CA - Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #8

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Why the large and small knives? Not sure what size she might need so I'll take 'em both? She could have easily been pushed over the railing. And what was with the t-shirt? Please, someone explain the t-shirt to me.

Rebecca was in the bathroom "near the stairs". Oceanblueeyes posted a footprint of the house in the previous thread that shows the 1/2 bath under the landing in the stairs. Rebecca would have been coming out the door that shows at the bottom of the staircase. She would have been the first person to reach Max.

What was the big deal about pointing out that Ocean was on the landing when the officers arrived? They mentioned that several times.
They were re-playing the press conference on the web site of the San Diego NBC affiliate, but just stopped. Maybe they will replay it again or make it available on the site.

ETA: Ok, the repeat of the PC is back on their web site now.

This conference is odd. Its peculiar the way they tiptoe around the evidence, don't fully answer questions and talk about things that don't seem to be really relevant.
I do believe this was most likely a suicide, personally, but unless they have more detail than they are giving, why not leave it open as "undetermined?" Not to say "suicide" cannot be changed at some point, but it is difficult to have it done.

It's a long Labor Day weekend. They wanted to wrap this thing up and be finished with it, with the least collateral damage as possible. Pretend it's not a sloppy investigation and let's get on to election season and whatnot? When's the sheriff up for re-elect? In the meantime, break out the beers at the SDPD picnic. That lead investigator looks like he likes his beer, judging from that gut.
Paint and a brush could be difficult to prove who wrote it, unlike pen and paper. The message was erased, I missed this!

What was the time of death??

The best quote "Science does not lie."

The ME said he would estimate the death to be somewhere around 3 am, iirc.
Why the large and small knives? Not sure what size she might need so I'll take 'em both? She could have easily been pushed over the railing. And what was with the t-shirt? Please, someone explain the t-shirt to me.

Rebecca was in the bathroom "near the stairs". Oceanblueeyes posted a footprint of the house in the previous thread that shows the 1/2 bath under the landing in the stairs. Rebecca would have been coming out the door that shows at the bottom of the staircase. She would have been the first person to reach Max.

What was the big deal about pointing out that Ocean was on the landing when the officers arrived? They mentioned that several times.

I did notice that too. I think they really think Ocean (not me lol) may have tripped Maxie and he fell and tried to catch the chandelier to stop his fall.

Poor little boy. What a double tragedy.

Why the large and small knives? Not sure what size she might need so I'll take 'em both? She could have easily been pushed over the railing. And what was with the t-shirt? Please, someone explain the t-shirt to me.

Rebecca was in the bathroom "near the stairs". Oceanblueeyes posted a footprint of the house in the previous thread that shows the 1/2 bath under the landing in the stairs. Rebecca would have been coming out the door that shows at the bottom of the staircase. She would have been the first person to reach Max.

What was the big deal about pointing out that Ocean was on the landing when the officers arrived? They mentioned that several times.

Accounts seem to put GS way far away at the time of the fall. And she's wooshed away to South carolina immediately. I wonder if LE ever got to thoroughly interview her about these matters, or if RN was instructed immediately to say that GS wasn't around so as to keep her out of it as much as possible. And what about the other sibling supposedly there?
The voicemail on her cell could have been erased either accidentally or on purpose. She may have been so upset when she received it, she hit '7,' which with my cell phone is all it takes. I've accidentally erased a message once, BEFORE they started making them available to be retrieved, and I didn't mean to. It was the last message someone dear to my heart had left, the day before they unexpectedly passed away. :(

OTOH, she may have purposely erased it out of anguish. Then either decided on her plan and......or, was already in the middle of making preparations for her last deed, and implemented it soon after that.

No drugs, no alcohol, nothing but a dispondent person, alone. She may have felt removing herself from this life was her only option. Very sad indeed.

The message or note or whatever on the door, could be as simple as 'sorry.' Which, IF that were it, would be an indication of possible suicide. IF interpreted that way, would have or COULD have been why JS said from the get to, 'suicide.'

No matter what is said today, there's going to be people that believe this wasn't suicide. I doubt LE is going to investigate until, or IF there's new evidence. It's within the family's right to have an outside investigation. But in that case, it's on their dime. LE has done their duty.

We don't know all the evidence and some won't believe what LE says today. That's everyone's perogative. But the fact is, LE is declaring this young woman's death a suicide.

NO matter what, her family may never believe it. I might be the same myself, if I was in that position. But it won't change LE's statements.


Blessings to all involved.
There was no text message... the last use of the phone was at 12:50 a.m. by Rebecca calling her voice mail and presumably it was a voice mail left by Jonah in regards to Max taking a turn for the worse. I don't find it odd that she deleted the voicemail, I delete mine immediately because I get so many I want the mailbox always available.

As for the ropes used boat ropes, whether they be docking lines, anchor lines, tow lines, etc... are incredibly flexible and very easy to use and to tie. The newer braided nylon ones, which it appears she used, would be very easy to recover finger prints and DNA from. There was no extension cords used, which seemed to me to be the basis for some to speculate a man had to have been involved in Rebecca's hanging.

I am confident that LE looked at Rebecca's death in every manner possible... I cannot imagine that 3 or 4 different LE agencies are all involved in a conspiracy to let the rich man get away with murder. All the evidence LE presented today... her lone footprints (minus the boot that was identified as LE) on the balcony, her lone fingerprints & DNA on the paint brush, rope, knife, door, doorjamb and bed, black paint on her hands and her torso... all point to only one conclusion, Rebecca took her own life. LE investigated the whereabouts of Jonah & Dina, and it was proven they were at Children's Hospital with Max. Adam was presumably the one to take the polygraph and he passed.

I understand how hard it is to believe and accept that your loved one committed suicide. I've lived it for the past 4 1/2 years, but sadly every 16 minutes someone in this country takes their own life in many different ways. I also totally agree with LE for not releasing the message that was painted on the door. It could be something as simple as I love you and loved Max and am so very sorry... but whatever the message was should remain private unless the family decides to release it. It is also possible to determine who painted a message on a door (or wall)... see the Chris Coleman case. He spray painted messages all over walls in the family home and a handwriting expert determined it was he who wrote the messages.

This case is sad and tragic all the way around, there are no winners in any of this. We have a six year old dead from a horrible accident, and a 32 year old who was distraught and took her own life. It is my hope that both families can grieve privately now that LE has spoken, and have fingers stop pointing in directions that are not deserved. Every person involved was and is a victim of two horrible tragedies and they need prayers and peace now. MOO!
The information/finding in an investigations is the same information used in a court of law and must follow the same guidelines.

The information provided here is non conclusive................

No one can confirm that RN knew of MS's condition or retrieved the VM. The voice mail is hearsay.

The suicidal mindset can only be assumed in a 15 - 30 minute time frame.

The note and its painting is inconclusive of the author.

There is nothing ironclad about the points presented today.

...............There is more to this story...........................
It is a known fact in the media and pr world that any news you want hidden should come out on a Friday BEFORE a holiday.

Just sayin
IMHO, I find that the LE involved, used a conversation from January to justify actions in July. The notes on her cell can not be traced to a time entered (doesn't that seem strange to anyone else), so therefore can not prove if it was Rebecca who entered the notes, to my way of thinking.

She talked to her sister, listened to a voice mail and then, without any other phone calls being made or talking to anyone about how she feels, she commits suicide in a fashion that the medical examiner has NEVER seen, with no drugs or alcohol in her system what so ever.

I didn't hear where DS whereabouts were accounted for at the hospital the whole time, but they certainly made sure to say that JS was there, the whole time.

We know the 13 year old cut herself badly enough cleaning up glass, that her leg required stitches, did I hear correctly that this 13 year old was someone close to Rebecca?

Could LE have been any more vague? Could they have been any more unfeeling of Rebeccas families feelings? So sad, so bad if you don't believe OUR investigation, as we know you are going to do your own anyway.

Grrr, there is a lot more I would like to say, but need to walk away, before I get a time out.
To summarize your comments, the evidence that they showed can point to a suicide, but the problem is that the evidence as presented is not convincing enough. In fact, the way it was presented aroused even more questions and suspicions. Definitely, a re-investigation is needed. I wish Borat was around to cross-examine them.
The message or note or whatever on the door, could be as simple as 'sorry.' Which, IF that were it, would be an indication of possible suicide. IF interpreted that way, would have or COULD have been why JS said from the get to, 'suicide.'


Or maybe: "SORRY; and btw I'm going to leave you with a (very knotty) farewell gesture. Sorry again!"

OK, I'm just being sarcastic out of frustration at that odd presser. Case Closed I guess!
Why the need to keep "the note" secret? If they can't definitely say it is a suicide note, they keep refering to it as "a message" why should that be proof of anything????

They do not make suicide notes public, I am not sure if it's a California law or not, but San Diego county does not release them except to the family.
I just checked with my friend who has the latest droid, techno, can do everything phone, as her husband is an electronics geek. He says all entries have time stamps. He also said they could have had the phone unlocked by the company, if they needed, wanted more information.

I agree, that she wouldn't have erased the message, that there is things behind the scenes, not vital to a suicide theory, that were NOT revealed.
Sign On SanDiego's webcast is pathetic ; kind of like their general reporting on this story. Amateur hour over there? I'm sure they just need to get back to pie-baking stories and accounts of charity cocktail parties. Thank God this nuisance has been finally cleared up! (sarc off)

< mod snip >I am in San Diego and I know for a fact that huge amounts of resources, both in l.e. and from the forensic labs were redirected to this case because of the high profile nature.
'Goin 'round in circles, goin' like a bird up in the sky'.
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