Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #14 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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I don't buy the excuse everyone talks that way either. I have a 15 year old. let me see posts like these and he will not have any electronic device to post, text, tweet, call, email, etc. until he is 18 and paying for it himself.

These tweets are vulgar. Not a normal 15 year old. Don't believe she ran away, but I believe she knew the person that took her. I think she was fascinated by the gangsta life. got into something she shouldn't have.

With all that being said, I am in no way saying it should have happened, she deserved it, or anything like that. I am praying she is found save and sound.

Just completely shocked by the tweets. Calling her mom names. Asking someone to kidnap her so she doesn't have to spend the weekend with family. etc.

It is quite shocking and horrible but it isnt only Sierra doing this.

I belong to FB and I am friends with all of our grown children, their spouses and our grandchildren that are old enough to have accounts. I post with them everyday and I am proud to say they say nothing out of the way or off color that can be misconstrued.

However; I have heard that some teens and maybe even adults too will have aother page under a different name and will make them private where the parents/spouses cant see that page.

That is what got the other girl in trouble. She had made another FB page under her dog's name and she forgot to set that one to private and her dad was updating her laptop and saw she had two pages on FB. He is a computer engineer. I guess the girl forgot that and she got busted big time! lol

But it is really naive to think that teens dont talk vulgar on the net and they can try to sound tough to impress their peer group and the pressure is heavier than ever before for a teen when it comes to that. So many teens today do not fit in if they are considered 'good decent' teens and that is why I admire those who stay true to themselves and dont cave into the peer pressure. But not all teens are that strong. I think that is all Sierra was trying to do. Just a bunch of bluster and trying to pretend she was tough and trying to fit in. It seems for a lot of kids it is the cool thing to detest parents today and to say so on social sites.

A lot of teens are do reckless things. Sextexting with their cell phones..putting out suggestive photos on the net...talking downright filthy..cyber bullying etc. Now of course there are plenty of good teens who are well aware what they do on the net can come back to haunt them one day but some do not think about future consequences.

The media has had several segments about teens and what they are saying on the internet...whether it is tweeting-retweeting something offensive or posting things they shouldnt. It isnt a secret that many families are having problems controlling their teens on the internet, imo.

Key word here, "he". Seriously, I have both, and girls can be so much nastier than you ever would believe.

This is my first time chiming in, although I've been reading quite a bit - I just got registered. My husband and I have a brady bunch family of 8 kids, ages 6-20, 3 girls and 5 boys. My husband also coaches HS and youth football. As a whole, we feel pretty versed in teenager behaviors and language. Girls are much nastier, but I am going through hell with "my" oldest- 16 yr old boy. I agree the way many of the kids talk is terrible. What has changed as acceptable is unreal, even from when I was a teen (I am 35 yrs old). My point is, I really try to reserve judgement on the kid based on their tweets and FB chatter - usually they are trying to fit in with what other kids are doing, and it doesn't indicate they are even doing the things they say. (Although, I have not read SL's tweets). Every generation is disgusted with the behaviors and language of the one previous to them, it seems to be almost a right of passage. I feel blessed my 15 yr old daughter doesn't talk that way, but she exceptionally has her head on right. Wish all of my others did! My "challenging" teenager says Im so horrible because I wont allow cursing, marijuana use, or teenage drinking from my kids. Uhm..that's pretty basic. If you listen to him I am a holy terror to deal with.

Back to SL, I have no theories on what happened, but pray she is alive and comes home. I am from the area where HaleyTennell girl went missing last week and my daughter is good friends with her little sister actually - and was so relieved that was a false alarm (even if she did cause quite a stir!).
Key word here, "he". Seriously, I have both, and girls can be so much nastier than you ever would believe.

Our son really never caused us any problems but our 4 girls could be quite dramatic when they were growing up and if any tiny trivual thing went wrong they saw it as a MAJOR issue!:floorlaugh:

I wasn't referring to SL's posts about her mom, that I understand.

We have been warned for years about the Internet and lack of privacy. How about colleges and prospective employers checking backgrounds on SM? It is being done all the time in this competitive world. If nothing else, parents should monitor kids' postings and SM activity. Once it is online, always online.

Its seems to be like everything else...even if the parents try to monitor their child on the net the child will find away around it somehow.

I guess it is like we have heard over the years on MBs that some posters will have multiple nics. It was rampant on another MB for many years and as soon as one nic was banned another nic would popup. Why someone would want to do that I dont have a clue nor would I even begin to know how to do it.

But kids can find ways to hide it from their families especially if their parents arent computer savvy.

Our son really never caused us any problems but our 4 girls could be quite dramatic when they were growing up and if any tiny trivual thing went wrong they saw it as a MAJOR issue!:floorlaugh:

It's true. My 15 year-old cousin says the craziest and meanest things about my aunt and uncle on her Twitter. She is very dramatic and "emotional" and sometimes I am shocked by the things she says and the foul language she uses. That being said, I think much of what Sierra has tweeted is to be expected for a girl her age in this day and age, but I have to admit I was pretty appalled with some of the things she tweeted. Frequent use of the "n" word, all the talk about drugs, the music she listened to, etc. Maybe it's a regional thing, but she does seem to be more into the whole "gangsta" kind of lifestyle which I'm not sure we can say all teenage girls are into.
Tried to send a post and it crashed...posting again - why does everyone think gang members don't get up early? I've been reading about gang activity in California specifically and there is a huge presence in San Jose....the gang Nortenos is the gang into red and black. Also the new way of thinking now for gang revenues is the industry of sex slaves.....

Another point out to all parents reading Sierra's tweets and getting I've posted here before, this is how many many teens are talking now! Shocking but they are all into gangsta talk, extreme hip hop or rather rap....the style right now if you look at certain shows or fashion shows for the younger gen 20's and younger is very gangsta style. The make up is heavy with lots of eyeliner and they call each other some names we would find appalling. The "B" word is used constantly. However it's not meant to be sinister, it's apparently just the style! To sound "bad". So many are doing it to keep up and fit right in.....Hope this makes sense?

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The problem I have with this being gang related is this . Most gang related incidents involving a female is part of an initiation into the gang. The ones I have heard about here in the Bay Area is Rape and that is fact two years ago in the park right next door to my house there was one at 12;30 AM I heard it . Made the mistake of thinking it was my sons TV . When I saw the police out there in the morning needless to say I felt like carp.. I might have been able to stop it.
Me, too... while we have been told that "this is how kids talk nowadays," I don't buy it. The persona that is put out there could very well attract "the wrong types." She appeared to be enthralled with the gangsta culture. The Tumblir account was blatantly drug-oriented, sexual, mixed in with a lot of vulnerability. Whether it is connected or not, this is dangerous stuff to have out there in the open Internet.

I still think she knew who picked her up. The timing was too tight. The other 3 cases were of someone in a car in busy areas trying to lure a young girl, which happens way too often. MOO.

Well said, agree! Add to that, weren't the photos she upload traceable to where she lived?
After thinking on the last page or two of comments I'm not so sure this is a gang kidnapping or sex trafficking and here is why I think that. From what I have understood LE to say, this car was witnessed to be in and around SL house and evidence areas more than once (I hope I didn't just make that up, but I think I remember that being said, I will have to go back and look at the article). Seems to me if it was a gang thing or sex trafficker they wouldn't return to any area, bc why would they? They wouldn't have cared IMO. A person that was more obsessive about her or the event might have the need to return out of curiousity or the excitement of reliving the event.
Tried to send a post and it crashed...posting again - why does everyone think gang members don't get up early?

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Because most of them function late at night, and spend the morning sleeping in. The safest times to visit Richmond, Oakland, and Vallejo CA, are in the mornings.
Just a few points that are either my Humble Opinion OR reality checks.

1) Gang Bangers often commit robberies and other property crimes, they sell and use drugs and they often commit acts of violence against people who cross them or are affiliated with rival gangs. They may have ties to prostitution but that is hardly a specialty. Like most men however, they have mothers, sisters and girlfriends. There is no reason to believe that they do not share the same aversion to rape and crimes against children that other criminals profess. This is not to say that a gangbanger type didn't abduct Sierra, only that it is very improbable that it was a "gang sponsored activity". My guess is that the leadership of any area gang would be very "displeased" if one of their members was involved.

2) For all this talk of "sex trafficking", I am unaware of any "normal" American girl just "snatched" off the street and forced into prostitution. Yes, girls are deceived into the business and once in the business, are often beaten, drugged and forced to do things they do not want to do and sometimes even bought and sold among pimps. The criminal penalties for "pandering" and trafficking are comparably minor but "kidnapping" is often a life sentence.

3) While I haven't read anything Sierra has twittered or written on her FB page, what I have heard is enough for me to conclude that they were totally inappropriate for a 15 year old and suggest she may have been dabbling in things that might lead to serious trouble. YET, that is all completely irrelevant. I am sure whoever abducted her had no knowledge of her "on line" presence and knew of her only by seeing her on the street.
Just a few points that are either my Humble Opinion OR reality checks.

1) Gang Bangers often commit robberies and other property crimes, they sell and use drugs and they often commit acts of violence against people who cross them or are affiliated with rival gangs. They may have ties to prostitution but that is hardly a specialty. Like most men however, they have mothers, sisters and girlfriends. There is no reason to believe that they do not share the same aversion to rape and crimes against children that other criminals profess. This is not to say that a gangbanger type didn't abduct Sierra, only that it is very improbable that it was a "gang sponsored activity". My guess is that the leadership of any area gang would be very "displeased" if one of their members was involved.

2) For all this talk of "sex trafficking", I am unaware of any "normal" American girl just "snatched" off the street and forced into prostitution. Yes, girls are deceived into the business and once in the business, are often beaten, drugged and forced to do things they do not want to do and sometimes even bought and sold among pimps. The criminal penalties for "pandering" and trafficking are comparably minor but "kidnapping" is often a life sentence.

3) While I haven't read anything Sierra has twittered or written on her FB page, what I have heard is enough for me to conclude that they were totally inappropriate for a 15 year old and suggest she may have been dabbling in things that might lead to serious trouble. YET, that is all completely irrelevant. I am sure whoever abducted her had no knowledge of her "on line" presence and knew of her only by seeing her on the street.

Well said kemo. What you said makes a lot of sense.
I'm afraid sex trafficking is alive and well in the U.S. and girls are snatched on a regular basis for it. It is America's dirty little secret that nobody wants to talk about.

There are known groups in the Bay Area that are trafficking as we speak. Moving mostly girls on a regular basis.
I'm afraid sex trafficking is alive and well in the U.S. and girls are snatched on a regular basis for it. It is America's dirty little secret that nobody wants to talk about.

There are known groups in the Bay Area that are trafficking as we speak. Moving mostly girls on a regular basis.

You are absolutely right.

Kemo, if you don't think gangs - especially highly organized ones - are in it for money as much as anything else, look up the story of Freeway Ricky Ross and how crack cocaine became popular. Drugs aren't their only blackmarket choice...they do whatever can get them money. As someone whose father was an undercover detective who infiltrated gangs and drug dealers, I am pretty familiar with how they work. Yes, there are turf wars and violent retaliations, but it is mostly because someone is infringing on their economic territories. Weed is for the most part decriminalized in CA, and while there are other drugs they concentrate on, I wouldn't rule them out in some of the many disappearances of girls in that part of the country.

Again, it might be a stretch to think this was gang-related, but if by chance Sierra is still alive, I think human trafficking should be looked into.
None of Sierra's photos that I checked had the location available in the exif data, the only one that did was the one taken at her home the day after her disappearance of the photo reported to be of her from the morning before, not by Sierra herself.
I'm afraid sex trafficking is alive and well in the U.S. and girls are snatched on a regular basis for it. It is America's dirty little secret that nobody wants to talk about.

There are known groups in the Bay Area that are trafficking as we speak. Moving mostly girls on a regular basis.

I guess it just seems so hollywood movie....Maybe that's the truth, but then shame on the people that know about its existence and don't do enough to expose them or the happenings in our country. I hope I am not venting to negatively, but so much is held back from "the people" bc of politics when really sometimes exposing everything gets all the information out there. Information is knowledge and impowering "the people of our country that care" could be the difference. I'm pretty sure a lot of the people on this website are very knowledgeable with great ideas and if they even knew half of what LE know maybe this case would have already been cracked, maybe not, and it's sad we will never know until it goes to court and it's too late.:banghead: Again sorry for the frustration and I have concluded my venting for the evening, hoping I haven't been too offensive. I don't mean to belittle LE, as I am sure they are doing everything they can./COLOR]
Because most of them function late at night, and spend the morning sleeping in. The safest times to visit Richmond, Oakland, and Vallejo CA, are in the mornings.

LinasK I hear you....but you never know...I'm just saying. Is this something we know for sure? Or an urban myth? worries I don't even live in the country, what do I know?

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None of Sierra's photos that I checked had the location available in the exif data, the only one that did was the one taken at her home the day after her disappearance of the photo reported to be of her from the morning before, not by Sierra herself.

I don't know quite how you can figure out the location by the photo, just wondering if you tried it on the photos of the perps car taken? Just curious.....
I don't think anyone should assume LE doesn't check into every scenario we think of here, especially when they have access to so many LE resources...
originally, i had the idea that whoever took SL lived in MH and had spotted her on their way to work in the morning. but reading here today, another idea popped up. maybe whoever took her works a graveyard shift in MH and may have spotted her on their way home in the morning.
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