Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #19

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my guess was a mother daughter team and they had to let her go by Thanksgiving so as to not raise any suspicions among any of their family members. Why ? Who knows

Yeah, there are only two reasons i can think of for the Thanksgiving morning release.

1. They had a change of heart, and decided to release SP so she could be with her family on Thanksgiving, and/or more likely 2. They had plans for Thanksgiving and couldn't take SP with them.

Though, I'm not really so sure it was a mother daughter team. That would be weird even for this case, but I guess it could be possible.
Thanks! I did not know this but find it very interesting. If I understand correctly, familial DNA could not be done unless there was a match in the federal or state criminal cases. But if there was a match, there wouldn't need to be a familial test, would there? Unless ALL of the DNA collected could then be tested (familial) to identify the 2nd perp. Somewhat discouraging though, that either way, in SP's case with 2 women abductors that further testing wouldn't be effective.

The ability to search for familial DNA is a great investigatory tool for LE, in my opinion -- as long as the protocols are followed and don't breach constitutional guarantees.

In Sherri's case..........if DNA from one or two female suspects was found on Sherri's person and didn't match any DNA in the federal or state criminal databases, investigators would not be able to conduct a familial DNA search, however.

My understanding is that current forms of familial DNA searches work only with men. This is because techniques in common use to determine exact familial relations involve analysis of similarities on the Y chromosome. Familial DNA searches as we know them today do not identify exact relatives of a female DNA sample, or female relatives of a male DNA sample.

More info on familial DNA:
Im not sure about the US or Canada, but certainly over here aswell as A&E (ER) we have Minor Injuries Units, which are nurse led, treats minor injuries (obviously lol) I.e sprains, minor wounds and burns etc.

Im not sure ive ever seen injuries related to being minor in UK media etc though, usually non critical or non life threatening I think

We have minor wound clinics, here in the US too. But they are not really common and the hours are usually limited. So most people just get treated in the emergency room, even though it's not an emergency. I have been to an ER about probably seven times in my life, and only two times were actually emergencies.
Sadly, I don't think Stacey Smart's case will end as well as SP's. CG may be effective in bringing media attention (IMO, much needed), but the circumstances are so different. However, if a large enough reward could be established to make someone talk, the family might get some resolution. But IMO, there may only be 1 (possibly 2) people involved and they won't be the ones to talk.


as soon as the police finished their investigation and brought charges. Police don't just swoop in when they suspect someone. They take time to gather evidence, interview the person as many times as they need, and to build a solid case.

Remember, this man already lied about his business having 501(c)(3) status; his collecting money for it, therefore, was illegal.

As I said, his credibility is in question, in my opinion, and I'm sure to LE, too.

Now where is the help to Stacey Smart? I haven't seen any videos pleading for HER return. Nothing even on his facebook page. Not even a link to a news story. Nothing.
I agree and not to discredit this witness, but it was a post made on the HFSP FB page that even brought her account to light. She commented about having seen her (after she was found and the FIL replied back). To the best of my knowledge, LE never acknowledged her story, but MSM picked it up and ran with it. I would think the truck driver who actually stopped would be a more reliable witness. But I certainly can't blame him/her for not coming forward. JMO

It is interesting to contrast her statements in this interview, compared to what she's been quoted as saying before. I agree, I think it was after the fact, once she realized who she saw on the side of the road, that her mind somehow inserted those other things. It happens.
he couldn't negotiate with people when his anonymous donor and his money didn't really exist, could he? the best he could do was pretend to take the offer off the table, turn it around into a "bounty", and claim that SP's kidnappers were so terrified of people looking for them (despite nobody knowing yet what they looked like, their gender, how many there were, etc.) that they let her go.

My concern is with the victim; it doesn't help the victim if we are reluctant to sleuth anyone who may have had the motive, means and opportunity to harm her. Imagine if LE were afraid to step on toes?! SP's safety and right to justice is of utmost importance, and that means leaving no stone unturned, no matter how uncomfortable it makes some people. And it doesn't break rules; he's not a family member, not a friend, never knew them before this, as far as we know.
Here's how I understand it:
It was stated that CG was contacted by an anonymous person. The AD went to this anonymous person, who has also never been named, and THAT anonymous person put the AD in touch with CG ... and also knew the Papini's. That's two unnamed individuals. THAT mysterious in between person is why KP took a chance with the entire matter.
I have another theory about why only one woman would have been present in SP's release. Maybe one let her go while the other was picking up the ransom money at a different location. Just guessing.
I thought KP referred to SP as having been TAKEN. He stated this on 20/20. He said "I knew she was taken." Not kidnapped or abducted.
It is interesting to contrast her statements in this interview, compared to what she's been quoted as saying before. I agree, I think it was after the fact, once she realized who she saw on the side of the road, that her mind somehow inserted those other things. It happens.

The lady annoys me. She seems to never turn down a chance for an interview despite the fact that she really didn't provide SP with help; the truck driver did. Yet we keep hearing from the person who almost became part of something.

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We have minor wound clinics, here in the US too. But they are not really common and the hours are usually limited. So most people just get treated in the emergency room, even though it's not an emergency. I have been to an ER about probably seven times in my life, and only two times were actually emergencies.

In most hospitals "minor injuries" are treated and then if necessary a person is sent to specialist or their own PCP for follow up. Unless it's a gunshot wound, heart attack, major neuro issue, etc it's considered "minor". Had a pt come in with a completely detached knee cap from an injury and we did an xray, put them in a cast and sent them home. Had another snowmobile accident where the rider had ridden into a barbwire fence and had his face ripped up. We removed the barbed wire, gave him a few narcs and sent him home complete with a broken jaw to be followed by a plastic surgeon, ortho spec and his pcp. Certainly wasn't "minor" in the sense of minor. SP had a broken nose, rash, burns and bruises in different stages of healing but as long as it wasn't something that required immediate surgery or was life threatening, they'd release. ER's are more for stabilization these days. And hospital stays, due to insurance, aren't like they used to be. 23 hours after delivery, moms are sent home with babies. Come in for a hip replacement? You'll get 72 hours and then it's home or to a rehab center.
I thought KP referred to SP as having been TAKEN. He stated this on 20/20. He said "I knew she was taken." Not kidnapped or abducted.

Did he say abducted earlier though, like that first day?

After checking I can only find quotes saying she wouldn't have left willingly, and that she had been taken. Abduction seems to come from LE not Keith, at least in the beginning.
I thought LE's statement about the video surveillance to be strangely worded. In his news conference Bosenko said:

Detectives showed Sherri surveillance video which was recovered on Nov. 2 of several SUV style vehicles that had been seen in the area at the time of her abduction. According to Sherri, none of the vehicles shown to her in the video were a match.

If SP can tell LE that the vehicles aren't a match then that begs the question, why weren't they a match? Wrong color, wrong shape, wrong size, wrong make/model? If she can definitively say the vehicles were not a match then she has to have more info then just "dark SUV". If she can't ID the vehicle because her memory is bad or she didn't see the vehicle that took her very well then any statements about vehicles being a match or not a match aren't really relevant so why share that fact in the press conference?

This is another reason why the theory of some deception continues to have traction for me.

If SP changed some of the crucial facts about identities and vehicles under coercion from the abductor(s), then she wouldn't be able to point out ANY vehicle from surveillance at all.

She wouldn't want to implicate an innocent person. She would be unwilling to identify the actual vehicle. So she would just say that none of them match.

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Where exactly was she released? I keep looking for a map site and I can't seem to find it. I know it must have been posted at one time or another. I keep thinking the Thanksgiving morning thing isn't a coincidence. Anyone looked at the surrounding area to see what's around from a google aerial view? Would be interesting to know how long she was in the vehicle before she was dumped out and how far off the road the vehicle was when this happened. 150 miles south of where she was originally abducted...what's between those two areas?
This is another reason why the theory of some deception continues to have traction for me.

If SP changed some of the crucial facts about identities and vehicles under coercion from the abductor(s), then she wouldn't be able to point out ANY vehicle from surveillance at all.

She wouldn't want to implicate an innocent person. She would be unwilling to identify the actual vehicle. So she would just say that none of them match.

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I think we're assuming too much. They said they showed her several suv's from the area that day. Now that could mean they didn't show her all of them, or that they haven't fully processed all the video surveillance and there may be more suv's to be seen and looked at. I would just take it that of the suv's she's been shown to date, she hasn't yet identified the vehicle she believes was used. The other thing is that she could have remembered the vehicle or the color wrong. I remember being hit rather badly in a head on collision and I could tell you so many details of that moment. When we went to the junkyard to see our vehicle, the other vehicle was also there and I was shocked because it wasn't the vehicle I had remembered. It's strange how the mind works in highly stressful situations.
Where exactly was she released? I keep looking for a map site and I can't seem to find it. I know it must have been posted at one time or another. I keep thinking the Thanksgiving morning thing isn't a coincidence. Anyone looked at the surrounding area to see what's around from a google aerial view? Would be interesting to know how long she was in the vehicle before she was dumped out and how far off the road the vehicle was when this happened. 150 miles south of where she was originally abducted...what's between those two areas?

Are there not maps in the media thread? I know Skibabo worked really hard to get them right.
only in the movies that police investigations are wrapped up in a few days. In real life, it can take months. Getting warrants, for one thing, can take time, as can gathering DNA evidence, having it tested and getting it back from the lab.

He may have been cleared and he may not have been cleared. We cannot say he's not a POI b/c the police have not said so either way.

I do realize investigations take time. However routine things like his phone records and verification of his whereabouts do not. Warrants can be obtained in hours, not months IIRC. DNA testing also in criminal cases usually comes back in weeks, not months IMO.
I think with the publicity and concern this case has generated, if LE had any evidence that CG was involved in anything beyond the fact that he worked to help the Papini family they would have put him in handcuffs and marched him into the SCSObin front of the media
Yeah, there are only two reasons i can think of for the Thanksgiving morning release.

1. They had a change of heart, and decided to release SP so she could be with her family on Thanksgiving, and/or more likely 2. They had plans for Thanksgiving and couldn't take SP with them.

Though, I'm not really so sure it was a mother daughter team. That would be weird even for this case, but I guess it could be possible.
#1 seems unlikely to me in view of the brutal treatment SP endured. These are not nice people. And for the same reason, #2 seems odd. That also involves a change of heart to some degree. There would always be a chance that SP could help identify the perps, so releasing her posed a risk. It would seem easier to makes excuses and cancel any Thanksgiving plans rather than risk being ID'ed as kidnappers. If that was impossible, then I would think they would temporarily stash her elsewhere, or dispose of her (I hate typing that).

I continue to be surprised that anyone capable of such violence didn't end SP's life rather than free a potential witness. Thank God it ended the way it did, but it continues to seem very unusual to me.
I thought KP referred to SP as having been TAKEN. He stated this on 20/20. He said "I knew she was taken." Not kidnapped or abducted.

Did he say abducted earlier though, like that first day?

After checking I can only find quotes saying she wouldn't have left willingly, and that she had been taken. Abduction seems to come from LE not Keith, at least in the beginning.

I recall that he used the word "snatched" in an early interview. I don't recall him using the word abducted in that early interview. I can't find the WS archive for my posts in the earlier threads so can't provide links or check to see if my memory is correct with spending a lot time re-sleuthing.
Where exactly was she released? I keep looking for a map site and I can't seem to find it. I know it must have been posted at one time or another. I keep thinking the Thanksgiving morning thing isn't a coincidence. Anyone looked at the surrounding area to see what's around from a google aerial view? Would be interesting to know how long she was in the vehicle before she was dumped out and how far off the road the vehicle was when this happened. 150 miles south of where she was originally abducted...what's between those two areas?

I think Skibaboo had made up some maps but we don't have much to place into a map on what info is out so far.
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