Found Deceased CA - Philip Kreycik, 37, Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park, 10 Jul 2021

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Right, and everything I have found publicly available about these trails, leads me to believe they're not the type of place an experienced person would get lost. At least not in a serious way. PK has solid navigation skills, and solid survival skills.

Let's talk about his not being "heat adapted". As a former president of an outing club, he would 100% have knowledge and practice with being outdoors in all kinds of conditions. This is just a casual Saturday morning run, so what motivation would he have to push himself into heat stroke?

These are the reasons I am leaning towards either a catastrophic medical emergency, like a sudden heart attack where he somehow dragged himself off the trail and has been tragically overlooked, or he parked the car and never ran the trail.

I have no explanation for why he would do the latter.

I keep thinking about being dragged off the trail & my thought is: wouldn’t that be seen on the trail? Just like there are footprints, wouldn’t there be a trace in the dirt if a large human body had been dragged off the trail? Although I guess if it happened in a grassy area maybe not but the grass might be more compacted. ??
Question for Mods: if we stumble on public comments similar to a missing person's Strava, but predating, (made by missing person in a public setting) would that be something we can share?
This is just a casual Saturday morning run, so what motivation would he have to push himself into heat stroke?

No-one pushes themselves into heatstroke on purpose. It just happens, even with so called experienced runners.

He went running in the middle of the day, 106°F, with no water and no phone, having done a run less than 16 hours previously.

The very fact he was out there in those conditions, tells you he was being a bit careless, and not cautious.

If an unexpected incident happened, then he wasn't prepared. MIT graduate or not, Outing Club member or not, it doesn't matter. Incidents, accidents and medical episodes can happen to everyone.
Last night after reading the AMA I found myself down a rabbit hold of CT…seems quite a brilliant tech person himself.

I know CT mentioned that PK was wrapping up a big (important, something of this nature forgive me I don’t have the actual wording) at work. I’ve seen it many times mentioned, I believe all by CT.

I wonder if anyone in PKs life was jealous of him - beautiful wife, 2 kiddos, successful and doing very well in life. A brilliant tech guy himself.

idk. I’m still leaning towards heat related fate was met and he became incapacitated and is either in the park or within a mile away. However, I feel something weird about this so I don’t feel as strongly in my guess as to where he is, as I have in other missing persons cases.

I echo what others said, the text exchange between CT and PK seemed odd to me. Like one poster said, if this was me I probably would have given up trying to meet up, and try again at another time. Do you all think it’s “the norm” to spend so much time and effort planning what seems to be a casual run (he did bring beers, so I’d certainly say casual). I personally feel if all those circumstances that prevented them from getting together earlier are presented then at least one person isn’t all that eager to make it work. Otherwise- you make it work, or try another time (a month, two not as they did). My thoughts only, clearly everyone is different.

No-one pushes themselves into heatstroke on purpose. It just happens, even with so called experienced runners.

He went running in the middle of the day, 106°F, with no water and no phone, having done a run less than 16 hours previously.

The very fact he was out there in those conditions, tells you he was being a bit careless, and not cautious.

If an unexpected incident happened, then he wasn't prepared. MIT graduate or not, Outing Club member or not, it doesn't matter. Incidents, accidents and medical episodes can happen to everyone.

I guess I am questioning IF he actually ran. Could he have gone to the trail, gotten out of the car, went to where the dogs lost the scent and changed his mind about running in the heat?

Also? How do we know he did not have water? I have read accounts that he preferred not to carry anything, but he certainly could have held a small bottle while he ran.(If he ran?)
Sorry for serial posts...

You may not push yourself into heat illness "on purpose", but having experienced it myself, I think anyone who pushes themselves otherwise has a sense of limits? Does this make more sense? It feels quite strange to me that he would set out on the run, maybe start to feel a bit off, and persist. Where he is so fit, I think he would almost certainly feel a bit off first and not go straight from being fine to being overcome.

But I could be wrong? Maybe he was really hard on himself while running and did it to blow off steam or something and went at it way too hard? Which still begs the question, where on earth IS he??
anyone know the explanation for the weird time stamp on the text messages ct shared? 7/8 11:31:13 off center, covering pk’s name and before the embedded time stamp of 7/8 11:31? just kinda curious, don’t know what would cause this.
I would also like to note that PK should have had a lot of experience running in the heat while in New England. I used to live in Boston. It is not unusual to see temps 100+ in the summer, and numerous accounts online show PK running all over the Boston Metro area and surrounding, year round, for many years.
I just perused PK's strava account (linked on the first page of this thread) and over on the right hand side was a list of "recent achievements." The first several of them listed all show a July 10, 2021 date -- the date he went missing, correct?

Can someone familiar with Strava confirm if this means the site recorded activity that happened that specific day, or could it list that date for some reason even if the activities were from prior days? (like say if a bunch of previously-accomplished-but-not-yet-uploaded stuff uploaded automatically when LE accessed his account after his disappearance)

What does this list tell us about his movements on the 10th?
Sorry for serial posts...

You may not push yourself into heat illness "on purpose", but having experienced it myself, I think anyone who pushes themselves otherwise has a sense of limits? Does this make more sense? It feels quite strange to me that he would set out on the run, maybe start to feel a bit off, and persist. Where he is so fit, I think he would almost certainly feel a bit off first and not go straight from being fine to being overcome.

But I could be wrong? Maybe he was really hard on himself while running and did it to blow off steam or something and went at it way too hard? Which still begs the question, where on earth IS he??

hi Beek, I’ve done it, if I knew a stream was within range; dozens of times. I’ve gone off trail to find the stream, too. (If I exhausted my water or the trails water spouts weren’t working as planned). I’d take off my shoes and socks, and lay horizontal in the stream for quite some time. Amazing’. My core temp and heart decreased markedly. Enough so I didn’t need to drink water the six miles back.
I just perused PK's strava account (linked on the first page of this thread) and over on the right hand side was a list of "recent achievements." The first several of them listed all show a July 10, 2021 date -- the date he went missing, correct?

Can someone familiar with Strava confirm if this means the site recorded activity that happened that specific day, or could it list that date for some reason even if the activities were from prior days? (like say if a bunch of previously-accomplished-but-not-yet-uploaded stuff uploaded automatically when LE accessed his account after his disappearance)

What does this list tell us about his movements on the 10th?
His last run was July 9th on Strava. There’s nothing after.
I don’t see what you’re talking about. Can you snapshot it?
hi Beek, I’ve done it, if I knew a stream was within range; dozens of times. I’ve gone off trail to find the stream, too. (If I exhausted my water or the trails water spouts weren’t working as planned). I’d take off my shoes and socks, and lay horizontal in the stream for quite some time. Amazing’. My core temp and heart decreased markedly. Enough so I didn’t need to drink water the six miles back.
I think Philip would’ve been resourceful enough to do things like this. There are troughs, water fountains, etc along the path. He would’ve foreseen being dizzy, overheating, felt thirsty to find a water source. My only guess is trying to find shade or a private place to urinate etc behind a tree and possibly slipping and falling. Or running fast coming back due to time and rolling downhill and such. It’s odd he hasn’t been found though if natural causes.
I just perused PK's strava account (linked on the first page of this thread) and over on the right hand side was a list of "recent achievements." The first several of them listed all show a July 10, 2021 date -- the date he went missing, correct?

Can someone familiar with Strava confirm if this means the site recorded activity that happened that specific day, or could it list that date for some reason even if the activities were from prior days? (like say if a bunch of previously-accomplished-but-not-yet-uploaded stuff uploaded automatically when LE accessed his account after his disappearance)

What does this list tell us about his movements on the 10th?
I think that might just be the end date of the workout week. Either that or it's when he last edited his route. But I don't see those in my view.

ETA. After I logged out of Strava, I saw those. The "achievements" were dated July 10, presumably that's when he uploaded his July 9 run. But the run they were related to was on the 9th.
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