Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #13 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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There are 2 people reporting on Twitter that someone has deleted some of Sierra's Twitter posts. Don't know if it's true though.

I did some digging on Twitter, and some tweets about Sierra are just weird... Like creepy. Especially one guy in particular, writing more than 1000 posts about her. Maybe it's just me being paranoid, but it makes me think of these cases where the murderer/purpetrator is being active and helping in searches and so on... The hero syndrome.
I'm not saying that it's bad to spread the word, but it's a very thin line between helpful and creepy. I hope that FBI is looking into the "social media world".

There are weird people hiding behind screen names on Twitter. I discovered something very interesting last night. It's like one post leads to another and another.

And then there's the twit about someone sending 15 messages to Sierra on the 15th, but nothing on the 16th. Don't know how reliable that is, though. The posters who are following Sierra's friends go way over the top, and just add to their concerns about Sierra. Twitter has no rules, according to its website. Let's hope LE is monitoring closely.
Thanks Wendy!. Does Le think that the text was sent by Sierra or do they have doubts about that too? I wonder if someone made her send that text.

he used he words .."Even if she sent that picture we don’t know if it was from that time. It could have been a prior picture that she had on her phone for whatever reason.”
so it's my opinion they know but they won't say..forensics were done on that phone....IMO LE knows all there is to know about that phone and what it did and when.... What I can't figure out is why they are pretending not to know exactly what went on with the phone, pics, tweets...
Yes, Annie, I remember that March broadcast very well where Sgt. Cardoza declined to state which side of the road the clothes & books were found. At least for the time being. This led to some difficulties for those who were thinking about the way the items were discarded and I eventually assumed they were found on the west side of Sta. Teresa and below or south of Laguna Fisher. That turned out to be diagonally opposite the actual spot. At first we didn't even know about the metal shed and the cactus.

Also early on, the sheriff's office said the phone was scratched or scraped from being thrown but was not damaged functionally. I am really hoping that a bit more information will be released soon. It needn't be critical to the investigation (read important) but just some word.

The vast amount of land that is being searched awes me. I am praying for the search parties. If there were only some clue that could help narrow the field!
No one has spoken about this angle of the property. No media have opened it up. I have to wonder why. Perhaps they don't want people making accusations. Perhaps all of them have been cleared.

The type of business would require lots of deliveries and shipments. It blows my mind to think of the possibilities. I am not relaying anything new as I saw this all discussed on another thread and don't know how to link itl.

What ever happened to Investigative Reporting?

I asked same, [a few treads ago] never get an answer. there are many places where prep can hide her or him/her self, even small car till right moment [night] to escape and leave phone to be find.
Regarding the clothes:

Investigators are very cautious about ruling things in or out, especially in statements to the public. If the forensics had come back that the clothes were freshly laundered & had not been worn, then LE would have said 'no, these were not the clothes that she was wearing', IMO.

Instead they continue to say that they don't know whether she was wearing them, which tells me that they were worn, but LE is doing their job and not taking anything for granted - in other words, the clothes not being fresh is nowhere near definitive evidence to the investigators, as is proper.

IMO, they won't say that they are sure of what she was wearing without a reliably dated pic (such as from a surveillance camera), a witness statement, or god forbid finding her fully clothed body.

Sgt. Cardoza also said that the investigators didn't know whether she might have changed into the clothes later or changed out of them later, confirming what you are positing. They had been worn.
I'm inclined to think that it was probably typical teen girl stuff: talking behind someone's back, badmouthing, not keeping secrets, etc.

My impression of Sierra from her social media is that she was actually fairly naive girl putting up a tough, edgy front. If I'm accurate, then maybe she meant friends who were a bit ahead of the rest of the pack in terms of drinking, sex, etc.

I could be wrong but this "feels" to me like an older perp. Someone who was calm, cool and calculating. And probably not closely associated with Sierra or her family; maybe casually, as in someone who worked in the area or a regular visitor to the neighbourhood.

I'm just basing that on the fact that the easiest homicides to solve are the ones that involve household members or close associates of the victim. It sounds like LE has thoroughly investigated everyone close to Sierra.

I agree with your "feeling" about the perp as working or visiting in the neighborhood. I want to make it clear, I do not in anyway, feel that this has any relation to the family.

If this person has done something like this previously and not been caught, it brings into mind that they move frequently or their job requires them to move frequently.

My first thought on this case would be to look for anyone that has recently located in the neighborhood or has left the neighborhood but may have come back to the area for some reason that day.

RSO's can be hard to track as they do move frequently and have trouble finding housing and employment in some cases. A RSO may take a temporary job or be self employed. A RSO may work for someone that doesn't require a background check.
I am new to this forum. Being a young female myself, I found it disturbing that someone can vanish into thin air like this. Do you guys thing there is a possibility of chloroform having been used in an abduction at all? I also wonder if there

Hi Amanda,
I think you are absolutely right in your line of thinking. First, I would agree that something was most likely used to quickly subdue and silence Sierra such as a taser,etc. I also agree she was "observed." Earlier in the thread someone posted a skyview of her home and surrounding area;to me, it looked like she was in a bit of a "fishbowl" situation, especially with that industrial business right nearby. She was watched, and they knew her routine like clockwork. They are going to find this Perp, and I believe with all my heart that the Suspect list is very, very narrow. They just need more evidence to arrest, and convict. That's why LE is being so quiet. They don't want to say anything that would jeopordize a conviction. This is all JMO, of course.

As far as safety in general, *yes*, we need to remember the buddy system, and be alert to our surroundings. And most important, always always always listen to our "instinct." Woman are often taught to be "polite" and will many times ignore that instinct. It has cost some their lives. If you get that "hinky" attention to it.
I agree with your "feeling" about the perp as working or visiting in the neighborhood. I want to make it clear, I do not in anyway, feel that this has any relation to the family.

If this person has done something like this previously and not been caught, it brings into mind that they move frequently or their job requires them to move frequently.

My first thought on this case would be to look for anyone that has recently located in the neighborhood or has left the neighborhood but may have come back to the area for some reason that day.

RSO's can be hard to track as they do move frequently and have trouble finding housing and employment in some cases. A RSO may take a temporary job or be self employed. A RSO may work for someone that doesn't require a background check.

You bring up good points about RSO's and their movements and untraceability to some extent. Undocumented workers would fit that profile as well. Not suggesting they are SO's, just suggesting they have a similar traceability profile as RSO's, or even more sketchy.
Sgt. Cardoza also said that the investigators didn't know whether she might have changed into the clothes later or changed out of them later, confirming what you are positing. They had been worn.

After watching the news clip someone posted, (talking about the clothes in the bag approx. 1 week after Sierra's disappearance), I have to say I now believe that it was the Perp that carefully folded her removed clothes and left them in the bag. This has to be some sort of a taunt, a calling card. He knew it would cause unbelievable anguish finding those clothes.
Weren't the books found close by? Then obviously she had been carrying the books in the bag, and that's what he used to put her clothes in....after.
The condoms and handcuffs found in a separate location were another taunt. At first, I thought it was someone's idea of a sick, sick, joke. But now I believe it was all part of the "leaving his mark" process, similar to how a Gang Member "tags?"

Continued prayers for Sierra.
Personally I'm leaning towards the bag being left by the perp in that spot thinking that it wouldn't be found for a good while or would be found & kept by someone. With how little attention missing teens get, and how often they are assumed to be runaways by LE, the perp would have been entirely justified in assuming that it was safe for them to quickly drop off the bag in that spot. Imagine their surprise & alarm when Sierra became the focus of so much attention, so quickly.

IMO, the bag was dropped off after dark & in a hurry after they were done with doing whatever they did with Sierra. The perp wouldn't have wanted to venture into the abandoned building or out back to the water in those circumstances.

As for the folding of the clothes, I'm torn between the known behavior of rape victims folding their clothes as they are forced to remove them as a way of stalling, and the perp having done it as a part of some OCD type quality (the fact that the bag & books were placed as opposed to tossed suggests the latter).

All JMO.
Is there a date on the video where the family talks about the clothes in the bag? IMO Steve and Marlene both talk about the clothes in the bag as if they were extra packed and not what she was wearing. Marlene had the last known photo but she talks about Sierra swapping clothes with friends. Steve says there's no reason for her to pack a bag of clothes like that. Neither shows concern about the sweatshirt in the photo being in the bag. JMO
Since Sierra never folded clothes neatly according to her mother, the whole idea of them as loaners for a friend makes no sense. Additionally, no real friend would withhold that information. We do know that a bra & underpants were included in the stack of clothes and that too defeats the idea of Sierra planning to loan them out. Steve and Danielle seemed to want to set that record straight, above all else, so that investigation didn't proceed down the wrong path. You're right, he didn't agonise over the Shark's shirt publicly but in private, he probably froze in fear.
Since Sierra never folded clothes neatly according to her mother, the whole idea of them as loaners for a friend makes no sense. Additionally, no real friend would withhold that information. We do know that a bra & underpants were included in the stack of clothes and that too defeats the idea of Sierra planning to loan them out. Steve and Danielle seemed to want to set that record straight, above all else, so that investigation didn't proceed down the wrong path. You're right, he didn't agonise over the Shark's shirt publicly but in private, he probably froze in fear.

What i meant by not showing concern over the sweatshirt, IMO they act like it's "not" the sweatshirt in the bag, so there's no need to agonize over it and talk about the clothes as being an extra set. I saw no indication that they thought they were the clothes she last had on.
This is my feeling about the statements the family makes to the press.

It has to be extremely difficult to have such a short amount of time to state what you want to say and very difficult to determine what is important to say to the public to help find Sierra.

They have strict instructions from LE on what not to say, so they have to be very careful. (could be the reason why the looks, as though no don't say that or be careful what you say)
It's possible that they might want to say more but can't.

As far as the clothing goes, I think the original question in the beginning and answers that were given were based on the theory that she may have run away. We now know that's not what happened. So, the media is continuing to ask these questions about the clothes and the family has been instructed by LE to not say what they know. How frustrating that must be, to be ask the same question over and over that you can't answer.
That's why i prefaced my comment asking the date of the video.
One time the question about the Shark's shirt was asked was when Nancy Grace put it to Marlene who responded that she thought, yes, that it was what Sierra was wearing. She did not say she knew that. She had only seen Sierra at 6 a.m. in her pyjamas and then the boy who rec'd the photo of the Shark's shirt on Sierra shared it with Marlene.
I am new to this forum. Being a young female myself, I found it disturbing that someone can vanish into thin air like this. Do you guys thing there is a possibility of chloroform having been used in an abduction at all? I also wonder if there are homes in the mountains that has a clear view of Sierras residence.

:welcome: Amanda19! Thanks for joining us, & i look forward to reading more from you. :)
It just sounds so brazen for a perp to abduct someone unwillingly from their home.Yes it did happen to Holly Bobo but to my knowledge she lived with no neighbours around. I am so torn on this story. I also wonder if the clothes in the Juicy bag were worn or newly washed. If someone made their way into Sierras house ,Him or they could have sent that last picture and used cloves on the phone to cover their tracks. I wonder if the family used to leave windows open?


Great first posts. Glad to have a younger set of eyes and fresh thoughts here.
My impression was that the business had closed in June of 2011, well before Sierra's family moved in. Am I remembering wrongly?

:seeya: I know of no such thing. Have you heard otherwise?

Are you speaking of this business? Guess the case could use some investigative reporting...
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