California Dept. of Mental Health Illegally Releases 17 Thousand Sex Offenders

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How stupid do they think that the public is? And what planet are these decision-maker's living on because they're obviously not living on this one! They can talk it up nice all they want - talk is cheap and the facts don't lie. The fact is, with an unemployment rate of 11.9%, where exactly are they going to find work for these parolee's once released? Of course they'll be an incentive ($$$) paid to employees (x amount of $$$ for x amount of time) who hire them but how fair is that to all of the already unemployed - law-abiding - citizens who live and pay taxes in Alameda County?

Amen sister. They are just going to dump them out in the East Bay and lets just watch and see how fast the crime rates will rise. Many will be back in prison sooner than 6 months is my guess.
It is a ridiculous idea as a solution to California's budget crisis. Let's dump them all in Sacramento so Arnold can deal with them personally. And just how many violent offenders will be released under our noses? Will we EVER know the truth? It will be revealed one by one as they reoffend and the media reveals they were released as part of the Save California scam and have yet violently offended again!
Government really sucks.
I saw this thread earlier in the day and I read some, then I got so upset I had to leave it.
I try to continue to read and I get angry.
I am not digesting this even though I know that mental hospitals have opened their doors and let mentally ill people move right into the street.
These 17,000 people are dangerous...Why Are we going to court with JC Dugards kidnapper, Shanyas Murderer. WHY???
So that a year later they get to walk????
I am too angry to post. I will come back to this thread this is NOT OK WITH ME AT ALL....:furious::furious::furious:

But I have said so many times, there is a court in the USA but there is no justice. even judges are joke. :(
This thread is getting increasingly difficult for me.
I posted something on the PP.
I cant be here, I will brake my computer and I am unemployed
so I cant just run out and get another one.....
I get very upset when people that should do the right thing DONT.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Have you ever seen so much Blah, Blah, Blah in your life? The Governator who was elected during a very pricey special election to oust Gray Davis (who was blamed for the recession) has put the state even further into debt. He could just make a couple movies and use the proceeds to balance the budget (J/K) - but no instead he is letting prisoners go early and closing state offices 3 times a month...

While the state has no money it has a beautiful new internet site that has links to almost every single state office and official.

Governor's Office:
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-558-3160 ( new number )

The following gives you a nice little form all you have to do is fill in the blanks and write your message..

Submitting an email to the Governor is a two-step process. First, select the purpose of your email, fill in preliminary contact information, and select a subject prior to submitting a message in step two. If your correspondence requires assistance with a specific agency or department, please include the appropriate case or claim numbers so that we may assist you in a more timely fashion.

Please note that we are unable to accept e-mail attachments because of the risk of Internet viruses; please send your attachments via traditional mail (see "CONTACT" tab).

Thank you for your interest in emailing Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. It is only through open communication that we can continue to make government more efficient and helpful to the people of California.

also contains a lovely bio page of Governator Schwarzenegger

The world knows Arnold Schwarzenegger as a famous bodybuilder and a Hollywood action hero, but he is also a successful businessman, generous philanthropist and California's 38th Governor.....
and one for his lovely wife..

Shriver became California's First Lady when her husband, Arnold Schwarzenegger, became the 38th Governor of California on November 17, 2003.

From the "Safe at Home" confidential address program for victims of Domestic Violence to the publication of the California Roster, the Registry of Domestic Partners, and the Advance Health Care Directive Registry, the Secretary of State's office provides a wide variety of unique services to Californians.

The California Roster:

also known as the Roster of Public Officials, is a listing of California's public officeholders, including our United States government officials, the Constitutional officers, members of the State Senate and Assembly, the Judicial branch, county officials, and Incorporated city and town officials.

ASSEMBLY MEMBERS - Last Updated 03/30/2010.

Welcome to the California Department of Justice's Internet web site, which lists designated registered sex offenders in California.

The Sex Offender Tracking Program at the California Department of Justice (DOJ) maintains the registered sex offender database. That database is the basis for the information displayed on this Internet web site.

Registered sex offenders are required to update their information annually, within five working days of their birthday. Some sex offenders must update more often: transients must update every 30 days, and sexually violent predators, every 90 days. The Sex Offender Tracking Program keeps track of the next required update, and if a registered sex offender is in violation of the update requirements, the Internet web site will show the registrant as being in violation. (I can't look...)

Victims’ Bill Of Rights: Marsy’s Law
Californians approved Proposition 9, the Victims’ Bill of Rights Act: Marsy’s Law, in November 2008. Marsy’s Law expanded the rights of victims.

I hope you find some thing here to be useful

OK I fibbed, I looked. The numbers of unk addy's in So CA is appalling. Why, why, why are there so many of these sex offenders who don't have to list an address?

I looked up a man I have known for years, who did a really stupid thing. He went to a hotel room with two "young women"- twice. And they didn't play video games. He had met them on-line.

This man was a professional, he has 3 kids (they were teens at the time) - a good wife, a really good career - he was feeling all the success he had worked years to achieve and he had earned the hard way. He tossed it all away for two afternoons, with two girls he thought were 18.

The girls admitted to lying about their age, they admitted to asking him to meet up before he did, one of them admitted to asking him because she was angry with her parents for grounding her. Both girls were 16. (I'm not making excuses these were the facts from trial.)

One of the girls had the distinction of being the daughter of the county sheriff - because of this, they didn't just throw the book at him, they dropped the library on him. They pressed charges for every act - there was no plea bargaining.

I have known this man for over 20 years, (our kids grew up together) if I didn't know his name and address I wouldn't have known him at all. He should use himself as the poster child for men in their 40's who decide they have earned a little sumpthin ~ sumpthin on the side. He looks like he's 70 years old. He looks like a shell of the man I have known for so long - If men (and women) only thought for a second, about what might happen, how many lives might be ruined for a couple hours of "fun and games" on the side. If they looked at the destruction - their selfish acts would cause their family. Maybe they would reconsider going there.
Excellent post, LCoastMom.

Aside from embarrassment, in cases such as you mentioned there is loss of income to the family, perhaps loss of a home, loss of the ability to care for one's children. Parents buy insurance in case one of them dies, but there's no insurance if a parent is in jail.
My post got lost, or something.

Did the Govenor actually sign his name to all 17,000 release forms? Isnt that the law? If they were not suppose to be released why were they not picked back up?

I checked in this little town that I am now living through a web site called family watch dog. and oh myyyyyyyyyy no sex offenders!!!!! sex offenders are blue, criminals red, other yellow. ok so just because I clicked on a offender that had not registered. several were like that. a couple of yellow were old men that were sex offenders that had not registered. Im to old to start screaming up and down the street. I have met the sheriff, and he is nice man. I have met the zoning board man, he is nice man, but where do I start????

I forgot to mention::::this town did not get off their collective b...ts to help volunters look for the missing baby a few months ago, so I dont expect any help.
Excellent post, LCoastMom.

Aside from embarrassment, in cases such as you mentioned there is loss of income to the family, perhaps loss of a home, loss of the ability to care for one's children. Parents buy insurance in case one of them dies, but there's no insurance if a parent is in jail.

Thank you. You are so right...

It was a truly eye opening experience. It is amazing how fast a man can go from being 'the go to guy', to being - Who? You learn real fast who your true friends are...

My post got lost, or something.

Did the Governor actually sign his name to all 17,000 release forms? Isnt that the law? If they were not suppose to be released why were they not picked back up?

I checked in this little town that I am now living through a web site called family watch dog. and oh myyyyyyyyyy no sex offenders!!!!! sex offenders are blue, criminals red, other yellow. ok so just because I clicked on a offender that had not registered. several were like that. a couple of yellow were old men that were sex offenders that had not registered. Im to old to start screaming up and down the street. I have met the sheriff, and he is nice man. I have met the zoning board man, he is nice man, but where do I start????

I forgot to mention::::this town did not get off their collective b...ts to help volunteers look for the missing baby a few months ago, so I dont expect any help.

FamilyWatchDog is an excellent site.

I wish I or anyone - knew the answer to your question... I keep thinking there must be an answer here, there must be something we can do. If there is I haven't found it.

One of the things we need is a loud voice so people understand what we are living with. When digging around looking for anything on the Shantina Smiley and Az Carter case in WA - there were a couple RSO's living near by where she was last seen.. I posted the info and was "informed" by another member 1 of the men is not a convicted SO. Well that's odd, why is his name and photo on a list of the state's 2nd & 3rd degree RSO's??? And why was his conviction and release date one and the same? What; when you kidnap your 17 y.o. neighbor for the purpose of forcing yourself on her, time served is good enough??

When are people going to understand these offenders are hard wired to do what they do? At this time there is no known cure... The numbers of them who look like a grandpa or a preacher is frightening too. (Which undoubtedly many are either or both)

How about a tattoo in neon orange or green of RSO across their forehead (different colors for different crimes...) and an embedded tracking device that alerts LE when they enter a forbidden zone near schools, parks, sch bus stops, arcades, swimming pools - anywhere children are likely to be. Oh yeah, have it give a progressively stronger shock - the longer they are in the area - Cops just need to find the creep laid on the ground.... I have no sympathy for people who hurt kids or for those who rape or molest anyone...
The California definition of a SVP is “a person who has been convicted of a sexually violent offense against two or more victims and who has a diagnosed mental disorder that makes the person a danger to the health and safety of others in that it is likely that he will engage in sexually violent criminal behavior.” The law defines substantial sexual conduct with a child younger than 14 years old as violent crime.

To initiate the civil commitment procedure, the California Department of Corrections (CDC) and the Board of Prison Terms (BPT) conducts a review of each inmate’s record during the six months before their parole release date to determine if the sexual offenses meet the legal definition. If the offender meets the definition he is referred to the DMH upon completion of his prison term to determine if he meets the SVP criteria. As of September of 2004, the CDC has referred 5,577 offenders to DMH for a civil commitment review. Over 2,450 of these referrals did not meet the SVP criteria. These offenders were subsequently released back to CDC for parole.

If the DMH determines that the offender meets the criteria, he is required to undergo a clinical evaluation to determine if there is a diagnosed mental disorder. This determination is made by two DMH clinicians (psychiatrists or psychologists). If both concur that the person has a diagnosed mental disorder, the DMH will refer the case to the county district attorney of record who can file a petition for a civil commitment hearing before a judge. To date, county district attorneys have filed 1,018 of these petitions.

If the clinicians do not agree, two independent clinical evaluators under contract with the DMH will examine the offender. If the second set of evaluators do not concur, the offender will be released to CDC parole. If the second set of evaluators find the inmate meets SVP criteria, the DMH will refer the case to the district attorney of record. To date, 1,806 sex offenders did not meet the clinical evaluation criteria for civil commitment and were released back to CDC for parole and community supervision.

According to DMH officials, it costs the department approximately $41.6 million to operate and maintain the Sex Offender Commitment Program for 483 committed offenders as well as those awaiting civil commitment decisions. This includes costs related to program implementation and evaluations and court costs for persons referred from the Department of Corrections as potentially meeting the SVP criteria. This averages out to about $59,500 per offender (Based on the number of years (8) the program has operated, divided by the accumulative number of offenders (5,577) and the average number of offenders by the annual cost) ($41,583,000/697).

Which SO's are more likely to be civilly committed;

...Many are considered mentally retarded which is characterized by significantly sub-average general intellectual functioning (i.e., an IQ of approximately 70 or below).[/B]

So the question I'll leave you all with this morning, before I begin my busy day (sorry-I hate to post & run), is this;

If we know that not only is the cost of the civil committment process itself expensive, once committed, the cost for committment annually per/offender is at least 3x's the cost of incarceration; combined with the fact that the most cunning and manipulative (and the most dangerous, IMO) offenders will/can (easily) slip through the psychiatric evaluation process, being found without a mental illness diagnosis that rises to a level meeting the civil committment standard, WHY-WHY-WHY than do we not work to change the sentencing laws/requirements and keep these slimeballs in prison (NOT IN A HOSPITAL) where they belong??

Link to the above:

The general public has a blind eye to the mental health system and to the prisons. They do not want to know about it. They close their eyes real tight and hope the prisons and institutions are not anywhere near where they live. Why do you think they are usually so far out of the way?

I tried and so have a few and we have paid the price for doing so. There are so many bleeding hearts in the system who have no accountability whatsoever, and it does no good to complain because our laws back up the bleeding hearts every time.

To try to answer your question, the mental health tag on a prisoner used to give them less time to serve or an earlier parole. The DMH does not have to allow them to parole. They can write a brief sentence (done once a year) as to why they should not parole. They usually refuse to do this. In fact I have never seen them do this. Their reasoning was he has a right to parole and they would stand by that. This was an extremely frustrating process to watch. I firmly believe they parole these people because DMH is afraid of the legal process and they may get hauled into court and have to defend their writing and they fear the inmate themselves. NO accountability within the system. I have seen Corrections try but DMH type people will not be cornered into giving a prediction of the inmates chances of repeating the crime. DMH rules in this respect due to the mental health tag on the inmate. I just don't know how to get the word out to the public or convince people that are not interested to be involved

Within the prison system, many inmates seek out a mental health diagnosis and it is easy to get. Depression, drugs, and alcohol all count.
FWIW, I agree with whomever posted the class action lawsuit idea. If a law is being broken by the State of CA, then someone(s) should sue them. Problem is, you'd probably never get an attorney who would handle it, because isn't the State of CA broke? Attorney's tend to like to get paid. After all, it is all about money. And that money comes from taxpayers and if there is not enough money to enforce the laws as they are written, then taxes need to be raised, or other services need to be cut, but no one wants that either. There really needs to be some kind of program put together where the convicts pay their own way. They work and produce/manufacture something, sell it and then have to pay for whatever needs the laws require they have. Aren't there some states that have that sort of program?
Just read through this thread and was wondering if anyone in CA has brought about any suits against the MHD or if there has been any action (protests, media blitz, etc) since this thread started?
My post got lost, or something.

Did the Govenor actually sign his name to all 17,000 release forms? Isnt that the law? If they were not suppose to be released why were they not picked back up?

I checked in this little town that I am now living through a web site called family watch dog. and oh myyyyyyyyyy no sex offenders!!!!! sex offenders are blue, criminals red, other yellow. ok so just because I clicked on a offender that had not registered. several were like that. a couple of yellow were old men that were sex offenders that had not registered. Im to old to start screaming up and down the street. I have met the sheriff, and he is nice man. I have met the zoning board man, he is nice man, but where do I start????

I forgot to mention::::this town did not get off their collective b...ts to help volunters look for the missing baby a few months ago, so I dont expect any help.

Hi orb, the following article gives a pretty good account of the history (how it came to be...), the reasoning behind it ($$$), reactions to and issues resulting from it.

I'm very familiar with Family Watchdog and I completely understand your frustration. Nothing pees me off more than the words "offender cannot be found", "unmappable", and "no picture available." URGHHHH!! I wish I had the $$$ to go and locate these &%$#@& and haul their azzes in myself!


Hi orb, the following article gives a pretty good account of the history (how it came to be...), the reasoning behind it ($$$), reactions to and issues resulting from it.

I'm very familiar with Family Watchdog and I completely understand your frustration. Nothing pees me off more than the words "offender cannot be found", "unmappable", and "no picture available." URGHHHH!! I wish I had the $$$ to go and locate these &%$#@& and haul their azzes in myself!


I wish I could join you!!!!!!! >:-(
By the way, in California, addresses of all registered sex offenders in your neighborhood or zip code can be obtained at the police or sheriff station of the offender's jurisdiction. Even if all you have is a zip code, their full address and additional information is provided at the station. So if you are in California, don't just look at the Internet; also visit your LE place to get the rest of the story.
Just read through this thread and was wondering if anyone in CA has brought about any suits against the MHD or if there has been any action (protests, media blitz, etc) since this thread started?

CB I have lived in So CA most of my life, moving away 6 years ago and returning mid May 2010. When I bring up this subject, people look at me as if I have grown an extra head or something - either they don't want to hear it or they don't believe it.

Another problem I have been tracking is the sex abuse involving the Catholic Church - how is it possible there is not enough evidence to bring the Upper Echelon into court to answer for their complicity. Moving accused priests around, without any attempt to do the right thing and make them answer for their crimes - paying off anyone they could in an attempt to make the whole ugly business go away. And it looks like they may win. The Archdiocese in Los Angeles - according to the LA County DA's office there is not enough evidence - DA: Insufficient evidence found to charge cardinal!

We've routinely found evidence that the church has covered up allegations of abuse and continued to place these priests into positions of trust," DeMarco said. "That to me is a fraud and there's probably quite a few folks out there who could benefit."

So they have come up with their own team to come to the defense when the abuse is reported :

GREAT! (not!)
80 Police Officers were pink slipped in Oakland yesterday, when the union and the city could not come to a contract agreement.

Chief of Police Anthony Batts said there will be a variety of services the people of Oakland have come to expect that will no longer be handled by the PD or will be handled via the internet with the victims filing an on-line report.

One service he specified that will be dropped, is the on-line RSO and Sexual Predators list.

With the in-flux of 17,000 new "members" I suspect Oakland will not be the only PD that no longer wants this responsibility.
They truly set 17K of the nastiest gutter trash out on the streets to perp on people some more? What was the point of incarcerating them to begin with? I really don't know what to say. I pay attention to the news and had not heard about this.

Man am I glad that they have a Castle Law in Ohio. If someone busts into my place I'm not asking any questions. Quick swift justice of the type they can't be released from. Let God sort them out.

But yes I'll add this to my extensive list of why I will never move to California. Nice place to visit in some parts. But I will never live there.
I was just informed that a sexual offender (who directly harmed a member of my family) has petitioned to have his sexual offender registration status suspended. It has been over ten years since he was released from prison. The incident occured in NC, where he still resides. Does anyone have any experience dealing with this? How do we ensure he does not win his petition? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I would hate to think that having his SO status revoked could possibly put another child in danger. Thanks in advance.
And finally we have the State Auditor's response;

What a piece of back pedaling, say nothing junk!! These 3 documents need to be sent in email form to all CA newspapers and radio stations!! Please send it to people like Nancy Grace and Rush Limbaugh too!

Just want to stick this article in here:

Constitutionality of 'Jessica's Law' questioned
Treating sex predators differently from other violent offenders may violate equal protection guarantees, the California Supreme Court says.

January 29, 2010|By Maura Dolan

The California Supreme Court ruled 5 to 2 Thursday that a 2006 ballot initiative that permitted the state to lock up sexually violent predators indefinitely may violate constitutional guarantees of equal protection.

No problem, change the law to apply to all violent crimes. One problem solved!

Sex offenders were more likely to re-offend if they had prior sex offenses or male victims, if they victimized strangers or extra-familial victims, if they began sexually offending at an early age, or if they engaged in diverse sex crimes.69 The study found that sexual offense recidivism was most likely for offenders who had sexual interest in children, deviant sexual preferences, and sexual interest in boys. Failure to complete treatment was also found to be a moderate predictor of sexual recidivism. Being sexually abused as a child was not related to repeat sexual offending.

Read the entire (61-page) report at the following link:

That pretty much covers them all I think.

Thank you. You are so right...

It was a truly eye opening experience. It is amazing how fast a man can go from being 'the go to guy', to being - Who? You learn real fast who your true friends are...

FamilyWatchDog is an excellent site.

I wish I or anyone - knew the answer to your question... I keep thinking there must be an answer here, there must be something we can do. If there is I haven't found it.

One of the things we need is a loud voice so people understand what we are living with. When digging around looking for anything on the Shantina Smiley and Az Carter case in WA - there were a couple RSO's living near by where she was last seen.. I posted the info and was "informed" by another member 1 of the men is not a convicted SO. Well that's odd, why is his name and photo on a list of the state's 2nd & 3rd degree RSO's??? And why was his conviction and release date one and the same? What; when you kidnap your 17 y.o. neighbor for the purpose of forcing yourself on her, time served is good enough??

When are people going to understand these offenders are hard wired to do what they do? At this time there is no known cure... The numbers of them who look like a grandpa or a preacher is frightening too. (Which undoubtedly many are either or both)

How about a tattoo in neon orange or green of RSO across their forehead (different colors for different crimes...) and an embedded tracking device that alerts LE when they enter a forbidden zone near schools, parks, sch bus stops, arcades, swimming pools - anywhere children are likely to be. Oh yeah, have it give a progressively stronger shock - the longer they are in the area - Cops just need to find the creep laid on the ground.... I have no sympathy for people who hurt kids or for those who rape or molest anyone...

This is an awesome post!!!!! The shock level should start higer depending upon the type of crime and age of the victim. Also, this needs to be deeply imbedded and checked via phone on a daily basis.

Scaredtopost, I have no good advice, but Iwill send up prayers for you and your family, get good alarm systems, take self defense classes and keep your children always in your site, If I could I would move and stay under the radar as much as possible!

And, once more, why do criminals have more rights than law abiding citizens?

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