Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #15 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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Cat run away as well. We had a beautiful Russian Blue that just showed up. No one claimed him, he looked pure bred, who knows, he may have been mixed but not to the eye - like the Siamese. Most cats can run domestic and wild lives simultaneously, mum's cat brings her home a mouse from the paddocks every day much to her disgust. He was adopted from a shelter because he'd run away from one home already.

The tips from AMW don't sound too hopeful. I am glad people are calling in but sounds like they got more calls about the Jetta in the days before.

Where are you Sierra??
Cat run away as well. We had a beautiful Russian Blue that just showed up. No one claimed him, he looked pure bred, who knows, he may have been mixed but not to the eye - like the Siamese. Most cats can run domestic and wild lives simultaneously, mum's cat brings her home a mouse from the paddocks every day much to her disgust. He was adopted from a shelter because he'd run away from one home already.

The tips from AMW don't sound too hopeful. I am glad people are calling in but sounds like they got more calls about the Jetta in the days before.

Where are you Sierra??
Unfortunately I agree with you. I am now doubtful that they are making any progress, but with a new week approaching hopefully something new will arise. I'm not all that religious or spiritual but I have prayed for Sierra every night since her disappearance. I can't imagine the amount of pain this poor girl has one, and especially a child should ever have to go through this. There's a part of me that hopes she is alive so that she can return home to her loved ones and enjoy the many joys of life that a fifteen year old has yet to experience, but then I realize that if she's alive then she's probably in distress. I simply hope that wherever she is, she is at peace. I apologize for the emotional rant, it's just so heartbreaking.
Hey everyone I have been following up on this case for quite a while. I live very close to this girl, probably 40 mins away and it has touched me. Even though I'm only 23 I remember being her age and being into hip-hop and people seem to think different of me just because of the music n the way I acted. I think teenagers could be the worse people of all because they are always trying to get attention/revenge/be popular so they tend to put others down, look for little things and bully everyone. In this case I do think that Sierra was probably not happy at all on the inside, plus her dad's case didn't really help the situation. I can only imagine the poor girl when kids found her dad on Meagans Law. Most people might not think that teenagers actually look at that but I remember a guy in my high school and his dad was on it, and he got soo much crap for it. I probably wouldn't be able to handle it myself. But to be honest if she wasn't found by now she probably ran away. Me and my friends were thinking of where we would go if something like that bothered us and we would go to either Vegas or somewhere crowded where noone could find us. But again we are in our 20s and this poor girl is only 15. This all is JMO and MOO.
Am I the only person who thinks there just happened to be stray cats there and no connection whatsoever? I just don't see it. JMO


JMO ... but I do NOT believe these stray cats have any connection at all ...

I just think the "perp" happened to drop the bag off at the location ...

I am hoping that when LE was out there investigating the JC Handbag, if they saw the cats they called the Animal Shelter to come and take care of those cats ...

JMO and MOO ...

Hey everyone I have been following up on this case for quite a while. I live very close to this girl, probably 40 mins away and it has touched me. Even though I'm only 23 I remember being her age and being into hip-hop and people seem to think different of me just because of the music n the way I acted. I think teenagers could be the worse people of all because they are always trying to get attention/revenge/be popular so they tend to put others down, look for little things and bully everyone. In this case I do think that Sierra was probably not happy at all on the inside, plus her dad's case didn't really help the situation. I can only imagine the poor girl when kids found her dad on Meagans Law. Most people might not think that teenagers actually look at that but I remember a guy in my high school and his dad was on it, and he got soo much crap for it. I probably wouldn't be able to handle it myself. But to be honest if she wasn't found by now she probably ran away. Me and my friends were thinking of where we would go if something like that bothered us and we would go to either Vegas or somewhere crowded where noone could find us. But again we are in our 20s and this poor girl is only 15. This all is JMO and MOO.

:seeya: Hello and Welcome !

This may be slightly off-topic at points so if mods want to snip I am ok with that. The most common comment I have seen to say that the cats are connected to Sierra is that they are purebred/exotic cats so they wouldn't just be random strays. That the abductor had to be connected to them or Sierra or they played some other role. I think the biggest misconception here is that purebred animals do not just become strays. The pet overpopulation issue is so big right now with everyone and their mother breeding purebreds that this is no longer true. I volunteer and we see TONS of stray purebreds and tons of dumped/abandoned purebreds. This is why I encourage everyone who does want a purebred to look into rescues and shelters because you can rescue/adopt purebreds rather than having to buy one for 1000+ dollars. Then, you get a purebred AND you save a life!

Anyway, that is what I think about the cats and why they are most likely not connected.

I am pretty sad that nothing has broke yet with this case. I know that not much time has passed yet in the grand scheme of things, but I have seen way too many cases die at this point and never seem to move forward again :(
I am still confused about the Jetta and whether it is related or not.
I don't always gett the chance to read every page in these cases since I am following a few and work during the day sometimes there are just soo many to catch up on. However I skip around and try to get all updates and a few thrreads back someone mentioned SL being picked on by the new squad. I actually agree with the theory that the girls could be involved and it was a prank or a scare tactic that went too far. I seem to recall two incidents that involved cheerleaders over the last decade or so that ended in tragic circumstances because of jealousy both of which were turned into lifetime movies based on the events (sorry growing up my mom was all about the true life movies so I have seen them all). Anyhow what if the girls did abduct SL to try and scare her and she did have a asthma attack or they did hide her somewhere thinking she would ecscape or be found soon but she wasn't and now it's too late to set her free? Girls in general can be cruel to one another. When I was in high school a girl brought a knife to school and had plans to kill me and she told a friend of these plans all because a boy she liked had talked to me and I had no idea she even knew him. Luckily I found out about it from her friend and was able to notify school officials who did in fact find a weapon. As far as the clothes, maybe these girls wanted to humilate her, maybe they made her get changed and fold her clothes up and leave they behind, maybe they ,made her wear something else. Her old school colors, her old uniform, anything embarassing to get their point across, If LE has not looked into the bullying maybe they should get this team seperated and play a little she said/she said and get them to tattle on one another. If they did do something to SL and they think one is talking about the other when questioned it may be enough to sprak that anger and get some kind of information. Again just a theory but crazier things can and have happened and teen girls in general can take things way too far. JMO
I don't always gett the chance to read every page in these cases since I am following a few and work during the day sometimes there are just soo many to catch up on. However I skip around and try to get all updates and a few thrreads back someone mentioned SL being picked on by the new squad. I actually agree with the theory that the girls could be involved and it was a prank or a scare tactic that went too far. I seem to recall two incidents that involved cheerleaders over the last decade or so that ended in tragic circumstances because of jealousy both of which were turned into lifetime movies based on the events (sorry growing up my mom was all about the true life movies so I have seen them all). Anyhow what if the girls did abduct SL to try and scare her and she did have a asthma attack or they did hide her somewhere thinking she would ecscape or be found soon but she wasn't and now it's too late to set her free? Girls in general can be cruel to one another. When I was in high school a girl brought a knife to school and had plans to kill me and she told a friend of these plans all because a boy she liked had talked to me and I had no idea she even knew him. Luckily I found out about it from her friend and was able to notify school officials who did in fact find a weapon. As far as the clothes, maybe these girls wanted to humilate her, maybe they made her get changed and fold her clothes up and leave they behind, maybe they ,made her wear something else. Her old school colors, her old uniform, anything embarassing to get their point across, If LE has not looked into the bullying maybe they should get this team seperated and play a little she said/she said and get them to tattle on one another. If they did do something to SL and they think one is talking about the other when questioned it may be enough to sprak that anger and get some kind of information. Again just a theory but crazier things can and have happened and teen girls in general can take things way too far. JMO

Not exactly sure what I think about girls being involved, but I agree Sierra could have had an asthma attack that complicated the initial scenario. Also, I agree that girls can be super mean, especially when a coveted boy is involved. My daughter has an ex-friend who would bring nail clippers to school and expose them in a threatening manner. (Note the word "ex" here!)

The other problem, IMO, is that these girls often appear to be "nice" because they're "popular." But "popular" and "nice" really aren't synonymous at all anymore. IMO, the "popular" ones can do really horrible things if they feel that their "popularity" is being threatened.

If the Jetta is involved, however, the black hood makes it seem like something a boy would drive. Not that a boy might have not helped a group of girls out. JMO.

JMO ... but I do NOT believe these stray cats have any connection at all ...

I just think the "perp" happened to drop the bag off at the location ...

I am hoping that when LE was out there investigating the JC Handbag, if they saw the cats they called the Animal Shelter to come and take care of those cats ...

JMO and MOO ...


I speculated that the kittens may have used as a lure to get SL to see them, and then something happens to her inside the shed... but so far there is no evidence of her being at the shed..
I wonder if the Juicy bag was placed next to the cacti to keep the cats away from it... if so, question becomes why....
I stated right after the picture of the Siamese cats was posted that someone knew about the shed because the cats were being fed and looked healthy. This was in response to a poster who noted the shed "was in the middle of nowhere." Of course, the searchers or locals are most likely the ones feeding the cats after the bag was discovered.

At the age of 15, I don't see Sierra being lured at 7:15 am on a Friday before school to go out to look at a mama cat and her kittens. IF this had occurred in a weekend and the victim was young, I could understand that scenario.

I, like many others, don't see a connection between Sierra and the cats, except I wish the cats could talk! They may have witnessed the perp placing the bag there.

What's going on with the Jetta??????
I speculated that the kittens may have used as a lure to get SL to see them, and then something happens to her inside the shed... but so far there is no evidence of her being at the shed..
I wonder if the Juicy bag was placed next to the cacti to keep the cats away from it... if so, question becomes why....


BBM: Yes, from what I recall, there was no evidence of Sierra herself at the shed -- didn't they bring in the dogs there ?

Yes, now I see your point about the JC Handbag being placed by the cacti ... and the cats are not going to jump in that cacti -- ouch !

:please: I wish there was some NEWS ... anything ... even if it's a "crumb" from LE ... it is absolutely frustrating NOT to know anything ...

I stated right after the picture of the Siamese cats was posted that someone knew about the shed because the cats were being fed and looked healthy. This was in response to a poster who noted the shed "was in the middle of nowhere." Of course, the searchers or locals are most likely the ones feeding the cats after the bag was discovered.

At the age of 15, I don't see Sierra being lured at 7:15 am on a Friday before school to go out to look at a mama cat and her kittens. IF this had occurred in a weekend and the victim was young, I could understand that scenario.

I, like many others, don't see a connection between Sierra and the cats, except I wish the cats could talk! They may have witnessed the perp placing the bag there.

What's going on with the Jetta??????

Annie remember when we actually got to see the picture of the shed one of the local took for us. It had been a few weeks after the purse had been found. I am sure some locals had felt sorry for the cats and started to feed them.
IMHO the cats just happened to be there. I don't see any connection with Sierra at all.
not saying it is the case here, but teen girls can sure clam up sometimes- I'm still holding a few things in umpteen yrs later- nothing of this type of magnitude though

I sure hope this case is solved
not saying it is the case here, but teen girls can sure clam up sometimes- I'm still holding a few things in umpteen yrs later- nothing of this type of magnitude though

I sure hope this case is solved

It seems that if a mean girls scenario is at play here, LE would have a handle on it through numerous interviews with her peers and friends at both high schools. Nine weeks is a long time for more than one person not to talk to anyone. This appears to be a more sophisticated case than one perpetuated by teen-agers, but it is possible.

With no LE status updates, it's wide open to speculation. I am hopeful LE is on to what happened and that we will be hearing something soon, if only to keep the case in the public's collective eye.
I wonder why LE are not talking at all in this case. It's been two months we would like to find her as soon as possible I still have hope
I still think teens can keep a secret for a while if the info is bad enough...JMO
It seems that if a mean girls scenario is at play here, LE would have a handle on it through numerous interviews with her peers and friends at both high schools. Nine weeks is a long time for more than one person not to talk to anyone. This appears to be a more sophisticated case than one perpetuated by teen-agers, but it is possible.

With no LE status updates, it's wide open to speculation. I am hopeful LE is on to what happened and that we will be hearing something soon, if only to keep the case in the public's collective eye.

Agree. I think these kids are all plenty scared and if involved would have spilled the beans by now. This is a more sophisticated maneuver; someone practised.
I stated right after the picture of the Siamese cats was posted that someone knew about the shed because the cats were being fed and looked healthy. This was in response to a poster who noted the shed "was in the middle of nowhere." Of course, the searchers or locals are most likely the ones feeding the cats after the bag was discovered.

At the age of 15, I don't see Sierra being lured at 7:15 am on a Friday before school to go out to look at a mama cat and her kittens. IF this had occurred in a weekend and the victim was young, I could understand that scenario.

I, like many others, don't see a connection between Sierra and the cats, except I wish the cats could talk! They may have witnessed the perp placing the bag there.

What's going on with the Jetta??????

I see the cat connection as someone "collecting" pretty, exotic things. Like Siamese cats and exotic looking young women? Perhaps this is where he left his "trophies?" I definately think there is some connection of sorts. The cats being there wasn't random; neither was her bag. JMO, of course.
BTW, I don't understand the dogs not picking up her scent there. I mean, her scent was on the bag, right? Doesn't make sense to me.
I see the cat connection as someone "collecting" pretty, exotic things. Like Siamese cats and exotic looking young women? Perhaps this is where he left his "trophies?" I definately think there is some connection of sorts. The cats being there wasn't random; neither was her bag. JMO, of course.
BTW, I don't understand the dogs not picking up her scent there. I mean, her scent was on the bag, right? Doesn't make sense to me.

Maybe Sierra's scent wasn't strong enough after the bag was removed by LE. Seeing those beautiful cats near that decrepit shed struck me as oddly insane.

So little info has been revealed by the various agencies. I have this image of LE, especially the FBI, as all-knowing experience-wise and using the latest technology, profiling, etc. to catch the perp(s). And I don't even watch CSI or any other detective-type shows!

Breaking news on channel 2: Antolin Garcia-Torres, 21-year-old, arrested for murder and kidnapping at Safeway store in MH. He is the owner of the Jetta, and had been under round-the-clock surveillance. DNA found on Sierra's clothes.
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