CA CA - Sonoma Co., WhtFem, ~19, red hair, contact lenses, hog-tied, Jul'79

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Paula A. Pope (nee Pile)? She vanished shortly before her 19th birthday about two and a half hours away from Santa Rosa, was last known to be hitchhiking, and wore hard contact lenses. No mention of a previous broken rib and height is a little off but not enough for me to discount her.
Submitted. It won't be easy to rule her in or out at the moment but I thought that she should at least be submitted now that Calistoga Jane Doe is finally in NamUs. Updated Charley Project page for Paula:
FINALLY the SR Hitchhiker Jane Doe is in NAMUS! I bugged them for years. It looks as if it took a new Case Mgr., and Area Director.

In NAMUS Jane Doe is listed as having a broken arm, and NOT a broken rib, which was earlier reported. it is also stated, "found near the victim was a hard contact lens inside a metal candy tin with cherries on it." So, it is plausible they may not have been her contacts. It does not saw she was wearing contacts. And, the shape the tin was in would certainly elucidate the length of time the body was there. Namus also states Brown hair, where we earlier had auburn....

Namus lists the DOD at 1976. However, a newspaper article from 7-11-1979, 9 days after discovery of body, S.O. Rick Oliver, states, "the body has been here about 7 years." That puts the DOD at 1972! Where did they get 1976? I will have to go over my old notes.
I am SO glad to find I am not the only person to come to this discovery of the likeness between Peggy Ann and the unidentified Victim in the SRHMs.
This is my first post on Websleuths but I’m so glad there are others taking a deep look at this stuff!
there’s an article from the time that said there was a grommet found near her body which could have been from the windbreaker Peggy was wearing when she disappeared. The same article mentions there were brown threads found near the body. Peggy is reported to have been wearing a brown top and pants.
Also, because of the proximity of the unidentified body to the located body of Lori Kursa in December 1973 one can (somewhat) safely assume the body was not there at the time. Peggy disappeared March of 1974.
I hope that Peggy’s case and the case of the UID can be resolved. A family not knowing what happened to their child is so sad.
With as much great sleuthing as went into this thread, especially by theshadow45, it's amazing this case has not been solved. Still, there is no reason to be put off by the failed IDs. Every UI excluded is one more step toward identifying this poor soul.
Unidentified Person / NamUs UP17490
Female, White / Caucasian

Date Body Found: July 2, 1979
Location Found: Santa Rosa, Sonoma County. California
Inventory of Remains: One or more limbs not recovered
Condition of Remains: Not recognizable - Near complete or complete skeleton
Estimated Age Group: Late Teen/Young Adult
Estimated Age Range (Years): 16-21
Estimated Year of Death: 1976
Estimated PMI: 3 Years
Estimated Height: 5' 3" (63 inches)
Weight: Cannot Estimate
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Unknown
Other distinctive physical characteristic: Broken arm

Clothing and Accessories: Found near the victim was a hard contact lens inside a metal candy tin with cherries on it

Circumstances of Recovery: On 07/02/1979, a hiker located the skeletal remains at the bottom of a canyon near a body of water.

*still no Missing Person Exclusions listed on NamUs
Tiffany Doyle Felkey, although a bit older and taller than Jane Doe’s estimates, went missing from Santa Cruz in November 1974. She was supposedly hitchhiking; little information aside from that.
I found this recon I can't remember seeing before. 1525UFCA

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