Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #3

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No, LE has released very little information to the public.

Besides the cell phone found on the road, with earbuds and hair strands attached, LE was asked if they found anything else and his response was, he could not answer at this time b/c the investigation is ongoing. Neither would he name the last person who saw her at 2pm Nov 2. [video=youtube;1NWywdP7KGA][/video]

Yeah, LE has definitely been tight-lipped. Still, it seems like something the husband or sister would have mentioned in interviews. The half-wrapped present and car being home were mentioned, but nothing about her purse/wallet. I feel like those things being left behind would be a big red flag to the husband that something was wrong and he would have mentioned it. Then again, who knows. Just speculating.
It's frustrating. But whatever they found, it wasn't enough to convince them of an abduction, so Websleuthers are left with a lot of questions and speculation. We don't necessarily "solve" cases, but most of the time a lot of us know exactly what happened, and often who is responsible....we usually just have to wait and see if it comes together in the end. Oftentimes, it does. This one has me stumped ... but I will say I have a hunch.
Also no more searching? Locals were still forming search parties last I read, but LE stopped pretty early on.

And if family thinks it needs to be nationwide search, they think she was taken over state lines. Wouldn't that make this a much bigger deal?

So many questions. I've a hunch as well. I hope there are answers for her family soon. Her poor babies.
I believe another poster looked at the source of the page after it was posted and found this image was uploaded almost 10 years ago, so I'm not sure how much I'd read into it.

Thanks, I was wondering how old that photo was. It doesn't change my opinion or lessen my concern, though. Eating disorders can be managed, but it's exceptionally rare for them and the personality traits and triggers that lead to them to just "go away". Almost unheard of. This is a headache-inducing topic for me and I could explain further, but any more is irrelevant. Simply an observation on my part.
Also no more searching? Locals were still forming search parties last I read, but LE stopped pretty early on.

And if family thinks it needs to be nationwide search, they think she was taken over state lines. Wouldn't that make this a much bigger deal?

So many questions. I've a hunch as well. I hope there are answers for her family soon. Her poor babies.

Not only would that make it a much bigger deal, it would warrant FBI involvement.
(Which raises a few more questions in my mind. Carry on.)
She was having problems with the method she was using to carry that day? The gun was showing too much? The gun kept slipping down? Or kept moving out of position? CC is harder for women than men. Men can just slip on a gun with an IWB (inside the waistband) holster and wear a large shirt untucked. Or use an ankle holster with a suit.

This is so true. I have an entire drawer full of various holsters for my handguns that I've tried and disliked for one reason or another. Too big, too stiff, not stiff enough, not shaped right, shows too much, "who would carry a gun there?", "this doesn't seem safe at all", "why won't it stay where I put it?", etc. Most seem fine when I put them on, but usually by midday I'm about to throw them in the trash.

Why was hubby keeping this bubbly gal so isolated?

I've thought from the very beginning the hubby was probably a bit controlling and possibly the jealous/possessive type. Of course, most of that was based on the idea of him tracking her phone (which apparently isn't that weird based on comments here) and some of the pictures just give me a weird vibe.

Any opinions on her "Alter Ego" pinterest board?

Her alter ego seems to be a Stepford Wife from the 1950s. Stepford wife pins and comments like "Dress for Marriage Success! Play up your feminine nature 1950's style!"

I'm not sure about the Stepford wife pins. I don't know if it was forced upon her or if it's something she takes pride in or aspires to be. I know many women want to be known as the strong, independent type, but there are definitely women out there who enjoy traditional/old-fashioned gender roles in their marriages.

Maybe she felt a bit of guilt for the loss of the second income and felt the need to go above and beyond the standard SAHM role.
As for the speculation on eating disorder,some people are naturally thin.It may run in their family.This is close to body shaming and would never happen if she were above weight.There is no evidence that she has a disorder.
I have never seen a discussion on this forum about someones excessive weight but continue to see speculation on persons with slim figures as drug addicts or anorexic.
I'm 5'8 and 115 lbs. BMI 17.5. I am not anorexic. I am not depressed, stressed, or overwhelmed. I do not restrict my food intake. I eat what I want when I want. I've had many people "wonder" (ie accuse) me of having issues with food. Including doctors. People close to me shake their heads in amazement as I eat them under the table. Being fit and not "fat" is fair game these days for eating disorder diagnoses. Nowadays those of us of reasonable weight are labeled as "sick" while the overwhelming majority of Americans are actually grossly overweight. Sherri has a BMI that is normal. She also looks healthy, radiant, and in shape. To suggest her body type is somehow dysfunctional or indicative of mental disorder is really offensive to us who are physically fit and not the norm of the average overweight American citizen these days. Normal BMI does not mean anorexic or stressed out or overwhelmed. It just means we are not obese like most Americans.

Oh my goodness! I was NOT trying to offend anyone, NOR did I say that Sherri has any such problem. It was simply an observation, as I stated. I could tell you my stats and history also, but I don't feel there is any need to continue this discussion.

Carry on everyone. The last thing I intended to do was come across as offensive.
Can someone have anorexia and also be a runner?? Seems like she had a healthy lifestyle. I don't think her photos appear painfully thin. And what is the most recent photo?
Not only would that make it a much bigger deal, it would warrant FBI involvement.
(Which raises a few more questions in my mind. Carry on.)

In the latest interview, he (Tom Bosenko) mentions that they are getting help from the FBI. Wow, read between the lines on this interview...

* I was having trouble loading this interview for some reason, so I had to watch it on my smartphone
As for the speculation on eating disorder,some people are naturally thin.It may run in their family.This is close to body shaming and would never happen if she were above weight.There is no evidence that she has a disorder.
I have never seen a discussion on this forum about someones excessive weight but continue to see speculation on persons with slim figures as drug addicts or anorexic.

THANK YOU. There is a big difference between analyzing someone's activities to help FIND them vs. critiquing their waist line, photo's, funny pins, and what not.

Editing to add that I see ALOT of Guests on this thread. I imagine some of them are friends and family of Sherri's. Thank you to everyone who are posting useful ideas to help these good people find their loved one. That's what we are here for. I try to imagine how they would feel reading my posts...
God Bless
Can someone have anorexia and also be a runner?? Seems like she had a healthy lifestyle. I don't think her photos appear painfully thin. And what is the most recent photo?


Just to answer the question - I agree with dropping this particular conversation wrt Sherri.
Oh my goodness! I was NOT trying to offend anyone, NOR did I say that Sherri has any such problem. It was simply an observation, as I stated. I could tell you my stats and history also, but I don't feel there is any need to continue this discussion.

Carry on everyone. The last thing I intended to do was come across as offensive.

I know you are just trying to help understand what has happened to Sherrie ... as we all are. We all have bits and pieces, wisdom and experiences to contribute to the discussion. Thank you for being here.
In the latest interview, he (Tom Bosenko) mentions that they are getting help from the FBI. Wow, read between the lines on this interview...

* I was having trouble loading this interview for some reason, so I had to watch it on my smartphone

You can see the pain in this man's eyes. He is truly devastated. I almost started crying, especially when he talked about having to tell his children. I hope her family gets some answers soon. :(

Just to answer the question - I agree with dropping this particular conversation wrt Sherri.

I don't think they will be a runner very long. It can lead to heart damage among other things. But i agree, its not important to her missing. It pure speculation. Not to mention in the eye and mind of the beholder.
I think it's possible that maybe her family is keeping the kids. It would explain them not speaking to the media, because the children don't know yet that their mother is missing.
In the latest interview, he (Tom Bosenko) mentions that they are getting help from the FBI. Wow, read between the lines on this interview...

* I was having trouble loading this interview for some reason, so I had to watch it on my smartphone

Almost seems like it was feared by KP and/or Sherri's family that an abduction was likely ? Is that maybe where you're going ? If so... why ?
This is a baffling case !
I use Pinterest. I almost never make my own comments on my pins. But I can confirm that on all the pins I've repinned that have comments on them from other people that have made the original pin, it makes it look like I wrote the comment that goes with the pin, not the original pinner. It's a weakness of the Pinterest system IMO.

Also just saying that my own personal feeling on this is abduction. I've had that feeling from the first post. Husband gives me no hinky feelings and she doesn't seem a suicide risk to me and I say that as someone who has lost two family members to sudden and unexpected suicide, so I'm well aware it can happen.
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