Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #16

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Can't think of anything of value to say so I'm just posting to mark my spot
Hi, FIrst post here but have been following as much as I can keep up with. Forgive me if this post is not allowed and please delete but please don't ban me ��

Watching this snip of the 20/20 interview it very much sounds like KP first says SP had a 'MILF' and then very quickly corrected himself and said 'chain....correct'. I know what MILF means but have no idea why he would mistakenly say that unless he was told not to say that but memory made him accidentally say it. Maybe she had on a shirt with that reference? Whether that is also somehow part of the message? Or maybe I am completely wrong in thinking that is what he actually said. Sure sounded like it though....

I heard the word also. Maybe that is what was branded?

:loveyou: I just caught literally to the minute on this thread too. It's 10:40am PST.
Hi everyone- new to posting here but have been reading along.

It seems like news of them leaving town has hit but isn't really being talked about; have police said they were aware and still have contact with the family?
Happy Tuesday everyone!

I had seen a poster or two mention that the perps had their faces covered with bandanas, not masks. Is that fact or fiction, and can we get a link?

It's all speculation I believe. I have not seen any release from LE on what they were wearing to cover their faces only that they did keep their faces mostly covered.
Hi, FIrst post here but have been following as much as I can keep up with. Forgive me if this post is not allowed and please delete but please don't ban me 😳

Watching this snip of the 20/20 interview it very much sounds like KP first says SP had a 'MILF' and then very quickly corrected himself and said 'chain....correct'. I know what MILF means but have no idea why he would mistakenly say that unless he was told not to say that but memory made him accidentally say it. Maybe she had on a shirt with that reference? Whether that is also somehow part of the message? Or maybe I am completely wrong in thinking that is what he actually said. Sure sounded like it though....

I heard the word "metal" or "middle". I don't hear any eff sound at all. This was said in the context of talking about her restraints and we know she had a chain around her waist so either of those words makes more sense. JMO.
A few random observations:

1 - I cannot believe this was sex trafficking. Gangs are not stupid. They go after a certain type of female: young, isolated, alone. Girls - sadly - about whom few people care. Gangs do not abduct 34 year old housewives with kids that are active in the community. This is a volume business, and 34 year old housewives will only cause major problems for the gang, and they know it. The idea that a rich, Mexican CEO requested a 34 year old blonde American as his sex slave might work for a cheesy romance novel, but please, this is just not realistic.

2 - Why are these alleged Hispanic women trolling for women on rural backstreets in Redding? It doesn't make any sense, unless she was targeted for some time, and conveniently snatched while out on a jog. But if this were planned in advance, why snatch her? I think she doesn't work, or works only part time. Her husband works for Best Buy. My guess is they are not sitting on piles of cash, probably living paycheck to paycheck, like the vast majority of Americans. So kidnapping for cash also seems farfetched.

3 - Revenge for a previous slight? You don't hold someone for 22 days to extract revenge. And what could this couple have done to warrant this type of revenge? He's on the Geek Squad at Best Buy, did he forget to format a disk, or improperly install a laser printer? Please...

4 - How is it possible that two Hispanic women could snatch her without revealing their faces to her? Did they pull up in a "dark SUV" with their masks on? Why wouldn't they take the phone, quickly disabling it? Or at least take the ear buds. Do criminals typically leave these items behind?

5 - When we look at "who benefits?" from this, we must assume whoever planned this had no idea it would become such a high profile case. CG has clearly benefited, he now has more customers for his business. But at the same time, he has been labelled "shady" by the national press. But my guess is that he had no idea when this began that people would scrutinize his life in so much detail. My guess is he was expecting a bit of publicity, get his name out there, and leverage that for business. Which has happened, but he's starting to lose control of the process, something he surely didn't anticipate in the beginning. And my guess is that there are others who now feel this has gotten out of control, and are looking to cut their losses.

this post makes so much sense. I especially agree with #1 and #2. I just can't believe ST is the reason that this happened. MOO
Hi, FIrst post here but have been following as much as I can keep up with. Forgive me if this post is not allowed and please delete but please don't ban me ��

Watching this snip of the 20/20 interview it very much sounds like KP first says SP had a 'MILF' and then very quickly corrected himself and said 'chain....correct'. I know what MILF means but have no idea why he would mistakenly say that unless he was told not to say that but memory made him accidentally say it. Maybe she had on a shirt with that reference? Whether that is also somehow part of the message? Or maybe I am completely wrong in thinking that is what he actually said. Sure sounded like it though....

The word he said was "metal". He started to describe the chain by its material and then corrected himself to identify what it was, rather than what it was made of.

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Has there ever been a documented case where abductions for trafficking have ended with the girl being released, no questions asked? I just can't wrap my head around it being about trafficking with the way that it ended. Curious if it's ever happened like this before.

Sure. I've already posted a recent Redding-based case a couple of times earlier in the threads.

n a case that grew over time, Baldwin-Green, 27, and Williams, 23, were arrested in March 2014 for allegedly abducting a 16-year-old Sacramento girl and pimping her in the North State.

That girl reported to officers that she had been kidnapped and held for weeks in Redding by the pair, who allegedly pimped her in Shasta and Tehama counties before she was able to escape...

Since the pair were arrested, their case has grown to include more than two dozen felonies involving six other alleged victims, including one who reportedly told detectives she was threatened with torture and death before being dumped naked in a remote area near Red Bluff in February 2013.
Baldwin-Green also cut off that woman's hair before she was abandoned
and told her, "This is what happens to b---- who are not loyal," Van Slyke told the jury.

ETA - a man and woman were found guilty in this case earlier this year. The woman was a trafficking victim herself, then helped to traffic other woman.
Regarding someone having piles of cashing sitting around their safe, first CG described this person from being out of town so they would have had to of flown into town with piles of cash and also if they intended to have lose ready cash on hand, CG says afterward they deposited the money in the bank so they apparently don't have an interest in keeping ready cash on hand in their safe:
"Gamble said the benefactor returned the ransom money to the bank but still wants to help the family."
This is someone who kidnapped a girl with the intent of later appearing the hero, but he accidentally killed her:
There's a whole issue within arson with what's known as firefighter arsonists, who engage in arson in order to appear a hero, increase business, etc: arson hero&f=false
I would really like to know if KP engaged CG weeks later as was stated in 20/20. If true, that would really seem to show CG pressing hard to attach himself to this with the 11/6 ransom offer to the TV station done without KP's knowledge. It sounds like then later on CG may have used flattery on LJ in order to then try another way to attach himself by then using her to get direct access to KP where it then became official on 11/17 that with KP's support that the ransom offer published. It seems very strange that if KP was supporting this on or before 11/6 that the initial offer wouldn't have been published way back then stating his support and that if someone is so interested in ransoming that they would have stayed silent for 11 days until KP vouched for CG.
The word he said was "metal". He started to describe the chain by its material and then corrected himself to identify what it was, rather than what it was made of.

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Yes, I hear it now. Thanks for clarifying.
I found some more wedding services reviews by Sherri.

I was concerned these might have been faked by some opportunist, but found a google-cached page going back to October 2, 2016, a month before the kidnapping.
It could get wiped at any second, though. HERE.

I'm curious, what do her reviews of her wedding vendors have to do with her abduction? What is the relevance of posting them? I read through them and they seem like typical reviews to me. Are we thinking a random unnamed florist at Michael's or the David's Bridal employee or the cake makers didn't appreciate the bad review so they came back 7 years later to kidnap and torture Sherri for it? (FWIW, I also got my dress at David's Bridal and I would have left a similar review).
I found some more wedding services reviews by Sherri.

I was concerned these might have been faked by some opportunist, but found a google-cached page going back to October 2, 2016, a month before the kidnapping.
It could get wiped at any second, though. HERE.

Ouch. She was really not happy with the people who supplied the dress. She seems quite outspoken, I wonder if she has managed to offend the wrong person/ people in the past.
No, what am I saying! I'm thinking like the CG video, where you're rude to a random person and he tracks you down and ties you up in his basement. Not very likely in real life... For two women to beat and imprison her for three weeks it would have to be a major ongoing feud, imo.
I heard the word also. Maybe that is what was branded?

:loveyou: I just caught literally to the minute on this thread too. It's 10:40am PST.

He didn't say, "MILF." He said, "METAL."

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I'm curious, what do her reviews of her wedding vendors have to do with her abduction? What is the relevance of posting them? I read through them and they seem like typical reviews to me. Are we thinking a random unnamed florist at Michael's or the David's Bridal employee or the cake makers didn't appreciate the bad review so they came back 7 years later to kidnap and torture Sherri for it? (FWIW, I also got my dress at David's Bridal and I would have left a similar review).

Well, l find it very interesting because so far we have heard virtually nothing about SP's personality and life outside the "Stepford Wife" alter ego. We haven't heard her voice at all. If we are looking for motive, it's very relevant to see what her interests are, if/where she worked, what circles she ran in, how she treated people, if she had any enemies and so on. Wedding reviews from years ago obviously aren't particularly pertinent, but they do allow us to hear SP's own voice, at least.
The word he said was "metal". He started to describe the chain by its material and then corrected himself to identify what it was, rather than what it was made of.

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You beat me to it. Sorry for the repeat. :)

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