Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #17

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Thanks. I agree with most. And I agree abductees and their family can surely pay a ransom if they want to.

I have to wonder if the fact that CG is a 3rd party to all this is where LE could have their angle to get him to help identify the abductors if he even knows.

I guess a laywer would have to answer for me whether LE could have a case against him for "interfering with an investigation or interfering in a criminal case". Since he is a 3rd party and not the abductee.

And yet, how terrible would that be if they convict the man that may have brought her back, and don't convict the abductors?
Thanks. I agree with most. And I agree abductees and their family can surely pay a ransom if they want to.

I have to wonder if the fact that CG is a 3rd party to all this is where LE could have their angle to get him to help identify the abductors if he even knows.

I guess a laywer would have to answer for me whether LE could have a case against him for "interfering with an investigation or interfering in a criminal case". Since he is a 3rd party and not the abductee.

Yes, I am not a lawyer. My own opinion is that they don't have any proof a ransom was even paid (or at least the sheriff denied that a ransom had anything to do with SP being released) so what would be their probable cause for questioning Gamble?

On another note, and this is not directed at anyone in particular, I guess I'm really not seeing how some seem to think CG could know the perps. Even if he DID secretly negotiate and pay a ransom...would he know the perps or have any way to help LE catch them? To say he knows who the perps are seems to imply he was involved. It makes my head spin trying to process that line of thinking...JMO. :moo:
Agree. As of now, we have no evidence of any contact between Mr. Gamble and the abductors. We have no evidence the abductors are that Mr. Gamble exists.

We have no evidence of a lot of things. And LE wants to keep it that way.
I agree 100% CG was about as believable as tin can. I think the effort of getting her flyers all over the country and RR's very powerful post is what put the abductors over the edge. I will say that I was originally suspicious of RR, but I respect his "take no names" style. When he told the abductors that there was a bounty on their heads...that's when they had second thoughts and let Sherri free.

Wasn't the first reward offered only a few days after she went missing?
Thanks. I agree with most. And I agree abductees and their family can surely pay a ransom if they want to.

I have to wonder if the fact that CG is a 3rd party to all this is where LE could have their angle to get him to help identify the abductors if he even knows.

I guess a laywer would have to answer for me whether LE could have a case against him for "interfering with an investigation or interfering in a criminal case". Since he is a 3rd party and not the abductee.

That would be interesting to know. I'm still surprised a ransom can be carried out in the US without LE being able to track it. There was a phone number and an email address. Possibly wired money. All under LEs noses? I guess I need to learn more about burner phones and other private tech gadgets...

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Why would LE want to panic the public? They have already said people should exercise common-sense safety procedures. They have already said they believe this was a real abduction. What more could they tell people to do to remain safe?

It's also possible that they think this was a one-off; that SP was specifically targeted, which is why they aren't issuing warnings.
OK a few years ago a little girl was taken from her school, put in a bag and kept in a room under the perp's bed and ravaged by a woman. She was only 5 years old, found cold and shivering in a playground and intensely injured. She was just a child but was able to provide more info than anything I've read about in this case. What is going on? JMO

I would also like to know what's going on. From what LE has told us, there are two armed and dangerous women on the loose, who torture others. It doesn't make any sense to me that there is no alarm over this.
He seems awfully proud of his background, even to the point of, well... let's just say that there have been some untrue and unverifiable facts already surrounding his "business". I don't believe for a second he wouldn't be crowing about how he had negotiated with them. After all, he's trying to make his way the new standard, right? Why keep it a secret, then? How is he going to convince the DOJ to adopt his ways over their longstanding ones if he won't talk about it?

He said in a video posted on an earlier thread that no money exchanged hands. He also explained how he got involved in Sherri's case.

I personally believe he did this to help the Papini's, but I also believe he's enjoying the attention this is giving him, and he may be taking advantage a bit. I don't think he has ANYTHING to do with the crime. JMO.
She could have had bad injuries and been stabilized in the ER and had physician follow up on an out patient basis wherever she is staying.

Having to stabilize someone implies that someone was in an unstable (usually referred to as critical,state, I believe).Which would again beg the question of why she would be sent home so fast. I had sister in a critical state that needed stabilizing a few years ago. I would not have heard of it had she been sent home that quickly.

I just wish the stories out there weren't so contradictory. It's hard to make heads or tails of what the facts are.
Exactly - We have nothing. Let's keep an open mind. I really trust LE - they have to know
what we don't know.

Yes! An open mind would be awesome! There are so many possibilities here.
I'm sorry, but I must disagree. One hundred thousand bucks is a lot of money, people WILL roll over for that. I've seen where people have turned on best friends for a $1000.00

But they didn't.CG has said that the money was returned to the bank.
I would also like to know what's going on. From what LE has told us, there are two armed and dangerous women on the loose, who torture others. It doesn't make any sense to me that there is no alarm over this.

I read today that only one dropped her off...according to the Sheriff. Am I the only person to read this?
If it was a random thing, I believe LE would have been telling local people to lock their doors, and be vigilant.
OMG you should report that to the police. I think he was trying to abduct you. So glad you yelled your head off and are ok. :grouphug:

I did report it to the security guys there because I know them and gave a description, they told me they had seen this guy there before and had complaints that he had harassed other patrons and were aware of him, and they told me LE was also aware of him on the property cus he's not supposed to be there. Apparently this has happened before. I think I'm about to call the non emergency number and make my own report because this isn't the first time this has happened according to them. At that point after talking to them I just wanted to get home because freezing rain was coming down and I have panic attacks driving in inclement weather.

I'm grateful that I'm part of this community and it's taught me how to defend myself in these situations and to be aware of my surroundings so much. I used to be a very trusting individual but now my motto is Trust No One. You never know. I'm sure SP just thought she was gonna jog and get her fitness on and then all that happened, You just never know.
We'll you know, Jim Morrison's poetry professor thought his poetry was awful, but it didn't stop Morrison from making hundreds of millions of dollars from it. Even after being dead for 46-years. The guys still making like 30 million a year.

Sure. But how is poetry even remotely akin to a dangerous hostage situation? Jim Morrison's poetry wasn't going to possibly lead to someone getting killed. A wrong step by a guy who refueled planes for a living and fancies himself a worldly hostage negotiator could absolutely result in tragedy.

Personally, I'll take the word of a military expert who has done this for many years, over a guy who refueled planes and was discharged after only 3 years.
And yet, how terrible would that be if they convict the man that may have brought her back, and don't convict the abductors?

The purpose of LE questioning and getting answers from CG would be to arrest and prosecute the abductors of SP.

Its probably a mute point until LE finds out if he even knows or had any contact with the abductors. He may not have had any contact at all with them for all we know.

I see it as a possible angle LE could use to get the abductors arrested. Having potential legal trouble over his head may be enough incentive to get CG to tell the truth and possibly get the abductors identified and arrested if he knows who they are.
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