Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #16

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Just tuned in to HLN to see Bill Garcia, PI, interview. He thinks she was taken for trafficking (they may have thought she was younger). Says there are "people out there, in the world, who do nothing but look for potential victims." They could get $1500-$2500 cash, on the spot. Media coverage made her a liability and they had to deal with it. Not the norm in a trafficking case, but believes beatings came as a result of them not being able to utilize her. No link yet, but I did back it up several times.
I am way behind on this thread so it might have already been observed. If what Garcia says is that they could get $1500-$2500 on the spot wouldn't that imply that SP would have to have changed hands to do that and if the media coverage didn't make that possible what value would SP have had then to the people that took her? The only value greater than zero at that point would come from either a reward or a ransom. Why else hold onto her if $1500-$2500 were the extent of the ambitions of the perpetrators?

Garcia's angle would also imply to me that the people that took SP had either done this before or were doing it at the instruction or orders of someone else as I find it hard to believe that the people running these sex-traffic rings are in the business of letting free lancers unknown to them bring in kidnapped women/girls and buy their victim as they more than likely might think it was a sting.

Does not make sense to me, but perhaps it does to those that took SP.
Excellent point. Perhaps it was more likely what I'll call incidental branding through the repeated use of an electronic device, as laptops have been known to cause,

But that would not leave a message.
Abducted California jogger skips town with family and leaves dogs behind

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A neighbor who has lived next to the Papini house, which is Keith’s childhood home, and has known him since he was 5 years old, said, “I don’t think they’re ever coming back here again.”

I'd do the same thing if I were them.
We have so little info ... it could be anything really ... but the issue with the trafficking theory isn't her age, but that trafficking is usually organized criminal networks that use teens/young women whose families won't go looking for them. Runaways, prostitutes, drug addicts, etc. Not a mom on the street, in the middle of a tiny mountain town in rural Northern California. Unless perhaps there's a connection to the trafficking in the marijuana industry in the county next door.

90% of the time that is true. But there are abductions that occur. And sometimes they are people that have families/friends who will look for them:
Abducted From Her Own Driveway, Teen Says

Debbie's story is particularly chilling. One evening Debbie said she got a call from a casual friend, Bianca, who asked to stop by Debbie's house. Wearing a pair of Sponge Bob pajamas, Debbie went outside to meet Bianca, who drove up in a Cadillac with two older men, Mark and Matthew. After a few minutes of visiting, Bianca said they were going to leave.
"So I went and I started to go give her a hug," Debbie told "Primetime." "And that's when she pushed me in the car."
As they sped away from her house, Debbie said that one of the men told Bianca to tie her up and said he threatened to shoot Bianca if she didn't comply.
"She tied up my hands first, and then she put the tape over my mouth. And she put tape over my eyes," Debbie said. "While she was putting tape on me, Matthew told me if I screamed or acted stupid, he'd shoot me. So I just stayed quiet."
Unbelievably, police say Debbie was kidnapped from her own driveway with her mother, Kersti, right inside. Back home with her other kids, Kersti had no idea Debbie wasn't there.
"I was in the house. I mean, it was a confusing night. I had all the kids coming in and out. The last I knew she had come back in," Kersti said. "It was just so weird that night. I mean, I normally check on all my kids, and that night I didn't. I should have."

Violent pimps will often include a measure of loving behavior in between beatings and threats. These intermittent niceties are part of the torture process and the psychology of control.
Fifteen-year-old Lana was abducted by such brutal traffickers and traded for months between pimps across several state lines. When she was first rescued, she’d been beaten so badly that a neurologist had to assess her condition.

Since her rescue, Lana and her father are living in a new town where the traffickers cannot find her. End Slavery Tennessee supplied furniture, utilities, food and rent to support the family until her father’s first paycheck arrived. The organization has also provided tutoring, school supplies, clothing and older female mentors for Lana. This family has begun what will be a very long road to emotional healing.

Some traffickers just outright KIDNAP their victims, bringing them across international or state lines against their will.
Yeah, nevermind how difficult would be to get lots of cash really quickly without the bank not outright denying you and/or directing the feds to keep on eye out for you. In the Mansion Murders the most the CEO was able to pull out quickly to pay for his ransom was $40K, so the huge sums talked about involving the 'anonymous donor' are implausible.
Unless you keep significant amounts of cash around it is difficult to gather those kinds of funds without tripping a bank's Suspicious Activity Reporting or if you take a sum greater than $10K tripping the Bank Secrecy Act or beyond that reaching the withdrawal limits you can obtain from a bank branch - because there is only a very limited amount of cash in bank branch at any one time. A wealthy person, however, would have accounts with many different banks due to the FDIC protection limits so it is still possible to obtain a significant amount of cash without hitting the mentioned trip wires and it would take a US Treasury investigation to ferret it out because multi-bank activity is correlated by the US Treasury to identify and track this kind of activity which is known as structuring.
Is it against the law for a wealthy person to possess $100,000 in cash?
Abducted California jogger skips town with family and leaves dogs behind

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A neighbor who has lived next to the Papini house, which is Keith’s childhood home, and has known him since he was 5 years old, said, “I don’t think they’re ever coming back here again.”

I'd do the same thing if I were them.

It's not like they abandoned the dogs. People were there to walk them, and presumedly remove them from the property.

I don't think I'd ever go back there again, either, except to gather some possessions.
Unless you keep significant amounts of cash around it is difficult to gather those kinds of funds without tripping a bank's Suspicious Activity Reporting or if you take a sum greater than $10K tripping the Bank Secrecy Act or beyond that reaching the withdrawal limits you can obtain from a bank branch - because there is only a very limited amount of cash in bank branch at any one time. A wealthy person, however, would have accounts with many different banks due to the FDIC protection limits so it is still possible to obtain a significant amount of cash without hitting the mentioned trip wires and it would take a US Treasury investigation to ferret it out because multi-bank activity is correlated by the US Treasury to identify and track this kind of activity which is known as structuring.

I never could figure out how the anonymous donor could pull together so much CASH so quickly, due to the banking rules. Plus, I thought he was from England and their banks are different from those in Redding.
No way! Can it be true I managed to catch up before the thread was locked? :) Random thoughts to share...

- I'm glad the family is together and somewhere safe. Am I the only one who finds it odd that the one neighbor mentioned (and MSM seems to keep repeating) that the Papinis are with WEALTHY relatives? I don't care if they're wealthy or not, as long as they feel safe. Why emphasize their wealth?

- I am still convinced those K9s they had do the 'sniffing' either weren't the right kind of dogs, or they aren't very good at it (my guess is more wrong kind of dogs for the job). She LIVES there, how do they not pick up her scent?

- One other thing I feel fairly sure about is that a lot of what led to her return was all of the publicity and attention. I have a feeling that some person, group, or whoever it was did not expect or want all that publicity and released her to get things calmed down. Or, on the flip side, the publicity is EXACTLY what they wanted. Either way I think the massive response helped lead to her release.

- Also convinced this was somehow personal. Possibly not done by people known to Sherri, but maybe planned by them, or people familiar with one or more of her loved ones.

- I have a very sick sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach about Stacey also missing from that general area. Is she being beaten and branded right now as we speak/type? Makes me want to cry just thinking about it. Normally I wouldn't expect the two to be related but this whole situation is just so odd, and now CG is being sought to help Stacey's case too?

- As far as seeing her on video, either near her home or her release (or somewhere in between) it doesn't surprise me that much that she wasn't. I could easily be wrong, but both strike me as places that not a ton of people would have cameras set up on their homes that also capture the road.. When they first said she wasn't seen on camera I thought it was probably mostly because there wasn't much recorded footage to begin with.

- I'm near Sacramento and went to school in Davis, know Woodland, and am at least somewhat familiar with a lot of Yolo county. Funny side note when that whole YOLO "You Only Live Once" thing became popular it confused me for a long time because I thought at first Yolo County suddenly had some massive unexplained gain in popularity. I don't think it would be difficult out there at all to have someone on a large property far enough away from other houses that things wouldn't be noticed (or heard, or seen). That's one area I've been known to just go drive around if I want a relaxing drive in the middle of nowhere, and in hours of driving I might only see a few other cars at all on those County roads. Depending on the exact area those houses and farms etc. are very far apart. Odds are good that there wasn't anyone in a position to see inside the SUV for more than a fleeting moment.

- For longer trips, say if they drove on I-5 from Redding area to Yolo area, it struck me that disguising her in back could be as simple as propping a pillow between her and the window. I have spent many hours napping in the backseat on long drives on I-5, so it's not weird to me to see a pillow or someone leaned up against a window sleeping. A hooded person with their head against a window, or laying down in back, could easily look like someone sleeping if she wasn't flailing around waving her arms and such, especially if you were flying by them or vice versa at 70+ miles per hour.
I'm trying to understand this. Tell me why they didn't just kill and hide her body, if the media exposure made them nervous. tia!!! :)

I don't think the 2 women were high up, experienced, cold blooded killer types, We don't even know if they were the ones that beat up and branded her.

A lot of trafficked girls end up growing up to 'work' in the organization. Most have no place else to go and are brainwashed.

Imagine a scenario where the 2 of them are sent on an illegal errand to Redding. They maybe dropped off some female merchandise to another trafficker. They maybe snorted some meth, smoked a blunt and are driving back to Sacto. They are talking about how much money their boss just made selling those girls they delivered. Thinking that they should start doing their own deals and make bigger money.

So high on meth, and feeling bold, they drive past a petite, blonde, all alone on an empty road. They already have a gun and chains with them because they just dropped off a few women that morning. It was the perfect time to set their new plan into action. So they did.

If you start with this scenario, then many of the reasons people don't think it was trafficking can be explained. JMO

Being inexperienced, they would make the mistake of abducting a woman with a husband and extended family that would fight hard to find her and create publicity. that was a big mistake on their part.

Then they had to deal with the situation when their boss did not want to 'buy' the merchandise. Perhaps he told them to wait and see if it died down and they could move her around then. When it didn't, they may have tried to shop her around to other buyers. That would take time.

She may have been left with one or two of them hence the injuries and branding. But they may have been too nervous about the publicity.

I am not surprised they did not kill her. These 2 women may not have been hard core, killer types. Maybe they just wanted to cut their losses. It will be a lot less jail time for them now than if they had killed and buried her first. jmo
Unless you keep significant amounts of cash around it is difficult to gather those kinds of funds without tripping a bank's Suspicious Activity Reporting or if you take a sum greater than $10K tripping the Bank Secrecy Act or beyond that reaching the withdrawal limits you can obtain from a bank branch - because there is only a very limited amount of cash in bank branch at any one time. A wealthy person, however, would have accounts with many different banks due to the FDIC protection limits so it is still possible to obtain a significant amount of cash without hitting the mentioned trip wires and it would take a US Treasury investigation to ferret it out because multi-bank activity is correlated by the US Treasury to identify and track this kind of activity which is known as structuring.

Great response. Currency is my second love. If one has a safe deposit box at one or more banking locations, one can create quite the cash flow, if the need arises.
I keep thinking: if SP is too scared to tell the truth about her abductors, what is the easiest way to make up the facts? Maybe opposites? Not two women, but two men. Not Hispanic, but black or white. Not a dark coloured SUV; but a light coloured one...

And then I keep thinking about a lone comment to a video of CG on "umrellaofsuspicion" website: "I can provide a scetch of two men and a house as well as a lime light green van"

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I don't think the 2 women were high up, experienced, cold blooded killer types, We don't even know if they were the ones that beat up and branded her.

A lot of trafficked girls end up growing up to 'work' in the organization. Most have no place else to go and are brainwashed.

Imagine a scenario where the 2 of them are sent on an illegal errand to Redding. They maybe dropped off some female merchandise to another trafficker. They maybe snorted some meth, smoked a blunt and are driving back to Sacto. They are talking about how much money their boss just made selling those girls they delivered. Thinking that they should start doing their own deals and make bigger money.

So high on meth, and feeling bold, they drive past a petite, blonde, all alone on an empty road. They already have a gun and chains with them because they just dropped off a few women that morning. It was the perfect time to set their new plan into action. So they did.

If you start with this scenario, then many of the reasons people don't think it was trafficking can be explained. JMO

Being inexperienced, they would make the mistake of abducting a woman with a husband and extended family that would fight hard to find her and create publicity. that was a big mistake on their part.

Then they had to deal with the situation when their boss did not want to 'buy' the merchandise. Perhaps he told them to wait and see if it died down and they could move her around then. When it didn't, they may have tried to shop her around to other buyers. That would take time.

She may have been left with one or two of them hence the injuries and branding. But they may have been too nervous about the publicity.

I am not surprised they did not kill her. These 2 women may not have been hard core, killer types. Maybe they just wanted to cut their losses. It will be a lot less jail time for them now than if they had killed and buried her first. jmo


But if this happened to a 700lb Sahm; Then nobody wouldn't mention trafficking.

I just think that trafficking is still a little farfetched for SP case.

So if she (a kidnapped victim) was the opposite looking of SP. Then what over possible scenarios are there?
Maybe the Perps didn't get caught on camera because they didn't go in the area of the camera. She walked a lot ... are there places to turn around or other roads to take before the SUV would have gotten to the area with camera?
I'm not saying she isn't so scared she isn't talking but maybe she is honestly telling all she knows.
I'm also not so sure that 2 Latino is all she told LE. LE is playin this very close to the vest. There isn't a push for people to check their home CCTv. There isn't any of the typical , anyone change their habits that you know of PSA s. Maybe it's just hopeful thinking on my part.
I honestly think they've had an idea of something before she was ever released. If something doesn't break in the next day or so I may have to change my thoughts

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I honestly think they've had an idea of something before she was ever released.

Your instincts must be correct. The Sheriff reiterated that from the start of this case, from Day One, LEO has held some "sensitive" material.
I don't think the 2 women were high up, experienced, cold blooded killer types, We don't even know if they were the ones that beat up and branded her.

A lot of trafficked girls end up growing up to 'work' in the organization. Most have no place else to go and are brainwashed.

Imagine a scenario where the 2 of them are sent on an illegal errand to Redding. They maybe dropped off some female merchandise to another trafficker. They maybe snorted some meth, smoked a blunt and are driving back to Sacto. They are talking about how much money their boss just made selling those girls they delivered. Thinking that they should start doing their own deals and make bigger money.

So high on meth, and feeling bold, they drive past a petite, blonde, all alone on an empty road. They already have a gun and chains with them because they just dropped off a few women that morning. It was the perfect time to set their new plan into action. So they did.

If you start with this scenario, then many of the reasons people don't think it was trafficking can be explained. JMO

Being inexperienced, they would make the mistake of abducting a woman with a husband and extended family that would fight hard to find her and create publicity. that was a big mistake on their part.

Then they had to deal with the situation when their boss did not want to 'buy' the merchandise. Perhaps he told them to wait and see if it died down and they could move her around then. When it didn't, they may have tried to shop her around to other buyers. That would take time.

She may have been left with one or two of them hence the injuries and branding. But they may have been too nervous about the publicity.

I am not surprised they did not kill her. These 2 women may not have been hard core, killer types. Maybe they just wanted to cut their losses. It will be a lot less jail time for them now than if they had killed and buried her first. jmo

I can totally see your view on this but wanted to point out the last part I bolded. It wouldn't be up to them to "cut their losses" if they were working in trafficking specifically for a "pimp" or boss. They would take all their orders from their "boss", and because their place in the trafficking ring would be as a middle-man of sorts, it wouldn't be up to them. Their kingpin would instruct them to dispose of her and they would have to comply, or they would also be disposed of. But perhaps, their boss told them to dispose and they decided "Ooops, somehow she got free" and decided to let her go.. Maybe the holidays, some kind of twinge on their heartstrings with SP being a mom herself and an innocent victim, maybe they decided to let her go despite their bosses wishes and decided they would suffer the consequences. Typically though a boss would rather them bury a body then voluntarily let someone go who could identify anything about who they are. And typically women who are that high up in the chain of these things would comply and not question anything so they dont risk being killed themselves. JMO JMO. We just don't know yet.....
Is this THE SP in this case? It's a post from May 10, 2016. If you click "View activity" you will see a list of people who +1 the post. Interestingly a J Gamble +1'd it. Is that CG's wife?????

I'm just trying to understand the connection, not throwing out accusations.

Did they know each other enough to follow one another on G+?
I never could figure out how the anonymous donor could pull together so much CASH so quickly, due to the banking rules. Plus, I thought he was from England and their banks are different from those in Redding.

Yeah, the ole AD remains anonymous for now. One might be surprised to learn of how many people have bolted safes inside their homes expressly for secreting cash. People who collect high dollar items such as jewelry, gold and guns may possess a walk-in safe secreted within their home. Builders are constructing hidden "safe rooms" within new homes built today. It's a perfect place to stash cash.
As per previous reminder, CG's wife is off-limits.
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