Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #15 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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The segment was very short, with not much detail. I was surprised that no mention of her scent stopping at the end of her driveway was made. Instead the sheriff (can't remember her name) made it seem like Sierra was taken beyond her driveway, closer to her bus stop. She also made it seem like it was a random abduction...

The video of her walk to the bus stop showed just how exposed she would have been, and drove home in my mind how wrong it was for her to have to had walked that walk...

Others who saw it, please correct me if I'm wrong about this.

I didn't see it, but it doesn't surprise me. They don't rely a whole lot on the scents the dogs pick up unless it's a cadaver dog, especially if a day or more has already passed.

In re: to the bag and it being neatly placed after being strewn: I have mentioned that option in the past, but I really think someone would come forward and say they did that, especially if they thought their finger prints would be on or in the purse.

I also think someone would have probably done more investigating had they found it like that, maybe even turned it in to LE.
someone mentioned in the last thread that there could have been quite a few girls at her old school who really disliked her. so upon re-reading SL's tweets, i started thinking more about how she posted some mean things - it seemed to be @ no one in particular, but i think those girls either 'knew' she was directing it at them or 'thought' she was. SL also made it very obvious 'when' she was going to be in Fremont. maybe it's possible she was 'followed' from Fremont on her car ride home to MH, so someone could have found out exactly where she lived that way. Sierra could have had a 'frenemy' (girl x). someone who acted cool enough towards SL, but who was actually better friends with the girl(s) who hated her. girl x could have been in the car (red jetta?) that morning, talked her into going to Fremont. her stuff gets thrown out on the way [they could have laughed when she got mad about it and said they'd stop on the way back so she could pick it up] and she's then delivered to the girl(s) that are on the other end of her tweets. maybe they did something horrific, maybe they just planned to beat her up. maybe she had a bad asthma attack. in any case, this would put her in Fremont, not MH. girls can definitely keep secrets, and we don't know if her enemies were ever located and questioned!

(not my only theory - seems there many possibilities...just thought i'd put it out there.)
Hello all. I've actually been reading this forum for quite awhile regarding this and other high profile cases. This is my first shot at sleuthing myself. Would like to offer my own hypothesis to the mix.

My honest opinion is she was taken by someone who knew her and/or her routine. I think the phone was tossed immediately after she was taken. Then whatever crime occurred wherever it occurred. Most likely, and sadly, she was completely naked, deceased and discarded when the bag was placed. The reason the perp folded the clothes was to make it seem as though she was a runaway. The perp probably assumed no one knew what she was wearing that day, since he most likely knew no one saw her after 6AM. He was also well aware that she probably wouldn't even be "missing" until the end of the day, so if he went to that location and dumped the bag later in the day on March 16, there was no hint of anything amiss in Morgan Hill at that time. The pattern of the location of both items suggests they were travelling north, and he may have been trying to make that location appear to be a crime scene. Most likely she was taken south, so leading LE north makes perfect sense to a simple criminal mind.

Regarding the car, I think it's entirely possible LE was aware of this car more than 4 days ago, when they first went public. Maybe they were aware of it, say, a week or two ago, and located it and surveiled it for awhile. When that didn't pan out, they went public, albeit vaguely, in the hopes that maybe the driver would go back to check on it, and they'd nab him, and when that didn't happen, they pounced on the car and are now looking for tips.

I've been "observing" cases like this for a long time, as I'm sure most of you have. Different jurisdictions handle case info differently, for their own reasons. I think most would agree, the agencies that choose to go public with as much as they can, early on, have more successful outcomes.

So that's my ice breaker. My honest opinion. Thank you for reading.

:Welcome1: StewieG!

That theory kinda works for me too-- I think this person "stalked" SL before making his move. Do not think it was someone in her Immediate circle of acquaintances.

....... and I think you are absolutely right with your assessment of Law Enforcement Agencies outcomes with reference to release of information as noted in the BBM text. What I cannot for the life of me figure out is WHY some agencies even think of holding back information in cases like these. IMO--just does not make sense''TIME " is of utmost importance, especially in abduction cases.
If the red car was picked up right in the area where some of Sierra's things were found, presumably the bag...shouldn't any other car have been picked up as well? Meaning, if this car is NOT did the bag get there? And did it pick up anyone getting out of the car, etc...

I think the car must be involved, if this was truly the only car on tape that has yet to be identified and was seen in multiple spots of interest. I wonder if LE looked at tapes from before 7am on that day, for instance, if this bag HAD been planted...

From what I gathered on the media reports, most of the video was closer to her house and there were some eyewitness statements. I just don't think there would have been that many eyewitnesses around where the bag was found, and probably no video. Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not familiar with the area.
But what about the Siamese family? Whether they were at the shed or not when the bag was placed there, someone was/is feeding the cats, so at least one person has no problem going out to that shed. JMO

Ya know Annie, I would hope that LE staked that place out to find who it is that has been feeding those cats. Maybe they already know and they could even have been one of the witnesses they mentioned in reference to the appearance of the Red VW. least I hope they did. :moo:

The cats are most interesting - gotta wonder who abandoned them, as they are not a feral colony, simply
a mama and two? kittens that look very pure bred IIRC from the photos posted back a few threads...

Wonder if any rescue group has taken them? Wonder if LE left something like a hunters camera in the area to see if anyone has gone back to them.
But what about the Siamese family? Whether they were at the shed or not when the bag was placed there, someone was/is feeding the cats, so at least one person has no problem going out to that shed. JMO

Ya know Annie, I would hope that LE staked that place out to find who it is that has been feeding those cats. Maybe they already know and they could even have been one of the witnesses they mentioned in reference to the appearance of the Red VW. least I hope they did. :moo:

The cats are most interesting - gotta wonder who abandoned them, as they are not a feral colony, simply
a mama and two? kittens that look very pure bred IIRC from the photos posted back a few threads...

Wonder if any rescue group has taken them? Wonder if LE left something like a hunters camera in the area to see if anyone has gone back to them.
Do we know for sure the cats were being fed before the bag was found?

Also, I thought LE said that the car was seen near where the items were found, which I took to mean the bag and books...if so, and no other cars were seen there on film, it would almost HAVE to be involved, right? The bag got out there somehow.

The only other thing and I don't believe it is the case, is if Sierra was not actually "okay" that morning at all, and the bag was put there earlier than 7am on that Friday. So that is why if not the red car, I hope they also checked earlier tape. Still, it seems doubtful, they seem fairly certain she made it out the front door.

I still think the bag may have been stashed there on the way back from taking Sierra, once the perp saw it was still in his car, along with her clothes. Maybe her shoes ended up wherever she is. :(
Do we know for sure the cats were being fed before the bag was found?

Also, I thought LE said that the car was seen near where the items were found, which I took to mean the bag and books...if so, and no other cars were seen there on film, it would almost HAVE to be involved, right? The bag got out there somehow.

The only other thing and I don't believe it is the case, is if Sierra was not actually "okay" that morning at all, and the bag was put there earlier than 7am on that Friday. So that is why if not the red car, I hope they also checked earlier tape. Still, it seems doubtful, they seem fairly certain she made it out the front door.

I still think the bag may have been stashed there on the way back from taking Sierra, once the perp saw it was still in his car, along with her clothes. Maybe her shoes ended up wherever she is. :(

In the photo of the cats near the shed, food is shown. However, no mention has been made if the food was there when the bag was found, or if a search team member or LE had placed the food there.
someone mentioned in the last thread that there could have been quite a few girls at her old school who really disliked her. so upon re-reading SL's tweets, i started thinking more about how she posted some mean things - it seemed to be @ no one in particular, but i think those girls either 'knew' she was directing it at them or 'thought' she was. SL also made it very obvious 'when' she was going to be in Fremont. maybe it's possible she was 'followed' from Fremont on her car ride home to MH, so someone could have found out exactly where she lived that way. Sierra could have had a 'frenemy' (girl x). someone who acted cool enough towards SL, but who was actually better friends with the girl(s) who hated her. girl x could have been in the car (red jetta?) that morning, talked her into going to Fremont. her stuff gets thrown out on the way [they could have laughed when she got mad about it and said they'd stop on the way back so she could pick it up] and she's then delivered to the girl(s) that are on the other end of her tweets. maybe they did something horrific, maybe they just planned to beat her up. maybe she had a bad asthma attack. in any case, this would put her in Fremont, not MH. girls can definitely keep secrets, and we don't know if her enemies were ever located and questioned!

(not my only theory - seems there many possibilities...just thought i'd put it out there.)

This has crossed my mind. It's tied for third in my list of theories, but yes - there are some really, really mean-spirited tweets she made. I know she had some sort of problems in Fremont, and I sense those mean tweets were related to it. I just find it a huge stretch that some teens she didn't like skipped school, drove to Morgan Hill, and did all this other stuff @ 7:15am. Doesn't mean they couldn't have had someone else do it, but if so, they would look way, way guilty. I have almost no doubt LE has looked into that angle. After families, spouses and boyfriends, they tend to look at the enemies next.
In the photo of the cats near the shed, food is shown. However, no mention has been made if the food was there when the bag was found, or if a search team member or LE had placed the food there.

I have a feeling that the cats once known about ( Sierra's bag found) some good Samaritan took on the feeding of them. So I would not even think they were being fed before than. And if wild I bet mama cat taught babies to catch field mice remember where the shed is.
Do we know for sure the cats were being fed before the bag was found?

Also, I thought LE said that the car was seen near where the items were found, which I took to mean the bag and books...if so, and no other cars were seen there on film, it would almost HAVE to be involved, right? The bag got out there somehow.

The only other thing and I don't believe it is the case, is if Sierra was not actually "okay" that morning at all, and the bag was put there earlier than 7am on that Friday. So that is why if not the red car, I hope they also checked earlier tape. Still, it seems doubtful, they seem fairly certain she made it out the front door.

I still think the bag may have been stashed there on the way back from taking Sierra, once the perp saw it was still in his car, along with her clothes. Maybe her shoes ended up wherever she is. :(

I wonder the same thing about the feeding of the cats. If a perp saw the cats were being fed, he didn't mind the bag being found, for one thing.

Also, OldSteve's idea about putting a camera on the shed was brilliant. I bet LE didn't think of that.

The part I quoted and bolded I totally agree with, I don't see how it could be any other way - especially if that was the clothes she was wearing.
I do not feel that a perp would waste any time putting her bag/clothes in that location. Not sure she did not actually leave earlier than the morning as we only have mother's word on it. I do trust her conversation with her father/sister the night before. So, she could have left anytime during the night.
The bag reminds me of either sharing clothes a friend, putting it there to change in to later, returning clothes to someone she borrowed them from or vice verssa.
If the bag was moved by a third (uninvolved) party after the perp got it out of the car, then the bag's placement has to be causing the perp some concern as well.

The perp would be wondering if it was placed by a witness, if there was some message in where the bag was placed, what about the "Mayhem" tag, etc.

Weirdly enough, much like the speculation on WS!
This sounds really stupid, but I hope that the cats are still being fed. It would be horrible if they were being fed regularly, and now just left to starve. Hopefully, LE knows who has been feeding the cats, and that they are still being taken care of.
This sounds really stupid, but I hope that the cats are still being fed. It would be horrible if they were being fed regularly, and now just left to starve. Hopefully, LE knows who has been feeding the cats, and that they are still being taken care of.

I hope they have been taken to a shelter and made ready for adoption...:(

As far as the bag being placed...if that is where the car was seen on video...shouldn't any person also be on tape?
Someone :waitasec: sorry can't remember who - but they asked if the 'year' of the Jetta had been released - I don't know about the LE, but it looks Mark Klaas has: (respectfully snipped)

oceanblueeyes said:
The Klaas Act
Recover the Missing, Stop the Trafficking and Punish the Perps!!!

Sierra LaMar: Anatomy of a Search Day 37
For the first time in 47-days the Santa Clara County Sheriff had something new to report. They were looking for, no, wait, they found the 1999 red VW Jetta with a black hood and sun roof that they believe is connected to the abduction of Northern California teenager Sierra LaMar.

Also - I've noticed QUITE a few new members here, so...



As far as the bag being placed...if that is where the car was seen on video...shouldn't any person also be on tape?

Do we know there was video by the shed? Far as I know there was video by her house, probably just eyewitness statements outside that area. I would think if there was video by the shed this case would be very solvable.
The cats could fend for themselves no? I mean, not that they should be left there, but would not have needed anyone feeding them before the bag was discovered.

I am pretty sure someone posted that there are no likely camera's in the vicinity of the shed.

I just read back more of Sierra's tweets. Man she really wasn't all that happy. Trouble where she left from and from the sounds of it, not having too great a time of making friends at the new school. There was a spat where a girl took her on for acting hard online and being fake. Sierra repeatedly writes there is no fresh start. Not much evidence of a social life outside of Fremont.
The cats could fend for themselves no? I mean, not that they should be left there, but would not have needed anyone feeding them before the bag was discovered.

I am pretty sure someone posted that there are no likely camera's in the vicinity of the shed.

I just read back more of Sierra's tweets. Man she really wasn't all that happy. Trouble where she left from and from the sounds of it, not having too great a time of making friends at the new school. There was a spat where a girl took her on for acting hard online and being fake. Sierra repeatedly writes there is no fresh start. Not much evidence of a social life outside of Fremont.

I had same impression, she didn't seem to have friends at all at the new school. She wrote some pretty harsh stuff about her mother, it was especially sad to think about it when I read Marlene's mothers day message. Sierra seemed to like her dad though, perhaps he was more permissive and less controlling of what she was doing. Maybe she got in troubles in Fremont and that's why her mother had her move in with her, to try and control her. Just thinking out loud here.
The cats could fend for themselves no? I mean, not that they should be left there, but would not have needed anyone feeding them before the bag was discovered.

I am pretty sure someone posted that there are no likely camera's in the vicinity of the shed.

I just read back more of Sierra's tweets. Man she really wasn't all that happy. Trouble where she left from and from the sounds of it, not having too great a time of making friends at the new school. There was a spat where a girl took her on for acting hard online and being fake. Sierra repeatedly writes there is no fresh start. Not much evidence of a social life outside of Fremont.

Yeah, I'm just going off of Google maps, whose images are a few years old, and it doesn't seem there would be any cameras around; I don't know from experience, just speculating. I do know that in an interview a resident close to Sierra's home said he had turned in some footage....
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