Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #17

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Someone can LOOK really horrible from repeated beatings and still not be bad enough to be hospitalized. IMO, there is no reason to think the person who told him that exaggerated how bad she looked. That would also imply that KP exaggerated in his letter to the press. Just because her injuries were non-life threatening does not mean they were not serious looking or not painful. If she did not look bad, I think they would have released a picture of her hugging her children or something when they were reunited. MOO. :moo:

If they WANTED such pictures released. Personally, I can't see why they would want that regardless of how her face looked.
I have to share this thing that happened today that made me relate to Sherri, not to the same extreme because her total situation was horrible but. It's been snowing/freezing rain today in Oregon like crazy today, I stopped to get some smokes at a shop next to my local pub where I have a lot of friends on my way home from work because I was super stressed out over driving in the inclement weather. I had a smoke with friends who went back inside b/c it was so cold and then I started making my way to my car so I could go the couple blocks home.

This guy approaches me as im at my car and im taking the ice scraper and scraping my windows. He grabs my arm and he's like you should come with me I have a truck and I'll give you a ride home in this weather. I was like hell no, I'm good but thank you. He is in my personal space and persists like, you'll never make it home safe let me take you. I say no my boyfriend is at home waiting for me and I'm fine. He grabs my arm again hard and is like come with me now, keep in mind we are in broad daylight in a open mall type of environment and I've been on websleuths long enough that I started hollering, NO I'm fine, I can get home fine, back off!! And then I yelled STOP, enough that some people came out as he was walking quickly away. I'm not sure if he was just some tipsy dude coming out of the pub or if he was an actual predator but it felt really icky.

I'm fine although a little shaken but my point is that these things can happen anywhere, there are predators everywhere. I just think everyone should suspend any judgement they might have about this situation and realize this can happen anywhere under any circumstances. Any circumstances. I didn't expect some random dude to come up to me while its snowing and icy in crazy weather and do something like that. I'm sure SP didn't expect it either. It's scary as hell and I'm lucky there were a lot of other people around.

I have a deeper respect for what Sherri has been through as a result of this. That's all I can say. I can't even imagine.

OMG you should report that to the police. I think he was trying to abduct you. So glad you yelled your head off and are ok. :grouphug:
OK a few years ago a little girl was taken from her school, put in a bag and kept in a room under the perp's bed and ravaged by a woman. She was only 5 years old, found cold and shivering in a playground and intensely injured. She was just a child but was able to provide more info than anything I've read about in this case. What is going on? JMO

We don't know how much information LE has received from Sherri. Not fair to compare her to a five year old IMO. She's a crime victim who according to LE has been beaten, branded and starved by her captors and has been cooperating with those trying to locate her assailants.
I'm sorry that happened, especially in an area you are familiar with and should have some sense of security. But there are crazy people everywhere, high or not. I try to make eye contact and am outgoing in nature, but as a woman, it really makes me rethink my friendliness. (I am in the South and it's rather expected here). The man that was recently arrested in Anderson (about 20 minutes from SP) for stalking was recently arraigned and his motive is pretty scary. JMO

Asked by police if he followed the woman from Walmart to the outlets mall because she was cute, Acosta said, "I didn't think nothin' about it, I'm not saying she's ugly or anything like that," an Anderson Police report says. "Why, is she alright, did anything happen to her?"

Asked again why he followed her, Acosta said, "Well, if she was staring at me or something like that funny, I was just kind of like, what's up,?" according to the police report
But, he later said, the woman had smiled at him so he decided to follow her to ask for her telephone number, the police report said.

I have to share this thing that happened today that made me relate to Sherri, not to the same extreme because her total situation was horrible but. It's been snowing/freezing rain today in Oregon like crazy today, I stopped to get some smokes at a shop next to my local pub where I have a lot of friends on my way home from work because I was super stressed out over driving in the inclement weather. I had a smoke with friends who went back inside b/c it was so cold and then I started making my way to my car so I could go the couple blocks home.

This guy approaches me as im at my car and im taking the ice scraper and scraping my windows. He grabs my arm and he's like you should come with me I have a truck and I'll give you a ride home in this weather. I was like hell no, I'm good but thank you. He is in my personal space and persists like, you'll never make it home safe let me take you. I say no my boyfriend is at home waiting for me and I'm fine. He grabs my arm again hard and is like come with me now, keep in mind we are in broad daylight in a open mall type of environment and I've been on websleuths long enough that I started hollering, NO I'm fine, I can get home fine, back off!! And then I yelled STOP, enough that some people came out as he was walking quickly away. I'm not sure if he was just some tipsy dude coming out of the pub or if he was an actual predator but it felt really icky.

I'm fine although a little shaken but my point is that these things can happen anywhere, there are predators everywhere. I just think everyone should suspend any judgement they might have about this situation and realize this can happen anywhere under any circumstances. Any circumstances. I didn't expect some random dude to come up to me while its snowing and icy in crazy weather and do something like that. I'm sure SP didn't expect it either. It's scary as hell and I'm lucky there were a lot of other people around.

I have a deeper respect for what Sherri has been through as a result of this. That's all I can say. I can't even imagine.
Surely LE could advise if/if not there is a threat to the public in the area by now.

Why would LE want to panic the public? They have already said people should exercise common-sense safety procedures. They have already said they believe this was a real abduction. What more could they tell people to do to remain safe?
You know, after giving this more thought, I've come to think that LE may to a degree, had been somewhat jealous of Gamble. Not only was he taking the rains of the investigation, but he was also sorta stealing the spotlight sorta speak.

There is a military guy - a hostage negotiator with many years of training - who didn't look too favorably on CG's tactics, either.

[FONT=&amp]Negotiation expert Chris Voss, who was the lead international kidnapping negotiator with the FBI for 24 years, now teaches business negotiation at Georgetown University.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]He doesn’t object to Gamble’s idea to raise awareness about abductions, but doesn’t think his idea of bringing a new hostage negotiation model to the U.S. would work.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]“It’s a dumb idea,” Voss said. “These kind of guys pop up in the developing world all the time. They’re a nuisance but they don’t do much harm.”[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]Voss said in order for Gamble to be successful in the U.S., there’d have to be more “legitimate kidnappings” — an ordinary law-abiding citizen kidnapped by someone who wants a ransom from an ordinary law-abiding family.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]“There’s no market for the U.S.,” Voss said. And that’s because society doesn’t tolerate it, law enforcement is well equipped and effective enough to deal with kidnappings, and the alleged perpetrators usually get caught. When they do, they go to prison for a very long time, he said.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]“Crime is a way to make a living, it’s a business,” Voss said. “But kidnappers believe they’re likely to get caught.”[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]In the very few “legitimate kidnappings” that do happen, the victim is usually either killed or left to die. “They don’t need a witness,” to who the captor is, Voss said.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]Voss said there aren’t many people like Gamble in the U.S. But internationally, Gamble has “a lot of competition.”[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]“There’s no shortage of opportunists that try to stick their nose into a kidnapping,” he said.[/FONT]
In most hospitals there is a part of the ER that you have to be buzzed into. I thought KP just meant they would not let him past the locked doors for a little while. They may have been still assessing her or the police may have still been questioning her and wanted to get what little info they could from her while she was still alone. JMO.

Yes. The hospital has even kicked my husband out when I was in labor to ask me some questions. When he left they said it was their policy to ask if he has ever hurt or abused me. I thought it was odd, but they did that when I was in labor with each child. Maybe as soon as they saw her, they had a ton of questions to ask her about her appearance, if she was raped, etc.. all things they would ask in private. Doesn't matter if they are your spouse, and you've been missing for 22 days.
I asked in a much earlier thread if, hypothetically, I paid a ransom for my loved one to be released and did not involve LE if that was illegal and one of our verified attorneys (I think it was Gitana?) answered it was not illegal to pay a ransom for my loved one's release and subsequently refuse to help the police find the people I paid the ransom to (my scenario also involved the perps threatening my life if I told police I paid a ransom). So, IMO, there is nothing LE can do to question CG as a suspect unless they have some other reason to think he knows who abducted SP. MOO is he doesn't know anything though.

Thanks. I agree with most. And I agree abductees and their family can surely pay a ransom if they want to.

I have to wonder if the fact that CG is a 3rd party to all this is where LE could have their angle to get him to help identify the abductors if he even knows.

I guess a laywer would have to answer for me whether LE could have a case against him for "interfering with an investigation or interfering in a criminal case". Since he is a 3rd party and not the abductee.
If they WANTED such pictures released. Personally, I can't see why they would want that regardless of how her face looked.

Especially if they're the type of people that don't even have a Facebook because they like their privacy.
Well, it's either that or believe that the hospital released someone that egregiously injured; most of the comments that I have seen here seem to feel she was NOT as egregiously injured as first believed. And hell, that's a GOOD thing. Besides, KP seems like a very caring, doting, loving husband. I cannot believe - will not believe - that he would let her go home that soon if her injuries were that bad.

She could have had bad injuries and been stabilized in the ER and had physician follow up on an out patient basis wherever she is staying.
Where are these two Hispanic women....and what are they doing now??
I have to share this thing that happened today that made me relate to Sherri, not to the same extreme because her total situation was horrible but. It's been snowing/freezing rain today in Oregon like crazy today, I stopped to get some smokes at a shop next to my local pub where I have a lot of friends on my way home from work because I was super stressed out over driving in the inclement weather. I had a smoke with friends who went back inside b/c it was so cold and then I started making my way to my car so I could go the couple blocks home.

This guy approaches me as im at my car and im taking the ice scraper and scraping my windows. He grabs my arm and he's like you should come with me I have a truck and I'll give you a ride home in this weather. I was like hell no, I'm good but thank you. He is in my personal space and persists like, you'll never make it home safe let me take you. I say no my boyfriend is at home waiting for me and I'm fine. He grabs my arm again hard and is like come with me now, keep in mind we are in broad daylight in a open mall type of environment and I've been on websleuths long enough that I started hollering, NO I'm fine, I can get home fine, back off!! And then I yelled STOP, enough that some people came out as he was walking quickly away. I'm not sure if he was just some tipsy dude coming out of the pub or if he was an actual predator but it felt really icky.

I'm fine although a little shaken but my point is that these things can happen anywhere, there are predators everywhere. I just think everyone should suspend any judgement they might have about this situation and realize this can happen anywhere under any circumstances. Any circumstances. I didn't expect some random dude to come up to me while its snowing and icy in crazy weather and do something like that. I'm sure SP didn't expect it either. It's scary as hell and I'm lucky there were a lot of other people around.

I have a deeper respect for what Sherri has been through as a result of this. That's all I can say. I can't even imagine.

Oh my gosh glad you are OK. Drunk or not he acted aggressively. Did you report this to LE?
If others had found out they had taken her, that would lend credence to them NOT being worried about or affected by CG.

Real hostage negotiators and LE consider him a "nuisance", from one article I read. It seems to me they don't believe he had any effect on the outcome, and I strongly agree.

I'm sorry, but I must disagree. One hundred thousand bucks is a lot of money, people WILL roll over for that. I've seen where people have turned on best friends for a $1000.00
But really, where was the "negotiating"? Negotiators are supposed to talk; to listen to demands and concerns, to work out deals, etc. Never once did the perps contact him or acknowledge him in any way. In fact, for all of his talk about negotiators having to remain neutral, his videos were rather accusatory and even a bit threatening. No hostage negotiators I ever heard of would have risked angering the perps while they held a hostage.

Agree. As of now, we have no evidence of any contact between Mr. Gamble and the abductors. We have no evidence the abductors are aware that Mr. Gamble exists.
Yes. The hospital has even kicked my husband out when I was in labor to ask me some questions. When he left they said it was their policy to ask if he has ever hurt or abused me. I thought it was odd, but they did that when I was in labor with each child. Maybe as soon as they saw her, they had a ton of questions to ask her about her appearance, if she was raped, etc.. all things they would ask in private. Doesn't matter if their your spouse.

Yep. I went to the ER once with a twisted ankle from stepping in a pot hole. My husband practically carried me in and the nurse had to talk to me alone and ask if I had been abused by anyone or had any fear for my life at home, if I generally felt safe at home, etc. It is standard procedure from what I can tell.
And it was 4:30AM on a holiday. I can't imagine there was a lot of traffic then. I'd think most people sleep in on Thanksgiving. JMO

KP already stated that she had tried to flag down a bunch of motorists, none of whom stopped (except for AS). Don't forget, Thanksgiving is one of the busiest travel days of the year...if not THE busiest.
If others had found out they had taken her, that would lend credence to them NOT being worried about or affected by CG.

Real hostage negotiators and LE consider him a "nuisance", from one article I read. It seems to me they don't believe he had any effect on the outcome, and I strongly agree.

I agree 100% CG was about as believable as tin can. I think the effort of getting her flyers all over the country and RR's very powerful post is what put the abductors over the edge. I will say that I was originally suspicious of RR, but I respect his "take no names" style. When he told the abductors that there was a bounty on their heads...that's when they had second thoughts and let Sherri free.
And that may have happened. We really don't know and probably never will. He's the one that brought up the 100K the day before she was released. From the beginning, the ransom offer drew in a bunch of media on top of all the publicity already there, and social media presence. Much different than any missing person case I've seen. That and the fact that she was brought back alive. I'd say he earns some of the credit, as do those who got her face out there. If he negotiated anything it was done it private, as promised.

And I don't think the Papini's regret their decision. They have their girl back.

He seems awfully proud of his background, even to the point of, well... let's just say that there have been some untrue and unverifiable facts already surrounding his "business". I don't believe for a second he wouldn't be crowing about how he had negotiated with them. After all, he's trying to make his way the new standard, right? Why keep it a secret, then? How is he going to convince the DOJ to adopt his ways over their longstanding ones if he won't talk about it?
I could be wrong, but I was thinking that the hospital was on lock down to keep the media away in case they'd show up.

They have police for that...I doubt they would keep anyone from entering or leaving just because of one patient...I really think he misunderstood the locked ER doors as Garden (?) said. He adores Sherri and I am sure in his mind the hospital should have been on lockdown to protect her
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