Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #9 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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Something I've not seen discussed much here is the family dynamics which My little antennas have been perked up about since pretty early on.. I know that I am not alone in my opinion of the dynamics possibly being indicative of "something" .. Tho it's not been a topic of discussion here it has been talked about by many from early on..

Some of us We've briefly touched on the fact that Sierra and Danielle were for whatever reason living full time with their father rather than their mother up til the point when Sierra was uprooted from her dads in Fremont and moved to Morgan Hill with mom and Rick.. Tho we've seen some unverified rumors floated around about what was the cause for Sierras move and changing schools but truth is we really have no idea what brought about this significant change for Sierra.. I only know that up til then the girls were with their dad Steve.. While not totally unheard of I will say that IMO it is curious as to why the girls resided with dad over mom.. Especially through those tough teenage years for girls where IMO they need to have a good bit of older female influence in their lives.. Just struck me as different I guess..

But the when you factor in dads RSO status it's at that point that ya really are like :waitasec:???.. Nonetheless we don't know what the reasons are behind the choices that were made regarding the girls primary residence and therefor we are unable to really be able to discuss this issue much further..

A different piece of the family dynamics that Ive not seen discussed here at all is what is the relationship with Danielle and Mom?? What is the relationship between Danielle and Mom with Rick??

From what I have personally seen and gleaned from closely following Sierra's case IMO there is a definite distance or rift that exists between Danielle and mom.. Or Danielle and mom and Rick.. Or between Danielle and Rick and thus negatively affecting Danielle and mom's relationship.. As most have noticed Danielle is rarely seen alongside mom and when she is seen alongside mom it definitely is by far and wide the majority of the time when Rick is not with Marlene.. Why??

I'll add in one more example that I early on noticed.. As we know Danielle lived with dad until heading off for college.. She now lives away at college.. We know also that Danielle had just arrived in Fremont to stay with dad during her spring break literally less than 24hours prior to Sierras disappearance.. We know that One of Sierras last known communications was that Thursday night the 15th in speaking with both her dad&Danielle on speaker phone.. It was said that Sierra was in a good mood.. Again excited and mentioning her English paper to them in this convo.. As well as excited for the FOLLOWING WEEKEND(Fri/Sat March 23/24) when she was to go to Fremont to spend that weekend at dads and spend time with her big sissy, Danielle.. As well as to get her hair highlighted adding in some blonde at a hair appt in Fremont for that same weekend as well..all normal teenage topics and excitements IMO.. Nothing strange or out of the ordinary with their(Dad&Danielle)'s last conversation with Sierra sometime I believe around 8-9pm Thursday night, March 15.. Sounded as tho it ended with excitement from all 3 of their all being together FOR THAT FOLLOWING WEEKEND OF THE 23rd IN FREMONT AT DADS HOUSE..

What I did find strange or possibly indicative of their indeed being distance between Danielle and her mom and/or possibly Rick was that again we see that Danielle is with dad and is staying at dads.. And yes believe me I get that Danielle's friends are in Fremont which I'm certain does play a role in why she'd prefer to stay with dad in Fremont.. But really??.. I mean come on.. Why was there no Danielle staying with mom, if even just for a visit??.. IMO that is the exact picture that I see in the family make up/dynamics.. There is a rift and distance between Danielle and Mom and/or Rick..

Here was Sierra excited and looking so forward to seeing her sister who'd she'd not seen that lives off away at college and here's Danielle home for spring break yet Sierra would have to wait over an entire week to get to see her when she went for her visitation weekend to dads in Fremont(fine Sierras a minor and has no control and must follow visitation guidelines I assume).. But not the case with Danielle.. Nothing that would keep her from not heading over to Morgan Hill for even if just 1 night.. Or hell just to spend a day with Sierra as well as their mother, Marlene.. But that wasn't what was happening IMO..

IMO there is a reason unbeknownst to us as to why not only both girls chose to live primarily with their father up til Sierra was uprooted fall 2011.. But a definite reason as to why Danielle was not even visiting with her mom while home in town for over a week from college.. And why I am not alone in seeing and sensing the distance between Danielle and mom and/or Rick..

Lastly any who check in over at the family's website, may also notice as many of us have already the strange rift and/or distance IMO can be "felt" and "seen" where Marlene and/or Rick are concerned.. Why??

Something we certainly may not ever know.. It could be somehow related to the case then again it could possibly mean nothing with regards to Sierras disappearance.. But IMO an issue I felt was worthy of broaching.. Jmpo, tho!
With all due respect, I believe each of us have to decide what is right or wrong for their own children. All we can do is love them and hope by example we show them the way to their own moral compass.

Sadly , I believe no matter how protective you are of your children--if "evil" wants them it will find a way to get to them. We can only do our best and hope monsters never find them.:moo:

Amen! RU

We cant hold our children prisoners. We can only pray that God watches over them for they can be taken no matter where they are...even riding in a vehicle which is the number one leading cause of teen deaths.

Marc K. is one who always says that families to need to be out there, talking to any media that will listen, etc...JMO
She or someone must have manually retweeted and added "YES" to the retweet. I just feel that anyone could have done that on her phone.

I hope it is not a family member involved in her disappearance. But the window of opportunity is so narrow for anyone else to have done it (7:11am to 7:15am). It's possible though. Anything seems to have been possible in this case.

The YES was via the WEB ... her laptop NOT her cellphone. Go back to!/cccairuh. Click on the date (16). It will unfold for you to SEE it was via web. HTH.

???? about your 4 minute window. The LE has said the last "text" via her home was at 7:11 a.m. We don't KNOW if she left shortly thereafter. She normally left around 7:15 a.m. but the dogs that lost her scent at the driveway have no idea what time that was. :moo:
Catching up on posts.... where I started mention of her inhaler was taking place ... now an inhaler (more appropriately called a rescue inhaler) is just part asthma control.. I'm no doc, but all I know who have it, take other meds during the day such as Advair, Singular, Allegra to stabilize their asthma, and then only use an inhaler if an attack takes place... so I am puzzled that there is no mention of other meds
I know some who do not have asthma but use an inhaler because they get bouts of coughing that is not asthmatic.
Smooth- thank you... I am closely watching family dynamics too- stuff ain't adding up IMO. I wonder does Dad resent (even subconsciously) Mom for moving Sierra? AND WHY? If she was living with dad and in school wasn't she grand where she was? Family history would be very interesting IMO
I am going to ask again...
Can we post what we find on a local Registered Sex Offender to this forum or not? Any mods around that can answer me? I know they are not POI in this case, but since they are RSO, are they fair game to sleuth and discuss?

This is what Tricia said about RSO's...


It seems there is a legal consideration concerning whether we are allowed to bring information to Websleuths from the actual sex offender registry.

It is illegal to use the sex offender register information to harass anyone. We would never condone this at Websleuths.

It is not illegal (in my opinion) if when a child goes missing or is harmed we look at the sex offenders in the area and post their information, along with maps to show how close they live to the victim.

In every case we have local people reading and posting here. Therefore we are within the guidelines using this info for local information.

Again, we are not EVER going to even hint at harassing anyone on the sex offenders list. Any posting we do about a sex offender will always be within the law.

If any of you have other questions about what you can and can't post please ask them here and we will do our best to clear things up.

I would like to add that any confusion on the rules is totally my fault. I am so sorry if my lack of recognizing problems has caused you any problems.

Hope this helps.

She or someone must have manually retweeted and added "YES" to the retweet. I just feel that anyone could have done that on her phone.

I hope it is not a family member involved in her disappearance. But the window of opportunity is so narrow for anyone else to have done it (7:11am to 7:15am). It's possible though. Anything seems to have been possible in this case.

Logically speaking. The dogs lost her scent at the end of the driveway. No sign of a struggle, no forensic trace evidence found inside the home to indicate a crime scene happened there (that we know of anyway).

It would seem that she left the house in a car of her own free will. But if that were the case, how was it arranged? No tweets, emails, text messages or phone calls? I would think there would be some sort of confirmation, "hey, just making sure you're still picking me up in the morning at 7:15".

Marlene has never been asked about why Sierra's phone turned off at 9:00 PM on week nights. To me this indicates there was a problem and some sort of parental control was placed on her line. Was she staying up all night talking and texting? The reason I mention this is maybe Sierra knew Marlene looked at her cell phone records. If true and she was talking to someone she knew her parents would disapprove of, maybe she communicated in another way?

I dunno, I chase my tail coming up with theories in this case. I find a plausible angle and then think of another that discredits it :banghead:
Marc K. is one who always says that families to need to be out there, talking to any media that will listen, etc...JMO

HE also says to the FAMILY: take lie detector test, cooperate 100% with LE, etc. So far LE has said the "family" has done that.

You can also use a "spokesperson" as Sharon Rocha did to deal with the "press". Natalee Holloway's mom got reamed by message boards for all sorts of "dumb &^%$ stuff", as far as I was concerned, about her looks, clothes, hair, divorce(s), that they were perceived to have too much $/and or their friends, her southern accent, etc.

:moo: There is no one size fits all for the families of the lost or missing. They belong to a "club" that I never, ever want to be a member of. :(
Thank you thank you. Rick seems to be quite elusive and I hear very little about him. I was wondering if she resented him and that is why she may have been considered a run away by her Mom for a while- I got this impression from one of the interviews I saw of her.

I will throw out one thing that strikes me... I understand your point of Marlene being defensive of him... but for me personally- my first and foremost would be an all consuming fear for my child. And she is so very vague about Rick and who left first and what he did for the day... As LE have cleared him would it not be more usual to state along the lines of 'this is what happened- this is who left and at what time- this is what he and I saw and the impressions we had- this is what we did...' etc? The NG interview with Marlene has me completely BEWILDERED. I can gvet defensive... totally... I can NOT and do NOT understand the reasoning behind being vague???


The police determined early on that Sierra is not a runaway after they had investigated. They firmly believe she was kidnapped by an aquaintance or a complete stranger. Personally I think it is someone from her own neighborhood. Maybe a neighbor or a worker that comes into that area often.

I guess it is all about individual perceptions. It is obvious that Sierra is of most importance to Marlene. That IS what Marlene wanted to talk about. Sierra. Asking for help in finding Sierra and not dwelling on the side issue about Rick who the police has already said wasnt involved in her disappearance.

No, it is not usual. The police does not elaborate. They know they owe the public none of the details. They arent there to quench the public's need to know.
They know all about where these three were that day and they are the only ones that count and need to know.

Sorry, we dont rate when it comes to LE and our 'want to know isnt important to LE.

I dont think she was vague. She answered it twice that he left before she did and then, imo, due to being tired, she got it backwards. But she knew Sheriff Smith was also on the show and listening to everything she had to say. That is why she said "LE knows' and of course they do know the correct timeline.

With all due respect, I believe each of us have to decide what is right or wrong for their own children. All we can do is love them and hope by example we show them the way to their own moral compass.

Sadly , I believe no matter how protective you are of your children--if "evil" wants them it will find a way to get to them. We can only do our best and hope monsters never find them.:moo:

Agreed. In about two years, teens Sierra's age will be freshmen at college. And that's a whole new world. While I'm "protective" from all accounts, I feel we have to teach and train teens to be safe on their own. We can't go to college with them, and college isn't far away.

That said, I do discourage girls walking and waiting alone ... there's safety in numbers, obviously.
When it comes to Marlene and the 9 p.m. curfew on her phone, this may have also been for the house phone. My kids used to get calls at all hours, I found it disturbing in my household. So I set a curfew that no one called after 830 pm unless it was an emergency concerning one of their friends or a friend was drunk needing a ride. Otherwise anything could keep til morning. They did nothing wrong, just hated the phone ringing at my end at night, and did not want them to call friends and annoy their parents either....IMHO
There are many many children that fit that same situation. I doubt parents are checking on 15 year olds or older to see if they arrived at school unless their child is prone to skip school.

It isnt as dangerous as it is made out to be. Most all children are very safe going back and forth to school whether they catch the bus up the road from their home or not.

Way more children are killed in vehicle accidents than from being abducted from in front of their home on the way to a school bus stop.

That is like trying to blame the parents for what the sickening evil abductor did when they were the ones lurking in an a neighborhood when no one was aware they were there.

Children can be abducted at the mall yet the parents still let them go or school or walking from or to school. In fact more are abducted in those areas than rural areas. They are abducted from a myriad of places. Nabbed right off the street or in a parking lot.


To continue on with your post, or their own driveway or cul-de-sac in front of their house.
Crime Lab Results for Evidence in Search for Sierra LaMar May Provide Investigators with Information

MORGAN HILL, Calif. -- Santa Clara County Sheriff's Deputies have announced they have received crime lab results from evidence items gathered in the search for Sierra LaMar.

Sgt. Jose Cardoza, spokesperson for the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Department, did not specify what items the Sheriff's Department are speaking of but did say that the results they have received are providing investigators with additional leads to follow up.
When it comes to Marlene and the 9 p.m. curfew on her phone, this may have also been for the house phone. My kids used to get calls at all hours, I found it disturbing in my household. So I set a curfew that no one called after 830 pm unless it was an emergency concerning one of their friends or a friend was drunk needing a ride. Otherwise anything could keep til morning. They did nothing wrong, just hated the phone ringing at my end at night, and did not want them to call friends and annoy their parents either....IMHO

No Sierra would tweet about having to stop using her cell after 9 that is why she would than switch to her laptop. She was smart kid IMHO.

On another note about Rick you know I think I know why he is out of the limelight and it makes perfect sense to me. Sierra is not his daughter she is Marlene's and Steve's. I'm sure out of the glare of the media spotlight he is giving all the support he can to the family.
This is the first I've posted about Sierra and if what I'm going to say has already been posted, please forgive me.

I'm wondering about the high school older male students, hopefully LE has gotten the names of those who drove on a regular basis, and found out who attended on the day Sierra went missing and who didn't or were late for class.

Also, the places that Sierra and her friends hung out, fastfood places, bowling alleys, putt putt golf places, actually anywhere where she may have met someone older that seemed interested in her, and may have told a co-worker, or that her friends may have noticed.
Marc K. is one who always says that families to need to be out there, talking to any media that will listen, etc...JMO

Yes, he does and Marlene and Steve have been doing that and I think they will continue unless the reporters stop coming to them if no new information comes forth.

Marc also said that he has met Rick and we know he was helping to pass out flyers.

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