CA-Sandra Cantu Missing 3/28/2009 from Tracy,#2

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The cousin's trailer in Oakdale that was searched, do we have a location better than just Oakdale? I am researching SO's in that area...
from last is the house across from 262 School ave oakdale
I was thinking about that when people were referring to Haleigh in the past tense. I've caught myself doing that when explaining something to my fiance. Haha he has to hear all about these cases from me. So IDK on that one if it is such a red flag or not... :waitasec:

I just think family would be the last to do that. I still don't always speak of my dear dad who died last August in the past tense. To me, it made me give Danistar's tip a bit more credence because the aunt was so teary at the time. But, she began talking about further searches after that so I changed my mind.
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Search on for California Girl, 8

Aired April 3, 2009 - 19:00:00 ET

JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HOST (voice-over): Tonight, beautiful 8-year-old Sandra Cantu now missing for a week. Neighborhood sweeps come up empty after searching waste dumps and water. But the biggest clue may be the Web. Cops canvassing about 60 people near the Cantu home who they believe looked at child *advertiser censored*. Is this on top of the 80 registered sex offenders in the town? Are these stats typical for America?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Shocking information in the desperate search for 8- year-old California girl Sandra Cantu tonight. One week and still no trace at all of this beautiful little girl who vanished last Friday in broad daylight after playing with a friend. The second grader was last seen in her mobile park community wearing a pink Hello Kitty T-shirt and black leggings.

Cops frantically looking for any signs of Sandra, sending out helicopters, going through the town`s trash, and dredging through rivers. Then came this surprising announcement from investigators.

LT. JEREMY WATNEY, TRACY POLICE DEPARTMENT: A Hello Kitty T-shirt was found in the transfer station as they were going through the trash. However, when a picture was shown to Mom, she said it wasn`t her daughter`s T-shirt.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Authorities will run tests on the shirt just to be certain. But you have to wonder: what a coincidence that a little girl vanishes with a pink Hello Kitty T-shirt and a similar T-shirt, Hello Kitty, found in the trash. We`ll analyze that one.

Cops identify 60 people living in Sandra`s community who view or exchange child *advertiser censored*. That`s not all. And they say 78 registered sex offenders live in this town. Is this typical of America as a whole? What`s going on here? And what is the likelihood one of these people are related to her mysterious disappearance?

Straight out to my fantastic panel: Dr. Dale Archer, clinical psychologist; Wendy Murphy, former prosecutor and author of "And Justice for Some"; plus Drew Findling, Atlanta criminal defense attorney; and Vinny Parco, a private investigator. Also by phone, Eric Firpo, city editor with "The Tracy Press." He has been covering this case from the very start.

Eric, what is the latest?
David Lee B., could this be the cousin? Lee is a common middle name in the Sinclair family I was noticing.

ETA: if I can't have his name posted will someone tell me so I don't get a time out and I will delete this or make it initials... thx
Eric, what is the latest?

ERIC FIRPO, "THE TRACY PRESS": Well, the latest is that, you know, they continue to search. And they haven`t found the girl, and they`ve made no arrests in the case.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Well, they held a news conference, and they announced she has a birthmark on her cheek, did they not? What did they say about that?

FIRPO: They did. They showed a photograph. You could actually barely see it. So -- but she has a little kind of a dark mole on her right cheek.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, Doctor -- OK. So they said that that`s a distinctive feature, Eric, and that people out there looking for a child should look for this distinctive -- tell us what it is again?

FIRPO: Well, it`s a little -- it`s actually not that dark and it was very difficult to see in the photo, but they do -- she does have a little mole on her right cheek.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Dr. Dale Archer, I want to ask you about this Hello Kitty T-shirt. It seems astounding, as astounding coincidence, that this little girl`s last seen in a pink Hello Kitty T-shirt, and they find a Hello Kitty T-shirt in the trash, but the mother says that`s not the same T-shirt.

My question to you is could she be in shock? Could she be in denial? Could it be too difficult for her on an emotional level to acknowledge that that could be her daughter`s shirt, given the implications? Or is it possible that it`s just a wild coincidence?

DR. DALE ARCHER, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST: You know, I mean, I think it`s possible that she could be in that much shock, but I think it`s unlikely. And I think that we would have to assume that the mother would know the exact shirt that her daughter was wearing.

And I don`t know how many different versions of these T-shirts there are, but I would take it at face value and say, you know what? This is probably true. It`s probably not the shirt. A shocking coincidence, but I don`t think it`s the case.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So going back to Eric, were both T-shirts pink?

FIRPO: Yes, they were pink. She was last seen wearing a pink Hello Kitty T-shirt and black leggings. And they really thought this was the big break in the case, actually. They were talking about that today, but it`s not the shirt.


FIRPO: As far as they`re concerned, they`ve moved on. It`s not the shirt. They`re not looking at the shirt anymore. They will test it, just to be, you know, 100 percent certain, but really, they don`t think it was the shirt. So...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Wendy Murphy, what do you make of it?

WENDY MURPHY, FORMER PROSECUTOR: Well, you know, I have a 7-year-old who loves Hello Kitty. And Hello Kitty T-shirts really are different. They come in a variety of styles, and they are mostly all pink. So it may well be nothing.

But I think it`s interesting that they`re pointing out the mole on the cheek, and we`re talking about child *advertiser censored*, Jane. Because if you clip a kid, and you`re trying to either sell her for sex or *advertiser censored*, one of the things you`re going to do is dye her hair, try to make her look different. But you can`t easily get rid of a mole. So I think it`s telling. I think it`s important that people understand that.
Ugh sorry I'm new at this forum posting stuff. Never even been in a chat room before so what does that mean exactly? Like don't direct posts to another poster or we can't talk about or to Danistar? :confused:

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Okay, now I'll get back to following my own advice to focus on Sandra!:)

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I have to say you`re right: the FBI is already involved. The FBI searched the home of a man in the mobile home park, and this man`s name, Christian Sinclair. He was arrested Monday for allegedly interfering with the investigation but was later cited and released.

Three vehicles connected to him have already been seized. And we are learning that he has had more than one restraining order against him.

Eric, what do authorities have to say about this individual and his past, particularly regarding the restraining orders? And I have to stress, this man is not considered a suspect. You know, everybody`s going to have a past, and you talk to people. Things are going to come up. Doesn`t mean he`s involved. But what do you know about this guy, Eric?

FIRPO: OK. Well, he has had a couple of restraining orders against him, including his own parents took out a restraining order in 2004 against the guy because -- and they said -- they, you know, said in the form that they filled out that he was a drug abuser and an alcoholic.

And another restraining order from a woman who also lives in the mobile home park the year before, you know, described a very violent and abusive guy.
Terms of Service and other posting info can be found in the first forum on this site.
Okay, now I'll get back to following my own advice to focus on Sandra!:)

:ashamed0005: I read through those one time and I can't remember much of it now.
I assume this teacher accused of molesting students in Tracy hasn't been bailed out yet, but he did live less than a mile from Sandra's house. Just another local child-*advertiser censored* pervert.

Also, this may have nothing to do with Sandra, but in the Tracy police logs from yesterday: "1:35 p.m.: A woman said she found a butcher knife wrapped in a pillow case in her backyard on the 600 block of Ferdinand Street."
That's about 3.4 miles from Sandra's house.
That is scary!!!! :eek: I would be freaked the heck out if I found that in my backyard
VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, wait a second. I`ve got -- I`ve got to move on, because we have other characters who are coming to the surface of this case. There`s this 60-year-old man by the name of Frank Wohler. He admitted to kissing Sandra two years ago when she was just 6 years old. Listen to a reporter ask about this incident.

FRANK WOHLER, ADMITTED TO KISSING SANDRA: I don`t know anything about her disappearance at all. I`ve known her. I knew her in 2006 when I first moved here. I don`t know anything about it. I wish I did.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did they talk to you about that incident that happened in 2006?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did you, in fact, kiss her on the lips?

WOHLER: Yes, I did. Yes.


WOHLER: To be nice.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: OK. He kissed her on the lips to be nice. Before we go any further, this man, Wohler, is not a suspect in this case. It`s very important to point that out.

But let me get back to Dr. Dale Archer. What do you make of that explanation? Could it have just been a moment where he did something inappropriate because he wasn`t thinking?

ARCHER: You know, I mean, it`s hard to deal with comments just on one statement like that. But, boy, it doesn`t sound good. You know? It doesn`t sound good.

MURPHY: Good answer.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. I mean, but...

MURPHY: Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? If this...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: This is an apparently otherwise upstanding member of the community and I think...

MURPHY: Obviously not.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: ... it`s a moment of very, very bad judgment. But let`s bring in the reporter again.

Eric Firpo, what do we know about this particular individual? And what did police say about him?

FIRPO: Well, police aren`t saying anything about him. But we know that he`s a martial arts instructor and has been in town since 1992. and they`ve searched his business. They took a couple of DVDs with photos on them. They took a cell phone. They probably took some other stuff. He didn`t really -- all he said that they took were DVDs and...
Okay that's what I get for not reading the last thread. Cousin was already sleuthed.
NG aired it tonight as never before seen footage so no you are not far behind!

Thanks! NG...Lets see, that must be that lady that has straw hair, Never smiles, does not have any idea what she is talking about and is going to start WW3 with all the BOMBSHELLS she drops.
Thanks! NG...Lets see, that must be that lady that has straw hair, Never smiles, does not have any idea what she is talking about and is going to start WW3 with all the BOMB SHELLS she drops.

I was excited when Jane Velez Mitchell got her own show but I fear she is trying to be too much like Nancy. She over uses "bombshell" and "shocker" way too much!!
I was excited when Jane Velez Mitchell got her own show but I fear she is trying to be too much like Nancy. She over uses "bombshell" and "shocker" way too much!!

Your right. She is really going to get wrinkles bad. I bet when she goes off air every night she has a headache she frowns so much! My wife watches these shows and I give her the same treatment. lol
Better hush now. I am a man in a woman's world here..................
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