people who get lost each summer. In addition, cell phone coverage is spotty in many parks.
So of the hundreds of calls LE get per article, how soon do LE act on these calls? IMO, there must have been some sort of "welfare check immediate need" for PK or maybe LE were just simply available to service the call from wife or maybe of the hundreds of calls LE get, maybe LE act at same time speed as they did rather immediately with PK. I just think that a heatstroke or some type of injury would not yield in finding a body underneath a tree with all items on body that the body had at time of alleged run. I hope LE rules out that PK intentionally chose the outcome or if it was some sort of accident or foul play. I just am alarmed that runners who are experts at running trails would deviate so much from safety precautions even prior to start of run on trail. Like if he had water or if he had cellphone or if he stuck to planned route or if he did not get off trail on gaming or if he did not run alone or if he did not run on one of hottest days ever...just seems odd unless PK chose to be found under tree. I am so sorry for family and trying to make sense of this. LE still has not confirmed that the shoe prints were PKs and LE has given such little info about a missing man on a heavily populated residential housing trail that has public access and private. PK's body decomposed for like 24 days, and smartwatch, running shorts, wedding ring, running shoes, all found with PK's remains on a gaming trail that is known to be populated by animals and least likely by humans.
So of the hundreds of calls LE get per article, how soon do LE act on these calls? IMO, there must have been some sort of "welfare check immediate need" for PK or maybe LE were just simply available to service the call from wife or maybe of the hundreds of calls LE get, maybe LE act at same time speed as they did rather immediately with PK. I just think that a heatstroke or some type of injury would not yield in finding a body underneath a tree with all items on body that the body had at time of alleged run. I hope LE rules out that PK intentionally chose the outcome or if it was some sort of accident or foul play. I just am alarmed that runners who are experts at running trails would deviate so much from safety precautions even prior to start of run on trail. Like if he had water or if he had cellphone or if he stuck to planned route or if he did not get off trail on gaming or if he did not run alone or if he did not run on one of hottest days ever...just seems odd unless PK chose to be found under tree. I am so sorry for family and trying to make sense of this. LE still has not confirmed that the shoe prints were PKs and LE has given such little info about a missing man on a heavily populated residential housing trail that has public access and private. PK's body decomposed for like 24 days, and smartwatch, running shorts, wedding ring, running shoes, all found with PK's remains on a gaming trail that is known to be populated by animals and least likely by humans.
I don’t see a mention of car keys.
I don’t see a mention of car keys.
You are correct. I wonder if PK put the car keys in trunk with wallet and cellphone perhaps. I find it odd that LE never mentioned keys but did mention on news article that LE helped unlock car shortly after wife called in missing person. Sorry, cannot find media source but to me it sounds like unlocking as in getting into car or trunk. For a 45 minute time crunch run, I just don't see it being accidental that PK was found under a tree at the location found. A heatstroke or some sort of injury imo would not result in body found 24 days later under a tree with everything person had with person. <modsnip>
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You are correct. I wonder if PK put the car keys in trunk with wallet and cellphone perhaps. I find it odd that LE never mentioned keys but did mention on news article that LE helped unlock car shortly after wife called in missing person. Sorry, cannot find media source but to me it sounds like unlocking as in getting into car or trunk. For a 45 minute time crunch run, I just don't see it being accidental that PK was found under a tree at the location found. A heatstroke or some sort of injury imo would not result in body found 24 days later under a tree with everything person had with person. It seems to me based on what information has been provided that he may have sat under the tree and done the unthinkable but that's just me perhaps.

error dbm
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One potential medical emergency that can occur in EBPRD is a rattlesnake bite. Hate to think of how debilitating such a hot day combined with this kind of emergency would be.

Rattlesnake Advisory: Rattlesnake Safety in Regional Parks
"With this year’s dry weather and early spring, rattlesnakes have been spotted by Park Disrict staff and visitors along the park’s trails that make up their natural habitat. When the weather gets warm, snakes come out to explore their environment, which can lead to encounters with humans and dogs.

"Although most snakes found in California are harmless, the Northern Pacific rattlesnake can deliver a venomous bite if provoked. Its coloration allows it to blend in with the soil, providing excellent camouflage."

EBRPD - News Details
Hoping for details as to where he was found, why he would go off trail on to a game trail (which is so different from a running trail) and what his friends think happened.
You are correct. I wonder if PK put the car keys in trunk with wallet and cellphone perhaps. I find it odd that LE never mentioned keys but did mention on news article that LE helped unlock car shortly after wife called in missing person. Sorry, cannot find media source but to me it sounds like unlocking as in getting into car or trunk. For a 45 minute time crunch run, I just don't see it being accidental that PK was found under a tree at the location found. A heatstroke or some sort of injury imo would not result in body found 24 days later under a tree with everything person had with person. It seems to me based on what information has been provided that he may have sat under the tree and done the unthinkable but that's just me perhaps.

I agree with you that Philip's actions that morning don't make any sense. In fact it makes so little sense to me that I personally can not rule out foul play and it seems LE has not ruled it out either.

"Everything leads us to believe that it is likely we did find Philip on the ridge," said Sergeant Ray Kelly with the Alameda County Sheriff's Office. "We wanted to bring him home alive and safe."

Investigators have not ruled out the possibility of foul play in this case.

Body found near East Bay trail believed to be of missing runner Philip Kreycik
@IRBHTX, I had the same idea, that what if he got a rattlesnake bite…or even a bee sting. In addition to having heat-related illness. Perhaps it was a “perfect storm” of events.

I was on a trail once, going up a hill. I passed a man, looking distressed, going down the hill. He told me he got stung by a bee, and he was highly allergic, so he was hoping he’d make it down. I thought he was exaggerating, and so I smiled but he said, “I’m not kidding”. Later on, as I walked in the lower area an ambulance was there, so I guess he wasn’t kidding! (A severe reaction would be anaphylaxis, where you can’t breathe.)

Regarding car keys, sometimes runners hide their car keys on top of the tire, or somewhere around the car. I wonder if Philip was one who did that.
I don’t see a mention of car keys.
I see 4 possibilities re car keys:
- he had them in his pocket, but police/media failed to mention it
- he lost them on the trail (wouldn’t searchers have found them?)
- he left them in his car not intending to return
- he hid them near his car, intending to return but not wanting to run with them, like under a rock. A lot of runners/hikers I know do this, provided of course that no one is watching them hide the keys.

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