CA CA - Sydney “Syd” West, 19, University of CA student, San Francisco, 30 Sept 2020

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This info from the website explains how missing persons cases are handled. I think the fact that Syd’s case is already in the hands of the Special Victims Unit prior to 30 days from her disappearance says that they are really taking this seriously.

Police Investigation
Since being a missing person is not a crime, police are given a very limited role while conducting these types of investigations. As a general rule, all people have a right to be left alone, and police intrusion into their lives must be minimal. However, in cases where “foul-play” exists, police can investigate just like any other criminal act. Also, in cases where the missing person is “endangered” due to medical problems, or life-threatening situations, police will take appropriate investigative measures.

Missing Persons Cases are investigated by the SIT teams at the district stations for 30 days. Thereafter, the case will be transferred to the Missing Persons Unit at the Special Victims Unit. Please contact the reporting district station (Station Finder | San Francisco Police Department) for all Missing Persons Cases less than 30 days old.

More info at link, including suggestions for families:
Missing Persons | Police Commission
On Syd's Reddit account, she discusses a trip she took last year to Mexico by herself for a yoga retreat. By all accounts, this young woman is incredibly resourceful, intelligent, courageous, self-motivated, disciplined, and independent. That gives me hope that she is out there alive. If she is not, the world has lost one hell of a bright kid. She made her own app last year and did cancer research at her father's biotech start-up. She seemed to have issues interning for her dad which appears to have led to some disappointment/issues with him - I'm taking this into account regarding her state of mind Sept 30th. Last spring, she had an internship with Cofounder's Lab at Stanford (Stanford eCorner) which seems to be focused on developing entrepreneurship. She was president of a bee club while in high school! What a phenomenal person.

Syd is only 19 and has done so much. She seems to place a lot of pressure on herself which I completely understand - I am about to turn 26 and I have dealt with horrible chronic illness which has forced me to entirely rethink my college path, etc., and it's been exceptionally difficult to level with myself about my potential vs. what I can do with my illness at this time. I understand how heavy it can feel to have so many expectations (both yours and those people have for you) resting on your shoulders. Sometimes a gap year isn't enough. Sometimes you need 2 or 3. I really, really hope Syd is okay and that she did not do anything drastic. Life changes all the time, and even though it can be so painful, you gotta stick around and see what comes next..
No worries. :)

Uncle is mixing his tenses up - past tense and present tense all in one sentence.
I am sure it is a very distressing and confusing time for all, and they just don't know what to think.

"She really was a wonderful, sensitive, really just a good kid who was hurting .. .. but she's a very sweet kid"
I didn't notice that. I'm trying to put myself in his place and imagine one of my nephews is missing and I just don't see myself using the past tense. Maybe it's that she's been missing for awhile now and he's not hopeful. Anyway, it's odd.
Thanks to everyone who has responded about this. I find the lack of coverage on her case (including information on cellphone pings etc) odd considering the amount of time she’s been missing and was wondering if maybe LE suspecting her leaving of her own accord would be a reason for them holding back that info. I would be really surprised if they don’t have any of that by now- 10 days is a long time for a 19 year old girl to be missing.
. My daughter went to high school with her so I think this information comes through friends. She said Syd’s credit cards had not been used and her phone had not been used since she went missing. Her feeling (hope) is that Syd is using cash and intentionally went on a spontaneous adventure. I’d love to think that is true but I don’t. I too am surprised by the lack of effort from the police! Surely there are more clues. It’s also a lack of effort from the press. No one is doing investigative reporting on it. Heartbreaking. One always imagines it to be like tv with crack detectives and journalists doggedly in pursuit of clues and following the trail with keen interest. That’s why I’m here. My daughter is upset and she asked me to use my intuition to figure it out. But intuition only goes so far and is of no use unless you’re involved with the case and working with the police. So now I’m frustrated and worried just like everyone else.
No worries. :)

Uncle is mixing his tenses up - past tense and present tense all in one sentence.
I am sure it is a very distressing and confusing time for all, and they just don't know what to think.

"She really was a wonderful, sensitive, really just a good kid who was hurting .. .. but she's a very sweet kid"

that bothers me
a lot
I didn't notice that. I'm trying to put myself in his place and imagine one of my nephews is missing and I just don't see myself using the past tense. Maybe it's that she's been missing for awhile now and he's not hopeful. Anyway, it's odd.

I don’t think it’s odd at all—it’s the way people talk. Years ago, a lot of stock was put in family members use of past versus present tense when speaking of a missing person (and of course sometimes it’s indicative of guilt or knowledge) but the fact is people do it all the time. I have a troubled relative and if he was ever missing and I was quoted in the media, I would likely say something like, “he was a happy kid,” or “he always wore red sneakers.” It wouldn’t mean I know he’s dead—just that I have a lot of history with him and remember how he used to be.
I don’t think it’s odd at all—it’s the way people talk. Years ago, a lot of stock was put in family members use of past versus present tense when speaking of a missing person (and of course sometimes it’s indicative of guilt or knowledge) but the fact is people do it all the time. I have a troubled relative and if he was ever missing and I was quoted in the media, I would likely say something like, “he was a happy kid,” or “he always wore red sneakers.” It wouldn’t mean I know he’s dead—just that I have a lot of history with him and remember how he used to be.
Very true. Sometimes past tense language means nothing. Sometimes it means something. And if it means something, it’s not necessarily nefarious. Case in point is jogger MT’s mom, who began using past tense language in a press conference when her college daughter was missing. She was cruelly criticized for that. A year or so after learning her daughter was murdered, she stated in an interview that she “just knew”. I do believe when you are very close to someone, you sometimes do “just know”.

That said, we’ve no info regarding her relationship with the uncle. Could be wonderful, horrible or anything in-between. Were there also cousins & an aunt? If he doesn’t know anything helpful, maybe they do. Moo
I wondered that too. If it is, I hope she gets past the initial shock of seeing strangers analyze her life online, and realizes we're just people with too much free time on our hands, grasping at straws, and looking for a clue that could lead all this to a happy outcome.

When she comes back home, I believe she could even choose to contact the website about having the thread removed.
I read something that she posted on SM that she hated NC. So, with her dropping out of USB, she probably new she would have to go back to her parents in NC. Perhaps, and I'm hoping that is the reason for her disappearance.

She's an adult, she can stay in SF if she wants. I don't think she has a trust fund or anything like that - she was already concerned about paying her tuition.


Afyer readng through Syd's reddit history I took a scroll through the Berkeley subreddit and found it interesting how few students were talking abut Syd (none have come forward to post that they knew her etc) and how many students are stressed, upset, depressed, overworked or having issue with the culture. Also interesting was a post about Allison Mack being a student there this semester (WTAF)
Parents of former UC Berkeley student missing from San Francisco make plea to find her
Updated 3 hours ago rbbm.
''Syd, as she liked to be called, was last wearing dark leggings, a teal sweatshirt, slip-on Vans, and had her hair in a bun. She is 5'10", weighs 130 pounds, and has blue eyes and light brown hair. She may have been carrying a black backpack.

Sydney lives with friends in San Francisco. Her parents said she has a way with children and that her 10-year-old sister adores her. Her father described Sydney as artistic and athletic.''

''Anyone with information on her whereabouts can contact the San Francisco tip line: (415) 575-4444''
So... I’ve watched this video FIVE times because I think it is the most unusual plea I’ve ever seen in a case like this. I wonder who filmed it, who wrote the cue cards, and who was holding those cards (my opinion there were some). In other cases, this type of plea is usually made in conjunction with a press release & in partnership with LE, often in a public place. This is most different. True they are in NC- but isn’t LE there working cooperatively with SFPD? Of note, no emotion is displayed, and no personal plea is directed to Syd herself to come home, to hang in there, to know that they are looking for her and that they will not stop. That they don’t care what has happened- just to please come home. Filming was done in a tidy, elegant home with fresh flowers on a grand piano, in front of windows framing a grove/ garden. “We want her to be brought home” instead of “we want you to come home”. I’m not sensing fear, grief, fatigue or panic trying to hold it together. Feels staged & controlled, imo. I’m just getting family conflict here. SW is an artist, musician, athlete, free spirit who perhaps had values and goals very different from those she’s expected to pursue. Jmo, moo, etc.
So... I’ve watched this video FIVE times because I think it is the most unusual plea I’ve ever seen in a case like this. I wonder who filmed it, who wrote the cue cards, and who was holding those cards (my opinion there were some). In other cases, this type of plea is usually made in conjunction with a press release & in partnership with LE, often in a public place. This is most different. True they are in NC- but isn’t LE there working cooperatively with SFPD? Of note, no emotion is displayed, and no personal plea is directed to Syd herself to come home, to hang in there, to know that they are looking for her and that they will not stop. That they don’t care what has happened- just to please come home. Filming was done in a tidy, elegant home with fresh flowers on a grand piano, in front of windows framing a grove/ garden. “We want her to be brought home” instead of “we want you to come home”. I’m not sensing fear, grief, fatigue or panic trying to hold it together. Feels staged & controlled, imo. I’m just getting family conflict here. SW is an artist, musician, athlete, free spirit who perhaps had values and goals very different from those she’s expected to pursue. Jmo, moo, etc.

In some families, appearances can be everything.

I'm not saying SW's Family is like this at all; we obviously don't know the facts and we're not allowed to sleuth them.

But if this is the case, I can see why SW might want to (hopefully) take some time to herself.

Praying she is found soon and is okay.

So... I’ve watched this video FIVE times because I think it is the most unusual plea I’ve ever seen in a case like this. I wonder who filmed it, who wrote the cue cards, and who was holding those cards (my opinion there were some). In other cases, this type of plea is usually made in conjunction with a press release & in partnership with LE, often in a public place. This is most different. True they are in NC- but isn’t LE there working cooperatively with SFPD? Of note, no emotion is displayed, and no personal plea is directed to Syd herself to come home, to hang in there, to know that they are looking for her and that they will not stop. That they don’t care what has happened- just to please come home. Filming was done in a tidy, elegant home with fresh flowers on a grand piano, in front of windows framing a grove/ garden. “We want her to be brought home” instead of “we want you to come home”. I’m not sensing fear, grief, fatigue or panic trying to hold it together. Feels staged & controlled, imo. I’m just getting family conflict here. SW is an artist, musician, athlete, free spirit who perhaps had values and goals very different from those she’s expected to pursue. Jmo, moo, etc.

Yes, I too was surprised by the lack of emotion in the video, and I wondered why the parents did not address SW directly and tell her how much they love and miss her. Maybe I should watch the video again and see if I missed something.
So... I’ve watched this video FIVE times because I think it is the most unusual plea I’ve ever seen in a case like this. I wonder who filmed it, who wrote the cue cards, and who was holding those cards (my opinion there were some). In other cases, this type of plea is usually made in conjunction with a press release & in partnership with LE, often in a public place. This is most different. True they are in NC- but isn’t LE there working cooperatively with SFPD? Of note, no emotion is displayed, and no personal plea is directed to Syd herself to come home, to hang in there, to know that they are looking for her and that they will not stop. That they don’t care what has happened- just to please come home. Filming was done in a tidy, elegant home with fresh flowers on a grand piano, in front of windows framing a grove/ garden. “We want her to be brought home” instead of “we want you to come home”. I’m not sensing fear, grief, fatigue or panic trying to hold it together. Feels staged & controlled, imo. I’m just getting family conflict here. SW is an artist, musician, athlete, free spirit who perhaps had values and goals very different from those she’s expected to pursue. Jmo, moo, etc.
I just know without a shadow of doubt that I would be glued to the streets of San Francisco no matter where I was from. I would be interviewing EVERYONE in the metro area 24/7. I would look like a crazy deranged person who hasn’t slept or bathed. I would hire a detective and be in his or her face. I know people do things differently and they must be in pain. I just know I personally would have been in SF the second I thought something was wrong, money be damned. But they may have good reasons. I don’t know their situation.
It is also strange to me that there has been no vigil/search party, but am not very well-versed in what's normal in a missing-person case.

Well, there are not a lot of places to search. Practically every square inch of SF is traversed by someone, multiple times a day, except perhaps the Presidio. Surely police have searched it? It's not a very large area.

Vigils are usually organized by family and friends. Her family, to my knowledge, has not flown out to search or organize a vigil. And it sounds like she had barely started at Cal before disappearing, and before that, she had moved out of her dorm room - which would have been a place to make friends.

If the former roommates are right and she had moved in "with friends" in SF (which surely the police must know about), we'd expect those friends to organize a vigil if they thought it could help and if they were actually close to her.

@anneg, I too am puzzled and actually a bit put off by the parents' video. Syd had mentioned her dad was upset with her about her lack of expected performance in her internship and also that parents were balking at out of state tuition, so she was a bit at odds with them.
I hope it’s not the case but I have a fairly strong feeling someone pursued her and she’s been severely injured. There are so many park areas nearby and temporarily closed buildings and areas (that can still be accessed if one chooses). Also, I keep wondering if when they refer to early morning they mean 1:00 AM? Or thereabouts as opposed to sunrise. Or did an official source mention sunrise?

I think I forgot to welcome you @Birdie1212. :) We also have newcomer @BirdieB on the thread, so it was confusing. I’ll try to keep you straight. :D
So... I’ve watched this video FIVE times because I think it is the most unusual plea I’ve ever seen in a case like this. I wonder who filmed it, who wrote the cue cards, and who was holding those cards (my opinion there were some). In other cases, this type of plea is usually made in conjunction with a press release & in partnership with LE, often in a public place. This is most different. True they are in NC- but isn’t LE there working cooperatively with SFPD? Of note, no emotion is displayed, and no personal plea is directed to Syd herself to come home, to hang in there, to know that they are looking for her and that they will not stop. That they don’t care what has happened- just to please come home. Filming was done in a tidy, elegant home with fresh flowers on a grand piano, in front of windows framing a grove/ garden. “We want her to be brought home” instead of “we want you to come home”. I’m not sensing fear, grief, fatigue or panic trying to hold it together. Feels staged & controlled, imo. I’m just getting family conflict here. SW is an artist, musician, athlete, free spirit who perhaps had values and goals very different from those she’s expected to pursue. Jmo, moo, etc.
I felt the same but didn't want to be perceived as critical of the family who are also victims (I've had my hand slapped a few times recently ;)).
The manner the sister was mentioned, tells me Syd cares for her deeply and might be the reason she makes contact again, if she's free to do so.
I have not watched the video, but let's not forget some people just don't show emotion in public, no matter what. There are different reasons, from personality, to denial, to psychological, to being on medication.

There's no judging how people act in a crisis situation, because the range of normal behavior is so large.

If none of her family has travelled to where she went missing, it could also be due to the current Covid-19 situation.

I bet they want to be there searching. What parent wouldn't?

All IMO.
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