CA - Two Fullerton PD officers accused of beating Kelly Thomas to death

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Press conference tomorrow with Kelly's dad and medical information.
There is also a reenactment animation or something like that coming out or is out.
I will look and link if I can find it.

Homeless man's father: 'We are at war

The father of Kelly Thomas referred to the Orange County District Attorney’s Office as “the enemy” on a radio program Tuesday, angry that the D.A. investigation has yet to reveal how and why his mentally ill son died after a physical altercation with Fullerton police two months ago.
“We are at war,” Ron Thomas said on an afternoon segment of KFI’s “The John & Ken Show.”
Thomas also said a news conference Wednesday morning at his attorney’s office in Los Angeles will reveal through computer-generated animation of the incident their version of what caused Kelly Thomas’ death.
The animation will detail a blow-by-blow account of the homeless man’s encounter with police July 5.
“They were like a pack of hyenas tearing apart a fresh kill,” Ron Thomas told KFI.

Thomas said medical reports he has been in possession of for weeks have been reviewed by a team of doctors and that the slideshow will depict which actions by officers resulted in specific injuries to his son.
The slideshow will run in its entirety at 10 p.m. Tuesday on KTLA 5 news, Thomas said.
DA has the opportunity to press criminal charges against all 6 officers today. Let's see if the right thing is done here.

I am really upset with the coroners report and that they "can't find a cause of death".

All you really have to do to figure it out is listen to the peoples reaction to the beating and then the picture of the victims face.

It's not that hard to figure out.
This happened 7/5, and it is now 8/23/11. The city council just last week called for an investigation? This city's police dept. has been out of control, it seems, for a long time. Get rid of all of them and start over, imo. Just because some officers or brass may not have been involved, I don't buy it for a minute that they didn't know that this crap was going on.
They need to clean house immediately, imo, and move this investigation along on all fronts.
Gitana1, please let us know what is going on when you can. ty
sorry to quote myself.
it is now 9/7
where is the accountability?
enough cya
DA has the opportunity to press criminal charges against all 6 officers today. Let's see if the right thing is done here.

I am really upset with the coroners report and that they "can't find a cause of death".

All you really have to do to figure it out is listen to the peoples reaction to the beating and then the picture of the victims face.

It's not that hard to figure out.

The hospital says Kelly Thomas died of blunt force trauma to the head:

Here's video of today's press conference with Ron Thomas and attorney Garo Mardirossian:

In addition to Orange County prosecutors, the FBI and a police watchdog hired by the city are conducting separate investigations. The city has refused to release the names of the officers who are being investigated. The officers have been placed on leave.

An attorney for the officers said Thomas violently struggled with officers. Residents have organized a recall election of three council members they say have been unresponsive to concerns regarding the incident.

With calls from Thomas' father, Ron Thomas, for Police Chief Michael Sellers to resign, Fullerton's top cop went on a medical leave last month.

Unconscionable! All involved are on leave? No one is doing anything but covering their butts.

According to the attorney, Thomas suffered a shattered nose, brain trauma, smashed cheek bone, broken ribs and severe internal bleeding.
That poor man suffered so much! :tsktsk:
Some updates. I have been protesting every week except the weekend of August 27, as that was my mama's birthday. Last Thursday, I attended a protest with Mr. Thomas and Kelly's army in front of the DA's office.

It was very hot. Some Santa Ana P.D. honked for us as they drove by. At one point, I saw two little doggies running across the busy street - a little black chihuahua and a scruffy little dog that might have been white at some point. I chased after them. Then, another protestor joined the chase. Two government workers drove up, said they had been trying to get the dogs too and had called Animal Control.

We finally caught the little "white" one. The black one was followed for blocks by some protestors but he evaded rescue. At one point, several of us ran into the streets to stop traffic as the doggies ran across the street. It was scary.

The little one who we caught as shaking and scared at first. Then, he lay draped across the shoulder of a lady, in total relief. He was completely matted, filthy, dehydrated and obviously exhausted from what was likely days on the streets. But, he was too scared to drink at first. (I tried to get him to take water).

Now what to do? Animal control was coming but no one was able to take the doggie who, upon inspection, was just a pup. The lady holding him said she just could not take him.

Animal control came. Some protestors were very upset at the thought of the dog being taken to the pound. But it I could not see the lady and the dog.

I worried about the little guy all night and the next day as well. On Saturday, I was at the regular protest in front of the PD. I can't walk around because I hold a giant sign. But at one point, I saw one of the ladies who had been dealing with the dog after his rescue. I asked her if she knew what had happened to him. She did and went and got the lady who was last holding the baby, the Thursday before. This is what she showed me on her cell phone:

That's what he looked like when we found him.


That's him now, with his new mama, a protestor who was there the night Kelly Thomas was beaten to death.

She named him Justice.
More news. Last Saturday, I noticed some police down the street, near Harbor, just sitting in their patrol car. Some protestors went to find out what they were doing. Another one came up and showed us a ticket. He had been ticketed after honking his horn for the protest.

There was a police officer on a walkie talkie, sitting under an arch in front of the police station. He was calling to his buddies, waiting down the street, giving them the description of every car that honked in support. He had a smug little smile up there and he lied when questioned about who he was talking to. We all went up to where he was and yelled until they stopped what they were doing.

They claim residents have been complaining about the incessant honking. That's b.s.. Instead, they are trying to harass us, writing down license plates and trying to silence the free speech rights of those who support the effort to get justice for Kelly Thomas. Check this out:!!

The guy in the video is there every Saturday. he did nothing wrong.
Here's me with my giant sign at Saturday's protest. Don't worry, i don't look like that in Court!:!/photo.php?fbid=210303872366151&set=a.210276765702195.55975.197892353607303&type=1&theater

Bless you for what you're doing, gitana! This story is so awful and I was so worried that there would initially be outrage, but then the story would fade away. Kelly Thomas didn't deserve this. :(

btw - thank you for including the puppy pics. Very sweet.
Gitana, I second the 'bless you' for what you're doing. I know how draining-yet-empowering protesting can be. Thank you!
Gitana, I second the 'bless you' for what you're doing. I know how draining-yet-empowering protesting can be. Thank you!

Thanks! It's definitely not the first cause I've demonstrated for and it won't be the last. But this is my area. This is where I live. And I'm going to do as much as I can.

But I'm very worried. My law partner thinks nothing will come of it. He says that D.A. Rackaukas, who has never prosecuted a police officer for brutality, will not run again and has no reason to prosecute now. He also says that the city council are just minor players, not looking for higher office, so what do they care if the 6 are prosecuted. I'm worried.

We need numbers down there at the protests or letters, whatever anyone can do. The pressure needs to keep building. Our trust in local LE has completely eroded and the only way they can get that back is by doing the right thing.
Keep on speaking truth to power, gitana. And let me know if there's anything I can do.

This case hits home to me on many fronts. And this is where PI attorneys come in handy, right? Even if the DA refuses to prosecute (which would be a shame), perhaps a monetary hit will wake up the electorate.
Yes RLynne, Kelly's dad has a civil law suit planned, but that will wait until he knows whether or not there will be state criminal charges. If there are not, we still have the option of the feds indicting on federal charges.

Here's what you all can do, even if you are not nearby or otherwise cannot join the protests. Write to D.A. Tony Rackaukas at:

Tell him that you are aware of what six Fullerton P.D. did to an unarmed, homeless man, that the medical evidence revealed by Mr. Thomas is self-explanatory, and that you simply want to be able to trust in LE again, that they are there to protect and serve, not murder and then get away with it.

I used to see LE pull someone over and I'd get afraid. Not for the person being pulled over, but for the officer. I know how dangerous a job it can be. I have heard too many cases where an officer is shot to death. One just happened recently, for no reason.

Now, after so many of these cases, I am still afraid, but afraid of what the police may do. That's not right. When I was a child I was taught to find a policeman if I was in trouble. What's this kid being taught?:

This is not right. The police deserve our support and they have always had it from me. But when things like this happen and are not addressed in a timely or adequate manner, I cannot give it to them. That's what I'm hoping everyone will say to Mr. Rackaukas.

I truly understand that there are speedy trial rights and government funded lawyers to contend with when deciding who to charge with what, and when but when D.A. spokeshole Susan Kang-Schroeder says she is confident that the people of Orange County want them to take their time and issue the right charges, she's just blowing smoke because it has been TWO MONTHS! They have interviewed 150 witnesses! The medical evidence is there! I am sick of politics and game playing. Right is right. They need to do their job, now!

Sorry, guys, ever since Saturday and the FPD's attempt to violate our civil right to peaceful protest, I've been getting angrier and angrier. This is where I live! I saw Kelly at the train station on various occasions - crazy, yes. But gentle as a lamb.

BTW, the six cops who did this are all being represented by one lawyer, according to Mr. Thomas. That really bothers me. Some of those cops had more or less responsibility when it came to Kelly's murder so they should have different attorneys to defend their separate interests. Why don't they? Is it because they already have the inside scoop as to what the charges will be? Do they already know they will be minor charges?
Coroners report is in. Press conference tomorrow morning regarding charging any officers. If I heard the report correctly spokesperson say neither side will be happy.

Susan Kang Schroeder, the district attorney's chief of staff, said prosecutors Wednesday will announce a decision on whether they will file charges against the six officers involved in the fatal confrontation with Kelly Thomas, a mentally ill homeless man who died five days after the confrontation at a Fullerton bus depot. A news conference has been schedule for 11 a.m. Wednesday in Santa Ana.
I hope they also check into who called in the burglary report and why. Taser use and excessive force training. Ha! One would think that would be standard procedure in any LE dept. Too little, too late, imo.
Coroners report is in. Press conference tomorrow morning regarding charging any officers. If I heard the report correctly spokesperson say neither side will be happy.

According to reports, they're calling out the SWAT team and there will be a large police presence nearby. That tells me perhaps there will be no charges forthcoming on the officers, or only minor ones.

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