Found Deceased CA - Stephen Pease, 57, Fort Bragg, 28 Oct 2013

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Is $1.5 million a typical start-up cost of a restaurant in CA, or had these guys perhaps overextended themselves?
Is $1.5 million a typical start-up cost of a restaurant in CA, or had these guys perhaps overextended themselves?

According to another local restaurant owner their loan was for pennies on the dollar. It sounds more like the downtown development group overextended themselves with this "private" business matter using "loaned" city (taxpayer) dollars. The fact that Mr. Pease's business partner is so very quiet makes me think it's about finances. I wonder if anybody has checked any airports for the car.
Just at first glance, the hotel he stayed at in Fort Bragg seems like a kind of 'get away from it all place'. For someone seeking solitude and quiet, rather than gambling or nightlife? They welcome pets - is there a missing dog in this case too?

I agree about that particular hotel, but I'll try to explain my thought process on my casino comment while staying within TOS here.

A person who is having financial problems might turn to gambling to try to dig their way out of debt. Especially if that person has a gambling "problem." I am not saying that is the case here, but when I see Las Vegas my mind just jumps to gambling.
According to another local restaurant owner their loan was for pennies on the dollar. It sounds more like the downtown development group overextended themselves with this "private" business matter using "loaned" city (taxpayer) dollars. The fact that Mr. Pease's business partner is so very quiet makes me think it's about finances. I wonder if anybody has checked any airports for the car.

This article has been updated and it now says that he has been tracked to Vancouver, Canada.

The report, which was filed by a reported associate of Pease, indicates Pease was last seen at Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas on October 28. The report also states Pease had been tracked to Vancouver, Canada.

So now we have:
Las Vegas on Oct 28
Ft Bragg, CA on Nov 2 to 3
Portland, Oregon - Date unknown, he rented a car there and was supposed to return the car on Nov 5
Vancouver, Canada - Date unknown.

So he left the country and could be anywhere.
So hopefully the rental car is either in a parking garage or in a remote area without OnStar service. That means Stephen isn't using that car to travel thru any kind of towns with service. Here's an OnStar coverage map. There are a lot of areas of limited service along the west coast.

I don't know very much about OnStar. Would it work in Canada if that's where he went? From the coverage map it looks like it would in parts of Canada, but not as much coverage as in the US.
Is Roseville, CA the same city where Susan went missing, or am I reading too many threads?
Oh wow. A $1.5 million loan to start the business, with repayments due to start June, after an 18 month grace period. I wonder how much they were per month?

And that was from a community pot of just $5 million, with the whole area pinning their hopes of regeneration starting, on this particular restaurant. Huge fanfare. There is a business partner who declined to comment, it's not sole ownership. No pressure there then.

Most business fail in the first 12 months, on average. Those that survive, generally don't turn a profit. I wonder if the accounts are up to date and submitted on time? I would have thought if a business was doing okay, a person would be able to keep up their house repayments.

They are/were supposed to be opening a second location in the Roseville Galleria, a fairly swanky mall in Roseville. The latest articles say "this winter" but early articles said December 14th was the goal date. Lots of pressure there I would think. I wonder if there was another large loan tied to that, as well.

It seems like the current business was doing fairly well although looking around online, it's gotten mixed reviews. It always seems pretty busy, particularly Thurs-Fri-Sat nights, based on personal observation. That's a heckuva loan to have to pay off though. Even if he got a great deal on interest rate, I can see that being pretty scary. Then again it's all about perspective I guess. A $750,000 house (assuming there's a mortgage) would freak me out too, so I wonder how big/overwhelming that loan would really seem/feel to him.
Is Roseville, CA the same city where Susan went missing, or am I reading too many threads?

Yes, it is. The shopping area she went missing from isn't far from the Sammy's restaurant location. Probably 5-6 miles? Her home in Sun City is a mile or two from the shopping area (not sure exactly where in Sun City she lives).

Bryce Laspisa is also missing from that general area - he was living in Roseville and going to college in Rocklin. The college is roughly 6-7 miles from the Sammy's restaurant on Vernon St. He was last seen in Buttonwillow CA as far as I know, so he didn't go missing from the Roseville/Rocklin area, but he lived there and was going to school there.

I don't know where Steve's home or Bryce's apartment are located.

I truly don't think any of these 3 are related to each other, but man it was weird being out in Roseville yesterday for an appointment, and thinking of all 3 of these missing people I've been following. I took a little side trip through Rocklin and up to Auburn. I saw Sierra College, the Sammy's restaurant area, Sun City area, and the Raley's shopping center Susan disappeared from. I didn't get out and look around because it was getting dark and I wanted to get home, but it was quite a strange feeling.
One more quick post. After seeing more pictures I'm pretty confident this is the right FB page for Steve.

He's not real active on there but it does answer a couple of questions that have come up. First, yes, it appears he has dogs or anyway he did as of July 2012 - that seems to be the last time he posted, and he updated his pic to one with dogs.

Also, he does seem pretty mechanically inclined. He's got pics up of a Jeepster that it looks like he restored or rebuilt, and he's in a couple of Jeepster groups. I immediately wondered if the Jeepster was missing, but since he rented a car I'm assuming it's not, if he still has it.

Just based on a handful of pics it's hard to say, but it looks like he's fairly comfortable in the outdoors.

Vegas... isn't there some kind of big car show there around this time of year? I wonder if he might've headed there for that. There's a lot of other non-strip/non-casino stuff to do there too. Miles and miles of desert where you could go drive and think, if that's your thing.

I wish it was clearer who reported him missing. It sounds like his family believes he's clearing his head and maybe didn't report it, but some stories say they reported it on October 31. Seems like employees and/or friends are thinking he's either not voluntarily missing, or needs to be found even if he is? It's really confusing.
Oh wow... I just figured out why Steve looks so familiar. My Dad was in commercial real estate for many many years, and from some further digging around online I found that Steve has been as well. I don't know that I've ever talked to him but I'm fairly certain my Dad knows him or at least of him, and I've probably seen him in event photos.

Also found one more article that might be relevant:
Finally found a missing poster:


Interesting that the Maudrus are so involved. Kat Maudru is really big in the local classic rock radio scene. She doesn't have a show currently as far as I know, but she's still very involved. When I hear Kat's name I instantly think classic rock and have for many years. I believe she still works for the station and I know she does special events and such, even though she doesn't have her own show right now.

The Eagle 96.9 has Stephen's poster on their FB page as well: (might have to scroll down a bit).

IF he does want/need to be found this is excellent news IMO. That's the perfect person and station to be giving him media attention, particularly in the right age bracket.
One more article:

This one has more #s to call too. I think it's a little strange that the missing poster only has the two phone #s on it for the Maudrus. Here's the info from the article including Fort Bragg PD:

Anyone with information is urged to call Fort Bragg Police Department at (707) 961-2800, the tip line at (707) 961-3049 or Maudru directly at (916) 753-4339.
Oh wow... I just figured out why Steve looks so familiar. My Dad was in commercial real estate for many many years, and from some further digging around online I found that Steve has been as well. I don't know that I've ever talked to him but I'm fairly certain my Dad knows him or at least of him, and I've probably seen him in event photos.

Also found one more article that might be relevant:

Wow.. small world. I asked my Dad a bit ago if he remembers Steve and he does. Not very well, but indirectly through real estate things. It also turns out they lived in the same residential area for several years and went to the same gym (aka ranch, not sure what to call it as it's not a traditional gym, but many people go there to work out). I hope Steve is found safe soon. I get the feeling even a call home saying "I'm fine I just need some time" would be enough for now.
An observation from his FB page. It shows him as married, but some of the articles mention his ex-wife. Is the divorce recent? This could certainly impact his frame of mind.

Nikb, Regarding your comments about the Jeepster and if it was missing. This article mentions that he sold his Jaguar right before disappearing. So it does sound like he is a bit into cars.

Friends and family of Pease say there has been very little trace of him. He is said to have sold his Jaguar, and headed to Fort Bragg in a rental.
Do any of you actually know Steve? I don't think you do, because if you did you would know that his divorce was not a recent event, that he and ex wife Tina are still very good friends and business partners, and that his selling the Jag was no big deal. I know Steve. He traded an ASTIN MARTIN for that Jaguar - and when I asked him about it he said it was time for something new. This was in addition to the Range Rover and Porsche he had sitting in his garage in Roseville. If he needed to 'clear his head' he would not go to Fort Bragg - he would go to his cabin in Tahoe. I never knew him to drive from Portland to Roseville for any reason - least of all in a CHEVY. It is quite out of character for him to not respond to calls or emails of friends - as well as not pay his employees.

Have they checked his passport? He is a frequent visitor of Croatia...
Thank you for your input. Obviously none of us know Steve, and often times the only info we have comes from erroneous and confusing news articles.
Do the police know for certain that it was Steve in Fort Bragg or could it be someone using his cards? Also is it possible he was going to meet a date or woman he met online?
Just trying to think of rational explanations for his actions.
Thanks michelyna93! Welcome to Websleuths! As LittleMissContrary, no, we don't know Steve. We just try to put together facts and sort out the truth from fiction from what is reported in various places. Interesting that what appears to be a road trip in a rental car up the west coast into Canada is very much out of character. I also wonder if somebody could be using his cards and/or identity.
Do any of you actually know Steve? I don't think you do, because if you did you would know that his divorce was not a recent event, that he and ex wife Tina are still very good friends and business partners, and that his selling the Jag was no big deal. I know Steve. He traded an ASTIN MARTIN for that Jaguar - and when I asked him about it he said it was time for something new. This was in addition to the Range Rover and Porsche he had sitting in his garage in Roseville. If he needed to 'clear his head' he would not go to Fort Bragg - he would go to his cabin in Tahoe. I never knew him to drive from Portland to Roseville for any reason - least of all in a CHEVY. It is quite out of character for him to not respond to calls or emails of friends - as well as not pay his employees.

Have they checked his passport? He is a frequent visitor of Croatia...

Thanks for your post.

I don't know Steve either, but I'm fairly sure I've met him through my Dad and his real estate connections. If I'm right, he also used to be basically my dad's neighbor at one point.

I DO know "car guys" since my husband is one, and I bet they know a lot of the same people.

His behavior does sound really unusual. I'm trying to get in his head so to speak and I keep thinking that almost all of it makes sense as a sort of "midlife crisis." Did he do anything similar when he turned 40? I know he's got a few years til he hits 60 but it seems like sometimes that crisis thing can come out of the blue when a big milestone is coming up.

The part that doesn't make sense to me is not paying his employees before he disappeared. To me that suggests something more is going on.
That's the thing - I never knew him to be a "car" guy - he just liked nice (Astin Martin, Jag, Porsche, Range Rover, etc) cars - and NEVER did I hear him talking about a jeep. He did not have dogs, as he was frequently gone - and let's face it, he would get dog hair on his clothes...which I don't see happening with him. He always dresses nicely and is always so soft spoken and involved in a TON of charity events and fundraisers - the Placer County SPCA is one of his favorites. Have you seen those big ribbons around Roseville? There's one in front of Blue Line Gallery on Vernon - they were a fundraiser and he was the driving force.

As for the dating goes - I doubt he would ever get onto any dating website...but stranger things have happened.

I read a report that said a computer forensic expert will be tapping into his computer, and that a private investigator has been hired. The news last night mentioned that his close friends said he would frequently fall asleep while driving...which is yet another reason I don't see him driving from Portland to Roseville. Hopefully he did not fall asleep and drive off of a cliff...

Someone brought up a good point about the credit cards. Without photo evidence, I'd wonder if it really was Steve that was using them...just my curiosity...
Hmm... that Facebook page I found that I thought was his must not be, I guess. Same name, lives in Roseville, and looks like enough like him that I was pretty sure, but he does look just different enough I can see it maybe being a different person (with lots of coincidences though!).

Yes, I know which ribbon you're talking about but didn't know he was involved with that project. That's cool to know.

Do you happen to recall where you saw the report about the computer and PI? I'd be curious to read it as well.

Yikes about him falling asleep while driving. According to this article: he talked to his ex-wife and said he was in Vegas, and supposedly he was also seen at the Wynn hotel (not just credit card used - the reports say he was seen). Assuming he told the truth about where he was, that's quite a drive - or maybe he flew? The car rental in Portland is confusing to me too... the Fort Bragg PD are saying he was traveling in a rental car, but was that when he was in Fort Bragg, or after? If it was after, what was he driving when he got to Fort Bragg? Fort Bragg and Portland are roughly 9.5-10 hours apart. So if he was driving the whole time he'd have driven way, way past Fort Bragg to get to Portland. Or, maybe he got to Portland somehow (flew?), rented a car, and then drove 9ish hours back South again. Neither one makes very much sense. I know there are other possibilities but those two seem like the more likely possibilities to me, even though neither makes sense. I happen to love road trips so I could see myself doing something like that for fun, but if he falls asleep driving I'm guessing he's not into long road trips alone.

Then there's that possible Vancouver sighting, which at least makes some kind of sense in terms of timeline and direction he seemed to be heading. I wonder did the car rental place get a copy of his driver's license? I haven't rented a car in quite awhile but it seems like they usually took a copy of my license or wrote down info from it. The reports say he was confirmed seen in Fort Bragg... I wonder if it was truly confirmed, or if they're assuming so based on the credit cards?

I would think if he flew anywhere they'd have been able to find something by now related to airline tickets, even if he paid cash.

So sad that there's really nothing new out there. I hope the computer search and PI lead to something useful.

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