Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #5 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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Ayep, a lot of stuff, and no doubt they already have.

If such 'news' keeps the story alive and encourages more searchers to turn-up, then I'm all for it!

(still using my Perspective/Relevance Filing Cabinet)


I still doubt it is related but it just dawned on me that some of the clothing found could be the perp's that came off either during a struggle or in the commision of the crime. I hope they will hang on to it for possible DNA later on.
I just looooooooove Me some Marc Klaas :hug:
My opinion of this man is of the highest regard.. he is the very definition of an advocate against crimes committed on children and what is nothing less than each of us as parents worst of the worst of nightmares this man has personally lived through the anguish and hell of his Polly being stolen in the night from a daddy's arms.. Marc Klaas took that nightmare of which we can never begin to imagine and he turned it into something beautiful, worthwhile, and everlasting in giving back the love and strength which was extended him in his darkest hour of need .. he even this many years later still can clearly recall that time of pain and anguish and he is there and provides an immeasurable service to those families who too find themselves a member of the "club" of which no parent ever wants to be(per Somer Thompson's mommy) ..

I have such mad respect for this man, this father, this fellow human being and I can't thank him enough for that which he has turned his precious Polly's death into.. something positive and beautiful a legacy that I haven't a single shadow of a doubt that not a day goes by that Polly doesn't look down at her father beaming with such pride and her heart filled with love for her daddy.. that is just fact..

Thank you Marc for all that you've done and continue to do for parents who are complete strangers to you.yet you are there offering a support of which these blessed parents don't yet even have a clue of just how much they'll need.. you are there offering to walk the all too often beaten path of parents much like yourself whose babies have been stolen and stripped from their arms of love.. you know the pain which lies ahead yet you still offer yourself to them completely so as to know that they do not have to go it all alone.. its a task no one wants, no one yearns for, nor would anyone ever hope to find themselves .. but Marc has taken that which is the worst of the worst for us as parents and chooses to offer them help, a warm hug, or even a kind smile..some may believe those are small things when compared to the grand scheme of life..but in my opinion there isn't anything greater, grander, or larger than what it is that Marc Klaas does for his fellow mankind.. fellow mankind that are nothing more than complete strangers but yet they together, as fellow parents forge ahead, united, and to fight for our children..

It just doesn't get any better than what and who Marc Klaas is and represents.. he's definitely without a doubt one of our modern day unsung heroes..

Thank you Marc..

Smooth aka Jess
They are finding hundreds of items each day during these searches, every piece of trash that has been dropped, dumped, left, teen drinking, partying and sex hang outs, roadside trash, and on and on. As someone that has the pleasure of doing these types of searches, I can say that I have come across pretty much everything under the sun, including, but certainly not limited to-drugs, weapons, all types of clothes, including underwear, areas used for bathrooms with all sorts of lovely items, all things related to sex, bedding, bags, stolen goods. Getting the picture? The media does an awesome job of taking something that will make for a good story and connecting it to the case they're covering. There is generally no connection....
They are finding hundreds of items each day during these searches, every piece of trash that has been dropped, dumped, left, teen drinking, partying and sex hang outs, roadside trash, and on and on. As someone that has the pleasure of doing these types of searches, I can say that I have come across pretty much everything under the sun, including, but certainly not limited to-drugs, weapons, all types of clothes, including underwear, areas used for bathrooms with all sorts of lovely items, all things related to sex, bedding, bags, stolen goods. Getting the picture? The media does an awesome job of taking something that will make for a good story and connecting it to the case they're covering. There is generally no connection....

Eww! :eek:Those poor searchers!!
Eww! :eek:Those poor searchers!!

LOL, you have NO idea. Some of these areas they are going into have long been "spots". They are disgusting. On the bright side, at least some of the teens have gotten the "safe sex" message. If only they could dump their stuff in the trash...
They are finding hundreds of items each day during these searches, every piece of trash that has been dropped, dumped, left, teen drinking, partying and sex hang outs, roadside trash, and on and on. As someone that has the pleasure of doing these types of searches, I can say that I have come across pretty much everything under the sun, including, but certainly not limited to-drugs, weapons, all types of clothes, including underwear, areas used for bathrooms with all sorts of lovely items, all things related to sex, bedding, bags, stolen goods. Getting the picture? The media does an awesome job of taking something that will make for a good story and connecting it to the case they're covering. There is generally no connection....

sarx, thanks so much for checking-in to clarify!

(I can only imagine what all is found. Even on the Central Coast of CA, a remarkably clean and community-conscious area in terms of self trash pickup, I've collected and dumped all kinds of 'stuff' when visiting. I realize that there & everywhere, there is so much junk ppl leave about with NO regard. Another subject, for another thread...)

...and, this is why I keep a mental filing cabinet to categorize such finds re missing persons, and I've done so as well on my own property, for decades!

Adding colossal thanks to you for ALL you do, not only for this case but as well the many others in which you've been involved, online or off. Kudos!
sarx, thanks so much for checking-in to clarify!

(I can only imagine what all is found. Even on the Central Coast of CA, a remarkably clean and community-conscious area in terms of self trash pickup, I've collected and dumped all kinds of 'stuff' when visiting. I realize that there & everywhere, there is so much junk ppl leave about with NO regard. Another subject, for another thread...)

...and, this is why I keep a mental filing cabinet to categorize such finds re missing persons, and I've done so as well on my own property, for decades!

Adding colossal thanks to you for ALL you do, not only for this case but as well the many others in which you've been involved, online or off. Kudos!
My sentiments, exactly!:woohoo::rocker::woohoo:
Haven't been able to keep up with all the posts. Under the weather...but hopefully this hasn't been posted yet. Video of dad and searchers.

Lots of additional current info in that video. More thanks, Plumeria, and hope you feel better soon!
Anyone else having trouble viewing this video? I've tried refreshing several times and all I get is the lady anchor saying "It's been nearly 2" and then it cuts out. :maddening:
I'd like to make a few comments about her Android.

While I think it's a toss-up on whether or not the perpetrator (if there is one) knew this girl or whether the perp was a total stranger, I do think this Android phone increases the odds that a demented stranger noticed an opportunity and took advantage of it, if she was making use of the phone around the time of the possible abduction like the reports seem to indicate.

These "smartphones" turn people into total zombies. When I lived in Seoul, Korea in 2006 and 2007, everyone above the age of 8 had a cellular phone, but nobody acted like a zombie. Fast forward to 2011-2012 and it's like "Night of the Living Dead" around here all because of smartphones. That really is the only way to describe it. You know how you have to practice defensive driving in the USA because of morons texting while driving? Well, you have to practice defensive walking on the sidewalks, in the subway stations, and really anywhere else in Korea because of so many people on their smartphones not watching where they're going...people with absolutely ZERO situational awareness. Zombies.

So even though Sierra LaMar was in California, USA, she was reportedly using one of those Korean Samsung Android smartphones, which would've drastically increased the chances of a successful blitz attack by a perpetrator, especially if she had earphones plugged in too.
Plumeria...Both links work for me on this old PC.

Dewey...Just a suggestion: Try closing your browser, clean your cache, then load the links again.
So in that article ("Sierra LaMar Search Moves Off-Road Saturday"), the box is described as being labeled "stainless steel handcuffs." That wording seems weird to me: I'm dubious that teens out having sex would label a box that way. It seems almost too specific (i.e., "stainless steel"), which might suggest staging by someone who's playing games ... maybe not even a perp but someone out to stir things up by mimicking one? JMO.
So in that article ("Sierra LaMar Search Moves Off-Road Saturday"), the box is described as being labeled "stainless steel handcuffs." That wording seems weird to me: I'm dubious that teens out having sex would label a box that way. It seems almost too specific (i.e., "stainless steel"), which might suggest staging by someone who's playing games ... maybe not even a perp but someone out to stir things up by mimicking one? JMO.

BBM Maybe the box was pre-printed as in factory printed? MOO
It's kind of hard to see because the picture is small, but here are some that come in a box that says "stainless steel handcuffs".


They can be bought here:
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