CA CA - Sue Sharp 36, & 3 children, Keddie Cabin Murders, Plumas, 11 Apr 1981

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I lived in Quincy when this happened. My son played with Tina on occasion. My babysitter had a daughter about Tina's age and Tina came to visit her sometimes. I spent an afternoon (just one) playing dressup with Tina and my babysitter's daughter. We had such fun.

I did not know the Sharp's personally although Glenna (Sue) did some work for my family on occasion and Johnny had a crush on my cousin :) or vise versa.

The Sharps were a good family struggling with reduced circumstances. As in all families with economic worries, living in economically stressed areas, there were some ups and downs. But Sue did her best by her children.

This case haunts me. I firmly believe Joe Duncan has a connection to the case. Duncan would have been about 18 years old when this happened and all accounts seem to indicate that he was locked up in a sex offender rehab facility in Washington State. However, I corresponded some (minimally) with Captain Fantastic, a crime buff, that was doing some serious research into Duncan's history. The Captain told me that Duncan did have some furloughs from the rehab facility and that he (the Captain) was trying to obtain info through the Public Records Act. As far as I know it has never been ascertained that Duncan could have made it to Keddie on one of these furloughs - but I continue to believe that he was there. I don't think he acted alone, but I am sure it is where he learned the game plan he used when he attacked the Groene's. And if he was not there, he talked to a perp that was there - maybe in one of the many facilities he was in.

I don't think Marty Smartt or Bo were actually involved. They know more than they let on. LE has indicated that both took polys and passed. Marty passed away sometime back and no one is real sure where Bo is these days.

LE has indicated that DNA was submitted in 2001 to the database, with negative or no results. I do think LE has an idea who committed these crimes and as is stated above - it really seems to come down to the money. Plumas County refuses to investigate because of costs and so far the County has not been able to find a District Attorney with the balls to push this case forward.

My opinion only of course but I pray that someday the Sharp children will have justice for their family members.


where they ever able, to find the identity of the person/persons whom gave them a ride up there, after hitch hiking to the area?.....or at least a description of the vehicle involved.......just curious.........thank you........perhaps, after 2001 someone was entered into the database.....and perhaps may show up today, even though back then, they have nothing in the DNA database?......

Im going to ggo back and look at the photos again..........but if Joe is still around........seems it would be simple enough to see if his DNA matched with any collected?....perhaps that has already undone, Im just unaware about it.
thanks for responding......
Rachel Marie Mellon Skemp
from boilingbrook.
My understanding is that LE does know who gave the boys a ride that night - and it was not Craig Walters. Craig insists it was him on the Cabin 28 board and it is my belief that this is a flat out lie.

I also understand that the samples that LE has, have not been resubmitted because of economics. Plumas County is somewhat economically challenged, for whatever that is worth.

I'm surprised to hear you think Marty and Bo were not involved. Why is that? How do you explain Tina's jacket being found in Marilyn and Marty's basement? Marilyn said it had blood on it and she felt her husband and Bo could have been responsible for the murders.

(I don't mean this in an argumentative way, just sincerely interested in your perspective.)
The jacket found was never proven to be Tinas for definate - it was thought it could have belonged to Marilyns daughter.You may be interested to hear also that Marilyn has now had a complete change of heart and no longer believes Marty and Bo were responsible.
I have read that about Marilyn..

About the DNA- I also heard evidence had been sent in 2001, but I was under the impression it had not been processed for lack of funding. As for the previous statement about the findings being either "negative or no results", I would be very interested in knowing the source. It's news to people close to the case. UNless, of course, by no results you meant it had not been tested.

As far as I know there is evidence that has been sent for testing but its just a matter of waiting for them to get round to it!
I was just up in Quincy for a graduation two weeks ago and we took a jaunt up towards Keddie. This is really really beautiful country. I fished the North Fork of the Feather in my teens (1970's). This case is absolutely true. The police in the area have always believed it to a rape and murder by a druggie or druggies. (The hills are still crawling with the vermin today), with the teens being killed because they were old enough to be witnesses. The crime scene photos are horrific. It's not too much of a distance to the middle fork of the Feather so the young girl was most likely taken, murdered and thrown into the river. The area where her remains (skull) were found is consistent with her body going over the falls. Of significant note, these are all very old logging towns, Keddie being named after the surveyor/engineer who drafted the railroad plans for the area. Trains still run through there daily. The perp could easily have travelled the rail.

**I wonder what the actual cost involved is for the testing?
I wonder about the cost too. There are so many people who want this solved. I wouldn't be surprised if enough donations came in to cover it, if someone was to organize it.
Ok Im "hooked" now too! I have a few questions tho & hopefully somebody here can answer (Im not going to post on the Cabin 28 site........seems pointless with the "Hatfield & McCoys" on one side & obvious cranks like 'Craig' I dont think I will get anywhere!!!!!!!!!!) OK.................
Is it true Shelia Sharp was involved with a Richard Meeks & had a baby sometime in 1981?
Shelia then went on to marry this Richard Meeks AFTER the murders?
Richard Meeks was a suspect at one time?
Glenna(Sue)Sharp was estranged from her husband & had a "friend" who would visit her?
Tina was being molested by an older male known to her family(possible neighbor?)
Was Dana involved "romantically"with any of the Sharp women?
Was John involved "romantically"with any of the Seabolt(?The neighbors)girls?
Im not sure if this is possible but were any forensics done on Tina's skull that could have determined how long shed been dead(i.e was she killed soon after the murders OR possibly kept alive for some time?)
What has happened to the surviving Sharp brothers & 'Justin'?
I know. The case stuck with me as soon as I heard about it too. Glad to have you at the forum - will chat more with you there!
Thanks for those links. Those videos are amazing and seem to have the most information out there on the net. I'll be interested in seeing the rest of the installments when they are posted.

quick question, for im having a problem finding on thread, so yes or no would be great thank you.......don't search for it, if anyone just knows, just post yes or no...
just in, the hypnoses, descriptions, is that descriptions of the person/persons whom gave the ride to the cabin?.......and if LE was here, i would ask if written on those boards removed in blood..............were messages, or symbols of a member connection?

add on...
.........................Ill delete this message when i receive a answer, so not to make this thread any longer then necessary.
Hi the descriptions the police were given were from Justin who apparently witnessed some or all of the crime.
I have a sort of personal connection to this case. Eight years ago, I was a research intern on the show scariest places on earth. I had to find scary places that we could possibly use for the show. That is how I got into the Villisca Axe case and this one. I came across the story about the girl seeing the floating bodies and I was instantly hooked (we never did the segment).

I don't think Joe Duncan did this. This seemed to be both personal and local. Now it could be it was crazed druggies. I don't usually subscribe to that theory, but in this case, I will consider it. My best friend is from Northern California and I gather that it is place that you have to be wary of. Lots of forests, open spaces, meth labs, drug trade and really shady characters. It is a place where many can go missing if they are not careful.

Also, this is a small town. I gather everyone knew everyone. I am from a small town as we and it was either two things-you either knew people or you knew them by reputation. And from the time I was little, I knew there were certain families and people you knew well to stay away from. Keddie seems much like this.

I wonder who the bad eggs were in Keddie and if Glenna knew them. Were she and her hubby Keddie natives? how did they come to live in the cabins? Did she let her kids hitchhike often? What was their rep in town?

What is striking is that 28 was smack in the middle of those cabins and no one heard anything. Bull****. Why was Tina taken and not the boys. Why were they spared? Why was Tina found so far away?

Why has this case languished? That doesn't make sense. I know the county is poor, but it couldn't have always been this way. If nothing else, this case should be solved so the area can gain its' good name and tourist trade.

Here is a blog on the case:
I'm pretty sure there is a thread or two on that here. But, I mention it only to say that it has lots of info and links.

I kind of got into this case for a while, but after you wade through some of the ghost and other confusing stuff that has sprung up about it, it started to seem like just a very sad set of murders coming about as a result of a drug thing.

YMMV. :)
Hi, I just wanted to give an update on this case, as well as share my own views and new discoveries on it.

I stumbled on a site dedicated to the Keddie murders a while back and got hooked on the complexity, and felt so bad for that family that I've ended up devoting quite a lot of time to the community and research into the crime (note, this is not the old one that posters in this thread seem to have found distasteful a time ago- though many of the folks from the old board are there, it seems to have taken a far more positive turn in the current incarnation). The focus here is a lot more on facts, rather than bickering and speculation, so people who got frustrated with the old boards might find this better for info:

Josh Hancock, the teacher who made the 2004 film has made a part 2 (which I'm eager to see, waiting on a copy) that explores the leads he found in part 1 more thoroughly and apparently sheds a lot of new light on the case which could in turn lead to further investigation, including a confession.

Some of the other developments are:

- the release of more evidence documents and photos, which forum members are listing, also scouring the old pics for clues about what went on that night (we're in the process of this now, so hopefully I can put that info here when we're done).

- the discovery that the very mysterious "Bo" is possibly an armed robber from Chicago who, along with his equally criminal uncle Alvin, was associated with famous armed robber and mob standover man Jim Rini (a suspect in the Molly Zelko case no less).

- hints (and a few very obvious clues) to a great deal of corruption going on in Plumas in '81, and many of these people having direct contact with the Sharps or Dana, as well.

- Vidocq has agreed to look into it (whether Plumas LE have agreed to help with that, we don't know yet).

We were pretty darned excited to positively ID Bo, as he has eluded scrutiny for years. He and Marty Smartt were conmen, real pieces of work.

For example, here's a transcript of part of Bo's interview with the DoJ after the murders:

DOJ: This thing might go on for some time you know, be talking to a lot of people.
John: God, I hope not.
DOJ: Well, I hope not, but there's a good chance it will.
John: No, I mean in regards to this thing. So terrible, I don't think anything--
DOJ: I don't think either. If we had to get a hold of you again, how could we do that?
John: Very easily, contact Marilyn. And she has my forwarding address. I'm going to Klamath Falls, Oregon to work for a police newspaper.
DOJ: What are you going to do there?
John: Sell advertisements.
DOJ: Is that your occupation?
John: Well, since I retired yes.
DOJ: You said yesterday you were a retired police officer.
John: Yes.
DOJ: From where?
John: Cook County, Illinois.
DOJ: Cook County, Sheriff's Office?
John: Yes, Sheriff's Department.
DOJ: How many years, John?
John: 18, I was retired because of a gunshot wound.
DOJ: Medical disability?
John: Ya.
DOJ: What kind of deal did you, that happen, that you got shot.
John: Ah, it was in an armed robbery and ah, I was foolish enough to try and take his gun.
DOJ: Ya, that ain't good.
John: And, ah, that's it, public felon, pumped me through my hip and through my groin, up in through here, severed some nerves and ah--
DOJ: Boy, you're lucky, dang lucky.
John: Not really, not really. I'm completely impotent.
DOJ: Oh, are you really?
John: Ya.
DOJ: Done the job on you, huh?
John: Tried his damnest, tried his damnest. Got 10 years for it.
DOJ: Is that right. All he got huh, made you totally impotent though, huh?
John: Uh-huh. Nothing, let's put it that way, nothing.
DOJ: What about desire?
John: Oh, yes. Yes.
DOJ: Lots of desire, but you can't.
John: Yes, but that's all. That's all.

- Yeah. All lies, all of that.

It should be noted that Bo was arrested in '88 for running a scam, pretending to sell ad space in police and fire dept. magazines... He and Marty ran this same scam in Chico.

LE let this guy leave the state that same day. The cops seems to have just so thoroughly dropped the ball on this one....

There's strong suspicions and some claims to fact that Silveria was around at the time, and NOT in jail as has been supposed (though I cannot see him having done this crime, somehow..).

Fortunately there's a new Sheriff in Plumas, people are more willing to come forward and a lot of the losers misdirecting the case (one previously mentioned in this thread, in particular) seem to have wandered off.

I think this crime, after 29 years and all the complexities and oddnesses surrounding it, deserves some attention and a bunch of fresh eyes to help untangle the mess of strange facts and mysteries both surrounding it.
Also - sorry, I am just great at remembering stuff -after- I post.....

I am sure, down to my toes, that this was NOT a first-time crime for one of the perps. But it's not just a gut feeling, the bindings used on Sue and John look practised, and I believe the crime scene was staged, to a degree. At the same time there's a lot of very disorganised elements, so I have come to think that one perp was an experienced killer and the other(s) were not.

I am therefore tracking the movements of some of the obvious perps (and a couple of less obvious ones as well) across the States, looking for similar MO and other elements.

If this crime reminds of you another one, please do provide a link? If they did happen to do another crime elsewhere, maybe that info could help in this one.
It's not too much of a distance to the middle fork of the Feather so the young girl was most likely taken, murdered and thrown into the river. The area where her remains (skull) were found is consistent with her body going over the falls.

I'm also interested in this information- are you familiar with the Camp 18 site at all? Not very much is known about that area, so any extra info would be great.

It is a known fact that Tina has been abused by an adult who was obsessed with her, and whom she had recently reported to police right before the murders. Whether or not that person did this crime, I don't know - I don't know much about that situation, yet. But it does add significantly to the list of possible perps, as well as reasons to be sad for this family.

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