CA CA - Speed Freak Killers (Shermantine talks; Herzog commits suicide)

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"I'm sorry I buried their loved ones," Shermantine told reporter Scott Smith. "In no way, shape or form did I kill them," he said.

Shermantine continued to deny that he killed them, saying he had only helped their killer bury them.

Gee, what a pal.

He's sorry, but not sorry enough to give up real information about the other victims. If he buried them, he at least knows details about their physical appearance. I'd like to know if he's sharing any of it with LE.

It's good to know the investigators are talking with the FBI because now we might be looking at bodies strewn over 150 miles. I can't imagine any local or state LE taking on a search of that magnitude without relying the on the feds for tactical support. Unbelievable!
Shermantine continued to deny that he killed them, saying he had only helped their killer bury them.

Gee, what a pal.

He's sorry, but not sorry enough to give up real information about the other victims. If he buried them, he at least knows details about their physical appearance. I'd like to know if sharing any of it with LE.

It's good to know the investigators are talking with the FBI because now we might be looking at bodies strewn over 150 miles. I can't imagine any local or state LE taking on a search of that magnitude without relying the on the feds for tactical support. Unbelievable!
Shermantine is a lying sack of crap. It fascinates me as to why he and Herzog had been friends for so much of their life, and managed to turn their relationship into a toxic situation where they got their jollies by killing people.
The San Joaquin County Sheriff has confirmed that he has met with the FBI and The California Department of Justice on how to proceed in the search for more human remains connected to the "Speed Freak Killers" case.
Assemblywoman Cathleen Galgianni also said Monday she has sent a letter to the FBI making a personal plea for FBI investigators to be involved in the search

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and another snip :-(

Bounty Hunter Leonard Padilla received another letter from Shermantine -- who is on death row at San Quentin State Prison -- on Monday. Shermantine wrote that he wanted to know the DNA results from the skull found in the well. He said it may belong to Joann Hobson.
Hobson went missing in 1985 when she was 16 years old.
Galgianni told KCRA 3's Melinda Meza that she has been in contact with Hobson's mother. Hobson's mother said she has also received letters from Shermantine.

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I hope that he is not tormenting Joann Hobson's family with his letters. :sigh:

Shermantine is an absolute liar. To say that he did not kill any of these victims, to just help bury them. What about the woman that he raped? A woman that by her own account was a friend for many years. A woman that feared for her life and was brutally attacked by this monster. A woman that the justice system failed; and by doing so, ultimately failed the future victims.

Sorry Shermantine, I do not buy your passive role in these crimes!

I am thankful that SOME of the grave sites have been identified. I am grateful that these families will be able to bury their loved ones. I HATE that he may receive money for this information. I HATE that he seems to be toying with everyone. I HATE that he will not just open up and tell all!!
I dont know if Shermantine realizes what a dummy he is. It really makes LE look bad that a dummy like this wasn't caught sooner.
He says he is sorry for not telling the families where their loved one's are........but is holding out for cash to tell where the rest are? How sorry is he?
I would maybe get an Iota of respect if he said here is all the dump sites, and forget the cash.
Does anyone know if they ever traveled out of CA? Should we be looking at other cases across the U.S. that may be linked to them?
A California assemblywoman is pleading with the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Washington, D.C. to help speed up efforts to recover remains of victims of the “Speed Freak Killers”.

Assemblywoman Cathleen Galgiani wrote a letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller asking him to reopen the Bureau’s case involving Wesley Shermantine and Loren Herzog and provide support in the search for victims.,0,4581341.story
Observations on the burial sites. I was thinking about this. If Shermantine is able to remember the burial sites with enough accuracy that he could draw a map to them, to me that makes me believe that perhaps he and Herzog frequently revisited those sites. Maybe went there to party and relive their kills. Also in the time that he has been incarcerated he must have been reliving some of it in his mind. Otherwise wouldn't he have forgotten some of the details that he put into the map? And I wonder if perhaps he is hoping that they will resolve the issue about taking him there so he could relive it again?

The Sheriff of San Joaquin County I can't decide if he is a prima dona who is po'd because other agencies moved in on his sandbox, or if he is just afraid. He makes a big deal about it being for safety, but he doesn't let on that corrections takes prisoners around all the time. They have to go to court, they have to take them to the hospital. Situations where the surroundings would be a lot harder to control. In this situation it would be an area where there were fewer civilans around and where they could more easily monitor what was going on around them. If they are inadequate for the job, then maybe the citizens should be concerned about all those other prisoners they transport.

I believe the sheriff should be thinking about doing his job. His job is to investigate crimes in his county in a timely manner. There is a report that possible unprosecuted crimes have been committed in his county, that there is evidence in his county and he is dragging his feet about investigating it. Someone should remind him of his job obligations. Just because he doesn't like the other people he has to play with doesn't mean he can refuse to do the job.
Killer's cause of death, deep anger revealed

Tattoos of skulls, flames, satanic imagery and vulgarity covered the body of once-convicted serial killer Loren Herzog, who hanged himself Jan. 16, possibly fearing he would soon be returned to prison.

"Made And Fueled by Hate and Restrained By Reality" read a black tattoo running down Herzog's left leg, knee and foot. Ink on his right foot read, "Made The Devil Do It."
Does anyone know if they ever traveled out of CA? Should we be looking at other cases across the U.S. that may be linked to them?

Link to Shermantines letter dated 2/29/12

The letter mentions more possible victims, including a hunter in Utah in 1994...

He said he and Herzog were there during that time. Of course he only alleges Herzog is responsible.

He mentions a third alleged killer named Jason, too.
Link to Shermantines letter dated 2/29/12

The letter mentions more possible victims, including a hunter in Utah in 1994...

He said he and Herzog were there during that time. Of course he only alleges Herzog is responsible.

He mentions a third alleged killer named Jason, too.

Only person I could find in Utah missing in 1994 was Jack Jason Simmons and nothing indicates he was hunting.

Anxious to see how this all plays out and how many families find answers.
I wonder why Evergreen Lodge is special to him?
`Speed Freak Killer' trained an apprentice, prisoner writes in letter to TV station

So is he saying that he - Shermatine - or the Herzog warned Jason Jones to leave? What a sad tale. How in the WORLD did these guys get way with murder for so long??

he's warned Jones to leave the country before any more sites in San Joaquin or Calaveras counties are excavated.
The way it reads to me Shermantine warned him to leave the country.

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