Not to mention she "Wanted" Caylee for herself and yet "FORCED" Casey to take responsibility for Caylee. She also told many people she would TAKE Caylee for herself and then also told people she could not AFFORD to keep Caylee. She also tells people that she only wanted Caylee for herself and Casey could leave at any point but yet REFUSED to babysit Caylee sometimes. She would at times take her no problem and then at other times berate KC and harrass her to come home and watch her kid.
I was a very young mother and had my son at 16 years of age, my mother allowed me to go out with friends and finsish school - my mother understood my young mind and how it felt and so she took her grandson no problem no guilt nothing and often I didn't have the need to go out with friends - we never had that guilt trip tug of war - I never had a reason to resent my child.
*I also want to add - that I worked from the age of 16 and contributed to our household.
KC had major problems. NO JOB, NO SITTER, NO MONEY, and a mother sending her mixed signals constantly.
I see what your saying but were you going out almost
every single night and leaving bub with your mom, the way KC was?
I know that CA loved Caylee more than anything, and loved to spend time with her. I dont think she was sending mixed signals at all. She wanted to give KC some freedom, and did ,until KC took advantage of the offer and just expected it
all the time.
I bet you were appreciative of your mom helping you out- but KC wasnt like that. She saw it as her mothers duty, rather than an offer of help that she should be greatful for.
I also dont buy the 'CA forced KC to keep Caylee' idea. Nobody
forces KC to do anything! She does whatever she wants, and I believe she thought by having Caylee she would get lots of special treatment.There was something in it for her,(because she only ever does things when thheres something in it for her) until she figured out how responsible a parent needs to be.
Also I think a good mom/grandparent would draw the line somewhere- to teach her adult child to be responsible as a mother herself- which means putting your own wants and needs second to the childs.
Then you have the situation where Kc was having a whinge that Caylee was more attatched to CA than KC. Why? Because CA spent more quality time with Caylee. How can CA help to diminish some of those feelings in KC? By encouraging her to spend more time with Caylee instead of going out to party.
And when KC finally said she was leaving to 'bond' with Caylee, CA respected her wishes. She thought KC was finally doing the right thing for Caylee. But instead Kc killed her beautiful daughter, and used her manipulative tactics to explain away caylees absence.
'This is what you wanted mom...We just need time to bond'....Thats why CA wasnt freaking out at not having contact with Caylee for a few weeks. She thought it was going to be for the greater good.
I for one am tired of hearing CA blamed for KC's actions. Plenty of members here have children who are drug addicts, felons, and who are bad parents , and nobody says its their fault! Their posts are met with support- not condemnation.
We cant have it both ways. Either every parent who's child goes off the rails is a bad parent and all fault lies with them , or they are victims of circumstance.
What we do know is that CA said she was more than happy to watch caylee when she was on her holidays from work...thats why she tried to go to universal to see Caylee.
And tell me....would you keep baby sitting for your adult child if you had just discovered that your daughter wasnt really working? That all the times you were supposedly helping out with the child so your daughter could go to work, she was really out partying?
Its called tough gets attacked for enabling KC, and yet when she attempted to set out some boundaries that would benefit the entire family, she's considered controlling. Whats a woman to do?