Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #1

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About the daycare thing. Does no one think she did that for their benefit? It'd help prepare them for the education process. Think about it, if they're already used to the routine of strangers teaching them and other children around they'll have that experience when they move on to preschool. I'm sure private preschools would look more favorably on applicants who have already been exposed to the classroom atmosphere, etc.

I don't find it that big of deal.

I think people commenting on it are surprised because so many families have to carefully manage their money to allow one parent to stay home with the kids. It's unusual to see a family where the income is high enough that one parent can stay home AND they can still afford daycare.
Thank you Jashrema. KB sure stresses his happy family life, how hard he's trying, and the abduction idea.

"If she's listening, I want to say we're trying and I'm uhm we're trying the best we can and I'm so sorry I'm not there."

"I know she's screaming for me."

"She could drop her phone but she would never in a million years, you know, not pick up our children on the time that she would normally would have."

"She was definitely taken against her will."

"I am coming honey. I'm trying. I'm doing everything I can. And I love you."

"She's a fighter, she would do anything for me, for her children, for her family."

"And..normal days..I would open the door and my family comes...running... gives me a hug. That's when I knew, in my opinion, she was abducted."
I don't know. The ear buds aren't bothering me either.
I don't have hair as long as hers, yet it ends up in my wedding ring and caught up the hinges of my eyegalsses.
If she was running and
there was any wind, even if she had not gone missing, it happens and is not anything alarming.
I'm thinking if she was pulled into car it would make sense she would try to call for help. That's how he got the idea to throw phone. What puzzles me is if they were heading north then why throw phone out passenger window.. Possibly 2 predators?
The police may quietly know stuff like:

Cf Gee I wonder if the surveillance picked up someone in the area of the phone that had no business being there...

Or, could someone have gone there and then been like "Here they are" (phone, buds, fannypack) even if they were just placed there. Iykwim.
Sort of like Wesley Hadsell style?

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If there is video of that exact area where the phone was found, one would think that it would show something...
Her text to husband....Maybe she was wanting to plan for her run. If husband was coming home for lunch, she would run later. If she didn't hear back from him, knowing that he is busy working, she would go for her run and not wait at home. I remember when I was a SAHM, my kiddos went to Mother's Day Out a couple of days a week. I used that time to exercise, clean the house and sometimes lunch dates with my husband or friends.
I think people commenting on it are surprised because so many families have to carefully manage their money to allow one parent to stay home with the kids. It's unusual to see a family where the income is high enough that one parent can stay home AND they can still afford daycare.
My in law's helped pay for daycare for us when I was a stay at home and when I worked. They couldn't keep the kids themselves, but wanted them in a good place, not with some random sitters.
It was such a blessing!
One income, two incomes, we don't know the situation they decided on or who paid for it.
I still have a problem with this statement:
PAPINI: I received a text message from her at 10:37 a.m. that day asking me if I was coming home from lunch. I usually don`t bring my personal phone in

on my job, so I didn`t respond to that message until 1:39 p.m. later that day.

Can't figure out why she would text him knowing this??

I wonder if they have had any handymen or service guys at their home recently?
Again I am for some odd reason getting AJ Hadsell flashes. 10:37, 1:39, such weirdly specific time recall, just like in AJs case. What time did I vote today? 11ish. That's all I can say for sure. I always feel when people make sure to get specific time stamps into a timeline of a crime, it's because they've carefully crafted something. I'm not outright accusing anyone, but it is usually a clear indicator that LE probably doesn't ignore either.

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A big thanks to whoever posted this link earlier, to the KRCR report. It shows the scene where the phone was found, apparently. Doesn't it? That's the husband standing there, right?

What the heck is that object on the side of the road at 0:12? It looks to me like a fanny pack, or at least a cell phone holder of some sort.

In any case, people who are jogging don't carry their cell phone in their hand. It didn't just fall there while she was abducted. Somebody threw it there.

It also appears this is right in front of a nearby house. It's highly unlikely somebody would abduct somebody right in front of a house. In fact, I find it odd that they would even throw the phone down so close to a house. Why risk being seen?
Does anyone know where the strands of hair were found? I don't mean area, I mean literally where? On the ground? It seems odd to me that strands of hair didn't blow away... were they caught on something?

The phone bothers me. If you're abducting someone and you have an extremely limited amount of time to do so, it makes absolutely no sense to remove a phone from whatever holder it was in. I mean, how would that be done even? At the presumption that she would struggle... how would you take the phone off her person?

The language used during the interview bothers me immensely. But I'll leave that where it is and try and focus on questions on the evidence that has been confirmed.

So... phone and hair. Bothering me!

I imagine they were entangled with the ear buds and cords.
If there is video of that exact area where the phone was found, one would think that it would show something...
Perhaps it does. My point is that we don't know what LE knows. I've been surprised in so many cases how early in LE had "their man" but needed to play it out. I guess I just worded it weird.😊

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Unless, like Mark S did - in the TS case, calls from her phone where not made by her. Same could be said 'if' there was a call or text to the daycare facility.
Someone needs to tap Skibs on the shoulder and ask her to make a map for us :)

Must have a really sore arm stretching all that way!

Ok, so I had a quick scan of the thread

Please tell me if I have anything wrong and add to the list if there is more to go on the map

Last seen - Sunset Road
iPhone/earbuds/chuck of hair - Old Oregon Trial/Sunrise Drive
Ladies underwear found = Bear Mountain Road

What else? The daycare, do we know where that is?
Perhaps it does. My point is that we don't know what LE knows. I've been surprised in so many cases how early in LE had "their man" but needed to play it out. I guess I just worded it weird.��

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I agree. I think LE knows more than they are saying and are just waiting for things to play out.
The interviews are precisely why I'm withholding "clearing" the husband in my eyes. When Ce went missing, the sense of urgency is so high octane that you are literally running around in circles. You want to shake and scream at people...FIND HER! WE HAVE TO FIND HER! You want to scream at people..why are you wasting time talking to me? Or her? Or talking amongst yourselves? FIND HER!! The adrenaline is pouring out your ears 24/7. But I will say this...there is NO WAY anyone would have ever said to a news station "I know she is screaming for me" The visual that that phrase conjures up is so shattering that to SAY that would mean that you have given up hope. Family, unless it has been YEARS hardly ever gives up hope. You choose in a millisecond the words you are going to speak and you don't speak in the past tense. It's not a slip of the tongue to do so, you CHOSE to speak in the past tense, you CHOSE to use those words, and you do it unconsciously. Our minds were not accepting that 2, 3, 4, 5, days after someone has gone missing that they were "screaming" for you. To cry or be upset and say that you're worried that they are cold, or hungry, or may be hurt and unable to tell anyone is one thing...but "screaming for you". NEVER. I am NOT sleuthing the husband but according to mods..we are allowed to discuss what they have said in media and what he has said and how he presents himself is all wrong IMO. I hope I am wrong. He also said, "If she was here"...that is past tense.."bring her home" is WAY different then "let her go". If you're so convinced that she has been taken, you don't ask a kidnapper to bring them ask to "let her go." He is just all wrong in my eyes right now. You don't say "this is the worst thing ever," because you KNOW the worst thing ever is them being found murdered. THAT"S the worst thing. You don't say, "I'm trying, I'm say...WE WILL NEVER STOP UNTIL WE FIND YOU AND WE WILL FIND YOU. I need to stop talking, his whole vocab during this is really angering me. LE is fully aware of how SM is and they monitor it ALL. They really do. They know what is being said and they know that by saying "While no one is cleared, we have no reason to believe Mr. so and so is involved in any way." There are many dark and dangerous thoughts that pass thru your mind when someone you love has been taken but you don't EVER speak them because to speak them , might make them true and that is know? With Sierah, there was evidence of a struggle, there was knew she did not leave willingly which increases panic. With Sherri, there is no evidence of struggle, no blood, no nothing that we are aware of at least, so why the immediate jump to "She's been kidnapped." Ask anyone, she has no reason to leave" cockiness..if there is no signs of injury or struggle you HAVE to entertain the possibility that maybe she left on her own. You HAVE too..and while that may be shocking to you or even cause you embarrassment, wouldn't you want to entertain that? Because that would mean she's still alive. And that is the most important thing..that you have hope and can hang on to however thin or implausible the thread is, that they are still alive. This case is making me sick to my stomach. Two little ones mother is gone and they don't know where she is. Her parents feel like they are in a nightmare and they are. Nothing will EVER be the same again until they find her. Idk..something is just wrong here in my opinion only.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Everything you have stated is exactly how I felt watching the videos. Knowing that you've been there and you sense the same things, only reinforces my thoughts.
I know this has been asked before but not sure if it has been answered: Do we know who dropped the kids off at daycare? Also, are there any photos/videos of husband prior to November 6 interview?
I know this has been asked before but not sure if it has been answered: Do we know who dropped the kids off at daycare? Also, are there any photos/videos of husband prior to November 6 interview?

I have not heard anything about who dropped the children off at daycare.
Someone posted a link with wedding pictures, however, I am not sure about links or posting as no one has been named a POI and we are not allowed to sleuth family and friends

I expect you could find anything if you google
The interviews are precisely why I'm withholding "clearing" the husband in my eyes. When Ce went missing, the sense of urgency is so high octane that you are literally running around in circles. You want to shake and scream at people...FIND HER! WE HAVE TO FIND HER! You want to scream at people..why are you wasting time talking to me? Or her? Or talking amongst yourselves? FIND HER!! The adrenaline is pouring out your ears 24/7. But I will say this...there is NO WAY anyone would have ever said to a news station "I know she is screaming for me" The visual that that phrase conjures up is so shattering that to SAY that would mean that you have given up hope. Family, unless it has been YEARS hardly ever gives up hope. You choose in a millisecond the words you are going to speak and you don't speak in the past tense. It's not a slip of the tongue to do so, you CHOSE to speak in the past tense, you CHOSE to use those words, and you do it unconsciously. Our minds were not accepting that 2, 3, 4, 5, days after someone has gone missing that they were "screaming" for you. To cry or be upset and say that you're worried that they are cold, or hungry, or may be hurt and unable to tell anyone is one thing...but "screaming for you". NEVER. I am NOT sleuthing the husband but according to mods..we are allowed to discuss what they have said in media and what he has said and how he presents himself is all wrong IMO. I hope I am wrong. He also said, "If she was here"...that is past tense.."bring her home" is WAY different then "let her go". If you're so convinced that she has been taken, you don't ask a kidnapper to bring them ask to "let her go." He is just all wrong in my eyes right now. You don't say "this is the worst thing ever," because you KNOW the worst thing ever is them being found murdered. THAT"S the worst thing. You don't say, "I'm trying, I'm say...WE WILL NEVER STOP UNTIL WE FIND YOU AND WE WILL FIND YOU. I need to stop talking, his whole vocab during this is really angering me. LE is fully aware of how SM is and they monitor it ALL. They really do. They know what is being said and they know that by saying "While no one is cleared, we have no reason to believe Mr. so and so is involved in any way." There are many dark and dangerous thoughts that pass thru your mind when someone you love has been taken but you don't EVER speak them because to speak them , might make them true and that is know? With Sierah, there was evidence of a struggle, there was knew she did not leave willingly which increases panic. With Sherri, there is no evidence of struggle, no blood, no nothing that we are aware of at least, so why the immediate jump to "She's been kidnapped." Ask anyone, she has no reason to leave" cockiness..if there is no signs of injury or struggle you HAVE to entertain the possibility that maybe she left on her own. You HAVE too..and while that may be shocking to you or even cause you embarrassment, wouldn't you want to entertain that? Because that would mean she's still alive. And that is the most important thing..that you have hope and can hang on to however thin or implausible the thread is, that they are still alive. This case is making me sick to my stomach. Two little ones mother is gone and they don't know where she is. Her parents feel like they are in a nightmare and they are. Nothing will EVER be the same again until they find her. Idk..something is just wrong here in my opinion only.

I have tremendous respect for what you and Ce's family went/are currently going through. I was in that forum from the beginning. It was a horrible, horrible, tragedy.

In Ce's abduction, she fought for her life against that monster!! As a result, there was substantial evidence which left a very telling crime scene. Not the "who", but pretty clear she was abducted and taken against her will. LE knew that right out of the gate, and acted accordingly. The FBI was called in hours after she was abducted.

Unfortunately, SCSO doesn't have the same scenario to work with. When I read the transcript of the Ashley Banfield show last night, it seemed as if Sheriff Bosenko is giving tremendous weight to the fact Sherri's scent could not be tracked. I am wondering if that is the only factor which dictated they stop searching and dedicate all their resources to following up on tips? It seems to me, they could do both. I'm trying to be respectful of Sheriff Bosenko/SCSO, but time is critical in these cases. I'm starting to feel like they are bungling this case.

Jash you have a very strong opinion. I don't see what you see in the news interviews. I think this is going to be an abduction, or she willingly left on her own.
I grabbed a cap from that video. This is what they found by the side of the road. It looks like her phone and earbuds are in that fanny pack, since I see no sign of the earbuds.
That changes things considerably, doesn't it? It confirms my suspicions that it didn't just fall there during an abduction, somebody had to have thrown it there.



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I think people commenting on it are surprised because so many families have to carefully manage their money to allow one parent to stay home with the kids. It's unusual to see a family where the income is high enough that one parent can stay home AND they can still afford daycare.
Absolutely not the case. In our family we are comfortably living off of one income. But in my moms group of 80 sahm, only the ones who run successful at home businesses have their kids in part time daycare. And most of those actually utilize an in-home nanny for child-care so they can manage their business. This is in Orange County (affluent part of socal). It is unusual and there is very likely a reason for it. Sometimes people say daycare and it's a preschool, sometimes people do it part time to go to school (I had mine in care of another sahm who I swapped care with one morning a week so I could take a golf class.) There is a reason for it. It's not a bad thing though.

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