Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #16

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If Sherri's face was covered during some of the time she was in captivity, she probably had no way of identifying any of the others- if there are others involved. If that's the case there is no reason for LE to release that information.

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She could see one had long curly hair and one had straight hair with gray in it. If she saw "long hair, she likely saw whether they were thin, heavy, tall, short. What type of clothing did they have on? Someone might recognize the description of the clothing. Shoes especially. Jmo
You may have a point about darkness and clarity of the images, but we know they DID pull video from the church near where she was released. I don't think jurisdiction is going to prevent the Sheriff from having access to things like that. JMO.

I was wondering if they had video from or near the church...was she on it?
She could see one had long curly hair and one had straight hair with gray in it. If she saw "long hair, she likely saw whether they were thin, heavy, tall, short. What type of clothing did they have on? Someone might recognize the description of the clothing. Shoes especially. Jmo

I wasn't talking specifically about the women who took her. I was talking about other people that she may have had encounters with during her time in captivity.

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I don't think we can go by what ANY media outlet reports with regard to the details about the masks, the branding, the hair cut, the restraints, etc. They seem to all like to interpret and report the details rather liberally. I'll stick to direct quotes from LE or the Papinis on those matters. That doesn't mean I believe them, but I'll just believe that's what was actually actually said, not interpreted by a "journalist."

I think the Sheriff said "masked" (I'll check when I'm done cooking and driving kids around), but he might have just been speaking in general. SP may have told him bandanas and he said "masked".
It was stated somewhere that their house was KP's childhood home, so probably owned by his parents. No mortgage would help SP be a SAHM, but it seems obvious that SP wasn't a target for ransom because of personal riches. But now we hear about "wealthy relatives", so a money motive can't be entirely ruled out yet, jmo.

According to sheriff (and CG, not that he matters) there was no ransom demand, and no ransom paid. There certainly may be a money motive, but apparently kidnap for ransom isn't it.
Hi, FIrst post here but have been following as much as I can keep up with. Forgive me if this post is not allowed and please delete but please don't ban me 😳

Watching this snip of the 20/20 interview it very much sounds like KP first says SP had a 'MILF' and then very quickly corrected himself and said 'chain....correct'. I know what MILF means but have no idea why he would mistakenly say that unless he was told not to say that but memory made him accidentally say it. Maybe she had on a shirt with that reference? Whether that is also somehow part of the message? Or maybe I am completely wrong in thinking that is what he actually said. Sure sounded like it though....

I put on headphones and it sounds, to me, like he started to say "metal" , and then said chain or maybe he was going to say metal chain and got tongue tied.

Thank you, rsd.

When LE released the suspect descriptions given by Sherri, there was no mention of eye shape or eye color, to the best of my recollection.

I wonder if the Daily Mail reference to seeing their eyes is coming from the article's author? If Sherri really did see the eyes of abductors unfamiliar to her, that might be helpful to her identifying them if they're captured.
It was stated somewhere that their house was KP's childhood home, so probably owned by his parents. No mortgage would help SP be a SAHM, but it seems obvious that SP wasn't a target for ransom because of personal riches. But now we hear about "wealthy relatives", so a money motive can't be entirely ruled out yet, jmo.

Thanks for mentioning that. Not having a mortgage to pay could also mean they could have been living comfortably on KP's income alone. They also took an anniversary trip to Saint Lucia in October. While it's always possible they ran up credit cards to go or had some special discount deal, for most people Saint Lucia is not a vacation to take while struggling financially. JMO.
Yes, that's my recollection. To celebrate British Thanksgiving!!!

Maybe he is married to an American? :thinking:

I can't figure out where the info about him being English came from either...I'm going to have to rewatch the 20/20 special.
Am I allowed to mention a picture I saw on FB which I believe is the fb page of a family member of SP? I just don't know the rules here

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Thanks for asking, truthseeker9795. Family members are not allowed to be sleuthed, so their social media is not allowed to be discussed here.
90% of the time that is true. But there are abductions that occur. And sometimes they are people that have families/friends who will look for them:
Abducted From Her Own Driveway, Teen Says

Debbie's story is particularly chilling. One evening Debbie said she got a call from a casual friend, Bianca, who asked to stop by Debbie's house. Wearing a pair of Sponge Bob pajamas, Debbie went outside to meet Bianca, who drove up in a Cadillac with two older men, Mark and Matthew. After a few minutes of visiting, Bianca said they were going to leave.
"So I went and I started to go give her a hug," Debbie told "Primetime." "And that's when she pushed me in the car."
As they sped away from her house, Debbie said that one of the men told Bianca to tie her up and said he threatened to shoot Bianca if she didn't comply.
"She tied up my hands first, and then she put the tape over my mouth. And she put tape over my eyes," Debbie said. "While she was putting tape on me, Matthew told me if I screamed or acted stupid, he'd shoot me. So I just stayed quiet."
Unbelievably, police say Debbie was kidnapped from her own driveway with her mother, Kersti, right inside. Back home with her other kids, Kersti had no idea Debbie wasn't there.
"I was in the house. I mean, it was a confusing night. I had all the kids coming in and out. The last I knew she had come back in," Kersti said. "It was just so weird that night. I mean, I normally check on all my kids, and that night I didn't. I should have."

Violent pimps will often include a measure of loving behavior in between beatings and threats. These intermittent niceties are part of the torture process and the psychology of control.
Fifteen-year-old Lana was abducted by such brutal traffickers and traded for months between pimps across several state lines. When she was first rescued, she’d been beaten so badly that a neurologist had to assess her condition.

Since her rescue, Lana and her father are living in a new town where the traffickers cannot find her. End Slavery Tennessee supplied furniture, utilities, food and rent to support the family until her father’s first paycheck arrived. The organization has also provided tutoring, school supplies, clothing and older female mentors for Lana. This family has begun what will be a very long road to emotional healing.

Some traffickers just outright KIDNAP their victims, bringing them across international or state lines against their will.

It is a possible scenario no doubt about it. BUT, mostly all the cases that has been shared on these threads one common factor is the victims AGE; as in, youngster, teenager (14, 15 , 16 yrs old).
As a side note, Mom knows I follow true crime, but she doesn't. She called it asked if I had heard about this case, and said she thinks the message and the kidnapping was to hurt the husband. Who knows...
I'm with your mom. Instead of looking at who benefits from SP's abduction, look at who suffers: KP (and kids). Who would want him to suffer, and why? (Sorry, no answers from me, just thinking out loud.)
Ooh I forget the rules-is the NYPost considered a reliable source? Bosenko is waffling again.

Yes, we allow the NY Post, and it's up to individual members which information they consider reliable.
If you rewatch the 20/20 interview, listen and watch for the pause when asked about the abduction. Yes, it's stated she wouldn't have approached a vehicle with men....maybe, maybe not, we don't know what we might do,....however there is a long pause after questioning about was their heads covered..

IMO, yes SP DID see their faces, and might even know of these people, but I would imagine she is afraid of saying anything, like AH was. Especially if there is more than she can identify, or knows about. The fear would be immense if you thought a few perps would be caught, but not the main ones. IMO!

As a side note, Mom knows I follow true crime, but she doesn't. She called it asked if I had heard about this case, and said she thinks the message and the kidnapping was to hurt the husband. Who knows...

I recognized the pause as well when I watched. I perceived it differently though. He said, "I will say this, they covered their faces." I took that as she may have seen other parts of their bodies, but he wanted to keep that private. I could've just been reading into it. I just noticed the change in his demeanor when he answered that question- as if there was something he was purposely not saying out of either respect for her, or because he wasn't allowed to.

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I agree. Also since they lived in KP's childhood home, we don't know if they had a mortgage, or if the home was a gift. He could have relatives that are helping them out financially. I wouldn't be surprised if Best Buy allowed him a leave of absence. His circumstances would be a good reason for his employer to work with him. It's not like they don't know his situation. And boy would it make Best Buy look bad if they forced him to go right back to work after all this.

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I wonder if the Family Medical Leave Act would cover this? Best Buy may not be legally able to fire KP even if they wanted to but I agree it's in their best interest to not fire him. If he had a good reputation with his supervisors they may even help him get a job in another place. And there are many tech jobs that would even allow a telecommute where KP could mostly work from home to stay with SP more.
I looked at that NY Post "article."

They made up a salacious headline.

They repeated that KP took & passed a polygraph. But they also have an earlier quote that "nothing is being ruled out." So NY Post made up the "husband cannot be excluded" as their headline.

Caveat Emptor & Reader
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