CA - Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #8

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Are we seeing the SDCSD upstaging and turning the tables on the hired PR firm's efforts?
More and more as the story unfolds it proves gaps in what was reported to LE.

If planking was the catalyst in MS death that eliminates RN and her direct role but implicates the individuals teaching or encouraging this fatal act. The question is was the teenagers ushered off?

And if so who ushered them off and why?

I have new suspicions as to why.

Train wreck of people.

I think now we can see why all those stories conflicted:

  • We have facts from the radio internet source someone posted early on about Rebecca and a sib going to the hospital.
  • It was claimed, presumably by LE and falsely, that the girl in the house was Rebecca's sister.
  • We now have indications that all three siblings were together that morning.
  • LE is the one who said sib flew off to SC immediately, right? Where did they get their info?
  • The friend's story (boys who were sitting on the roof viewing Rebecca dead) told in the media does not match sib exactly - he says she left before the ambulance arrive I believe . I think this is interesting.
  • Seems there is evidence of planking.
  • A mysterious note now appears, vague and probably not even in Rebecca's handwriting.
  • Suicide meme immediately promoted by sibs dad.

I'm also wondering if Rebecca really sent that text message to her sister. I find it odd she would tell them not to call. You can always turn your phone off and call back later.
2/3 of suicide victims do not leave notes.

I do know females hang themselves naked and bind their hands and feet. It happened to my daughter's friend three weeks before Rebecca's death.

Ocean, I appreciate your patient and respectful tone of voice. I really do. As my grandfather might say, "You, sir, are a gentleman."

How strange is it that JS and DS would issue this joint statement:

Mansion Deaths Put Spotlight on Past Accusations of Violence By Jonah Shacknai

CORONADO, Calif. July 21, 2011

Jonah and Dina Shacknai sent out a statement earlier this week saying the records release "pains us greatly" especially now after losing their son.

"While our marriage did not work out as either of us had hoped, it did produce a wonderful son, Max, whom both of us loved very much," the statement read. "His loss is unimaginable. These police reports are not reflective of the totality or the precise details of the events during a difficult time in our marriage that we worked through together."

But neither one has said one word about Rebecca's tragic death. Was she not part of the family? She was in family photographs. Is she not worthy of a single statement, or are they worried about how that statement could be interpreted? Were they instructed not to speak about it? By whom? To comment on a long gone marriage but complete silence about the gruesome death of your significant other and the woman who cared for your child for a significant amount of time is very interesting to me......
Amazing what money can buy...

Coronado Mansion Death of Rebecca Zahau Ruled a Suicide, Sister Says

I'm not sure what to believe any more. The conflicting information is coming in fast and furious.

Yeah ... didn't a news story just say both of Max's sibs were there also?

Maybe someone who posted that radio reference will pipe back in with the transcription. I guess it's possible they were all there, Rebecca's sister went to ER with her, and someone wisked the other sib(s) off before the ambulance arrived? But how could that have happened so quickly given Jonah was at the golf course and Dina was MIA? Unless Jonah was called by someone and he put that in motion having someone pick the sib up and take somewhere?
What is the link for NBC San Diego live stream of press conference?
Ocean, I appreciate your patient and respectful tone of voice. I really do. As my grandfather might say, "You, sir, are a gentleman."


Thank you so much for the kind words, coastal.

I certainly understand anyone that has a differing opinion than mine on this case. Homicides can mimic suicides and suicides can mimic homicides so it is very understandable why others do not agree on the COD/MOD in this case.

I would hope your grandfather would say to me "You, ma'am, are a fine lady.":great:

"Zahau, a former ophthalmic technician, performed CPR on Max and asked her younger sister, who was also there at the time, to call 911, Zahau-Loehner told today."

There is so much to this story that can reveal the root cause or motive. A irrational person can create a mindset that defy logic.

It was pointed out earlier that RN played a part or was to blame. The question is from what or who's perspective.

Performing CPR is critical, performing CPR on someone with as head or neck injury is a catch 22. The question was RN put in a catch 22 with an irrational individual hence the blame.

Yeah ... didn't a news story just say both of Max's sibs were there also?

Maybe someone who posted that radio reference will pipe back in with the transcription. I guess it's possible they were all there, Rebecca's sister went to ER with her, and someone wisked the other sib(s) off before the ambulance arrived? But how could that have happened so quickly given Jonah was at the golf course and Dina was MIA? Unless Jonah was called by someone and he put that in motion having someone pick the sib up and take somewhere?

The million dollar question............Why?
Do you know if any of the national tv news channels will be carrying it?


Fox News TV just now said they will be having a live report on the Coronado deaths.. with 15 minutes to go before PC, am hoping Fox will air it live.
The million dollar question............Why?

Well, yes ... why is that sooo important to do if true. She would need to be interviewed? And, I'm not so sure that would be the best thing for her emotional health if this was just an accident. The bad part about pegging this stuff down is how is the press supposed to ask intelligent questions?We've spent weeks on this stuff and ... I think SDSD should have prereleased info so intelligent questions should be asked. I'm afraid not nearly as much will come of this and they retain their spoon fed power points for the press. Reminds me of being on a consulting team once. We were there to evaluate a program. They kept trying to power point us to oblviion until the team leader actually told them to cease and desist. We want to see xyz and we want it now, we are not looking to be presented to, we are her to ask questions and get answers with documentation. Loved it!
The million dollar question............Why?

WOW, just WOW.

I have been gone the last couple of days getting the kids moved into new apartments at college....and I come back to this....

What a crock; if LE can't explain it to RN's family in a believable fashion (hence they hire an attorney), how the heck are they going to explain it to us???

With knowing that JS called the family and said RN commited suicide, that makes me believe even more that this was a HOMICIDE...

BUT, to answer the $$million$$ question......

Was there "help" in the house that whisked GS and her brother out of there?? Loyalty to JS to be paid later........

Did JS call DS and she assisted in getting the kids out of there? Remember she could not be reached.....did JS tell her...You have to do be paid later....
Fox News TV just now said they will be having a live report on the Coronado deaths.. with 15 minutes to go before PC, am hoping Fox will air it live.

Thank you so much for the info, Carioca.

I will turn it over to Fox News now.

Too bad it appears there isn't a single reporter who was curious to get beyond the media blackout and investigate what may have been going on behind the scenes with the well-lawyered-up and P.R.'ed up Team Shacknai, and the LE authorities. What pressure was being brought to bear with lawsuits and/or other threats and/or enticements (civil lawsuits, promises of embarrassments if the PR firm was to go on the offensive, in the event of LE continuing on with a wrongful death investigation.) Almost certainly, LE has been under pressure from the highly repped Shacknai side, compared with the distant and much less able Zahau family.

There's a great "untold story" here to be ferreted out by a good journalist, if there exists one any more in Southern California.

Elementary I agree with you 100%! this has bothered me from the start of this investigation. Now, all we can do is accept their findings or wait until records are unsealed and we can have the facts before us and come to our own conclusion! I agree that Rebecca is the victim in this case and will pray for her family during this time!

IMO if it was a suicide there would be no reason to keep the records sealed, right????
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