CA CA - Susan Jacobson, 59, Sun City/Roseville, 2 May 2013 - #2

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Search party to be organized for missing Roseville woman


Thread #1
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Websleuths is a victim friendly forum. Attacking or bashing a victim is not allowed. Discussing victim behavior, good or bad is fine, but do so in a civl and constructive way and ONLY IF IT IS RELEVANT TO THE CASE. Additionally, sleuthing family members that are not suspect is not allowed. Don't make random accusations or post personal information (even if it is public) like parking tickets, address, or first and last names of all their relatives and their neighbors. Also, never "bash" or attack them, or accuse them of involvement. However that does not mean that family members cannot come into discussion as the facts and issues of the case are discussed.

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Thank you for opening a shiny new thread for Susan, CatFancier! :seeya:

(I am first! :rocker:... Obnoxious, I know... But couldn't resist...:blushing:)
Okay putting this back over here....
I thought I, or someone had, put the link on here of some resources that are helpful to those with missing family they are again
Families of the Missing-Resources, helps, tips - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Organizations that can help - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

and just because something might say 'children' there are many ideas that can help even with adults

the best voice a missing person can have is THEIR family, in my opinion
Thanks for the new thread. I too often think of Susan and pray that she is found.

Posters for Susan can be downloaded from the NAMUS site:

It looks as if I can attach a file and thus remove one step for others, it's pretty bare bones but it does have her picture and the relevant information. If I lived in her area I would happily put some up but I'm more than 3,000 miles away and I think it's highly unlikely she's traveled this far


  • Susan.Jacobson-poster.pdf
    141.2 KB · Views: 42
Thanks for the new thread. I too often think of Susan and pray that she is found.

Posters for Susan can be downloaded from the NAMUS site:

It looks as if I can attach a file and thus remove one step for others, it's pretty bare bones but it does have her picture and the relevant information. If I lived in her area I would happily put some up but I'm more than 3,000 miles away and I think it's highly unlikely she's traveled this far

I am far away too. But this is just plain nuts!
Okay putting this back over here....
I thought I, or someone had, put the link on here of some resources that are helpful to those with missing family they are again
Families of the Missing-Resources, helps, tips - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Organizations that can help - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

and just because something might say 'children' there are many ideas that can help even with adults

the best voice a missing person can have is THEIR family, in my opinion
There were many posts of things to do and also references to WS resource info, way back on thread 1. If we asked questions, there were responses but no real answers. Then it stopped. I guess son is overwhelmed since he seems to be doing it alone. I feel very bad for him.
It has been 18 days since the facebook page for Susan has been updated.

I truly don't understand.

Silence. Crickets. Silence.

I understand that people have other things going on in their life...but a half a month goes by and Silence??

Out of sight out of mind?

So sad!!!!
I think or want to think she left with someone. Dosent even really have to be a man could just be someone that became a friend. If she is out there I hope she is happy.
I think or want to think she left with someone. Dosent even really have to be a man could just be someone that became a friend. If she is out there I hope she is happy.

The Best case scenario would be that she left on her own and she is alive.
If she set this up to look like a kidnapping/abduction, maybe she had her reasons. IF that is the case.
If she left with someone willingly, maybe she Needed the attention from that someone.
Attention for her sure lacks in trying to locate her or keep her in the public eye...
It's Very Sad to me..........
Thanks mods for the new thread.

I hate that this case touches my heart, it's local to me, and I STILL feel like I can't do much of anything to help. Linnea Lomax was local for me as well and at least I had a sense of where to look.

Every time I bring Susan's situation up, even to people who LIVE IN Roseville not far from the Sun City community, they have no idea. :( I spent Saturday with my family, and my Dad and half-sis had totally forgotten about it even though I've mentioned it to them several times since they live in Roseville. IMO her name and missing status are just not out there enough at all. Of course she could easily be anywhere by now given the amount of time that's passed, but shouldn't her name and face at least be familiar to people who live, work, shop, etc. near where she disappeared? It makes me really sad.
I will Try Again.........

1. What job field was Susan in when she was employed?
2. Where was Susan employed?
3. How long was Susan employed?

I understand Susan is retired now.

4.Who was the last person to see Susan, besides her husband?
5.When was the last time Susan had a conversation with her own sister?
6. Did Susan talk Daily with her sister? If not, how often did they speak?
7. How often did Susan see her family besides talk to them on the phone?

I have not seen any articles or videos of Susan's sister speaking on Susan's behalf.

An article I did read stated that Susan is close to her family.

8. What other errands was Susan going to do that day?

Answering these questions could possibly give a clue to who took her,
or who she is with if she left on her own.

There are many more questions........

Question #9

Did Susan have friends when she lived in Nevada?


Did Susan work in Nevada?

Question #11

What job(s) did Susan have in Nevada?


Did Susan MISS living in Nevada?
I wonder what her hobbies were...I know it was stated she was rather a homebody...but surely she had something she enjoyed? Painting, sewing, reading??? Did she have some kind of hobby that did get her out of the house? In some capacity? Like going to buy supplies? Or going to art shows, etc? Any travel? Any favorite places to go? Book clubs? Cooking?
Oh was she involved in any religious groups?
She seems a sweet lady....
Some more insight as to her life might be helpful...certainly couldn't hurt.
Either her son or MSM mentioned that she used to do graphic design.

I understand her son's probably feeling overwhelmed with this and a new baby, but WHERE is her husband? Has he been out searching or flyering or ANYTHING since that one news interview that he did?
I've been following this case off and on, and its really sad that no one is looking for Susan. I've wondered if her husband did something to her. I hope not, but that's what I think.
Where are her sister, husband, son, dog? Someone doesn't just vanish off the face of the earth by herself. Is LE even taking this seriously? Susan needs advocates, and for those wanting to help, much more information. All we know is that Susan is shy, an introvert, homebody, which makes it all the more unusual for her to disappear, IMO.
Where are her sister, husband, son, dog? Someone doesn't just vanish off the face of the earth by herself. Is LE even taking this seriously? Susan needs advocates, and for those wanting to help, much more information. All we know is that Susan is shy, an introvert, homebody, which makes it all the more unusual for her to disappear, IMO.

Especially with her grandbaby on the way. Even the most introverted people I can think of look forward to that, and look forward to seeing the baby. It might have to be on their own "turf," and I could see that being the case for Susan based on what we've heard, but I think she'd at least want to meet her grandchild. It's also been reported that she walked a dog - I'm still unclear if it's her dog or someone else's, but she did walk it. She might be kind of an introvert and homebody, but if she had severe social anxiety she wouldn't be out and about walking the dog IMO. I'm so afraid we might never know what happened/is happening to her. Assuming she wants to be found, I hope she's found safe.

I wish I could do more to help... what can we do??
I am so astonished by the way Susan's disappearance seems to be taken so casually by family and police. Come on, this woman did not up and leave home, taking nothing with her, just on a whim, or even wander aimlessly in a medical funk, or she would have been found within a day or two. She was either physically abducted from the parking lot, or never made it there, IMO. In either case, a crime occurred, a violent one IMO, and there should be so much outrage and fear and reminders everywhere.

In the end, though, it is always up to the family to keep missing people in the news. Marc Klaas has always made that point very clearly.
I am so astonished by the way Susan's disappearance seems to be taken so casually by family and police. Come on, this woman did not up and leave home, taking nothing with her, just on a whim, or even wander aimlessly in a medical funk, or she would have been found within a day or two. She was either physically abducted from the parking lot, or never made it there, IMO. In either case, a crime occurred, a violent one IMO, and there should be so much outrage and fear and reminders everywhere.

In the end, though, it is always up to the family to keep missing people in the news. Marc Klaas has always made that point very clearly.

And the thing is, the family thinks foul play was involved, but yet they hardly keep Susan in the news/media.
It's really sad!
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