Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #17 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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Also, didn't he used to be a tree-trimmer? I read that somewhere here, I think. Odd that the can was found in an upscale neighborhood overflowing with big trees that would need to be trimmed...or am I now grasping at straws? I want Sierra to be found alive not remains in a garbage can but this family needs answers.
If it were a new trash can, tightly closed, or the body was contained in something in it, then decomposition could be slowed down.

If the body was very recent, I don't think it would take a day to get fingerprints. There are ways to get fingerprints from decomposed tissues.

Yes, they can rehydrate the skin on the fingers.
I think its very possible that he could have told somebody where he buried it. and for whatever reason that person dug it up and put it out there
So is it possible that LE saw Torres or knew he bought a trash can, therefore they expected he was going to abduct etc again since maybe they figured out he didnt take it home and that is why they went ahead and arrested him? Which would mean they were watching him but not every second enough to know what he did with it?
He was very different in court that he was in the arrest video, but jail will do that to you. Plus, maybe be was high when he was arrested and that explains his smirk and cavalier attitude. In his mug shot his eyes were glossy and I know he wasn't crying.

He looked really different today, for sure.

In that video it seemed he couldn't wait to leave that court room. Probably needed to lay down. I am sure he is having withdrawals if he does use. jmo
The body was discovered over 8 hours ago. Not sure how long it has been at the coroner's office, but if it has been determined to NOT be Sierra, it seems to me that they would have released just that information by now. "Details are pending, but it's not Sierra LaMar". The silence is eery.

Of course, maybe they don't know for sure if it is or it isn't.
What bothers me is that the bottom of the can has scuff marks but no dirt visible. It looks really clean. Like someone washed it or else it is brand new. The other thing that bugs me is the timing of the whole thing. AGT has been in custody for THREE days. Right around the time the can was noticed in the area. It makes me wonder if someone else knew and when he was arrested, they moved the body.

On the other side of the coin, it just seems a little coincidental that a body, believed to be female, was found two hours before his arraignment. This body still has fingerprints, according to the coroner (who said he'd need at least a day to get fingerprints) in one of the links above, which would indicate it wasn't fully decomposed. Would a body have fingerprints after this long?

I wouldn't think there would be fingerprints. I would imagine the skin would have already slipped off, unless the skin slipped and remained intact, although dried??
I think it was stolen because that size of a trash can is at least $120.00 bucks

Well, maybe it was stolen. I didn't think about that. I just don't think it's one that was issued by a garbage company to collect City trash.
I'm sure they are scrambling because, whoever it is, has family and they are trying to protect them by being vague now, even thought the details in the beginning were crystal clear.

What is so upsetting to me is that we know there is a body out there somewhere and while they are looking for it another one turns up. It is like an epidemic. jmo
Well, maybe it was stolen. I didn't think about that. I just don't think it's one that was issued by a garbage company to collect City trash.

Hmmm is a large trash can considered petty theft?

That would be too easy, but maybe he thought he was being smart - no receipts or store records with his "name" on it....

Just speculating.
We need to keep in mind that we don't know when sl was murdered nor do we know what state of decomp this body was found in. Just stating the obvious
The first thing my husband said when he saw the pic of the trash can? "that's a brand-new trash can...the kind you'd buy at a store". Hmmm. Seems to be the consensus.
Yes, that does look more like an adult body. Unless they altered it on purpose knowing media would be snapping pics.

Plus I'm not sure LE would find two brown bags worth of evidence w/ Sierra, since she had already been stripped. That's assuming the bags had evidence.

From what I could tell, the garbage can didn't look to be as large as the ones that are picked up and emptied by a truck. Could just be the perspective on the photo.
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