CA - Ryan O'Neal and son arrested on drug charges

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I think I read that if Redmond's probation is revoked, he is looking at a 6 year prison sentence.

I don't see how that would help turn his life over for the better, at all.

By all accounts, Farrah wanted this baby so desperately. It's so sad how his life is turning out.
Different year same sad story.

Redmond O'Neal Arrested on Drug Charges

I am so glad everyone agreed with letting Redmond continue rehab.

Our prisons are bursting at the seams. Make room for real killers, pedophiles, violent offenders and let's help the drug addicts.

To those of you who think punishment helps drug addicts you are wrong. Of course every case is different but please keep in mind drugs are not the problem. They are the symptom of the problem.

Only with intense therapy and maybe anti-depressants can any addict be turned around. It is a battle that continues for life.

IMO Redmond didn't have a chance. According to Tatum's book her dad and Farrah's house was like something out of Amsterdam with the amount of pot that was smoked. Redmond learned at an early age.

If Redmond were a black kid from the projects instead of Farrah and Ryan's kid, you would be crying for longer prison terms.
I know you weren't addressing me but I sure know I wouldn't be crying for longer prison terms if Redmond were a black kid from the projects.
Not sure how you can assume that view about anyone Newcomer?

Praying Farrah can't see this from anywhere; she deserves to be at peace.
Prayers to Redmond too.
Dam - we're not going to get into the whole black/white thang are we? I say if someone goes to rehab and fails miserably, said person should go straight to jail and live out their sentence, regardless of race. I wouldn't ask someone else to be treated differently in jail by crying for longer prison terms. I'll save that fight for child killers, pedophiles, and murderers.

As far as Redmond - he had his chance, and blew it on his first pass. Time to send him to the big house.
He is already in a 'prison' of meth addiction. That's what it is like, when one is addicted to methamphetamine. It's unbelievable what that drug can do to a person.

From everything I've read, Redmond has been an addict for many, many years. I hope he even makes it to age 30, at this point.

I'd rather see him (or any other kid with this crippling of an addiction- black, white, purple, polka-dotted- it's all the same to me) be locked away in rehab for 6 years than be locked away in prison without treatment.

He is the same age as my daughter (24). Although my daughter has never had a drug or alcohol problem, I really feel for Redmond. He probably doesn't know HOW to live clean and sober at this point. He might not be able to even imagine it, or understand WHY anyone would want to.

He needs long-term treatment, not prison.
This isn't a black or white issue... it's a drug issue.

I still ponder if he was with is father on that 24 hour pass... Ryan has been nothing but a bad influence on the young man. Of course that does not cancel out Redmond's actions of taking drugs again, but it wouldn't surprise me if Ryan facilitated it...
Dam - we're not going to get into the whole black/white thang are we? I say if someone goes to rehab and fails miserably, said person should go straight to jail and live out their sentence, regardless of race. I wouldn't ask someone else to be treated differently in jail by crying for longer prison terms. I'll save that fight for child killers, pedophiles, and murderers.

As far as Redmond - he had his chance, and blew it on his first pass. Time to send him to the big house.
Our prisons are so over-crowded, though. One reason is they are full of non-violent drug users/addicts.

Sending drug abusers to prison just isn't working. It's time to try something else. Like getting them real help.

Besides, I'm sick of watching child rapists (and the like) let free on early parole so that we can make room for people with substance abuse problems.

Our prisons are so over-crowded, though. One reason is they are full of non-violent drug users/addicts.

Sending drug abusers to prison just isn't working. It's time to try something else. Like getting them real help.

Besides, I'm sick of watching child rapists (and the like) let free on early parole so that we can make room for people with substance abuse problems.

Don't get me wrong, I agree with you. But where do we draw the line of non-violent and violent. Personally, I don't want Redmond out on the streets high as a kite, driving a car, ready to kill an innocent person. I still don't believe Hulk Hogan's son should be out either (and he's already had another accident).

In a perfect world, the abusers should have a terrible time getting access to drugs. This is where the problem starts and not the prison systems. Heck, I'd sure like to know where Red received his dope so quickly. Sure scares me. and I know the good ol U S of A is doing little to deter it.

Now I'm rambling. In short, I don't see an answer soon. Sad huh!

It's ridiculous to send drug addicts to prison for so many reasons. We need to find a different way, but we' don't seem anywhere close to a viable solution.

Dope is everywhere and NOT hard to get if you are an addict. It's not even hard to get in prison.
It's ridiculous to send drug addicts to prison for so many reasons. We need to find a different way, but we' don't seem anywhere close to a viable solution.

Dope is everywhere and NOT hard to get if you are an addict. It's not even hard to get in prison.

Yea since we all know prison the place to send people who need medical care.:waitasec:

Addiction is a medical issue, these people need doctors not prison cells.

You can always tell from a person's response to issues like this whether they have dealt with addiction themselves either personally or with someone they love. Their words give them away immediately.
Drugs see no color, no class system, no religious beliefs. They don't care if you're a soccer mom or someone who has struggled because of your socio economic background.

Personally I think he needs prison time. That was the deal. No? I know a few people that while in prison it had been the longest time they were clean in their lives. Of course they had utilized the services the prison provided and worked their Steps while incarcerated. The same people after release continued and are now productive members of society. Then of course there are people that didn't. It depends on the individual.

Granted I have no idea what kind of rehab this poor kid is in, BUT and this is just me maybe if they sent him to a rehab where you have to hide your sandwich and sleep in some less than stellar conditions it may have helped.

I feel bad for ANY kid addicted. I truly do. These young people. Figure you're in rehab for a good nine months. Your mom dies. Your dad's a mess, and you go back to what you know makes it better. Kid must have been just playing it all in his mind. As soon as I split out of here I'll go and get just one bag of dope. One cap of crack.

Prison worked for Robert Downey Jr. I think it took more than once, but it worked. There's always hope. Always.
Yea since we all know prison the place to send people who need medical care.:waitasec:

Addiction is a medical issue, these people need doctors not prison cells.

You can always tell from a person's response to issues like this whether they have dealt with addiction themselves either personally or with someone they love. Their words give them away immediately.

That's a very sweeping generalization. I do know people who are or have been addicts of a myriad of drugs as well as alcohol. One, in particular, has completed nine different rehab programs that I know of in the last 10 years - and I don't know how many others prior to that. Now, at the age of 53 this fellow is about to lose his wife and young children because they've had enough.

There are plenty of other examples of unsuccessful rehab stories involving the well-to-do, indicating that road doesn't work for everyone. In Redmond's case, it amounts to nothing more than a slap on the hand - and surely he knows that.
When you're in prison, you don't get a 24 hour pass to hang out with your loser father. Prison might be the best thing that happened to him.

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