Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #19 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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Where did AGT work on March 16, 2012? He told his mother he drives by Laguna (clothing found there) each day for work. Was he employed nearby? This isn't exactly a place you just drive by. You have to be looking for it. There is NOTHING out there. Did he do work on her property or close by?

His sister Lucero couldn't/wouldn't say where he worked in her doorstop interview. I wonder if he kept his comings and goings ambiguous?
What do people expect them to do? If they get involved they're at risk for lawsuits which depending on the amount could lead to layoffs. They were only "involved" because these sickos attacked on their property.

Exactly. It's not like these attacks happened inside their store. If I'm not mistaken, the stores do not own the parking lots, they are public places. I had a little fender bender several years ago in a grocery store parking lot. The manager came out and made sure no one was hurt but basically said he couldn't do anything. He told me I could call the police if I chose to, but they wouldn't even make a report because it didn't happen in the street.
I suppose if a person was injured, they might take a little more action, but basically, these stores can't get too involved as long as it is not IN the store itself.
Kind of off topic, but interesting.

Last night I was reading the book "Still Missing" by Chevy Stevens.

I haven't gotten very far in, but in one of the first rape scenarios that the woman experiences with her abductor the author says something like, "He removed my clothes and folded each piece neatly."

This automatically made my mind perk up and think of Sierra. I know this book is fiction, but is folding clothes something that is done regularly during a rape?

FWIW, the perp was trying seduce the woman in the book, even though he was obviously doing something illegal.
The reason I doubt that this is likely anything more than a rape scenario is because of his past intentions at Safeway. Unless the "attempted" assaults at Safeway were a gang initiation, this just fits the profile of a creep that succeeded where he once failed. Perhaps he didn't intend to kill her, but he was trying to quiet her.
Let's for a moment, consider this dirt bag was "hooking up" with Sierra, although that seems highly unlikely given his past offenses and his profile in general. But for a moment, let's assume he was. Who would have found out and insisted he kill her, or even help? Worth speculating on....MOO.

Don't you think if this were the case they would have been in contact with each other and LE would have found evidence of that? It's one thing to take steps to hide your trail of phone calls or texts from your wife or parents by deleting them but LE can still access deleted information. The only reason why you would try and cover your tracks to prevent LE from accessing anything is if you planned on committing a crime.
Thank you for opening up the discussion to other possible scenarios. I just have the gut feeling that this is not about purely a rape/murder situation. Here is something to consider..
Sierra mentioned in a tweet, shortly before she disappeared that she thought it was weird that people she knew from Fremont were friends with people who went to her school. (Follow me on this one) Her father was charged with molesting someone approx the same age as her sister, years ago. I am not certain about her sister's age, but I thought it was around 20 (please correct me if I am wrong). So Sierra moves from Fremont to Morgan Hill and just discovers she knows someone in Morgan Hill who has a mutual friend in Fremont. What if the girl who was molested has some connection to the Morgan Hill friend and finds out that Sierra now lives in Morgan Hill. Perhaps a boyfriend who sees the long term effects of the molestation on his girlfriend and decides to retaliate by harming Sierra. Take it one step further and consider the possibility that this person has some connection to a gang. Maybe this is not about rape, but about retaliation. Maybe Antolin is one of the people given the job of handling this affair, perhaps with a promise of monetary reward.
I just do not think that Antolin kidnapped Sierra for the purposes of rape. I really feel this is something far more complicated.

Just something to consider, and of course nothing more than speculation or theorizing about other possible motivations.

Considering that this suspect is being charged with at least one other assault and possibly more to come...this does not hold water for me. I believe he is a serial predator and Sierra was a totally random victim, other than the fact that she may have been stalked by him first due to her vulnerability at the bus stop. Nothing to do with Fremont, or her father, or anything else in her life, except perhaps her early morning schedule.
Thank you for opening up the discussion to other possible scenarios. I just have the gut feeling that this is not about purely a rape/murder situation. Here is something to consider..
Sierra mentioned in a tweet, shortly before she disappeared that she thought it was weird that people she knew from Fremont were friends with people who went to her school. (Follow me on this one) Her father was charged with molesting someone approx the same age as her sister, years ago. I am not certain about her sister's age, but I thought it was around 20 (please correct me if I am wrong). So Sierra moves from Fremont to Morgan Hill and just discovers she knows someone in Morgan Hill who has a mutual friend in Fremont. What if the girl who was molested has some connection to the Morgan Hill friend and finds out that Sierra now lives in Morgan Hill. Perhaps a boyfriend who sees the long term effects of the molestation on his girlfriend and decides to retaliate by harming Sierra. Take it one step further and consider the possibility that this person has some connection to a gang. Maybe this is not about rape, but about retaliation. Maybe Antolin is one of the people given the job of handling this affair, perhaps with a promise of monetary reward.
I just do not think that Antolin kidnapped Sierra for the purposes of rape. I really feel this is something far more complicated.

Just something to consider, and of course nothing more than speculation or theorizing about other possible motivations.

I agree with this theory, and always have. My streetwise consultants have suggested something similar. There is much more to this story that will be revealed during trial. I agree he was assigned the task most likely.
Exactly. It's not like these attacks happened inside their store. If I'm not mistaken, the stores do not own the parking lots, they are public places. I had a little fender bender several years ago in a grocery store parking lot. The manager came out and made sure no one was hurt but basically said he couldn't do anything. He told me I could call the police if I chose to, but they wouldn't even make a report because it didn't happen in the street.
I suppose if a person was injured, they might take a little more action, but basically, these stores can't get too involved as long as it is not IN the store itself.

Don't stores/chains own the land where the parking lots are? I always thought it was part of their parcel of land and therefore not really public property. JMO
Don't stores/chains own the land where the parking lots are? I always thought it was part of their parcel of land and therefore not really public property. JMO

In most cases they are leasing the space.
Kind of off topic, but interesting.

Last night I was reading the book "Still Missing" by Chevy Stevens.

I haven't gotten very far in, but in one of the first rape scenarios that the woman experiences with her abductor the author says something like, "He removed my clothes and folded each piece neatly."

This automatically made my mind perk up and think of Sierra. I know this book is fiction, but is folding clothes something that is done regularly during a rape?

FWIW, the perp was trying seduce the woman in the book, even though he was obviously doing something illegal.

I think they relish every moment, and enjoy even touching the clothing. Just like some creepo that steals panties.
Don't you think if this were the case they would have been in contact with each other and LE would have found evidence of that? It's one thing to take steps to hide your trail of phone calls or texts from your wife or parents by deleting them but LE can still access deleted information. The only reason why you would try and cover your tracks to prevent LE from accessing anything is if you planned on committing
a crime.

I would think those instructions would have been given in person, or cryptically. Perhaps more will be revealed like this theory at trial. I'm sure there is a lot that hasn't been available to the public. I'm sticking to this theory. We will see if I am right.
But one thing is for sure. If they don't have evidence pointing to that, he will never ever reveal that. If he did, he would jeopardize the safety of his own family I would theorize.
Where did AGT work on March 16, 2012? He told his mother he drives by Laguna (clothing found there) each day for work. Was he employed nearby? This isn't exactly a place you just drive by. You have to be looking for it. There is NOTHING out there. Did he do work on her property or close by?

I may have missed some information, but I thought he told his mother he was going fishing that day. I also didn't think he was employed, but collected scrap metal. Has this information been changed now? tia
I would think those instructions would have been given in person, or cryptically. Perhaps more will be revealed like this theory at trial. I'm sure there is a lot that hasn't been available to the public. I'm sticking to this theory. We will see if I am right.
But one thing is for sure. If they don't have evidence pointing to that, he will never ever reveal that. If he did, he would jeopardize the safety of his own family I would theorize.

Knowing teenage girls, I would think if this were the case her friends or at least one friend would know this and it would have been reported early on. jmo
Thank you for opening up the discussion to other possible scenarios. I just have the gut feeling that this is not about purely a rape/murder situation. Here is something to consider..
Sierra mentioned in a tweet, shortly before she disappeared that she thought it was weird that people she knew from Fremont were friends with people who went to her school. (Follow me on this one) Her father was charged with molesting someone approx the same age as her sister, years ago. I am not certain about her sister's age, but I thought it was around 20 (please correct me if I am wrong). So Sierra moves from Fremont to Morgan Hill and just discovers she knows someone in Morgan Hill who has a mutual friend in Fremont. What if the girl who was molested has some connection to the Morgan Hill friend and finds out that Sierra now lives in Morgan Hill. Perhaps a boyfriend who sees the long term effects of the molestation on his girlfriend and decides to retaliate by harming Sierra. Take it one step further and consider the possibility that this person has some connection to a gang. Maybe this is not about rape, but about retaliation. Maybe Antolin is one of the people given the job of handling this affair, perhaps with a promise of monetary reward.
I just do not think that Antolin kidnapped Sierra for the purposes of rape. I really feel this is something far more complicated.

Just something to consider, and of course nothing more than speculation or theorizing about other possible motivations.

If that's the case, what do you think his motive was in the parking lot of Safeway?

I agree, that from what has been released so far by LE, there is no definate information saying that the Safeway assaults or Sierra's disappearance was sexually motivated. LE may have other information to indicate that it was but they have never stated any of the attacks were sexually motivated either. It is very clear though, that his victims were female and they were randomly chosen. This makes him a extremely dangerous predator.

He is not currently being charged with rape or sexual assault. He is being charged with murder and kidnapping. We have no information that he has any gang affiliations or any indication that this was some kind of retiation for something. The only thing I have seen come close to this is internet trolls trying to stir the pot with lies. These are people that come out of no where in high profile cases and insert themselves on social media sites claiming to be someone they are not. The trolls start unsubstantiated rumors, try to pit others against each other and generally the more havoc they create and attention they draw to themselves, the more they sit back and chuckle.

If someone would have wanted revenge on Sierras father don't you think they would target him? Besides, LE would have ruled this out early on.

The scenerios you presented have been brought up here early in the investigation. They were all considered and some here may feel that they are a possibility. The reason why I don't is because we have 3 attacks at Safeway. That means there are 3 women that can potentially identify him as their attacker and 1 in which they have DNA to prove he was. LE also has a great deal of evidence to link him to Sierra. Personnally and this is JMO, it's not important for me to know if his intent was sexual or not. It is important that I know he is off the streets and unable to harm any more females sexually or physically or both.
I would think those instructions would have been given in person, or cryptically. Perhaps more will be revealed like this theory at trial. I'm sure there is a lot that hasn't been available to the public. I'm sticking to this theory. We will see if I am right.
But one thing is for sure. If they don't have evidence pointing to that, he will never ever reveal that. If he did, he would jeopardize the safety of his own family I would theorize.

Is that what people do when they have an affair? Do they communicate cryptically (still tracable) or in person? If only in person, kind of hard to communicate that way to plan anything. If cryptically LE would know and the statement of facts indicates opposite of them having known each other prior to this. If AGT says different he better have evidence otherwise it's hearsay. Same with his family or friends.

If we were talking about two adults here having an affair and trying to hide their tracks from jealous spouses that may look at their phone or internet I would think you would just hit the delete button. This is not the case in this situation. This is a child on her way to catch the school bus in the morning to meet a friend before class.
Where did AGT work on March 16, 2012? He told his mother he drives by Laguna (clothing found there) each day for work. Was he employed nearby? This isn't exactly a place you just drive by. You have to be looking for it. There is NOTHING out there. Did he do work on her property or close by?

I thought his mother was talking about him driving by where she catches the bus but I could have misunderstood.

So far from AGT's family during different interviews, they have told the media he was unemployed, worked as a tree trimmer, collected scrap and worked for a contractor.

Maybe he did all of these at one time, or some of these or none of these, we really don't know. I wonder if he ever worked in the fields or orchards to make money?

Oh, I forgot working for a landscaper was mentioned possible when referring to tree trimming?
Exactly. It's not like these attacks happened inside their store. If I'm not mistaken, the stores do not own the parking lots, they are public places. I had a little fender bender several years ago in a grocery store parking lot. The manager came out and made sure no one was hurt but basically said he couldn't do anything. He told me I could call the police if I chose to, but they wouldn't even make a report because it didn't happen in the street.
I suppose if a person was injured, they might take a little more action, but basically, these stores can't get too involved as long as it is not IN the store itself.

I know here in my state, if you have an accident in a parking lot it is considered private property and no fault (meaning that each driver is responsible for their own vehicle.)

The Safeway incidents, I believe happened all within one week. Two of the incidents happened at one location and the other happened at a different, near Safeway. One incident was with a stun gun, one a knife that was taken away from the victim and one was someone being followed but she got in her car safely. I don't know which ones happened where or what order they happened in but IMO either LE or the stores probably did take some kind of action. The employees may have known that security was increased and the attacks stopped.
That's what I remember too. I thought that the third woman gave an account which included a perceived threat via the rear door to her car and that she got it locked just in time.
Most parking lots in the United States are considered private property, and most of the accidents are low-speed impacts. This means that, typically, parking lot accidents rarely result in bodily injury claims. The combination of the two allows the police to decline your call for help, and it is very likely that the police will not respond to document the damages.

Two customers had an accident on our business property. Even though we were not involved, we were named as a party in a personal injury suit. Just the way it works in Cali and why our insurance costs are sky-high here.

I was curious about the sister's unwillingness to say where ADT was working also. It made me think whatever he was doing was illegal or he was working for cash money. Regardless, I bet LE knows that detail and it is part of what puts him in the area Sierra walked to and from, and also where her purse and cell phone was found.
Is that what people do when they have an affair? Do they communicate cryptically (still tracable) or in person? If only in person, kind of hard to communicate that way to plan anything. If cryptically LE would know and the statement of facts indicates opposite of them having known each other prior to this. If AGT says different he better have evidence otherwise it's hearsay. Same with his family or friends.

If we were talking about two adults here having an affair and trying to hide their tracks from jealous spouses that may look at their phone or internet I would think you would just hit the delete button. This is not the case in this situation. This is a child on her way to catch the school bus in the morning to meet a friend before class.

BBM. I think that's the key here. Why would she make plans to meet up with a friend if she knew she wasn't going to school? Yeah, you could say that was a cover up, but IIRC, her friend was worried when she didn't see Sierra at school that day so it doesn't seem like her friend was aware if something was going on b/w Sierra and AGT. And why would Sierra want to worry her friend like that? If Sierra was going to meet AGT and didn't want her friends to know, she could just say she was sick.

It's an interesting theory, but I don't think Sierra and AGT knew each other. If anything, he may have seen her at a party or something and first took notice of her. But, I don't think it was mutual. Since the age difference b/w AGT and Sierra was not that great, it's certainly possible they have mutual acquaintances (or like others have suggested previously, his wife may have mutual friends with her). But again, I don't think Sierra "knew" AGT.

My guess is he took notice of her either when she was out and about and followed her home, or he saw her waiting for her bus and knew she must live close by. I think he knew about what time she would be making her way to her bus stop and jumped on the opportunity.
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