CA - Rebecca Zahau Wrongful Death Revisited 2019

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Been there, done that...

Sept 2011 JS , wrote the attorney general that he had no reason to doubt the finding but that a review might put to rest questions raised by Zahau's family and others.

In response, AG Kamala Harris denied the request -- said it reviews cases for limited reasons, including allegations of gross misconduct by investigators, a clear conflict of interest or if a local law enforcement agency lacks resources or requests help.

Zahau family made a separate request from JS and it was denied.

April 2012, Attorney for Zahau family made another request and it was denied again.

California AG Won't Review Suicide Findings in Bizarre Death of Rebecca Zahau
Rebecca Zahau's Family Asking for Independent Investigation from State Attorney General | Coronado Times
Attorney asks for new probes into Coronado hanging
Wow. So what options are left? Can it (independent investigation) still happen with the civil trial settlement? I feel like this is like the OJ trial all over again. Obviously not the same, but it has the same flavor of no concrete answers for the family. No one to answer for the crime. This is awful for her family because it takes victim status away from Rebecca when this very well may be the case.
Been there, done that...

Sept 2011 JS , wrote the attorney general that he had no reason to doubt the finding but that a review might put to rest questions raised by Zahau's family and others.

In response, AG Kamala Harris denied the request -- said it reviews cases for limited reasons, including allegations of gross misconduct by investigators, a clear conflict of interest or if a local law enforcement agency lacks resources or requests help.

Zahau family made a separate request from JS and it was denied.

April 2012, Attorney for Zahau family made another request and it was denied again.

California AG Won't Review Suicide Findings in Bizarre Death of Rebecca Zahau
Rebecca Zahau's Family Asking for Independent Investigation from State Attorney General | Coronado Times
Attorney asks for new probes into Coronado hanging
And the FBI was never involved at all? Sorry for all of these green questions.
Wow. So what options are left? Can it (independent investigation) still happen with the civil trial settlement? I feel like this is like the OJ trial all over again. Obviously not the same, but it has the same flavor of no concrete answers for the family. No one to answer for the crime. This is awful for her family because it takes victim status away from Rebecca when this very well may be the case.

After all the denials, SDSD agreed they would re-open investigation if new, credible information was presented.

It's been Gore's opinion that there's been no new evidence, and no reason to reopen the investigation...
After all the denials, SDSD agreed they would re-open investigation if new, credible information was presented.

It's been Gore's opinion that there's been no new evidence, and no reason to reopen the investigation...
I think it would be pointless for Gore to re-open it. Would be just like the last time...let’s see how we can discredit or disprove the new evidence. Seems to be a big lack of checks and balances here. Guess I’m just losing faith after seeing all of this. I’m honestly not swayed completely on “who” especially after the discovery that there is another voice on that tape at the scene, but there are a lot of rocks left unturned and that doesn’t feel like justice. The knot in the wrong place to me is a big one too. A lot of it just doesn’t add up. As you all know!
Why aren't the feds getting involved? Just how many billions can JS have accumulated over the years, anyway? (quite the comeup for AS though, the stress was no doubt worth this new sponsorship - he even has an actual human girlfriend now! so the money must be good)

The silver lining to all this may be - not that this would make the family feel better - an increased awareness by the general public on the sheer power of the rich in the 21st century and a clarifying point on the illusion of justice for all. It's revolution making stuff, really.

The Barry and Honey Sherman case in Canada is another of these investigations that you just know is being suppressed with BIG (Pharma)MONEY. This case is on another level, but it's how the entire sector behaves. These are our neofeudal Lords, fighting for territory. How do they treat their own families, their own communities. We see that with the Sackler family, in the US. Sorry for the tangent.
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A question; was the severe rope burn discussed in the civil(or ftm, the criminal) trial? How was it explained by the defense(if it was explained at all)?

It seems like such a red flag for a violent assault, when a bound corpse is discovered. To any and all on the scene, one would think. Are we to believe that she acquired it in the act of tying herself up, or that she acquired it while holding on to the rope as she "leapt"? Was any of this even discussed at all? - sorry for my lack of knowledge if so.
The placement of the knot on the wrist binding has to force SDSD to re-classify this as murder.

Oxygen and the SD's own reconstruction has now shown this knot being furthest away from her hands was impossible for Rebecca to have tied herself.

Strangely enough the other day I was reading the doctoral thesis of Dr Claire Ferguson ("The Defects of the Situation: A Typology of Staged Crime Scenes") an Australian forensic criminologist (see links below). In it she quotes from the book of William Jerry Chisum and Brent Turvey ("Crime Reconstruction" 2007). Chisum is a criminologist previously employed by the California Department of Justice, lecturer on crime scene reconstruction to the FBI and other agencies - his bio links etc also below. The relevant part that stood out to me was the section on knots in shoelaces. Starts at the bottom of page 50 in the thesis and is a quote from the book. How the placement of the knot on the shoe can be used to discern whether the wearer tied the laces himself.

Now if something like that, such a small detail, can be used in an investigation to gather evidence of staging and mount a case, then I'm sure a knot that was not just unlikely to have been done by the victim but physically impossible for Rebecca to have tied herself, either in front of her or behind her back, means they have no choice now. It's cracked the case. They don't even need to ponder the question of how anymore, manner of death is murder, now it's who.

It's not difficult. The painted message eliminates a stranger to the family situation. Who in that small circle has an alibi and who had the strength to manually strangle Rebecca and slowly lower her weight over the balcony?
Dr. Claire Ferguson (@forensiccrim) | Twitter
Crime Reconstruction - 1st Edition
Jerry Chisum
Why aren't the feds getting involved? Just how many billions can JS have accumulated over the years, anyway? (quite the comeup for AS though, the stress was no doubt worth this new sponsorship - he even has an actual human girlfriend now! so the money must be good)

The silver lining to all this may be - not that this would make the family feel better - an increased awareness by the general public on the sheer power of the rich in the 21st century and a clarifying point on the illusion of justice for all. It's revolution making stuff, really.

The Barry and Honey Sherman case in Canada is another of these investigations that you just know is being suppressed with BIG (Pharma)MONEY. This case is on another level, but it's how the entire sector behaves. These are our neofeudal Lords, fighting for territory. How do they treat their own families, their own communities. We see that with the Sackler family, in the US. Sorry for the tangent.
BIG Pharma = Shacknai reportedly sold Medici to Valent Pharmaceuticals
for 6 Billion dollars the very same week Rebecca died, IIRC.
BIG Pharma = Shacknai reportedly sold Medici to Valent Pharmaceuticals
for 6 Billion dollars the very same week Rebecca died, IIRC.
The merger was worth 2.6 billion, and it was final in Dec 2012 - so likely the wheels were set in motion shortly after RZ's death.

Apparently there was a clause already in existence securing a large benefits package for JS if he were to ever leave.

An article from that time :
According to Medicis’ proxy statement issued in April, if there is a change in control of Medicis and Shacknai does not stay with the new controlling company, he will receive salary and bonus totaling $6.7 million, as well as health benefits for the rest of his life, administrative support and other equity awards totaling $30.7 million.

The autumn before her death, Medicis sold their ultrasound liposuction device for 35 million. That year Medicis made $721 million, with a 90% profit margin. My point sort of was along the lines of "Who even knows how rich JS actually is?", since at a certain level one can easily mingle in political and judicial circles, as opposed to resorting to overt bribery.
And why was there such a large, deep rope burn on one of her fingers? I saw it on the tv show, but couldn’t find any still shots. I can’t think of another explanation for it except for a struggle, where maybe she was being dragged/ pulled somewhere (hands not tied yet) and she had a hold of some of the rope but it got ripped from between her fingers (?)
The rope burn can be seen on the photo where she is still on the ground and the rope is in her hand. If you look close you will see it.
The rope burn can be seen on the photo where she is still on the ground and the rope is in her hand. If you look close you will see it.
Why would she have such a rope burn if she committed suicide? I can’t imagine a scenario where that rope burn injury could’ve been self-inflicted. So much about this case is literally infuriating ; this is only one example of all the many ways that suicide just doesn’t fit the evidence...
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Why would she have such a rope burn if she committed suicide? I can’t imagine a scenario where that rope burn injury could’ve been self-inflicted. So much about this case is literally infuriating ; this is only one example of all the many ways that suicide just doesn’t fit the evidence...
Looking at the location of the injury to her finger, it seems to be in a odd place to have a rope burn. Also usually to obtain a rope burn your tying knots under tension. I have yet to see any tension that was applied while tying these knots.
Looking at the location of the injury to her finger, it seems to be in a odd place to have a rope burn. Also usually to obtain a rope burn your tying knots under tension. I have yet to see any tension that was applied while tying these knots.

Based on the toe/heel prints on balcony, I've not given much thought to the hog tied theory.

However, revisiting the "hog tied" theory, perhaps rope was wrapped around/between Rebecca's fingers and burn occurred at the drop (bounce)??

I think that extra length of rope is still outstanding/unexplained.

Yes, this was the route taken by RZ's family attorney at the time. Jonah, beat them to it with his own letter asking for review of the investigation only. AG at the time, Kamala Harris (yes the same one now running for president) refused to investigate. Maybe a new AG will view the case differently now.
Yes, this was the route taken by RZ's family attorney at the time. Jonah, beat them to it with his own letter asking for review of the investigation only. AG at the time, Kamala Harris (yes the same one now running for president) refused to investigate. Maybe a new AG will view the case differently now.
That's wrong, uncaring and thoughtless and it does not surprise me in the least.
After all the denials, SDSD agreed they would re-open investigation if new, credible information was presented.

It's been Gore's opinion that there's been no new evidence, and no reason to reopen the investigation...
It certainly seems to me that the knife presented at the civil trial, with blood inside the handle at the end of the knife, would be new, credible evidence. But I suppose Gore would just tell us Rebecca was masturbating to Asian bondage *advertiser censored* before her act of Asian honor. (((Rolling my eyes)))

The fact that supposedly her computer was used to access “Asian bondage” and AS admitted to masturbating to *advertiser censored* shouldn’t be overlooked.
TristanP to be honest they told us that Rebecca could of held the knife between her legs to prop the knife up and use it to cut the ropes. That is how they explained the blood on the knife handle.
TristanP to be honest they told us that Rebecca could of held the knife between her legs to prop the knife up and use it to cut the ropes. That is how they explained the blood on the knife handle.
I want to “like” that you commented here but I can’t even bring myself to hit “like” on this thought/statement. I’m so sorry. How infuriating and frustrating for your family. I wonder, wouldn’t it be in Rebecca’s nature to write a note out to her family, especially to your wife, to say goodbye and explain what she was feeling? All of this is incredibly sad.

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