GUILTY CA - Sebhrenah Wesson, 25, & 8 children murdered, Fresno, 12 March 2004

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Toth said:
There is little reason to automatically label a communal living arrangement as a cult.

A cult can be a group of people who have adoration for another. The various articles say the children appeared to be fathered by the perp with different women. Since the women were in contact with one another (as indicated two were on the scene), they loosly referred to the arrangement as a cult. At first glance, it does appear that way. I'm sure it'll all come out.
This is a horrible and senseless crime. Thanks for the link to send these officers a message. I think I will.
Oh good grief!! It appears that this MAY be the same attorney that brought up dirty and skeeter in the Peterson trial. They're both in Fresno so I would venture to say,'s the same person.
Now what? Is MG going to try and connect the two cases? I'm serious. He's probably got a team of grunts on it as we type. This could at the least work into a months delay for the defense.
fran said:
Oh good grief!! It appears that this MAY be the same attorney that brought up dirty and skeeter in the Peterson trial. They're both in Fresno so I would venture to say,'s the same person.
Now what? Is MG going to try and connect the two cases? I'm serious. He's probably got a team of grunts on it as we type. This could at the least work into a months delay for the defense.
Hi fran! Watching Fox News Channel now and just about fell off the chair when I heard Muna's voice! I don't like them saying "ritual" MG gas so to speak! Only a matter of time before this tragedy gets woven into SP lies.....
Muna said his client (dirty or skeeter, I can't remember which) will not be called to testify at the Peterson trial as the prosecution has a different theory of the case. He sorta dodged the issue of whether his client had been discredited.
Did anyone else hear the interview with Wesson's son, who said something like, all 9 of his brothers and sisters are children of his sisters' who may have been artificially inseminated???
Newswolf said:
Did anyone else hear the interview with Wesson's son, who said something like, all 9 of his brothers and sisters are children of his sisters' who may have been artificially inseminated???
Oh Baby, you gotta sniff that out and get more on that. Inquiring minds wanna know!!!
Yeah it was :crazy:

The young man walked up to the reporter in the middle of a live shot and started going on about the media frenzy and that his father was never abusive but they hadn't spoken in about 6 weeks and yes it all seems horrible but not like my father. He said he was the oldest or only son, reporter asked where his brothers and sisters are, said that's my family in there, said he has nine and they're his sisters' kids and they have been artificially inseminated.

Can't find it online but FOX is supposed to do more in-depth report at 7pm E
GRRRR! Fox News didn't show all of the press conference. I did catch a little more on MSNBC News that they were conducting DNA tests on the children (incest was mentioned) to sort out paternity. Also, they did say the children weren't mutilated, but I'm not so sure it didn't happen. Several relatives of the victims haven't been notified so maybe LE is reluctant to talk about what condition the bodies were in when found.,2933,114123,00.html

"The bodies of six females and three males, ages 1 to 24, were found tangled in the back room of in Marcus Wesson's (search) home Friday. Fresno's largest mass murder ever quadrupled its homicides for the year in a single night and disturbed officers so much that some immediately needed counseling.

Wesson, described by police as "very calm," was arrested Friday after emerging from his home covered in blood.

Wesson, 57, has fathered children with at least four women, two of whom are his own daughters, said Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer.

"We are exploring the possibility that there were other women he was involved with, either sexually or in some sort of polygamist relationship," Dyer said.

Police said they believe all the victims are members of Wesson's family, but they declined to release names pending notification of kin.

Wesson was cooperating with police, who planned to charge him with nine counts of murder, Dyer said.

"If this does not qualify for the death sentence, then there is no case that would," Dyer said.

Dyer said police believe they know the cause of death, but would not release that information. "
it just seems to get worse and waorse. He fathered children with 2 of his own daughters!!!??? I am shocked and disgusted. He also is a VERY scary looking individual whom I'm sure I'll see in my nightmares.
The police say that the perp likely impregnated 2 of his daughters.

It doesn't get sicker than this. :hand:
Usually that sort of stuff goes on in more rural areas. Alaska and the like, self reliant types who live fairly isolated lives where the whole town may know that the daughters don't have boyfriends but get pregant each year. One man in California had two daughters each of whom he impregnated. One still visited him and brought the kids along. The kids called him 'grand pa' but they each knew he was really their father. California never prosecuted him, but I think it was North Dakota or Wyoming that gave him seven years because the other daughter had been impregnated by him in that state and there was no statute of limitations on that sort of thing there. The wife ofcourse went along with it all and let it happen to the daughters from when they were about seven and nine years old. And all he got was seven years in the slammer.
Fresno Man Charged With Nine Murder Counts


FRESNO, Calif. (March 14) - Six coroners, triple the typical weekend staff, worked in shifts Sunday to identify the nine victims of a mass killing, believed to all be family members of a man who lived a bizarre life of polygamy and incest. :sick: :sick: ANIMAL, MONSTER :behindbar

Marcus Wesson, who may have fathered two of the victims with his own daughters, was charged with nine counts of murder. Bail was set at $9 million.

Identifying the victims and tracking down next of kin to be notified was a difficult process.

''It's just very complicated,'' Deputy Fresno County Coroner Amy Hance said Sunday. ''Who do you make notification to if eventually some of the victims are other victims' relatives?''

Wesson, 57, covered with blood but described by police as ''very calm,'' was arrested Friday when he emerged from his home, where authorities found the nine bodies tangled in a pile of clothing in a back room.

Investigators said the victims were six females and three males, ranging in age from 1 to 24 and probably all Wesson's children and grandchildren.

A makeshift memorial of stuffed animals, balloons and flowers grew Sunday on the sidewalk in front of the single-story house, as a steady flow of people came by with more cards and teddy bears.

No motive had been determined, Police Chief Jerry Dyer told reporters.

Police said Wesson had fathered children with at least four women, two of them his own daughters.

''We are exploring the possibility that there were other women he was involved with, either sexually or in some sort of polygamist relationship,'' Dyer said Saturday.

He said police believe they know the cause of death but would not release that information.

''I can tell you that there were no mutilations,'' Dyer said. ''The bodies were intact.''

Dyer added that police ''have not ruled out the involvement of any other suspects.''

The grisly tale of polygamy, incest and murder stunned not only police but also Wesson's 29-year-old son, Dorian.

''He was a good father. He wasn't abusive at all,'' Dorian Wesson told the Los Angeles Times.

''I don't want to believe it. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt. But they're all dead,'' said Dorian Wesson, adding that he hadn't seen his father in about a year.

Officers were called to the house Friday for a child custody dispute. After finding the ghastly scene, some officers were placed on administrative leave and were being given counseling.

Police also found 10 wooden coffins. Antique store owner Lois Dugovic said Wesson bought the hand-carved, mahogany coffins about five years ago, saying he planned to use the wood to repair a houseboat.

Wesson had once lived with five women and appeared to have a romantic relationship with each, said Frank Muna, an acquaintance. The women seemed to be under Wesson's control, walking behind him and not speaking when he was present, Muna said.

Neighbors said they knew little about Wesson but noticed that his behavior had become more bizarre, Muna said.

''A lot of what he was saying wasn't relevant to what we were discussing,'' Muna said.

It is the largest mass killing ever in Fresno, a city of 440,000 people about 190 miles southeast of San Francisco.

Associated Press Writer Brian Melley contributed to this report.
Looks more like a communal living arrangement for a religious sect invented by Marcus Wesson than a cult. (I think Toth predicted such from the get-go, so hardly an original observation by moi)

Religion per se is responsible for a horrible amount of deaths and murders. How God must grieve over such happenings now, and throughout history.
I just heard on Fox news the police have recordoned off the home and are digging in the basement. I wonder what they are looking for - maybe more bodies! I don't know :(

I was thinking that maybe some of the bodies had been piled there for quite a while, but since Serafino lived there, he could have hardly missed bodies piled in the bedroom.

I wonder did the children live there at all, or were they just recently allowed to be in the house in Wesson's "temporary custody". Neighbors said they didn't even know children were there.

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