Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #15 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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Do we know there was video by the shed? Far as I know there was video by her house, probably just eyewitness statements outside that area. I would think if there was video by the shed this case would be very solvable.

:seeya: I was about to ask the same question and saw your post :

Are there any video cams by the shed -- AND -- are there any video cams where the cell phone was found ?

If NOT, then how would this red vehicle be caught on a video cam ?

BBM: I agree : IF there was video by the SHED they would have seen the perp placing the JC Handbag and School Books there ...

One more thing : any updates from the searches yesterday ? TIA !

Do we know for sure the cats were being fed before the bag was found?

Also, I thought LE said that the car was seen near where the items were found, which I took to mean the bag and books...if so, and no other cars were seen there on film, it would almost HAVE to be involved, right? The bag got out there somehow.

The only other thing and I don't believe it is the case, is if Sierra was not actually "okay" that morning at all, and the bag was put there earlier than 7am on that Friday. So that is why if not the red car, I hope they also checked earlier tape. Still, it seems doubtful, they seem fairly certain she made it out the front door.

I still think the bag may have been stashed there on the way back from taking Sierra, once the perp saw it was still in his car, along with her clothes. Maybe her shoes ended up wherever she is. :(

BBM - I totally agree Cluciano! I posted something similar on a thread early on in this case. The placement of that bag doesn't make a lot of sense. One of the most logical reasons for it being there, is that someone realized they had it, and could not leave it in the car because someone at home/work would have become suspicious. That sounds like the sort of thing a young person would think about, IMHO. But why did he/she place the bag 'there'??? If it had been me, I would have driven to the closest dumpster and tossed it in..... maybe the perp had a deadline to be somewhere - like a late morning exam for college, or his/her job, etc.... in other words, there wasn't time to toss it anywhere. They drove by the shed, it looked abandoned, and seemed like a good place to put the purse in the mind of a young perp who just realized he/she had not thought this through as well as they should have.
I guess it must have been witnesses, not camera, then, when the car was seen in "multiple places" including near where her items were recovered?

Is there any good reason to be anywhere near that shed? I mean, if this red car was feeding the cats, surely they would have come forward, or LE would know that by now, right...?
I suppose a private camera at someone's home could have captured the video near the purse? The other thing that bugs me about the purse, however, is the clothes being 'neatly folded'. Who does that??? I don't fold my clothes neatly in my closet! :crazy: It is hard to imagine a scenario where someone has taken Sierra against her will, and then neatly folds her clothes prior to hiding them in plain sight. :waitasec:
I know the bag drives us all crazy...and to me, the worst part of that clue is that we are unlikely to ever know the answer, unless there is a confession and/or Sierra happens to be able to come back and tell us...otherwise, it will probably always be a mystery, IMO.
Just a thought.. is there anywhere around for swimming? Someone mentioned earlier in a thread that a bathing suit would be a logical explanation for the bra/undies in the JC bag (if it's been confirmed that those items were in there?)

Suppose she meets up with someone she knows, they plan on ditching school, maybe smoking some pot/drinking at the beach and swimming all day before getting ready for the party that night? She folds up her clothes and puts them back in her back before getting in the water, something happens in the water either intentionally or accidentally, and you're left with her scared/malicious acquaintance(s) who do not feel going to LE is an appropriate option. They ditch the bag on the way back from the water.

Another theory I can't get out of my head is the whole "hey little girl, want to see some kittens?" or some variation on that, and someone snatching her then, but it seems too random.


Prayers for some insight and her safe return.
Do you think that Marlene LaMar believes that her daughter ran away? I know in the beginning she was adamant about her not being a runaway, but maybe she has knowledge that has her thinking (maybe hoping) that she just ran away.

Today, a member of my immediate family, helped Marlene at the grocery store in Morgan Hill. She was upbeat and happy and looking forward to a BBQ tomorrow. She was looking for a certain rub that goes on steak that her boyfriend really likes. My family member didn’t realize it was her until someone in the store asked her where people could send in tips. She then snapped back at the person that they could find it online. (I’m sure she’s sick of strangers approaching her in all walks of life, as if they know her personally.)

My first reaction is that I can’t imagine going to a BBQ and being happy about my first Mother’s Day while my youngest daughter is missing and possibly kidnapped and who knows what else.

But, then I started thinking about the letter Marlene released this week. At first, I thought it seemed somber and melancholy, but then I started looking at the words and it’s almost as though she’s trying to explain things she’s done in terms of being a mom and making tough choice to try and protect her kids. Maybe she wrote that public letter so that Sierra could hear the words, hear how much she loved her from day one, how much she was always a fighter and in a way say, “I’m sorry if I took you from your friends in Fremont. I’m sorry that I made you move. I’m a mom and we do things and make decisions because we love you and want to protect you, even from yourself.” She ended the letter telling both girls that she’s proud to be their mother and she loves them.

Once, SL sister Danielle also stated, “And to Sierra: "Stay strong. And when you do come home, nobody's going to be mad. Nothing else matters."

It’s like they are addressing her as if she ran away or left voluntarily.

Maybe that explains a lot of behavior questions. It’s hard to be completely distraught, if deep down you think that maybe, just maybe she actually ran away or left voluntarily.

I guess it must have been witnesses, not camera, then, when the car was seen in "multiple places" including near where her items were recovered?

Is there any good reason to be anywhere near that shed? I mean, if this red car was feeding the cats, surely they would have come forward, or LE would know that by now, right...?

I don't think the kitties have anything to do with the perp, but rather that the shed wasn't as isolated as it first appeared.

Right after I saw the cat picture, I asked a friend in SSJ (who does cat rescue) to go down to the shed to see if she could "herd the cats" and that I would pay for the cats' foster care. She went but was unable to catch them by herself without a cage trap. She did alert the local cat rescue organization, but I don't know what happened. My friend speculated that someone dumped the pregnant cat there. Obviously, these were not your usual breed of abandoned felines. I know my indoor Siamese cats wouldn't have a clue on how to defend themselves outside.
The only problem is that the body style changed in 1999 (we bought one back then) so I don't believe there is any way it could be newer than a 1998.

Not sure where that info came from but if you do a quick check you'll see what I'm talking about.
Do you think that Marlene LaMar believes that her daughter ran away? I know in the beginning she was adamant about her not being a runaway, but maybe she has knowledge that has her thinking (maybe hoping) that she just ran away.

Today, a member of my immediate family, helped Marlene at the grocery store in Morgan Hill. She was upbeat and happy and looking forward to a BBQ tomorrow. She was looking for a certain rub that goes on steak that her boyfriend really likes. My family member didn’t realize it was her until someone in the store asked her where people could send in tips. She then snapped back at the person that they could find it online. (I’m sure she’s sick of strangers approaching her in all walks of life, as if they know her personally.)

My first reaction is that I can’t imagine going to a BBQ and being happy about my first Mother’s Day while my youngest daughter is missing and possibly kidnapped and who knows what else.

But, then I started thinking about the letter Marlene released this week. At first, I thought it seemed somber and melancholy, but then I started looking at the words and it’s almost as though she’s trying to explain things she’s done in terms of being a mom and making tough choice to try and protect her kids. Maybe she wrote that public letter so that Sierra could hear the words, hear how much she loved her from day one, how much she was always a fighter and in a way say, “I’m sorry if I took you from your friends in Fremont. I’m sorry that I made you move. I’m a mom and we do things and make decisions because we love you and want to protect you, even from yourself.” She ended the letter telling both girls that she’s proud to be their mother and she loves them.

Once, SL sister Danielle also stated, “And to Sierra: "Stay strong. And when you do come home, nobody's going to be mad. Nothing else matters."

It’s like they are addressing her as if she ran away or left voluntarily.

Maybe that explains a lot of behavior questions. It’s hard to be completely distraught, if deep down you think that maybe, just maybe she actually ran away or left voluntarily.


Okay if she is cheerfully shopping for food and talking about steak for Mother's Day, then I give up...
someone mentioned in the last thread that there could have been quite a few girls at her old school who really disliked her. so upon re-reading SL's tweets, i started thinking more about how she posted some mean things - it seemed to be @ no one in particular, but i think those girls either 'knew' she was directing it at them or 'thought' she was. SL also made it very obvious 'when' she was going to be in Fremont. maybe it's possible she was 'followed' from Fremont on her car ride home to MH, so someone could have found out exactly where she lived that way. Sierra could have had a 'frenemy' (girl x). someone who acted cool enough towards SL, but who was actually better friends with the girl(s) who hated her. girl x could have been in the car (red jetta?) that morning, talked her into going to Fremont. her stuff gets thrown out on the way [they could have laughed when she got mad about it and said they'd stop on the way back so she could pick it up] and she's then delivered to the girl(s) that are on the other end of her tweets. maybe they did something horrific, maybe they just planned to beat her up. maybe she had a bad asthma attack. in any case, this would put her in Fremont, not MH. girls can definitely keep secrets, and we don't know if her enemies were ever located and questioned!

(not my only theory - seems there many possibilities...just thought i'd put it out there.)

When I first read Sierra's tweets I thought she was a "mean girl," until I figured out a lot of her negative tweets were in reference to Kim Kardashian, et al., and not girls she knew. Sierra also called her close friends not-so-nice names. Could be the language style she used.

I'm sure the classmates were the first interviewed over and over by LE, and two months later, it's hard to believe no one spilled the beans by now if any of the classmates were involved. MOO.
Just about everyone she had contact with on twitter are Fremont friends...I did not see any who are from MH...
The Jetta is a '96.


How did we find out it is a 96?
There are several years that had the same body style.
Do you think that Marlene LaMar believes that her daughter ran away? I know in the beginning she was adamant about her not being a runaway, but maybe she has knowledge that has her thinking (maybe hoping) that she just ran away.

Today, a member of my immediate family, helped Marlene at the grocery store in Morgan Hill. She was upbeat and happy and looking forward to a BBQ tomorrow. She was looking for a certain rub that goes on steak that her boyfriend really likes. My family member didn’t realize it was her until someone in the store asked her where people could send in tips. She then snapped back at the person that they could find it online. (I’m sure she’s sick of strangers approaching her in all walks of life, as if they know her personally.)

My first reaction is that I can’t imagine going to a BBQ and being happy about my first Mother’s Day while my youngest daughter is missing and possibly kidnapped and who knows what else.

But, then I started thinking about the letter Marlene released this week. At first, I thought it seemed somber and melancholy, but then I started looking at the words and it’s almost as though she’s trying to explain things she’s done in terms of being a mom and making tough choice to try and protect her kids. Maybe she wrote that public letter so that Sierra could hear the words, hear how much she loved her from day one, how much she was always a fighter and in a way say, “I’m sorry if I took you from your friends in Fremont. I’m sorry that I made you move. I’m a mom and we do things and make decisions because we love you and want to protect you, even from yourself.” She ended the letter telling both girls that she’s proud to be their mother and she loves them.

Once, SL sister Danielle also stated, “And to Sierra: "Stay strong. And when you do come home, nobody's going to be mad. Nothing else matters."

It’s like they are addressing her as if she ran away or left voluntarily.

Maybe that explains a lot of behavior questions. It’s hard to be completely distraught, if deep down you think that maybe, just maybe she actually ran away or left voluntarily.


IMO, in these kinds of periods of extreme emotional stress/limbo, you can't judge what a person is thinking by their day to day behavior. To put it bluntly, contrary to what people assume, you just can't be weeping & distraught 24/7, no matter how terrible things are. Throw in the fact that, yes, any family with a missing loved one will clutch at any hope they can find, and you do indeed find these people continuing to live their lives. No offense, but how can these families be expected to cut off all positive experiences in their lives for months or years, just to live up to the public's expectations of how to 'properly' act? IMO, the 'behavior questions' arise more from the unrealistic expectations of the observers, as opposed to anything that the family is 'doing wrong'.

As for her sister's early statement - it's fairly standard procedure (in the rare cases that get any real media attention) for LE to ask the family to issue those kinds of statements if there is no direct evidence of foul play, just in case. Look around the threads, it's not a rare thing, even in cases where a runaway scenario looks quite unlikely.

So yeah, the family is no doubt holding onto that hope, because you have to...but as to whether they have some reason to believe that it's the likely outcome...I don't see any evidence of that so far.

IMO, in these kinds of periods of extreme emotional stress/limbo, you can't judge what a person is thinking by their day to day behavior. To put it bluntly, contrary to what people assume, you just can't be weeping & distraught 24/7, no matter how terrible things are. Throw in the fact that, yes, any family with a missing loved one will clutch at any hope they can find, and you do indeed find these people continuing to live their lives. No offense, but how can these families be expected to cut off all positive experiences in their lives for months or years, just to live up to the public's expectations of how to 'properly' act?

As for her sister's early statement - it's fairly standard procedure (in the rare cases that get any real media attention) for LE to ask the family to issue those kinds of statements if there is no direct evidence of foul play, just in case. Look around the threads, it's not a rare thing, even in cases where a runaway scenario looks quite unlikely.

So yeah, the family is no doubt holding onto that hope, because you have to...but as to whether they have some reason to believe that it's the likely outcome...I don't see any evidence of that so far.


I agree with most everyone you said above. However, it is MOTHER'S DAY. I totally understand the need to go back and get on with your life for the sake of your family and your job and your mental health. BUT MOTHERS DAY Weekend?

Wouldn't that be one time that a woman would be somber, considering her little girl is missing and possibly never returning?

It would make more sense for HER to be pampered, privately on that day. For her friends and family to come and offer her support. But going shopping for steak marinade? That just seems off kilter, imo. JMO
I agree with most everyone you said above. However, it is MOTHER'S DAY. I totally understand the need to go back and get on with your life for the sake of your family and your job and your mental health. BUT MOTHERS DAY Weekend?

Wouldn't that be one time that a woman would be somber, considering her little girl is missing and possibly never returning?

It would make more sense for HER to be pampered, privately on that day. For her friends and family to come and offer her support. But going shopping for steak marinade? That just seems off kilter, imo. JMO

Seriously? The woman isn't allowed to go shopping, or to look forward to seeing her other daughter on Mother's Day? She's not allowed to experience a little joy in what she still has? Really?

I have no doubts this poor woman spends every night lying awake, hurting & fretting over Sierra, and will have plenty of daytime moments where she wants to breakdown over her daughter's absence on Mother's Day...but to expect her to hide away from the public unless she's wearing a permanent face of grief? Ugh.


ETA - sorry if I'm coming across rather strong here...I just have a very strong protective thing for families of missing persons/murder victims (who are thus victims as well) who have their every move watched, analyzed & critiqued by the public. Especially because most of the public doesn't read up on how people actually act under such extreme, long-term stress before calling things 'hinky' or whatever. I guess I've just seen too many innocent families get re-victimized by accusations on boards & comment areas.
I agree with most everyone you said above. However, it is MOTHER'S DAY. I totally understand the need to go back and get on with your life for the sake of your family and your job and your mental health. BUT MOTHERS DAY Weekend?

Wouldn't that be one time that a woman would be somber, considering her little girl is missing and possibly never returning?

It would make more sense for HER to be pampered, privately on that day. For her friends and family to come and offer her support. But going shopping for steak marinade? That just seems off kilter, imo. JMO

I would not be able to eat or sleep....especially tomorrow....but that is me. I'm sure I'd be anorexic and suffering from extreme exhaustion by now. I guess we all react differently to trauma and stress.

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If I had to get rid of something the size of that bag, I would prefer to hide it somewhere like the shed, isolated, than in a dumpster or similar in a more urban area. Especially at night - if you have the cover of darkness, why go where there is artificial light? If all you care about is getting away from it with no one seeing you, and leaving it in a spot that doesn't point to you, you go as close back to where it came from as you dare. Who cares if someone finds it? If you are pretty sure no one will make any connection to you.

Interesting about Marlene. She has had happy expressions multiple times in videos. I am not making any accusations - is she just plain eccentric??? Steve is a RSO, yet her daughters lived alone with him. So she trusted him and from what we know that wasn't misplaced when it came to his girls, but it's not a decision most mothers would feel good about. She is certainly a character, I'd love to know more about her even thought it probably isn't relevant.

Hope all employees of florence gear etc etc have been checked for owning red jettas!
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